To the point:
I am looking for a character of either gender to play in a custom world, and custom setting that has plenty of room for further development. Ideally, a partner would be open to col-labing as far as world building and plot-development, but if they prefer to simply react to my own world and events that is acceptable, so long as there is an effort made to progress the story.
The story being in the capital city of Mirad; Derkios. Your character, by a series of poor choices or plain bad luck, has found themselves in the slave-fighting pits; a city-run program meant to both deal with over-flowing prisons and draw coin from the many travelers in the city with a modest admission and large gambling fees. My character is a cleric of Inos, raised by the Temple of Resolution, a place of both healing and protection. One of the clerics jobs in the city is to tend to the wounded favourites of the fighting pits; so that they may re-enter the ring all the more rapidly. This is how our charters will meet.
There are obviously more details to both the plot and the world, but I'm reluctant to place too much in an interest check, in-case my partner has more ideas to incorporate. But some general notes I won't be changing:
-Magic exists, but is not innate in any individual. It can be obtained one of two ways; bestowed upon by a god/religious order, or through decades or rigorous and devout study (though this is largely frowned upon).
- I am open to having a multitude of races inhabit this world, but I would prefer they all be mostly humanoid.
- This is a ancient fantasy setting, with some inspiration drawn from Roman, Greek, and Kievan history. ie: no technology of any form, up-to and including steam or combustion power.
- I am open to having a multitude of races inhabit this world, but I would prefer they all be mostly humanoid.
- This is a ancient fantasy setting, with some inspiration drawn from Roman, Greek, and Kievan history. ie: no technology of any form, up-to and including steam or combustion power.
Finally, if you're somehow still interested I have the obligatory 'request of etiquette' section.
i) Write what fits. This is marked as casual; I'm not going to word count my posts or yours. If it's a solo scene, it may be longer, if our characters are having a conversation, I'd rather move things along quickly with only a few lines than have paragraphs of needless description while a character is simply responding 'yes' to a question.
ii) Write when you can. I'm not going to chase you down for a reply, if over a week goes by I might ping you for a reminder, but no more than that. I understand roleplaying is low on the list of priorities and sometimes it's easier to just ghost out, even if it isn't ideal. Basically I'm not going to hold you to a ridged schedule.
iii) Be over 18
iv) PM me if interested. I won't respond to any posts made here.
ii) Write when you can. I'm not going to chase you down for a reply, if over a week goes by I might ping you for a reminder, but no more than that. I understand roleplaying is low on the list of priorities and sometimes it's easier to just ghost out, even if it isn't ideal. Basically I'm not going to hold you to a ridged schedule.
iii) Be over 18
iv) PM me if interested. I won't respond to any posts made here.