Neff towers over the average Belvoirian at 6'6
Age: 27-29, or thereabouts
Occupation: Mercenary
Weapon of choice: Longspear
Armor of choice: An awkward mix of leather, furs, and cloth. Its is a great deal less than one would expect for a front-line fighter.
Strengths: Athletic: Neff isn't just strong, with her spear she is able to maneuver herself in ways many would deem impossible for her size.
Versatile: Spears are prone to snapping, especially when use with Neff's combat style. She nearly as capable in unarmed combat as armed. In addition, she is able to throw her spear from a distance with reasonable accuracy.
Bloodlust: Neff's body has seen more than its fair share of fights, most fought in the harsh deserts of Yasib, with little to no armor. She's fights every battle as though it was her last, and much anything short of a fatal blow will only fuel her determination.
Practiced: Neff has fought both beasts and men innumerable times, and knows how to read a fight. Little catches her off-guard, and she is more often than not able to perceive her opponent's upcoming attack and reacts intuitively.
Weaknesses:Uneducated: Even in her home, Neff revcieved no education outside of physical training. Her grasp of Belvoir's common language is adequate at best, and she lacks literacy in any language.
Outsider: A thick accent, stand-offish demeanor, and shocking appearance means Neff will never blend in with the crowd, or be readily trusted by most people.
Primitive: Tribal life is very different than that in the city. Any horse Neff had ever seen before was used for battle and she often gets nervous and agitated in large crowds. She distrusts and advanced medicine or technology completely.
Brash: Neff is unapologetic and too-often unthinking in her words and actions. She never allows herself to hesitate and will choose whatever option seems best at the moment without considering consequences.
Personality:Neff cares for little outside of drinking and fighting. It is the combination of her eagerness to fight and indifference to wealth that has left her with a reputation of a kind mercenary who takes pity on the poor. In truth she cares about as much for the people of Belvoir as they do for her. She is an outsider and mistrusted is most any town she lingers in for too long. When she does talk, it is blunt and to the point, wasting no time on trivial things such as manners or full sentences. Words are for liars and worshipers; Neff is neither, and prefers action to speaking and planning. These outward appearances often lead many to think her dull of mind and try to cheat her. And while having never learned more than the most basic arithmetic, she is usually keen enough to know when she's being had and does not react kindly. Her true intelligence only shows in the throws of a battle. She has spent most of her life fighting, men and beast alike, and it is a second nature. Little goes unnoticed by her in a fight and little can surprise her, leading her to be reflexive and unfaltering in her fighting. As far as she's concerned, its the only wits worth having.
History: The deserts of Yasib lay south and west of Belvoir and is as little more than a barren wasteland by outsiders. The lone city of Brizna located in the easternmost reaches of the nation and supplies silks and spices to the surrounding lands and little else. It is also one of the few remaining places that holds no laws on slavery.
Traditionally, it is the Laveh, those who originated from the northernmost tribes, and their descendants who are the most acceptable slaves, alongside criminals. Neff never bothered learning which her ancestors were, a slave is a slave and there was little more to it. The bulk of her childhood was spent working in a spice mill to the north of Brizna. Farmers would bring their produces and Neff and her kin would spend their days drying and grinding turmeric, cinnamon, and coriander to easily transportable powders. The work was hard for a child, and punishments harsh, but it was the only way of life Neff and everyone around her knew, and so she was blind to her own hardships.
When Neff was just barely reaching the cusp of maturity, a good age to be resold as a house slave rather than labourer, raiders attacked the mill. Or at least that is what Neff assumed them to be for a long time. They stole barrels of spice, burned her home to the ground, and kidnapped her and a handful of her kin. Later it was explained that the raiders considered themselves the last of the Laveh, a free tribe roaming the wastes between Brizna and Belvoir. Freedom didn't feel terribly different for Neff, while rests were more frequent the labour required in tribal life was more than that in the mill, and the older slaves taken with her did not survive past the first year. But Neff was young and adaptable. She grew strong and tall, and was trained how to fight, hunt, and most importantly survive in the desert. They were outlaws, and whenever too close to the city they were attacked, by bandits or soldiers who considered them to be such. The threat of an attack was nearly constant, and Neff grew to love it.
For 15 years, Neff raided and fought alongside the tribe. But the more they raided and added freed slaves to their ranks, the slower they moved and the more they were sought out by mercenaries and roaming slavers. They were pushed further and further north, through to the mountains reaching into Belvoir. Traversing the mountains alone killed over half the tribe. With no resources and in a foreign land, what remained of the tribe was divided half wanting to return to the desert the others not wanting to lose more to the perilous mountains. The others, like Neff, left to find their own way. She traveled north alone until she reached Estramoz, and where she came across a people short and pale, who did not speak or dress the way she did. They feared her at first, so she spent her first year in Belvoir traveling between Estramoz and Shrewsbury earning slightly more favour for dealing with pests such as wolves and bears for the farms and villages between the two towns. As she learned how to communicate, her opportunities widened and she has recently arrived in Rothenburg for the first time after guarding a merchant's caravan from the west.