How long do you usually write?
Medium-to-long posts with plenty of opportunities for collaborative posts, particularly with regards to conversations, character development, plotting and planning, and furthering of the stories' arcs.

Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.?
Very much so. Collaborative posts are my jam, as it were. In previous and current RPs, I generally tended to focus on collaborative posts, particularly as a result of one's own precarious health which can be upset relatively easily.

Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?
Grammar and depth of writing is important, absolutely. I can confidently assert my knowledge of the former. I have no idea if the latter even applies to me, though, to be honest. I don't know if my writing is deep or whether it's as shallow as a toddler's play pool.

Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
Political and philosophical debates and discussions, particularly in the Sith Empire. The Empire to me is a fascinating state - it should not exist in the form it has, and yet it continues to stumble on, despite the all-too-obvious flaws in government that so often arise from a dogmatic and absolutist approach to the Sith Code as can be seen in many members (particularly amongst the upper echelons) of the Empire's aristocracy. I don't think Rashaaq would be a man who would prefer the Republic to the Empire, but he is convinced that the Empire, unless it is quick to rectify its many flaws in its system, will collapse, whether the Republic survives or not...

Also organised crime. Organised, state-sanctioned crime. There's no better place to source your power from than the black market. Illegal untraceable weapons, drugs, sapient trafficking, that manner of business.

Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
I can't think of anything overtly "ew please no", but I'm sure there is something.

Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?
I mean, short of 'rocks fall, Rashaaq dies'-level of events, I can't think of much that I'd be uncomfortable. Obviously, nobody likes writing their character failing, but you can't be a Superman that succeeds at everything all the time. Even Superman fails every so often, after all.

Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
Like I'm sure many people have said, I want to first and foremost establish Rashaaq as a presence within the RP. Whether that's as a foil to Jedi or his fellow Sith, or as an ally to reformists within the Empire, or someone willing to turn a blind eye to crime to facilitate the Empire's needs and desires, Rashaaq will find a way. I'd like Rashaaq to take a role in trying to reform the Empire into a more centralised, stable state which isn't at risk of splintering into eleventy-billion factions at the drop of a hat, though is perhaps more totalitarian than the Empire is currently. Only by maintaining state cohesion through ruthless suppression of resistance and indoctrination of youth, combined with benefits to the citizenry to encourage support for the system, can proper discipline be nurtured and encouraged. The Empire needs loyal and reliable servants, not power plays threatening to destabilise the whole state!