How long do you usually write?
Several paragraphs
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.? Yes
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you? Yes
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring? None
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague? None
Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character? No
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character? Heal the wounded. Long term rank of Master.
Cora stands about 5 feet 5 inches (1.65 meters) tall in bare feet which if she can get away with it she is barefoot. She is the definition of gamine and could easily pass for a boy. Her height and small frame often gets her mixed up with Padawans. She has no freckles, but has pale skin that has no blemishes on it. Her hair is a medium light auburn and cut in a shoulder length bob. Her eyes are a clear silver with a very light touch of blue. She normally wears white or ivory when she needs to be recognised as a Healer. If she is out she tries to blend in with a variety of outfits. Her favorites are the ones that she can pass off as a boy in, albeit a pretty boy.
Healer Cora’s list of Force Techniques is rather extensive and in her years in the Order she has focused on things that support her most impressive ability. Healing.
I have detailed some notes on the following names but since I have not directly been in contact with the following persons in many years due to self exile that I have only recently broken.
Obligations, Flaws & Weaknesses
“These have never been easy for me to work with and I don’t particularly enjoy putting personal entries in a data log, holovideo, or even writing them down. Material for training purposes is much more useful. For purposes of this being found in the plethora of information that I record this should be turned into the Jedi Council after being played for two parties.
Those two parties are as follows. Healer Mara, my former master. For her to understand why I have done what I did and to come to terms with it. And Aren is a friend who will wish to know what is going on.”
"I have recently unbent in my self imposed exile, or what seemed like self imposed exile. I took on another Padawan, a Sith Pureblood, Zhâlu Jenal. His courage spoke to me. He has attempted the Knight Trials twice now and has been unable to complete them fully. His temper seems to be the issue. He is willing to learn so that is a plus. His interest in healing is also a point in his favor. Though I find it quite funny that he is almost five years older than myself. So far the Master Padawan relationship has not suffered for it."
"I was contacted by Gaul Toben before his death stating that he was not going to make it back but that his Padawan Bryn Dok would survive. He asked me to find Bryn and bring him back. I have yet to fully track Bryn’s movements but I get closer all the time.
Pyter’s death hit me hard. I was a young Knight at the time, twenty five years old, almost fresh out of trials and he was placed with me due to the need for more Jedi. We were still at war at that point and I was happy to have someone to pass my knowledge on to.
If this truce can be called more than just a laying down of weapons still within reach. Pyter was twelve and had such potential that his death was what I deemed to be a huge loss for The Order. Then again all losses we suffered were significant. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time and to this day I still wonder if I made the wrong call in sending him to get some additional medical supplies that were needed.”
“The supply convoy that he stopped at was hit. There were no survivors. I felt the bond fizzle out and knew that he was gone. I was able to pull myself together and heal those I could. I found his family after the incident and informed them. It was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do but I wouldn’t have left it to anyone else.”
“My Knight Trials were swift as many were while we were at war. My former Master Mara had me working triage on a battlefield which took all of my concentration to keep people alive. So passed the Trial of Skill after many lives were saved due to my timely intervention.
Ironically the Trial of Courage and Insight were the easiest for me. I displayed the courage to heal the Trooper that we came across that could have very well killed us. I also left him unconscious and tied up so that he couldn’t get away or sneak up on us. A blaster in the back is sometimes harder to anticipate and easier to overlook. Plus it’ll kill you just as fast as a lightsaber.
The Trials of Flesh and Spirit were much harder for me. Particularly the Spirit Trial. But one must learn to recognise that you have done what you can for someone and that sometimes healing only brings more pain.
I spent most of my formative years at H’Ratth Academy. Honed my skills and rose to Padawan status there. I was a foundling that was collected from a derelict ship outside the Hapes system. My parents were found dead and identified as Hapian merchants that were attacked by Pirates and I was told to hide. I was three and remember much of what happened.
To boil it down the Pirates saw an oppuortunity and took it. My parents hid me and once the fighting was over I wandered out of my hiding place. There was a man in blue and brown robes that took me to The Order. He handed me over saying that he believed that since he could tell that I was strong with the Force and should be trained in it.
And there you have it…”
Several paragraphs
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.? Yes
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you? Yes
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring? None
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague? None
Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character? No
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character? Heal the wounded. Long term rank of Master.
Name: Cora Alcyon
Species: Human
Homeworld: Hapes
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Rank: Jedi Knight Healer
Master: None at Present
Species: Human
Homeworld: Hapes
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Rank: Jedi Knight Healer
Master: None at Present
Detailed appearance. Imagery insufficient.

Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill levels.
Healer Cora’s list of Force Techniques is rather extensive and in her years in the Order she has focused on things that support her most impressive ability. Healing.
- Healing (Innate)
- Revitalize (Innate)
- Sense (Innate)
- Force Empathy (Innate)
- Mind Trick (Innate)
- Stealth (Trained)
- Comprehend Speech (Trained)
- Force Speed (Trained)
- Force Throw (Trained)
- Force Jump (Trained)
- Telekinesis (Trained)
- Telekinetic Defense (Trained)
- Telepathy (Trained)
- Telepathic Defense (Trained)
- Precognition (Trained)
- Detoxify Poison (Trained)
- Breath Control (Trained)
- Force Stasis (Trained)
- Tutaminis (Advanced) (Trained)
Simplified report on other known skills and estimated levels, including lightsaber training.
- Form I: Shii-Cho Basic (Trained)
- Form III: Soresu Expert (Innate)
- Form Zero
- Sum Djem
Report on known non Force skills and combat experience, training.
- Anatomy (Innate)
- Biology (Innate)
- Herbalism (innate)
- Medicine (innate)
- Psychology (Innate)
- Xenoanatomy (Innate)
- Xenology (Innate)
- Charm (Trained)
- Deception (Trained)
- Diplomacy (Trained)
- Meditation (Trained)
- Negotiation (Trained)
- Persuasion (Trained)
- Strategy (Trained)
- Tactics (Trained)
- Driving Planetary (Trained)
- Droid Repair (Trained)
- Economics (Trained)
- Riding (Trained)
- Navigation (Trained)
- Survival (Trained)
- Jedi Code (Trained)
- History of the Republic (Trained)
- Investigation (Trained)
- Unarmed Combat (Trained)
Names and pertinent details for all political and social associates. Including allies, enemies, rivals, underlings, apprentices and more.
I have detailed some notes on the following names but since I have not directly been in contact with the following persons in many years due to self exile that I have only recently broken.
- Satele Shan “Grandmaster of the Jedi Order. She is a woman to aspire to.”
- Gaul Toben (deceased) “Gaul was a good friend that I knew for many years. We passed the Knight Trials together. I was very young at the age of twenty. He was an older Padawan due to his putting off the trials to focus on Force Vision.”
- Aren Bec “A great friend that I met at the Arkania Praxeum at a very young age. We are best friends and have kept in contact for years."
- Merrian “Knight Merrian I have known for many years. She has not had it easy but her latest Padawan seems to have helped.”
- Mara Loaughden “My former Master. She taught me all she could and confident that I would grow to be my own person."
- Dominik Rothul “Master of the Jedi Order on the Council. A good friend to have and very wise."
- Kyla Vondin “Battlemaster of the Jedi Order on the Council. Excellent Forms and very calm."
- Jaslyn Dayne “It has been a long time since I have seen Jaslyn. Such a pretty human child but so burdened so early. Amazingly she was able to help Merrian in her time of need after the Sacking.”
- Bryethe Farlance “Ah the bright shining star that the Grandmaster took too.”
- Zhâlu Jenal “I have recently taken on Zhâlu as his defection to the Jedi spoke to me. His training however impressive has not given him the basics of the fully centered part of himself that he has found upon multiple occasions. We are working on his emotional state and reaching his full potential.”
- Bryn Dok “I remember meeting Bryn when he was, twelve I believe. He was a bright boy full of questions. I have only recently come across some information that may prove to pan out.”
- Pyter Kylhn (deceased) “Ah Pyter. My first Padawan. He was twelve and we were on assignment. He was killed ten years ago. A small skirmish that was as if a small brushstroke on a canvas that no one remembers in the broad swath of paint that is the War. I told his family personally. That was hard.”
- Amar Senator O’Keemi T’Sombe “Wonderful Amaran woman fighting for people who’s lives are impacted by being relocated.”
- Hopp Arroyo “Best pilot from Hapes that I’ve ever seen. Able to navigate the system while asleep. No really. I swear.”
- Jaxor Falconer “Brilliant Botanist that I’ve been trying to recruit for years and of course he’s a Zelosian.”
- Daemora Ette “A Bothan merchant that is as shrewd as she is fluffy.”
- Erol Athzaria ”Doctor in Coruscant that was instantly jealous of my mastery in the healing arts.”
- Remmy Swift “Twisted surgeon that I had to turn down a position after I looked into him. Very sick individual.”
- Alluria Bendal “For some reason this Coruscanti Twi’lek thinks I was after the same man she was. I honestly don't remember this man and I only barely remember her.”
- Athaka Quorr “Security would be an issue if not for Athaka. She makes Kel Dor proud with her single minded focus.”
- Lavidean Farlander “Brilliant surgeon that I found in my travels and took back with me to flesh out the staff. The fact that she is a Nautolan pleases me to no end. She is a credit to her race.”
- Obri Drii “Chadra Fan that is brilliant at organization and computers. Let’s not to mention that when he walked in he got the file system in tip top shape. Couldn’t function on an administrational level if he wasn’t here.”
Personality analysis of candidate. List and description of known and suspected flaws, obligations, vices and weaknesses.
Cora has a very even unfailingly strong grounded personality. She radiates authenticity, concern and altruism, unafraid to stand up and speak when she feels something needs to be said. She finds it natural and easy to communicate with others, especially in person, and her Force Techniques and traits help her to reach every mind, be it through facts and logic or raw emotion. Cora can easily see people’s motivations and seemingly disconnected events, and are able to bring these ideas together and communicate them as a common goal with an eloquence that is nothing short of mesmerizing.
The interest Cora has in others is genuine, almost to a fault – when she believes in someone, she can become too involved in the other person’s problems, place too much trust in them. Luckily, this trust tends to be a self-fulfilling prophecy, as her altruism and authenticity inspire those they care about to become better themselves. But if she isn’t careful, she can overextend her optimism, sometimes pushing others further than they’re ready or willing to go.
Cora is vulnerable to another snare as well: she has a tremendous capacity for reflecting on and analyzing her own feelings, but if she gets too caught up in another person’s plight, she can develop a sort of emotional hypochondria, seeing other people’s problems in herself, trying to fix something in herself that isn’t wrong. If she gets to a point where she is held back by limitations someone else is experiencing, it can hinder Cora’s ability to see past the dilemma and be of any help at all. When this happens, it’s important for her to pull back and use that self-reflection to distinguish between what she really feels, and what is a separate issue that needs to be looked at from another perspective.
The interest Cora has in others is genuine, almost to a fault – when she believes in someone, she can become too involved in the other person’s problems, place too much trust in them. Luckily, this trust tends to be a self-fulfilling prophecy, as her altruism and authenticity inspire those they care about to become better themselves. But if she isn’t careful, she can overextend her optimism, sometimes pushing others further than they’re ready or willing to go.
Cora is vulnerable to another snare as well: she has a tremendous capacity for reflecting on and analyzing her own feelings, but if she gets too caught up in another person’s plight, she can develop a sort of emotional hypochondria, seeing other people’s problems in herself, trying to fix something in herself that isn’t wrong. If she gets to a point where she is held back by limitations someone else is experiencing, it can hinder Cora’s ability to see past the dilemma and be of any help at all. When this happens, it’s important for her to pull back and use that self-reflection to distinguish between what she really feels, and what is a separate issue that needs to be looked at from another perspective.
Obligations, Flaws & Weaknesses
- Cora is known to heal indiscriminately. Republic, Jedi, Sith, Imperial, Pirates, slaves, free. It doesn’t matter to her who adopts what creed to her. The wounded are just that, the wounded.
- Cora is known to have gone into self exile after her first Padawan was killed during a battle about ten years ago. Her self exile was interrupted after two years and is explained in fuller detail in a recording that was unearthed recently. This recording has been made available in the latter part of this report.
- Cora has the obligation of searching out a Padawan of a close friend of hers Gaul Toben Jedi Knight Sage. He had contacted her and told her that he was dying on his mission and that his Padawan Bryn Dok was going to survive and that she needed to find him and to consider it a dying request. Again this is explained better in the latter part of this report.
- Cora has the potential to be manipulative on an impressive scale. With who she knows and the fact that with her skill set she can rather quickly ingratiate herself in situations and if given the chance would be able to sway sides.
- Cora does play political games and detests them. However, she realizes that even though she is good at them she doesn’t always push this front on others.
Owned equipment of note.
- Cora is in possession of a Defender Corvette class starship.
- Cora has a facility that she uses on Manaan for her to practice healing. She heals only the worst cases but oversees the facility and runs a dedicated staff of surgeons and specialists.
- Cora has an extensive collection of books on medicine, surgery, psychology, herbology and anatomy of nearly every species.
Personal biography, as detailed by the candidate for use in Jedi archives. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.
A throat is cleared as a chair is pulled out and pushed back slowly. A very soft soothing voice comes over the recording. The vowels are very open and round. The consonants are strong and distinct.
“These have never been easy for me to work with and I don’t particularly enjoy putting personal entries in a data log, holovideo, or even writing them down. Material for training purposes is much more useful. For purposes of this being found in the plethora of information that I record this should be turned into the Jedi Council after being played for two parties.
Those two parties are as follows. Healer Mara, my former master. For her to understand why I have done what I did and to come to terms with it. And Aren is a friend who will wish to know what is going on.”
The voice is brisk and accompanied by a sigh that is sharp and heavy but short lived.
"I have recently unbent in my self imposed exile, or what seemed like self imposed exile. I took on another Padawan, a Sith Pureblood, Zhâlu Jenal. His courage spoke to me. He has attempted the Knight Trials twice now and has been unable to complete them fully. His temper seems to be the issue. He is willing to learn so that is a plus. His interest in healing is also a point in his favor. Though I find it quite funny that he is almost five years older than myself. So far the Master Padawan relationship has not suffered for it."
A short pause here and something can be heard pouring.
"I was contacted by Gaul Toben before his death stating that he was not going to make it back but that his Padawan Bryn Dok would survive. He asked me to find Bryn and bring him back. I have yet to fully track Bryn’s movements but I get closer all the time.
Pyter’s death hit me hard. I was a young Knight at the time, twenty five years old, almost fresh out of trials and he was placed with me due to the need for more Jedi. We were still at war at that point and I was happy to have someone to pass my knowledge on to.
If this truce can be called more than just a laying down of weapons still within reach. Pyter was twelve and had such potential that his death was what I deemed to be a huge loss for The Order. Then again all losses we suffered were significant. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time and to this day I still wonder if I made the wrong call in sending him to get some additional medical supplies that were needed.”
A long pause and the soft clink of a glass can be heard.
“The supply convoy that he stopped at was hit. There were no survivors. I felt the bond fizzle out and knew that he was gone. I was able to pull myself together and heal those I could. I found his family after the incident and informed them. It was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do but I wouldn’t have left it to anyone else.”
A short pause where the soft scrape of presumably the glass is heard pushed across the table or surface that it rests on. A soft throat clearing is heard.
“My Knight Trials were swift as many were while we were at war. My former Master Mara had me working triage on a battlefield which took all of my concentration to keep people alive. So passed the Trial of Skill after many lives were saved due to my timely intervention.
Ironically the Trial of Courage and Insight were the easiest for me. I displayed the courage to heal the Trooper that we came across that could have very well killed us. I also left him unconscious and tied up so that he couldn’t get away or sneak up on us. A blaster in the back is sometimes harder to anticipate and easier to overlook. Plus it’ll kill you just as fast as a lightsaber.
The Trials of Flesh and Spirit were much harder for me. Particularly the Spirit Trial. But one must learn to recognise that you have done what you can for someone and that sometimes healing only brings more pain.
I spent most of my formative years at H’Ratth Academy. Honed my skills and rose to Padawan status there. I was a foundling that was collected from a derelict ship outside the Hapes system. My parents were found dead and identified as Hapian merchants that were attacked by Pirates and I was told to hide. I was three and remember much of what happened.
To boil it down the Pirates saw an oppuortunity and took it. My parents hid me and once the fighting was over I wandered out of my hiding place. There was a man in blue and brown robes that took me to The Order. He handed me over saying that he believed that since he could tell that I was strong with the Force and should be trained in it.
And there you have it…”