Avatar of Almalthia


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Two more days to a year that I'm not supposed to be counting. The little Tom Hanks in my soul is marking days without you. Castaway on an island surrounded by an ocean of tears getting deeper daily.
7 yrs ago
Want a Slice of Life? Sol City is your ticket! Large, friendly group always room for more! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
7 yrs ago
November 10th, 2017 4:30 pm CST. You let go and I wasn't ready. I'm still not ready. I miss you.
7 yrs ago
Two months and a week. I miss you. This sucks. Is it bad that I pretend that you PCS'd and will be back before long? Then I remember you're gone and won't be back even if I wished it. And I do. Daily.
7 yrs ago
Two months, four days. I miss you. Can't listen to Mike and the Mechanics "In The Living Years" anymore. It came on at work yesterday as the last song and I cried.


Ugh...I hate this part. So I'm super into Sailor Moon...which no one else is...and that's okay. I also really love Items, Escaflowne, Vampire Knight, Fushigi Yugi, Ah My Goddess, K Dramas, Chinese and Tiwanise Dramas as well. I torture people by making them read the TV.

Oh this is where I tell you I'm American...and I just lost a few people but oh well. Trust me if I could afford to live overseas I would. So yeah...that's me.

Most Recent Posts

IT'S TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cordelia Flores

Smiling at all three men Cori tipped her head watching Jericho make his bow as the bartender addressed her. “A Sidecar please.” She sat down between Jericho, who pulled out the stool for her, and Andrés so that neither had to talk over the other. “Not a goddess you flirt.” She gave a broader smile to them.

Andrés answered her and it was nice to know that someone was doing well. Cori smiled a little at Andrés when he asked her about how things were. She wondered if he knew what was front page news sometimes. But this gave her a way to not say anything about her in laws for once. “Marina is the same old steady girl. The tourists come, they eat, they leave. Revolving door really. The extra stuff we do like the education on the ocean for the schools rakes in money in between tourist runs. Then I turn most of it over to charity. Pretty boring cycle really.” Till something like this happens.

Looking over at Jericho she tipped her head. “Ever take your boat out after hours and kill the lights in a calm ocean?”
@Infinite Cosmos@BigPapaBelial@Theyra
Cordelia Flores

The conversation with Taryn over Cori waited till the other girl left, then after collecting her thoughts rose and walked out of Pat’s flashing a smile at Donna. Her mood brightened considerably. She hopped into the cart and drove to her place. She had moved out of the villa, hacienda or the big house where the other parts of the family; her in-laws were staying. Alejandro was not a fan. Connie and Estaban were worried about her but they let her live her life. Normally. Connie had started to become passive aggressive about Cori coming back into the “fold”.

Turning her down gently Cori could have made a self help book on ”How To: Let Your MIL Know You Also Have a Life”. Probably would have been a bestseller too. And Alejandro, well he could go suck eggs as far as Cori was concerned. She, Imp and Brutus were living their best lives… No actually they weren’t. She was missing José but it was less everyday. Sometimes she feared that she’d lose him altogether. Perhaps that’s what really kept her here…?


The Marina kept her here. It was her life’s work and she finally had it just the way she wanted it. The sea creatures here were fascinating and so diverse and she had never seen the variety that teemed in the waters here. Dolphins that seemed smarter than normal. Sea lions and seals that she swore could understand language. It was fascinating and she was here for that.

Brutus ran out to greet her barking his fool head off as she got in the gate. “Alright already I get the idea you’re happy to see me. Let me put up all this stuff and then I will spend some time with you. Imp needs some exercise. How about we go for a run?” And she said the R word so Brutus was off like a crazy person barking and making an adorable nuisance of himself. Shaking her head Cori hauled out the alfalfa and the kibble she bought at the supply store. The muscles in her arms stood out as she easily lifted and carried each item. She had that Sarah O’Conner toned physique that didn’t stand out until it was already being used otherwise she looked delicate. Deceptive and highly taken advantage of my none other than herself.

After cleaning out Imp’s stall and raking him and Brutus on a run Cori was still not as worn out as she normally was. Hours later Cori was freshly showered and deciding if she really wanted to force herself to stare at the ceiling or take a sleeping pill to fall asleep. Deciding against the pill Cori pulled out a pair of Daisy Duke cut offs a red baby tee crop top and her trusty red converse. She pulled her hair into a braid and headed out.

Deciding not to head back to Pat’s Cori went over to the Sunny Side Cafe, or rather Side Car since it was evening. As she walked in it was like being transported into a 1920’s speakeasy. “I swear if Dicaprio comes out the back room I am out.” Cori murmured as she moved around taking her time to get to the bar. Her eyes followed the stripe of black paint and the blue symbols on the walls. Who or what is Enso? Guess I’ll have to ask.

Harry Belafonte was playing softly in the speakers. One of her favorite songs Man Smart (Woman Smarter) and she moved to the beat. It turned over to Eagles I Can’t Tell You Why as she swayed and sang softly to the music that spoke to her. Her voice was like the call of a siren as she crooned out the song. Hypnotic and darkly sexy for a female, her voice was firmly set in what afficionados would call a contralto mein. She didn’t pay attention to the heads that turned as they heard her. She was too busy making observations and slowly making her way around the bar to pay attention to the looks she was getting.

Finally done with her exploration Cori made her way over to the bar seeing two native gentlemen sitting there. She recognized Walls or Jericho Bell. He reminded her of José and so she was always a little sad around him but that had been something she was slowly letting go of. She’d been at least attempting to smile more. Though she wasn’t used to it and it may have come out as more of a weird grimace. Hey I don’t stare at the mirror and practice… maybe I should?

The other native was Andrés Moruga. Now him she knew; well, knew of. Being one of the founding families and cut off due to not falling in line was someone that José would have liked; and he had. She had not seen a lot of José’s friends after his death.

She had turned inward and lost touch with people. She had needed time. She gave herself time and now she was making herself more seen in things outside José’s charities. And natives responded. She was surprised at how many people remembered her. She supposed that it was due to her striking coloring. Honestly how many pale redheaded women did one see in Azul?

The rhetorical question resounded in her head as Cori smiled at both Andrés and Walls as she sat down. “Evening Walls. Evening Andrés. Hope you’re both doing well. It’s been a while. So what’s good Slim?” Cori didn’t know Nate. He was too new and she’d been in self imposed isolation. Her voice was equally hypnotic speaking as well as singing. Dark and smokey like black velvet that reached in and held you captive with a soft easy grip. Oh sure you could get away but once you heard Cori’s voice why would you want to? The slightly southern belle accent made it all the more sexy. Her voice was described as dark and rich like cognac, expensive, cognac; like sweet sin; and especially siren. Like she could charm those animals that she worked with and if she sat on a rock sailors would crash just to find the source of that voice.
@Theyra@BigPapaBelial@Infinite Cosmos
Cordelia Flores

Even doing something as mundane as driving through the main thoroughfare of Isla Zafrio, doña Cordelia Flores cast a natural image of elegance. Waves of red tied back simply under a sun bleached military style cap clearly marked her as a foreigner, however to the residents of Azul, she was like a rare flower plucked from a foreign land by her late husband, the don José Ramón León Flores. Everywhere she went there was a constant stream of smiles and adoration from passersby. Tourists looked about dumbfounded as she waved and tapped the horn like a celebrity. Within Azul, the Flores were the closest thing to royalty that anyone had ever known, some for their whole lives, even though they were elected to office. Cordelia had been a part of that at its height, as the islands opened themselves to the world under the leadership of Papa Flores. Now, with the Festival days just ahead, she could sense the unease within many, though for her it was a pain of emptiness and even further isolation. She drove on with a bright smile and a quick word, hiding it all.

To the common people, it would appear that the Flores family had naturally closed ranks to grieve privately for a time and that was true, almost. They had closed ranks, just not with Cordelia. This was not wholly unexpected, though. Ever since Jose’s death there was a slowly falling veil that settled between her and the other two Flores brothers. Alejandro, Esteban’s oldest son, had been kind enough then and Cesar and his wife were still dating, but without Jose she became an outcast and with no children, nothing more than a leafless branch. Now she had finally been pruned, sheltered out of the entire affair, as her brother in law described, to protect her. Her grip on the wheel tightened and her head tilted only slightly as the only outward sign of the explosive anger contained. The memory of this encounter began another replay in the back of her mind, but she stopped it as it always led ultimately to the same conclusion: This was Azul. The Flores were the final word. There was no appeal to any higher court or investigation. If anything were to come of this, she would have to make it on her own and endure whatever the cost.

The simple 4x6 cart trundled beneath her only laden with a few miscellaneous supplies for the marina that jostled along with the numerous divots in the old street. She had one more stop to make on an afternoon of errands and that was to pick up some feed for Imp, her horse, a wedding gift from those very same in-laws. Before that though, she was going to make one more stop.

Pat’s Bar didn’t have a sign or was even that recognizable apart from anything else along the back alleys next to the lagoon. It was simply one of those places you had to know about and that was by design. It had been several years since she had been inside and though she was still an American with dual citizenship, her last name was considered as something of an invasion of space and like the other natives of the island, she respected the regular patrons desire for privacy, however it felt a lot different now. The fact that Taryn Rogers, not even really someone she associated with at all and certainly no friend of her island “family”, wanted a meeting in this place meant she was trying to keep something from ears of the Flores and in her current state of mind, Cordelia found that was intriguing enough for her to entertain the girl, if only for a few minutes, assuming It would probably be nothing. The younger girl was constantly into some mischief. She parked outside next to the other carts and made her way through the shaded corridor that was the “main” entrance.

Inside Dana MacDonald sat quietly at the bar reading a book. Music played in the background. She looked up unsurprised which meant Taryn already arrived. “Hi Cori, Taryn is out back. She said she would wait for you…” Her glance shifted with unmistakable motherly concern. “Are you doing alright?”

Cori allowed her shoulders to relax a bit, enjoying the warmth of the other woman’s genuine concern and let out a small sigh. “Yes… it’s really been an…” Her voice trailed and for a moment she thought she could just unload everything and it would be received without judgment, but she held back. “A difficult few days… but I’m doing better. Thank you for asking.” She nodded.

“There’s no need to be a stranger.” Dana said quietly and went back to her book. To Cori it felt like she had read the words right out of her thoughts. Smiling at the thoughts that tumbled around her head about how she may just take Dana up on that offer. Her own parents didn't understand why she was still here. No, that wasn't fair. Daddy understood it was Mother that didn't. 

Moving to the back where Miss Rogers was at Cori collected herself as she walked on. She brushed a stray piece of alfalfa off her flowing skirt. Her clothes screamed boho beach but when looking closer one could tell the items were tailor made for her. The fabrics were the finest quality and the simplicity of the outfit, upon closer inspection screamed money. Cori prided herself on being approachable but with the ability to create distance as needed.

Opening the door Cori saw the dark haired woman already seated. Taryn was kicked back with a laissez-faire sort of way. The way a cat would before it decided that it was truly interested in a bird. Cori's lips pulled up at the corners and a small smile settled on her features. She might be a bird but kestrels were birds. Powerful falcons that were beautiful and just as deadly to small vermin as a cat.

“Hello Miss Rogers.”


Name: Cordelia Flores
Nickname: Cori
Age: 33
Gender: Female


  • Physique: Cori stands 5 foot 9 ¾ inches with an hourglass figure that is fit and toned. A flat stomach that has the hint of definition to washboard abs. Her legs and arms are toned and defined as well. Her bone structure is very aesthetically pleasing so she doesn't look too delicate or overly bulky.
  • Hair: She is a natural redhead with some naturally lightened sections that shine golden like honey, most notably near the crown of her head. Farther down they taper off into a rich coppery red in a thick silky straight fall to her hips.
    [*]Complexion: Her complexion is like most natural redheads; as fair as a cloud and shows even the slightest blush. But unlike most redheads Cori does not have freckles on her face. Those reside on her back, across her shoulders and down her arms.
  • Eyes: Her lashes are long and thick but more of a deep brown than soot black. Her eyes are the gray of a storm at sea and shaped like a cat's eyes.
  • Style: Cori is found most often wearing Bermuda shorts, tank tops, swimsuit tops, daisy dukes, wet shoes, sandals or converse typically. She also cleans up well but gravitates towards well made outfits over flash. She doesn't wear heels often because she is already tall but enjoys them once in a while. Makeup is rare beyond a flavored gloss.

Character Concept: Cori is the widow of the middle Flores boy, Jose, who died three years ago. She is married into a native family and retains her US Citizenship. Her family is very supportive, though things with her mother are very tense because her mother, while they love each other, don't understand one another. Cori has many people who call her friends but since Jose’s death she has been a little more wrapped up in her animal sanctuary and only recently has been going back into society. Cori runs a wildlife sanctuary and aquarium on Isla Cuadro within the National Park. She is passionate about conservation of wildlife and resources, putting money toward making changes in how the Islands fish and creating spaces that harmonize with nature. Her hobbies include horseback riding, singing, swimming, free diving, and reading.

Personality: Cori is a spitfire. Stubborn, passionate, loyal and intelligent. She is polite in a very southern US way. Her temper matches the stereotype about her hair as well as being short. She's always looking out for the underdog. She does sit back and assess the situation before jumping in. Cori is witty and charming. Her set downs are always delivered with a smile. She’s very hard to offend but get her there and she can be vicious. She can politically distance herself while not making you feel like you’re getting the shaft.

Cori doesn't like to be beholden to anyone including her family. She's down played the whole rich girl thing her whole life. As a trust fund baby she understands the culture and likes to appreciate it from a far. She likes to live modestly and rarely touches the trust fund her parents set up for her. Cori is very generous and loving, as well as kind and genuinely supportive.

Likes: Swimming, free diving, surfing, myths, animals especially marine animals, coffee, fruit baskets rather than flowers.

Dislikes: Commercialization, littering, stupid people, Starbucks, injustice.

Special Talent: Cori has a hypnotic voice whether she is speaking or singing she seems to entrance people.

Character History: Cori was born Cordelia Anne Gardner on March 24th 1990 to Martha Ann (Decker) Gardner and Thomas Oliver Gardner; an upper class couple who lived in Savannah Georgia. Martha was a highly sought after party planner and Thomas was an equally sought after architect.

Cori has two older brothers and a younger brother. The oldest brother's name is Micha Thomas who was six when she was born; her younger older brother’s name is Joshua Oliver was four when she was born. Savannah, Georgia didn't know what hit them. She absolutely was adored by her older brothers. She may not have been the baby brother they asked for but she sure acted like it.

Cori was fearless and climbed everything and jumped off things knowing her brothers would catch her. There wasn't a mud puddle safe from her little feet. Her mother gave up on trying to dress her in cute little dresses because Cori played too hard. Oshkosh overalls in bright colors and white t-shirts were a staple for Martha. Martha, who had planned to have another child two years after Cori decided that she needed two extra years before she had another baby. When Cori was four they welcomed Joseph Thomas as the last child.

It was unfortunate that Joseph wasn't a girl, his temperament was more suited toward it. This evened out Cori so that she became interested in more girly things. Don't think she lost her edge, she just became more polished. She put up with her mother pushing girly things on her because Joseph aka Joey seemed to really like it. Beauty Pageants became a thing as did music lessons, singing lessons and dance lessons. Those Cori enjoyed, it was the Pageant itself she loathed.

By her teenage years her mother had the expectation that Cori would be a cheerleader. She was disappointed as her daughter gravitated to the sciences and academically was well on her way to an ivy league school. Cori did keep up with the Pageants and was officially going to a Cotillion Club to "polish" her manners. Her father was especially excited to see that his daughter was planning on going to Yale to get her degree. He had gone there for architecture and even though she was more interested in Biology he let her know he was proud of her.

College was excellent for Cori; she got her degree in Marine Biology and her mother backed off as her launch into society rolled around. At the age of twenty-four Cori; at the behest of her father and a bet from her brothers that she’d never make it through the whole thing; went to NYC for The International Debutante Ball. Meeting Jose Flores was the highlight of her night. It wasn’t love at first sight but the attraction was there. The Gardners stayed with the Flores family on the Azul Islands that summer and watched Cori and Jose get closer. The couple became exclusive and after three years became engaged on New Year's Eve 2017 as Cori had just set up a sanctuary within the National Park on the Islands. The wedding was planned for New Year’s Day 2019. Married in the Flores family church on Isla Ramilo on January 1st 2019.

Unfortunately Jose would be dead within months afterward. Most would call it an accident. Carelessness on Jose’s part. But Cori had always thought that it was more. It had been raining and it was late at night. The bike was old and could have been faulty. But Cori always thought that it had been tampered with and that was how the accident had happened.

It was three years ago and Cori had withdrawn into herself for a few years until recently.

Supporting Information:
Morgan horse named Imp from her in-laws as a wedding present.

Great Dane named Brutus a present from her brothers.

Miscellaneous Information:
  • Cori speaks Spanish, French, German and Japanese fluently. Mandarin and Italian only conversationally.
  • Cori can’t explain but she knows that the “accident” with her late husband was no accident. She has pressed the Policia yearly to investigate more.

Westeros Skies

On the way to the Westerlands

Collab with @Almalthia, @Apoalo & @Vanq

The Princess looked like she had no idea what they were talking about. Melyssanthi had this look that said ‘I'm empty headed and sweet’ and she employed it like a Braavosi water dancer employed their blade. “Oh troubled news? Pray do tell Lady Hogg."

Lady Hogg, widower and mother to knights, grimaced before finding herself again to answer the Princess’s question. “The same troubles as have plagued us before, princess. The Faith is unhappy, and my sons will be off again to prove themselves in support of the crown.” She did not look to her remaining son, while Jon had gone off to King’s Landing, at least Baekyn was still here, for now. “Forgive me, but I must prepare for the days ahead of us.” The mother excused herself, leaving the princess to Grandmother Hogg and her stories - embellished or not - of fair queen Rhaenys and of times that fewer and fewer remembered.

Pheynix is tended to and her wound stitched up. After the almost all consuming agony of that torment she was put through the anguish of the pulling of her movements as she bathed. Finally done she is wrapped and dressed in a dress very reminiscent of Lys. She did not complain since it was far easier than the normal Westrosi clothing. “Thank you ladies. I can walk, no need to have him fuss over me.”

If Pheynix thought that sitting up was a torment then attempting to stand nearly made her pass out. The wave of vertigo washed over her and as gently as she could Pheynix sat back down slowly. “Perhaps I was a bit too hasty. By all means let us go get Ser Baeykin, and by us I really mean one of you.”

Pheynix was moved to the bedchamber that was promised and she had no complaints. Well none that could really be fixed more than they had. The Maester had come to check the wound and had gone. She was exhausted and her brother had hobbled up the stairs to sit with her. She was not convinced that it was not due to the physical appeal of their host. While she could admit she had a flutter of attraction it was not to be measured up to what she saw her parents shared. That ultimately was what Pheynix was looking for. Attraction while it is nice and was helpful was not love.

Having slumped up the stairs to sit with his sister, Castor stared at the door for what felt like all night. Before he knew it the sun had risen and was shining right in his eyes as he had fallen asleep staring out at the night sky listening to the even breaths of his sister. His heart caught as he remembered the blood and the fear of almost losing her. He hopped up and stretched his muscles popping and creaking. Having closed his eyes on the satisfying stretch he peeked at his sister to see if he had woken her. He had not. Her face was still turned away and he could see the bright snow white patch of hair that marked their family. A birthmark that passed on through the rarity of the jet black hair that ran in their Valyrian line. Smirking Castor reached over and gently yanked that patch of hair.

He had been obsessed with it when he was little and it became a way to get his big sister’s attention. She let him know if he pulled too hard, normally with a fist in his eye. Girl could scrap and he blamed Luna and Hesp. Those two were always throwing punches or rolling in the dirt, and normally Luna that started it.

The hand that raised gently brushed his arm away so she could sleep more. Castor smirked as he sat down on the bed and tapped her cheek till he heard her grumble and she turned her head, opening her left eye slightly. He grinned and blew in her face.

The light was bad enough but the blowing in her face was enough for Pheynix to want to sock him in his eye. “By the Old Gods!! You would kill a dragon with that breath!!” She turned her head and sputtered. “The Black Dead is less foul than that!! What privy did you lick?! NO DON’T ANSWER THAT!!!”

The full bodied laugh from her little brother made her reach out blindly and smack. Unfortunately for her Pheynix only beat the bed covers. He grabbed her hand and she turned and glared at him.

Smirking, Castor kissed his sister’s hand in consolation. “Shall I send a maid in to assist with your absolutions or do you think you can do it yourself?” He raised an eyebrow communicating that the latter was not really an option for he would be sending a maid in.

She rolled her eyes but Pheynix knew that it would be far easier and quicker if she had assistance. And the Princess was not going to be one to dilly dally. “Send one in please.” She watched him hobble to the door. “Not so crippled as your sister, eh?”

“Not so foolish as to get stabbed, dearest sister.”

Pheynix stuck her tongue out and sat up slowly shooing him out of the room.

Melyssanthi was bright eyed, bushy tailed and a cheerfully irritatingly pretty morning person. Her hair braided and contained so that she was not a mess when they arrived at their destination. She was in a pair of red riding leathers that were covered in black chainmail. Gold gauntlets with an open palm were mirrored by a golden link belt.

Watching the brother and sister come down the stairs, Melyssanthi looked concerned. “Are you sure you can ride cousin?” Pheynix did not look as bad as she had yesterday and thankfully did not look like she had a fever either. The older woman’s hair was braided simply and someone had raided Ser Hogg’s old clothes as the woman was clothed in leggings that were a deep blue and hugged her frame. The blue matched the trim on the deep gray tunic. Her brother was clad in the reverse colors.

“I am fine cousin. No need to worry.” Pheynix smiled warmly at Melyssanthi making the other girl smile as well. Looking at Ser Hogg she graced him with a brilliant smile. “I thank you Ser Hogg. I shall repay your kindness in time. I know not when but I shall repay you.”

“My sister and I both thank you for the use of your clothes and your… ladies’ clothes.” He said the ladies with a slight question. “As she stated we shall repay you.”

Ser Hogg smiled broadly in response. It had been a late night and early morning, though you couldn’t tell it from his demeanor. “We would do anything to help our Princess, and her friends.” He finished his mug of warmed wine, something to remove the chill from his bones that early morning work which seemed to linger longer the older he got. It had, though, not been an uncontentious night with his mother. The woman was displeased no matter how much grandmother had been beside herself with joy at their company.

Neither woman was present now though, and the gentle giant of a knight rose from his seat and approached the princess. “My brother is a good man who feels that the king will call upon his service again.” He looked the princess in her eyes, youthful and innocent, but he thought now he saw something more beyond that. He knelt, though the act barely brought his head below hers.

“But I swear myself to you. I will follow you now or will wait for your word if ever needed.” He paused in his simple vow, head bent as he considered how to be clear on his point. “My mother is not wrong that these are dangerous times and I think you have known that already though I do not ask for details on what led you to my door.”

He glanced at the Rahl siblings, they should not be moving again so soon. But they had his respect for doing it. “If you must leave now, I will see you off, a final escort until needed again.”

Leaning in Melyssanthi tilted Baekyn's face up. She looked deep in his eyes. “You warm my heart with your words Ser Baekyn Hogg.” She embraced him, placing a kiss of welcome on each cheek. “I will be delighted to call you my personal champion. Unfortunately we must leave. Know that I have started to build my court, and you are the first of many like minded individuals. We will make changes and go far.”

The grace with which the Princess accepted the fealty sworn to her made Pheynix and Castor smile.
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