Before Sailing the Narrow Sea
The Princesses and a Lion
The Princesses and a Lion
It had been some time since the city had been so full in preparation for a war, much less a strike across the Narrow Sea. Rhaella, a mother yet barely more than a slip of a girl, did not like it. She missed her grandfather. The Seven had been so cruel to rip him from her even as they gave her little Rhaegar. The little boy she didn’t really know what to do with. Though she would not admit it aloud, most days it felt like he should have been a surprise younger brother and not born of her own loins.
At least this meant Aerys would be gone. They had never been close and now, though he was clear on doing his duty to please father, that dedication had not made them as their parents were. No matter if his appetites were satiated elsewhere, still he would summon her to his chambers each night. One son was good and well, but with the recent tragedy, the royal family needed heirs, many. The princess’s body refused to cooperate in the full year since the little prince had been born; their efforts were met with blood, heartache, and fear. She prayed that with this solitude, her body would recover and be ready for the ordeal again when the men returned. Dared she think it, if, they returned.
There was still much to be done before then though, and Lady Lannister had been insistent that they meet with her cousin again.
Seven help her, the thought brought back feelings best left in the past. Lady Joanna knew all too well what she was doing though, to bring out crimson flush on pale cheeks. Aerys either didn’t notice, or didn’t care. Though she found the latter very unlikely, consumed as he was with the need to produce as many heirs as he could.
“He’s agreed to join us for a late lunch, princess. It’s been so long since I’ve seen my cousin, I'm so pleased you agreed to extend the invitation for my sake.” Joanna and her had not known each other long, but she had become a good confidante and close friend. Even if she saw the way that Aerys looked at her, through her, the desires that the prince barely attempted to keep below the surface.
Rhaella gave a small, sad smile in answer. He too would be off to war, and no matter what the other women chattered about, the Stranger would take some of them away. Events from a year ago burned as a bright reminder of how quickly everything could change, how quickly good things could be laid to waste.
“Do you think it’s true?” One of the other ladies asked, the first part of the question lost on Rhaella.
“Oh don’t bother our princess with such things, Coryanne.”
The Martell woman reclined languidly and met the chide with a flippant hand gesture. She was the Princess of Dorne, ruler in her own right, and yet she had come to stay in King’s Landing and stayed. The trio of women were rarely found far from one another, no matter how many other women attended the princess.
“What, it’s one of the few things anyone will gossip about. They say he has a second head! Do you think it can talk or…” A coy smirk spread across the woman’s face, her tongue briefly tracing full lips with the suggestion.
“We should get ready for this lunch, no?” Rhaella asked meekly, ignoring the question the Martell princess let linger.
“What worries you more, Ella, that he will no longer care for your furtive glances now that you are wife and mother - or that he still will?”
“Coryanne!” Joanna chided again at the brusqueness.
“You all would be much happier if you adopted more from Dorne than occasionally marrying one of us.” The Dornish Princess shrugged off the increasingly shrill noise from the little lioness.
“Help me pick a gown, but no more talk of this, please.” It was a plea, but spoken with the greatest of uncertainty at what it was she wanted or feared. Perhaps the Dornish princess may have had such luxuries, but she certainly did not.
Current Day
Roses and Thorns
Roses and Thorns
“We should get ready to meet our king and queen.”
“Surely there’s more time.” His fingers danced across her skin in a soft caress, a reminder of what was and what he still hoped there to be.
She slapped him away, not playfully, but without anger. “No, there is not. We are here for a reason, and it will not be done by hiding away all day and night.” The woman’s gaze held her husband’s then softened ever so briefly with a deep breath, immediately retempered by an exasperated roll of her eyes. “Even if I do enjoy how you’d want to spend the time.”
Olenna’s words were always sharp and this moment was no different. Even if she still was tangled and twisted in their bedding. “I had your man prepare what I wish you to wear today. It’s been some time since we’ve had a private audience with them, and we should not waste it on trivialities.”
“Yes my dear.” Luthor leaned in, inhaling one last time as he cupped his wife’s face with his hand. The words would prick and sting, but there were so many more enjoyable things about his lady wife. As long as he kept her in control. He was, he thought, improving at maneuvering her maneuvers. “And my niece, will she be joining us?”
Olenna scoffed as she extricated herself from the tangle of bedding and limbs. “No, the girl can join us after, once I’ve ensured she is welcomed to join Rhaella’s ladies.
The Lady of Highgarden turned in time to see her husband’s eyebrow arch. She had not shared this plan with him before now, just hours before they were due to call upon the king and queen. Ostensibly, for nothing more than pleasantries and some talk of tax and harvests.
“Ol-” He was cut off, not by anything his wife said, but by the dastardly way that she dropped her linens to pull on her smallclothes. He rather liked that she often did this for herself rather than call for servants to help her.
“Tongue-tied, dear?” She sighed with some annoyance, this hadn’t been meant to be used as a weapon. “Your niece is of age with the princess, and the Lannisters already have one of their little spies in there. We should not have gone this long without putting someone close to them.”
“Well it is not an absurd idea at all. But the girl has gone through so much, do you really think she will find this agreeable? Surely our presence here for another month or two before we return-”
Olenna had nearly finished buttoning a heavy dressing gown around her waist but gave up to give her husband a hard stare. The one she reserved for when she was done entertaining counterarguments.
“Viola is more than prepared for this.” Even if she does not know it either. “And it will be good for her own marriage prospects of course. A strong match will be best for the girl, don’t you think?” She let him think on it in silence while she finished dressing enough to dismiss him and call in her ladies to help with the remainder of it all.
“As you say.” Luthor finally agreed with some reluctance. It wasn’t that she was wrong, but he would need to talk to her again later, when she returned to better moods, about not deciding such matters on her own “You will be kind to Queen Shaera, won’t you, darling? No jealousy over my former betrothed?”
“Probably a topic best left untouched, hm, I’d hate to offend our liege with my misgivings about finding a love-match with one’s sister.” Jealousy? It didn’t matter that he’d obviously been trying to make light of her known misgivings. She was done with the conversation, something she made known by calling for the servants and final statement that she’d see him after he too was presentable for their audience.