T H E S P E C T A C U L A R . . .S P I D E R - M A N

Peter Benjamin Parker ♦ Photojournalist ♦ Queens ♦ Independent

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
"How witty are we talking?"
With great power comes great responsibility. These were the last words of advise Uncle Ben gave before his death at the hands of a common mugger. Peter Parker took those fateful words to heart, dedicating the rest of his life to protecting the people of New York City. Wielding mutated powers gifted to him by a genetically-altered spider, Peter Parker is your friendly neighborhood SPIDER-MAN.
His first love, Gwen Stacey, died in his arms at the hands of the Green Goblin. When Peter discovered the Goblin was actually his mentor and his best friend's father, Norman Osborn, Peter confronted him. Their climactic battle ended with Norman suffering mortal wounds. Harry Osborn preserved his father's life with experimental cryogenic tech, and vowed terrible vengeance against the violent vigilante, Spider-Man.
Since gaining his powers at the tender age of fifteen, Peter's vigil over New York City has stood unbroken for over two decades. He's clashed with dozens of costumed villains, murderous vigilantes, corrupt businessmen and petty tyrants.
Peter married Mary-Jane Watson, acclaimed actress and close friend. The two had a daughter together, Anna-May Parker, and moved into Forest Hills, Queens. Peter finally received the recognition he deserved from J.J. Jameson and earned himself a permanent position at the Daily Bugle as a crime reporter and photojournalist.
Anna-May is sixteen years old now, and Peter's worried she may be developing superpowers of her own. Raising a teenager is hard enough on its own without superpowers involved. He wants nothing more than to let her live the normal life that he never did.
His first love, Gwen Stacey, died in his arms at the hands of the Green Goblin. When Peter discovered the Goblin was actually his mentor and his best friend's father, Norman Osborn, Peter confronted him. Their climactic battle ended with Norman suffering mortal wounds. Harry Osborn preserved his father's life with experimental cryogenic tech, and vowed terrible vengeance against the violent vigilante, Spider-Man.
Since gaining his powers at the tender age of fifteen, Peter's vigil over New York City has stood unbroken for over two decades. He's clashed with dozens of costumed villains, murderous vigilantes, corrupt businessmen and petty tyrants.
Peter married Mary-Jane Watson, acclaimed actress and close friend. The two had a daughter together, Anna-May Parker, and moved into Forest Hills, Queens. Peter finally received the recognition he deserved from J.J. Jameson and earned himself a permanent position at the Daily Bugle as a crime reporter and photojournalist.
Anna-May is sixteen years old now, and Peter's worried she may be developing superpowers of her own. Raising a teenager is hard enough on its own without superpowers involved. He wants nothing more than to let her live the normal life that he never did.
C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:
I've been greatly enjoying the Ultimate Spider-Man run and started re-reading Renew Your Vows, and felt inspired to write a Spider-Man that's grown up. He's a family man now, with even more personal responsibilities than ever before. Peter Parker's struggle to juggle the many different facets of his life is a core part of his character, in my opinion: can he really continue to protect the city as Spider-Man without neglecting his personal life? Can he hold down a decent job, pay off his mortgage, and afford to send his kid to school someday? His every day struggles are deeply relatable to me, and those are the aspects I find most compelling and plan to integrate into his story.
Of course, the hard part isn't just getting by: its doing all that while villains in colorful costumes and gangsters in pin-stripped suits attempt to tear New York City apart, and Spider-Man's the only one that can stop them. At this point in his life, he's battled all of his classic villains: from Doc Ock, the Lizard, and Sandman to his arch-nemeses, Venom and the Green Goblin. Norman Osborn is trapped in a life-threatening coma after his last bout with the webhead, yet his son, Harry, has donned the goblin's mask in search of retribution.
Peter's been Spider-Man for over twenty years now. He's been in more superhero team-ups than there are hours in the week. I'm hoping to leave a lot of room for other spider-adjacent characters like Miles Morales, Silk or even a heroic Venom to be picked up by interested parties.
Of course, the hard part isn't just getting by: its doing all that while villains in colorful costumes and gangsters in pin-stripped suits attempt to tear New York City apart, and Spider-Man's the only one that can stop them. At this point in his life, he's battled all of his classic villains: from Doc Ock, the Lizard, and Sandman to his arch-nemeses, Venom and the Green Goblin. Norman Osborn is trapped in a life-threatening coma after his last bout with the webhead, yet his son, Harry, has donned the goblin's mask in search of retribution.
Peter's been Spider-Man for over twenty years now. He's been in more superhero team-ups than there are hours in the week. I'm hoping to leave a lot of room for other spider-adjacent characters like Miles Morales, Silk or even a heroic Venom to be picked up by interested parties.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
► Mary Jane Watson-Parker: MJ is a lifelong friend of Peter Parker and, as of fifteen years ago, his wife. She's an award-winning actress, best known for her role in the action-comedy trilogy Jackpot by Cage McKnight, and a former fashion model. Since the birth of her daughter, Annie, she's moved back to NYC to focus on her family. She regularly acts in and directs smaller, indie projects with local Hollywood hopefuls. During emergencies, she dons the Regent-powered Spinneret suit, which allows her to borrow Peter's powers for a short time.
►Anna-May Parker: Daughter of Peter and MJ, Anna is sixteen years old. She's inherited the fierce intellect and endless curiosity of her parents. Ever since she learned her father was Spider-Man she's dreamed of having powers of her own and fighting crime alongside him, despite his insistence against it. More than once Peter has found Annie tinkering with his web-shooters and spider-bots when she should've been sleeping.
►Harry Osborn: Harry Osborn was once a brother to Peter Parker. The two grew up together, thick as thieves all the way from childhood to the end of high school. One would've thought them inseparable before the death of Gwen Stacy at hands of the Green Goblin. An enraged Spider-Man sought out the Goblin in his home- Norman Osborn's home- where he had neither his glider nor his pumpkin bombs to aid him. Peter would've killed Norman if not for Harry's intervention. Angry, confused and betrayed, Harry did all he could to save his father, freezing him in a cryogenic tank in the hopes of finding some means to save him. Grieved by what's become of his father, Harry took a sample of the 'Goblin Formula' that Norman once consumed: trading his already strained sanity in for the power he needed to reap retribution from Peter Parker.
►Anna-May Parker: Daughter of Peter and MJ, Anna is sixteen years old. She's inherited the fierce intellect and endless curiosity of her parents. Ever since she learned her father was Spider-Man she's dreamed of having powers of her own and fighting crime alongside him, despite his insistence against it. More than once Peter has found Annie tinkering with his web-shooters and spider-bots when she should've been sleeping.
►Harry Osborn: Harry Osborn was once a brother to Peter Parker. The two grew up together, thick as thieves all the way from childhood to the end of high school. One would've thought them inseparable before the death of Gwen Stacy at hands of the Green Goblin. An enraged Spider-Man sought out the Goblin in his home- Norman Osborn's home- where he had neither his glider nor his pumpkin bombs to aid him. Peter would've killed Norman if not for Harry's intervention. Angry, confused and betrayed, Harry did all he could to save his father, freezing him in a cryogenic tank in the hopes of finding some means to save him. Grieved by what's become of his father, Harry took a sample of the 'Goblin Formula' that Norman once consumed: trading his already strained sanity in for the power he needed to reap retribution from Peter Parker.
S A M P L E P O S T: