I think the best idea I've heard so far is waiting till after Christmas.
Yes, but discussing things in advance is helpful.
I think the best idea I've heard so far is waiting till after Christmas.
@mattmanganon I'm taking the opposite angle with what I'd like to do, honing in on a specific place and period, but hit me up if you'd like to kick some ideas around.
That goes for all of y'all who wanna brainstorm too. Seriously, I'm lonely.
I'd also kinda like to see a more focused scope, having all of the player-characters be in roughly the same place at the same time. If, say, everyone's already a denizen of Gotham City, or a member of the X-Men, or what have you, it might be easier to jump in and start jamming with each other than when everyone has to spend weeks or months establishing their particular lore before venturing out to cross paths. More often than not, that leads to less of a group roleplay and more of a collection of individual fanfics with the occasional crossover.
One thought I had was a world with three major cities, and GM posts addressing specific cities in addition to whatever character posts those GMs have.
Also quite a difference between banter and writing a post.
Hound55 // mattmanganon 2024 was not the campaign I saw coming this year.
<Snipped quote by Bounce>
Getting married and starting a new job really didn't work for RP time either.
Gross, are we all adults now?