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A soft snoring rose from the back of the carriage where a halfling could be found, all wrapped up in furs and curled into a ball. If not for the sound one might've mistook him for a large rock, for the furs seemed to blend into each other and the man underneath didn't appear to move at all, even to breathe. He'd been like that since the moment they climbed into the carriage to leave Aelia, and he hadn't woken up once since, no matter how rough the road or loud his fellow passengers. There wasn't much sleep to be had in the frozen frontier from which he hailed, so he had some catching up to do.

Whether by wild coincidence or supernatural senses Chip began to stir when they neared their destination of Auonar. Heavy laden eyes fluttered open seconds before Gudrik spoke, and something resembling a squeak or a groan passed between his lips. The rock occupying the backseat vanished in a clutter of cloak and clothing as Chip sat up, stretching his arms out far above his head, bones popping and cracking as he did.

Chip Snowdryft was a tiny thing by most people's standards: he stood as high as the average man's elbow and looked thin as a rail even for a halfling; he practically vanished when looked at from the side. He had a narrow face with flushed cheeks, a button nose, and sunken, blue-gray eyes- tired, yet ever vigilant.

Those same eyes turned out the window to get a lay of the land around Auonar as Chip spoke an answer to Gudrik in a light, accented voice: "Doubtful. Better chance they either lost the road on their travels and buried themselves in the snow or were accosted by...something. Lots to kill you up here, mister Temfarrow. Even the weather!"
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Supermaxx
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Two little boots crunched into the snow with nary a sound. Chip drifted away from the carriage, his gait more akin to a leaf on the wind than a normal walk. His body spun as he took in his surroundings. Auonar was unfamiliar to him. The conclave had sent him this direction on a few occasions, but he'd never come close to the city let alone entered it.

There were twice as many people around as he'd seen in the last month. Buildings, carriages and crowds cut off his sight lines in every direction, like he was standing in the center of a dense woodland. At least in the woods he could rely on his ears to warn him of danger, but here? It was loud. Horses were neighing, wheels were turning, people were yelling.

'How does anyone live like this?' He grumbled. 'Can barely hear myself think.'

Chip shook his head and turned to face Dular, answering a question she'd asked him minutes earlier that he'd chosen to ignore until now. "Like to eat as I go. Sitting around wastes time." He explained, tracing his gaze along the street until he spotted what looked like a tavern sign. When was the last time he stepped into a place like that? "Don't like tables, either. Or plates. Just eat with your hands, you know?"

After a beat he turned around again. "Someone else should talk in there," he looked to Entyrea, crinkling up his nose. "You talk a lot."
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Physical Description
Andrew is unusually tall, measuring more than a few inches over six feet- a trait he inherited from his father. He's far thinner, however, with an unhealthy gauntness to his long face. Dark circles around his eyes stand out against harshly pale skin, and long hair falls down to his shoulders. Most wouldn't regard him as particularly good-looking, owing in no small part to a lack of effort and little self confidence.

His persona's appearance in Pariah differs significantly. While Graves stands just as tall, he's extraordinarily well-built, with a chest as broad as a barrel and muscle coiled like steel cable. Scarring earned from many an encounter pepper his body thanks to his light armor and penchant for reckless aggression. Graves is much better put together, too, with shorter cropped hair and strong features his player could only dream of.

Character Conceptualization
Graves is a controversial bounty hunter whose history stretches back to the first days of Pariah Online. He’s renowned for doggedly pursuing his targets no matter where they run or for how long. Quick tempered and arrogant to the core, Graves is a difficult man to work with if he believes you’re holding him back- and he thinks everyone does. The few friendships he still holds are troubled, to say the least, yet it wasn’t always so.

Back when the game first launched, Graves was a member of a guild called the Strange Reign Club. They were a highly competitive group of raiders and PVPers with a reputation for extraordinaire toxicity. It was hard to argue against their results, however. Graves showed great promise as one of their earliest recruits, competing with some of the Club’s best duelists. He’d stay with them for many months before, without much warning, he’d be cut from the team and blacklisted by its raid leaders.

A solo player ever since, Graves has been quietly grinding away at his profession, stewing on whatever drama had happened behind the scenes...

Other Information
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-X-Men (Focus on OG 5? Have a school open for other characters to play in? who knows)
-A Teen Titan of some kind? (Superboy, BB, Starfire...wouldn't want to do the whole team again)
-Wolverine (would prolly involve a lotta time jumping/flashbacks so I can play around with how fuckin old he is. could be fun. vietnam shenanigans?)
-A Justice Society type, like Alan Scott or Dr. Fate (magic is hard, but fun.)
-prolly going to avoid big names like Spider-Man, WW and Flash
-bring back jamie's BB (really enjoyed playing him, but the alien tech might not fit the era too well. maybe go retro?)
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Supermaxx
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C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"I'm the best there is at what I do."

Logan Hudson is a man trying to escape a past he doesn't remember. Flashes of memory come to him in his dreams to tell him he is far older than most: the sound of nineteenth century shot and cannon soaring overhead, Logan sloshing through the water of the pacific ocean onto a beach assailed by machine gun fire, or a whip slashing long strips off his flesh in a prison camp deep in some hellish jungle. All those terrible memories his subconscious dregs up are of war, violence and death. His old life was not a pleasant one, Logan decided, and he's spent half a decade trying to leave it behind him.

No shortage of good people have helped him on his path: James and Heather Hudson of Alpha Flight gave him aid when he first awoke naked in the frozen Canadian wilderness, and Charles Xavier offered Logan a home at his institute whenever he was ready to return there. He spent some time there among Chuck and his pupils, yet the call of the road and the wood always seem to drag him away. Something in Logan's gut is calling to him, though why he couldn't possibly say. All he knows is that he'll never find it sitting around the mansion sipping martinis.

Wolverine as a character has an audaciously long history, both editorially and in-universe. There's such a well of material to draw from that its difficult to find a place to start. Part of me wanted to reinvent Logan in some way this go-around- give some new spin on an old character we've all seen a dozen times before. But as I revised and reworked the sheet I came to the conclusion that all my ideas were shit and there's a reason Wolverine is at his best in his classic gold-and-blues. So I'm returning Wolverine to his roots as an amnesiac on-and-off-again X-Man with a past he's afraid to confront. He's a violent bruiser trying to turn over a new leaf that continuously falls off the wagon, yet gets up to try again regardless.

My first arc with Logan will find him in the center of an assassination attempt on Congresswoman Valerie Cooper- a harsh opponent of the Mutant Control Act- by a Purifier-inspired terrorist group, the Mutant Response Division. Much as he's loathed to get involved in politics even Logan can't stand by and watch an innocent woman be murdered.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

The name 'Logan' was given to Wolverine by Charles Xavier. When asked about a surname he chose to adopt the name of the leaders of the Alpha Flight who had treated him with such warmth years ago. The Hudsons are unaware they've adopted a stray. Logan does not know his birth name.

I'm going to keep Logan's supporting cast small as we begin. It may grow larger as his story progresses, but I don't wish to claim too many mutant NPCs given how much interest there is in the X-Men and their many associates this game. I hope to work closely with those players and perhaps we may share a number of supporting characters in the future.

S A M P L E P O S T:

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Supermaxx
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Physical Details
Ravanor Kell never stopped being the runt of the litter. At only 6'8 and two hundred and eighty pounds, some might even consider him lithe for a Krogan. His skin is a shade paler than most, contrasting sharply against the dark coloration of his head crest. Old, crimson scars dot the crest and his face; the largest mark is a single, deep cut around his throat from ear to ear. His once shining armor of blue and black has been reduced to a dull, pock-marked hunk of metal after too many years of service.

Personal History
Ravanor Kell was born on Tuchanka in 2032. Despite being the smallest and weakest of his clutch Kell was one of only three to survivor past infancy. An old male of his clan, Ghoramund, claimed the right of parentage over him, adopting him from the female clan and taking Kell under his wing. That old Krogan saw the rest of his people as vainglorious, unambitious and doomed to extinction if they remained on their current path. As a battlemaster, Ghoramund was one of the most powerful biotics and skilled combatants in Clan Ravanor; he hoped to use that power and influence to take the warlord of Ravanor's seat for himself in the hopes that he could steer his people along a better path. He failed. The warlord cast him out instead of claiming Ghoramund's head. Beaten but not broken Ghoramund sought out the female clans and claimed Kell as his own. He hoped to raise the boy to someday become the leader he was not.

Over the next century and half the two Krogan traveled Tunchanka and eventually the rest of the galaxy together. They worked as mercenaries for employers Ghoramund deemed worthy causes, and he used every job as an opportunity to teach Kell what it meant to be a true warrior. Every moment they were not fighting was time they spent in their studies, enriching their minds and bodies alike. It was a spiritual experience for the young Kell and he cherished every moment of it. Their travels brought them into contact with everything from the Blood Pack on Omega to Thresher Maws on distant worlds to Batarian pirates in the Skyllian Verge.

Their adventures together came to an end when Ghoramund was crippled by an Asari commando in 2176, five years ago. The old man chose a quiet life of retirement on the Citadel, using the funds he'd earned over the centuries to live lavishly. He urged Kell to continue his travels throughout the galaxy so that he may gain the strength and allies needed to eventually return home to Ravanor to set the clan right. Kell was trepidatious about working on his own for the first time, but it seemed an exciting opportunity to grow beyond his mentor's shadow.

Combat Analysis
Ravanor Kell is a master of taking and holding ground. He uses his combination of biotic talents and technology to fortify particular areas and dig in, ready to drive back any threat that dares approach his zone of control. He works best in tandem with more offensive warriors who can take advantage of his protection to strike down their enemies. Kell prefers close ranged combat where he can use his Claymore to devastating affect, though he is arguably more proficient with his hand cannon, Lover's Kiss, as he's used the weapon since he was a boy.

Reason for Vacating Previous Situation
The wounding of his mentor and father figure drove Kell into striking out on his own. He's spent the last five years floating from job to job, taking any work that strikes him as interesting. The Exo-Geni offer was brought to his attention by an old friend of his, Yamora, an Asari information broker and one-time love of Ghoramund.
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Physical Details
The life of a soldier is all Mara's ever known- a fact that is carved into every facet of her identity. Rigorous, daily training earned her a fair bit of muscle and an athletic frame. Noo amount of hard work, however, can make her grow more than her unfortunate five feet and seven inches. She parades her scars as trophies won in hard-fought brawls in the alleys and bars of her hometown. The most visible of these are a cut along her left cheek and the numerous, smaller abrasions that pepper her jawline, neck and upper body.

Her 'style,' if one could call it that, hasn't changed much since her days as a corpo pilot: she still wears the grey Battle Dress Uniform, work boots and the fur-lined aviator's jacket that were the signature of her unit. She's removed all the Elysian Dream branding, of course, and replaced them with an embroidery of Icarus's wings.

Background Information
On Mara Armitage's eighth birthday she was conscripted into the youth wing of the Elysian Dream Defense Force. She was elated. The sight of mechs marching in parade formation through the streets of Seattle had always set her heart aglow growing up. When the doctors told her she was neuralink viable it was like God had finally answered her prayers. Her parents were equally thrilled by the announcement. Mara set the whole of her mind, body and spirit to being the best soldier she could be. And she excelled. Teachers were constantly remarking on her skill and enthusiasm, lauding her as an example to the rest of the group. Her peers looked up to her the same way they did the adults. All that love and attention just reinforced her belief that this was where she was meant to be.

All that admiration blinded Mara to what was going on in the life of her younger sister, Emeraude. In Mara's mind the two were inseparable. Em might've been struggling to adapt to her new life, sure, but she had potential! Their aunt, Morgan, would see to her success. Someday Mara and Em would be an unstoppable duo on the battlefield. Em would just need to endure a few...growing pains! That was all.

Mara was just a teenager, however, and saw only what she wanted. She never paid attention to the 'encouragement' her parents gave Em. She never saw how their instructors treated Em when Mara wasn't around. And worst of all? Mara never even bothered to ask Em if she wanted to pilot. Mara assumed that everyone wanted to do it, especially if they were good at it, as Em was. The thought that someone might see it as torment never even crossed her mind.

At fourteen, Mara was recruited into the Redemption of Humanity, a subsidiary private military company of Elysian Dream. The Redeemers were an NC-focused company ran by a man named Captain Eric Swann, a veteran pilot whose family had served ED for generations. He was a hard man by all accounts: cold to his underlings, merciless to his enemies, and he despised weakness in all its forms. Swann was also the best damn pilot Mara had ever seen. He taught her everything she’d ever need to know about NC combat. Despite the extreme pressure he put Mara and the rest of the Reedemers through, she excelled- just as she had in the youth wing.

Her dedication to the work attracted the attention of Valerie Wright, a fellow pilot and the prettiest girl Mara had ever seen. She was smitten. Val was confident, playful and zealous. She could fly circles around the rest of the squad, save the captain himself. Val and Mara would compete fiercely for the title of fastest pilot on the team for the next several years. Their relationship blossomed outside the mechs as well. Inter-team fraternization wasn’t forbidden by company policy but the captain certainly didn’t approve of distractions, so the girls kept their relationship a closely guarded secret. It was Mara’s first act of rebellion, small as it was.

The next five years were the best she’d ever know. Her family was nothing but supportive. She had a girlfriend she loved with all her heart. And she had Em, the little sister that never left her side. If Mara had a choice she would’ve stayed there forever: serving with the Redeemers and living in Seattle with Val, Em and all the rest.

Then June 19th, 2677 arrived. The Redeemers are sent to the ruins of Corvallis in search of classified old world tech. ED salvage crews barely had time to set up their equipment before a band of raiders descended on the ruined city. Their numbers caught the Redeemers off-guard and forced them to dig in hard around the dig site. A pitched battle followed. Several of the Redeemers’ NCs were damaged in the affair; much of their ammunition was exhausted as well. The team was heavily depleted when a second wave hit. It was plain that these were no ordinary marauders when a sound like thunder came from the heavens and took out their heaviest hitter in a single shot.

What followed was a desperate scramble to escape. Mara kept as close to Em and Val as she could, fighting tooth and nail to cut a path of escape out of Corvallis before it was too late. Em was a monster on the battlefield: her Bercilak tore its way through any NC stupid enough to get within the range of its burning axe. Mara left a path of ion mines in their wake, disabling and damaging the systems of anyone that pursued them. They almost made it out.

Then Val and another Redeemer went down. It was a stupid mistake that did them in- a too long sprint across open ground without proper cover. It was a goddamn shooting gallery. The Armitage sisters debated leaving them behind. Better Mara and Em return with reinforcements then get captured along with them, right?

their attackers proved more brutal than Mara could’ve expected. They descended on the downed NCs, popped open their cockpits and crushed one of the Redeemer pilots in their metal fists. Val was moments from suffering the same fate before Mara broke cover and charged, rifle barking and missiles flying. Em was right beside her, as always. The Bercilak went for the NC that just killed a Redeemer pilot and Mara went for the second looking over Val. It was a rush of steel and blood that Mara barely remembers. The frantic hand to hand. Thunder from the sky. Em’s mech going down in a hail of dragon fire.

Mara scooped Val’s broken body into the Icarus White’s cockpit, tossed the Bercilak’s cockpit and core over her shoulder and made a run for it. She’s not quite sure how she managed to escape the sniper that had killed so many of her friends. Fear and adrenaline were all that kept her moving through the haze of pained panic until she eventually reached safety: Captain Swann had arrived with reinforcements to rescue what few survivors they could find. The city was torched by the enemy before the tech could be secured, much to the brass’s anger. The mission was a spectacular failure.

The following days in the hospital were a blur. Val‘s injuries would take months of gene-growth to repair of her wounds proved impermanent. The company refused to pay for Emeraude’s medical treatment beyond the essentials- Swann was apparently so dissatisfied with their performance that this was his way of punishing the Armitages. And Em went fully catatonic. Couldn’t speak, couldn’t eat, never moved.

The company wrote her off as a lost cause and decided to sell the rights to Em's NC and body back to her family. In turn, Royce Armitage, her father, sold his daughter's hand in marriage to recoup the money he'd lost on her. Mara protested fiercely. Her sister wasn’t even awake to advocate for herself! She had served the Redeemers and ED loyally for years. She was an excellent pilot, and she could be again if only they’d give her a chance.

No one did. Their parents were shockingly dismissive of the girl, as if those raiders had done them by a service by ridding them of her. It took everything Mara had not to beat them both bloody where they stood. She took her belongs and left, never to return. Mara made her appeal to Swann next, though he was just as disdainful. The man wouldn’t give it more than five minutes of thought. He wanted Mara to get over it. She left him, too.

And finally she went to Val. Mara told her love everything that had happened. Of how unfairly everyone was treating her sister. It was only then that Val revealed how the rest of the team had felt about Em, too: the girl was only worth keeping around for Mara’s sake. She was a good pilot now, sure, but but hadn't always been. And she remains a miserable soldier and as weak willed as girls come. Mara told Val she planned to desert so she could take Emeraude somewhere to get proper treatment. Valerie Wright balked at that. She raged, accused and pleaded all at once- doing all she could to get Mara to stay and forget her sister.

The Icarus White vanished along with the Bercilak’s remains in the following weeks. They took to the waste, and found their oasis in a place called Last Hope.

Polaris Shift
Mara is plagued by dreams. They come most often in the weeks following a successful perfect sync: one moment she's awake, aware and active and the next...she's not. She's slumped over- maybe even standing- her eyes glazed over as a deep sleep overcomes her. Her dreams are incredibly vivid, and she often struggles to tell the difference between the waking world and the dreaming one. The length of each episode varies greatly, and they've only gotten longer and more frequent over the years. Sometimes she's gone for mere moments. Other times she'll spend a whole day trapped in her own body, fully unaware that anything is amiss.

Personal Mission
Mara has had only one goal since fleeing her home in Seattle: evade, escape, survive. All that's mattered to her since leaving home is keeping Emeraude safe. Mara's sure her sister's betrothed is still searching for her, and the wound she left with Val was too sharp to be the end of things- Mara wouldn't be surprised if the Redeemers were following her tracks as well. But to help Emeraude heal and to get far, far away from her pursuers, she'll need money. She's come to Last Hope seeking a quick, easy contract so she has the cash flow to keep moving. They're too close to Elysian Dream territory for her to feel safe, and this dump doesn't have the resources to treat Emeraude properly. Nice as the people seem to be Mara's trying to keep them at an arms length- she won't be around long enough to be betrayed again.

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The Stalwart Mk VIII is the best shield projector in its class for lightly armored targets with minimal power extra draw. It is efficient, long-lasting and highly durable against most conventional weaponry. The Stalwart line is known for its ‘reactive’ shield that dynamically activates and empowers itself based on oncoming threats. When it detects no immediate danger the Stalwart goes into standby mode, decreasing its power draw and allowing the Icarus White to focus its energy on its thrusters. Upon detecting incoming rounds or a targeting laser, however, the Stalwart will draw however much energy it seems necessary to thwart the attack in real time with almost no delay.
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C O N N E R K E N T / K O N - E L A U T O M E C H A N I C M E T R O P O L I S J U S T I C E L E A G U E
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

”Do you know what it’s like for all the world to rest their hopes and dreams on your shoulders? Pretty nerve-wracking, if I’m honest. But I have to try."

This is where you outline your vision for the character including any notable changes or differences from the regularly accepted canon. This should be a short summary that provides insight into where the character is in terms of their overall progress and development.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Why do you want to play this character, what is the driving motivation behind both this desire and the character themselves. What do you hope to accomplish and where do you want the character's story/stories to go?

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Any additional notes you want to put either for yourself, the GM's or other players to help clarify your vision or continuity.

S A M P L E P O S T:

A sample post that can be used in the IC if you so desire upon acceptance. This post should provide an example of your vision for the desired character. This sample post should meet all standards outline in the rules and additionally include dialogue, mannerisms and other actions representative of your intended portrayal.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.
Hidden 8 mos ago 8 mos ago Post by Supermaxx
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Theodore 'Teddy Bear' Howser

Age: 41

Position: Pilot Sergeant

Personal History: Theodore Howser was born on a refugee barge fleeing New Halcyon as it was consumed by Abberants. Life on barge 117-Beta was harsh: food supplies were thin and medicine supplies even thinner. People died in the hundreds every day. those who worked earned more rations than those that didn't, so Theo spent his childhood repairing oxygen scrubbers and cleaning out waste recyclers. Unlike some ships, the refugee barge wasn't a permanent settlement. It was part of a larger fleet that flew ahead of Aberrant incursions, rescued as many people as they could, and then fled. 117-Beta spent seventeen years in transit before Theo's boots touched soil for the first time in his life.

Poverty loomed over the Howser family even here.

Levi Howser, Theo's father, was paralyzed during the invasion. The cybernetics necessary to repair his spine cost far than than they can afford. Even with minimum medical attention, his bills are astronomical. He's trying to make a career out of dictating novels with a speech-to-text program, but it isn't going well.

Asmara Howser worked for a non-profit education advocacy group before her planet was destroyed. She works fifty hours a week as a public educator and another fifteen as a private tutor. Its enough to scrape by even if it leaves her children to fend for themselves most days.

Theo decided he needed to ease the burden on his mom, so he decided to pitch in. His application to military service was accepted near instantly- the machine always needed more bodies- and he was shipped off world for training two weeks later. It was the hardest thing he'd ever done in his life. The regiment's doctor nearly failed him out after he vomited all over himself and passed out during a run. The human body could only take so much punishment and he was already malnourished when he showed up; Theo wasn't ready. Be it luck or providence, it just so happened that the chief medical practitioner at that particular boot camp was a Halcyonite too. Major Russom Samir prescribed an expensive physo-gene therapy program that built Theo back better than he'd ever been, and two months Samir cleared Theo for service.

Thanks to recommendations from Major Samir and Lt. Colonel Strutzheim, Theodore was accepted into the pilot program. No one would've called the boy a prodigy: he made more mistakes than most every single time he climbed into the cockpit. But none could deny his passion. There was a fire in his heart that drove him harder than anyone would've thought possible.

The flame followed him through his next two decades of service. He never let the tragedies of his youth define him. He never let himself dull to the little pleasures of life, like a hot cup of terrible coffee or a night dancing with a pretty woman. Even at forty-one years old he lives every day with the same passion of his youth, for he knows full well it could be his last. A universe cursed with the Aberrants was a harsh one- but life was about more than its darkest hours.

Equipment: The MBM-78 'Grizzly' heavy assault mech is a fifty foot tall death machine designed to chew through low-class Aberrants like a hot knife through butter. Its primary armament is the X-66 Prometheus: a massive ten-barreled, halocarbon-cooled rotary cannon with a fire rate of sixteen thousand thirty millimeter rounds a minute. The Grizzly carries an auto-factory backpack that rapidly manufactures a variety of ammunition from high explosive and armored piercing to more specialized inferno and swarmer rounds, depending on the situation. For its secondary weapons, the Grizzly is equipped with dual Augsburg Arsenal shotguns for fending off targets that get inside the main cannon's arc of fire.

Notable NPC: Russom Samir is a military doctor and major in the Armed Forces. He's a native of the planet New Halcyon, which was lost to an Aberrant invasion over forty years ago. Many of his peers consider him a sardonic man that is difficult to work with, with utterly terrible bedside manner. Still, Russom cares deeply for his charges, and tries to maintain relationships with those few people willing to put up with his bitterness. He has a service record longer than his arm and has earned many a favor from higher ups by saving their lives. Teddy is one of those friends- the two trade messages frequently and make plans to share a drink or two whenever their paths cross. Theo owes Samir everything for saving his career when he was only a teenager, and he does whatever he can to pay Samir back for his...unique brand of kindness.
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S P I D E R - M A N
S P I D E R - M A N

"With great power comes...who am I kidding. You know the rest."
Spider-Man | Peter Benjamin Parker
American | Human Mutate | Journalist
New York City | New York | United States

With great power comes great responsibility. These were the last words of advise Uncle Ben gave before his death at the hands of a common mugger. Peter Parker took those fateful words to heart, dedicating the rest of his life to protecting the people of New York City. Wielding mutated powers gifted to him by a genetically-altered spider, Peter Parker is your friendly neighborhood SPIDER-MAN.

His vigil has stood unbroken for over a decade. He's done battle with dozens of costumed villains, murderous vigilantes, corrupt businessmen and petty tyrants.

His first love, Gwen Stacey, died in his arms at the hands of the Green Goblin. When Peter discovered the Goblin was actually his mentor and his best friend's father, Norman Osborn, Peter confronted him. Their climactic battle ended with Norman suffering mortal wounds. Harry Osborn preserved his father's life with experimental cryogenic tech, and vowed terrible vengeance against the violent vigilante, Spider-Man.

Five years ago, Peter married Mary-Jane Watson, acclaimed actress and close friend. The two had a daughter together, Anna-May Parker, and moved into Forest Hills, Queens. Peter finally received the recognition he deserved from J.J. Jameson and earned himself a permanent position at the Daily Bugle as a crime reporter and photojournalist.

Things have only gotten stranger in the last month when a sixteen year old girl in a spider costume climbed in through his window claiming to be his daughter from another dimension.

P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
I've been greatly enjoying the Ultimate Spider-Man run and started re-reading Renew Your Vows, and felt inspired to write a Spider-Man that's allowed to grow up. He's a family man now, with even more personal responsibilities than ever before. Peter Parker's struggle to juggle the many different facets of his life is a core part of his character, in my opinion: can he really continue to protect the city as Spider-Man without neglecting his personal life? Can he hold down a decent job, pay off his mortgage, and afford to send his kid to school someday? His every day struggles are deeply relatable to me, and those are the aspects I find most compelling and plan to integrate into his story.

Of course, the hard part isn't just getting by: its doing all that while villains in colorful costumes attempt to tear New York City apart, and Spider-Man's the only one that can stop them. All of his classic villains are in play: Doc Ock, the Lizard, Electro, Sandman. Norman Osborn is in a life-threatening coma after his last fateful battle with his web-slinging nemesis, but his son, Harry, is still out for revenge. There's a dimension-hopping, feral Venom looking to slaughter Peter's new teenage daughter.

Peter's been Spider-Man for a decade now. He's been in more superhero team-ups than there are hours in the week. I'm hoping to leave a lot of room for other spider-adjacent characters like Miles Morales or Silk to be picked up by interested parties.
Please include a short writing sample that demonstrates how you plan to write the character. This does not have to be used as a post later, but you are welcome to do so if your really vibing with it. As long as it shows your writing style and how you envision your character's voice and actions in the roleplay, or your wider plot, have at it!

1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Supermaxx
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Supermaxx dumbass

Member Seen 21 days ago


Queens New York City

The L train screamed through Broadway Junction station like a bat out of hell, smashing apart a hastily erected barricade in the middle of the track. NYPD officers and MTA workers scattered as debris flew through the air in every direction. At the front of the train, a man in a yellow-quilted costume stood in the cabin, his vibro-shock gauntlets embedded in the controls. "What do you think, boys? Can we make this thing go any faster?!" He cackled, sending another wave of electricity flowing through the system.

A gang of turtleneck-wearing, assault rifle wielding professionals made their way up and down the train's cars, stripping the trapped passengers of all their belongings. After being sufficiently departed from their valuables, the passengers were herded into the central cars and zip-tipped together.

"ACC-EL-AR-ATE! Hahaha!" Shocker shouted over the radio.

One of the hired guns looked to his partner and smacked a palm against his forehead. "This idiot's going to get us all killed."

"Y'know, I was thinking the same thing." Spider-Man agreed, wrapping an arm around the gun-totting thief's shoulder. "You guys deserve better. You think Kingpin's hiring these days?"

The gunman shouted a confused splurge of curses, each gaining an octave as he realized just how screwed he really was. Before he could shift his rifle around or take a step away, he found his feet leaving the ground and the ceiling quickly approaching. He screamed, and his face smashed directly into the roof just as a white, sticky substance slapped against the back of his head, pinning him in place.

The second thief whirled, firing a spray of bullets right where he'd seen Spider-Man just a moment ago. Instead of tearing holes into his blue-and-red spandex-ed ass, they instead poked holes into the windows and seats of the train car. "Where'd he-"

"Over here, champ." Spider-Man tapped the guy's left shoulder so he'd twist toward it, only to slam a fist into his right cheek. He was sent careening head over heels to the floor, where another spurt of webbing stuck him firmly to the floor. The thief groaned.

"Hm, sounds like that hurt. Make sure you apply for worker's comp. And put some ice on that!" Peter wagged a parting finger down at the goon before turning and jogging down the car.

There were a lot of people tied up in this car. Peter felt a twist of anxiety in his gut as he realized how stupid it'd been to stunt on those guys with so many innocent people packed in like sardines here. It was pure luck no one had been hurt. Stupid; the kind of mistake he would've made when he was a rookie, but he should know better by now.

"Everyone okay?" He asked, slipping through the train car and freeing each and every one of them. People grabbed at his arm for his attention, looking for comfort in frightening times. Peter felt woefully under-qualified to offer it. All he could do is offer confident words and held hands. They were fathers, mothers, someone's kids. They all reminded him of people he'd failed to protect before.

Parker stood. "Alright, everybody. Stay here. Find something to hold onto." He turned, and started toward the next car. "I've got a train to catch."

Clearing the next car took no time at all. Peter had his game face on, and a handful of frightened train robbers fell quickly. They could barely see the blur of multi-colored, arachnid-themed pajamas as he web-zipped from one side of the car to the other. He needed to be quick about this, but the real struggle was never going too fast. Too much momentum, or one reckless punch and one of these jerks might be headed for the morgue instead of a hospital.

A faint buzz in the back of Peter's mind told him to duck, and he obliged. Just as he did it started raining bullets as machine gun rounds tore down through the ceiling and peppered the interior below. With a flick of his wrist, he attached a web to the wall and flung himself through a window and flipped up to the top of the train. A blur of buildings and treetops flew past as he confronted the gunman: a burly man the size of a hotdog cart, a massive, belt-fed fire arm in his meat paws.

"Hey, jerkface!" Peter rushed him, ducking underneath another spray of bullets and sliding between the gunman's legs just to pop up behind him. With a quick pat to the back Peter attached a drone to his shirt, grabbed him and tossed him into the air.

A parachute burst out of the back of the drone, catching the train's slipstream and launching its passenger into the great beyond.

"That's what you get for not paying the fare!" He shouted after the rapidly ascending balloon-man.

With the last of Shocker's henchpeople dealt with, all he had left to do was take down the head honcho himself.

New York's tackiest-dressed supervillain had no idea what was coming for him. He was all too absorbed in the thrill of pushing the train to its absolute maximum speed, blowing through every station and grinding down the railway in the process. At this speed, the chances of derailing at every sharp turn were high. Too high. The NYPD had helicopters pursuing it, but even they were having trouble keeping up at this point.

Shocker didn't see much more than a flash of red booties before the front window shattered inward and double kick sent him careening out of the driver's seat. Tumbling head over heels, he tore chunks of steel out of the flooring with his gauntlets as he flailed wildly about in surprise.

"A train robbery, Herman? Really? Were you stuck watching nothing but Gunsmoke re-runs in prison?" Spider-Man crouched atop the busted control console, every muscle in his body tensed like a spring even as he ran his mouth.

"What else we s'posed to hit in this town anymore?" Shocker grumbled, stumbling back to his feet. "Half the banks are owned by Maggia n' the other half's Kingpin's turf! Even I ain't crazy enough to mess with 'em. Guys like us can't make a living these days."

"Have you considered opening a quilting boutique? I know a few grandmas who'd go buck-wild for that costume."

"Screw you. Imma finally squash you like the bug you are!" Shocker growled, and charged.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Supermaxx
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Supermaxx dumbass

Member Seen 21 days ago

T H E S P E C T A C U L A R . . .S P I D E R - M A N

Peter Benjamin Parker Photojournalist Queens Independent

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"How witty are we talking?"

With great power comes great responsibility. These were the last words of advise Uncle Ben gave before his death at the hands of a common mugger. Peter Parker took those fateful words to heart, dedicating the rest of his life to protecting the people of New York City. Wielding mutated powers gifted to him by a genetically-altered spider, Peter Parker is your friendly neighborhood SPIDER-MAN.

His vigil has stood unbroken for over a decade. He's done battle with dozens of costumed villains, murderous vigilantes, corrupt businessmen and petty tyrants.

His first love, Gwen Stacey, died in his arms at the hands of the Green Goblin. When Peter discovered the Goblin was actually his mentor and his best friend's father, Norman Osborn, Peter confronted him. Their climactic battle ended with Norman suffering mortal wounds. Harry Osborn preserved his father's life with experimental cryogenic tech, and vowed terrible vengeance against the violent vigilante, Spider-Man.

Peter married Mary-Jane Watson, acclaimed actress and close friend. The two had a daughter together, Anna-May Parker, and moved into Forest Hills, Queens. Peter finally received the recognition he deserved from J.J. Jameson and earned himself a permanent position at the Daily Bugle as a crime reporter and photojournalist.

Anna-May is sixteen years old now, and Peter's worried she may be developing superpowers of her own. Raising a teenager is hard enough on its own without superpowers involved. He wants nothing more than to let her live the normal life that he never did.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

I've been greatly enjoying the Ultimate Spider-Man run and started re-reading Renew Your Vows, and felt inspired to write a Spider-Man that's grown up. He's a family man now, with even more personal responsibilities than ever before. Peter Parker's struggle to juggle the many different facets of his life is a core part of his character, in my opinion: can he really continue to protect the city as Spider-Man without neglecting his personal life? Can he hold down a decent job, pay off his mortgage, and afford to send his kid to school someday? His every day struggles are deeply relatable to me, and those are the aspects I find most compelling and plan to integrate into his story.

Of course, the hard part isn't just getting by: its doing all that while villains in colorful costumes and gangsters in pin-stripped suits attempt to tear New York City apart, and Spider-Man's the only one that can stop them. At this point in his life, he's battled all of his classic villains: from Doc Ock, the Lizard, and Sandman to his arch-nemeses, Venom and the Green Goblin. Norman Osborn is trapped in a life-threatening coma after his last bout with the webhead, yet his son, Harry, has donned the goblin's mask in search of retribution.

Peter's been Spider-Man for over a decade and a half now. He's been in more superhero team-ups than there are hours in the week. I'm hoping to leave a lot of room for other spider-adjacent characters like Miles Morales, Silk or even a heroic Venom to be picked up by interested parties.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Mary Jane Watson-Parker: MJ is a lifelong friend of Peter Parker and, as of five years ago, his wife. She's an award-winning actress, best known for her role in the action-comedy trilogy Jackpot by Cage McKnight, and a former fashion model. Since the birth of her daughter, Annie, she's moved back to NYC to focus on her family. She regularly acts in and directs smaller, indie projects with local Hollywood hopefuls. During emergencies, she dons the Regent-powered Spinneret suit, which allows her to borrow Peter's powers for a short time.

Anna-May Parker: Daughter of Peter and MJ, Anna is sixteen years old. She's inherited the fierce intellect and endless curiosity of her parents. Ever since she learned her father was Spider-Man she's dreamed of having powers of her own and fighting crime alongside him, despite his insistence against it. More than once Peter has found Annie tinkering with his web-shooters and spider-bots when she should've been sleeping.

Harry Osborn: Harry Osborn was once a brother to Peter Parker. The two grew up together, thick as thieves all the way from childhood to the end of high school. One would've thought them inseparable before the death of Gwen Stacy at hands of the Green Goblin. An enraged Spider-Man sought out the Goblin in his home- Norman Osborn's home- where he had neither his glider nor his pumpkin bombs to aid him. Peter would've killed Norman if not for Harry's intervention. Angry, confused and betrayed, Harry did all he could to save his father, freezing him in a cryogenic tank in the hopes of finding some means to save him. Grieved by what's become of his father, Harry took a sample of the 'Goblin Formula' that Norman once consumed: trading his already strained sanity in for the power he needed to reap retribution from Peter Parker.

S A M P L E P O S T:

Provide a short sample– 3 to 5 paragraphs or so– to showcase your writing abilities and your portrayal of this character.
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