Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Set 3647 years before Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
The galaxy lies in the midst of a cold war. Sith and Jedi are aplenty, numbering in the thousands each. The galaxy has been divided and controlled by the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. The Jedi Temple on Coruscant is now rubble, the Order having relocated to their mysterious homeworld of Tython where a new Temple has been built. The Sith Empire continue to consolidate their new territories, while constantly building up their military forces and training new Sith warriors. In the now reduced Republic terrorities, the Galactic Republic recovers from their defeat, corruption is abound, refugees rampant all while the military is built back up in preparation for another imminent war with the Sith. The Hutt Cartel continue their usual business, continuing to make credits and employ rogues from every background. The proud Mandalorian clans dream of past days of greatness, split on which side to work with between the Empire and Republic. Everyone in between simply tries to live their lives and survive in the harsh, unpredictable galaxy.
The Star Wars persistent world involves multiple parallel plot lines going at once, in the form of several different IC threads. Players are encouraged to push for their own unique character driven plots, interact with others, form friendships, make enemies and create their own stories in the universe. As the entangled plot pushes forward and develops the players will have to adapt. Another great war between the Sith and Republic/Jedi may be on the horizon, for example... Whatever occupation you choose in the PW is virtually unlimited. Players can be anything from a Jedi, Sith, soldier, mercenary, pirate, bounty hunter, senator, Hutt and beyond. Players may create their own GM approved factions. Of course there are limitations in the name of power, players are pushed to develop their characters, improve and gain power. Such limited roles include Sith Lords and Jedi Masters. For these you may not initially apply as one, you must grow into it. In depth knowledge of Star Wars is not required, multiple guides have been laid out to assist players, the GMs’ inboxes are always open for questions. Multiple character sheets have been created which are faction tailored. Practically any and every character type is allowed!
At this moment we are in particular looking for Jedi knights and Jedi masters

The game staff is as follows: @Ruby @Ellri @Heat @Sini @Ezekiel @Sundered Echo @Jackdaw @Almalthia @Fallenreaper @Bea

Useful links:
Link to the Discord channel
The PW forums (guides and CSes within)
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DeadDrop
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DeadDrop Good Faith Player

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Discord is expired 😔
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Discord is expired 😔

Thanks! It's working now.
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