Jedi Temple Public Records
Name:Bryn Dok
Species: Human
Age: 22
Gender: male
Rank: Padawan
Master: Master Gaul Toben DECEASED; Cora Alcyon CURRENT
Jedi Temple Internal Records
Detailed appearance. Imagery insufficient.

Bryn is a wiry human male of 5 feet 9 inches height. His deep rich chocolate with flecks of amber eyes project a haunted hunted look. His dark hair is normally pulled back in a low ponytail that ends just below his shoulders. His Jedi robes long gone rather he sticks to neutral colors. His olive complexion is unscarred which is a feat being in the service of a Hutt.
Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill levels. (Please note all skills are the result of 2 years intense training with a Master Jedi and 10 years independent study)
• Mind Trick : Talent Intermediate
• Force Illusion : Talent Intermediate
• Telekinesis : Talent Intermediate
• Telepathic Defense : Trained Basic
• Telekinetic Defense : Trained Basic
• Force Sense : Trained Basic
• Tutaminus : Trained Basic
• Force Stasis : Trained Basic
• Force Throw : Trained Basic
• Mind Trick : Talent Intermediate
• Force Illusion : Talent Intermediate
• Telekinesis : Talent Intermediate
• Telepathic Defense : Trained Basic
• Telekinetic Defense : Trained Basic
• Force Sense : Trained Basic
• Tutaminus : Trained Basic
• Force Stasis : Trained Basic
• Force Throw : Trained Basic
Report on known skills and combat experience, training and lightsaber training.
• Survival Skills (Jedi Training) : Trained Basic
• Basic Medical Skills: Trained Basic
• Shii-Cho (Form I) : Trained Basic
• Niman (Form VI) : Trained Intermediate
• Basic Piloting (Speeders/Starships) : Trained Novice
• Basic Navigation : Trained Basic
• Jedi Code
• History of Republic : Trained Novice
• Meditation : Trained Basic
• Control : Trained Intermediate
• Alter : Trained Intermediate
• Sense : Trained Basic
• Negotiation : Trained Novice
• Deception : Trained Basic
• Tactics : Trained Basic
• Survival Skills (Jedi Training) : Trained Basic
• Basic Medical Skills: Trained Basic
• Shii-Cho (Form I) : Trained Basic
• Niman (Form VI) : Trained Intermediate
• Basic Piloting (Speeders/Starships) : Trained Novice
• Basic Navigation : Trained Basic
• Jedi Code
• History of Republic : Trained Novice
• Meditation : Trained Basic
• Control : Trained Intermediate
• Alter : Trained Intermediate
• Sense : Trained Basic
• Negotiation : Trained Novice
• Deception : Trained Basic
• Tactics : Trained Basic
Names and pertinent details for all political and social associates. Including allies, enemies, rivals, underlings, apprentices and more.
Whooda Fuuk – Mid-level Hutt crime boss who purchased Bryn as a slave and used him to gain power. Billed Bryn as his pet Jedi.
Wentok – Gank agent working for Whooda. Bryn’s keeper and holder of the shock remote to Bryn’s suit.
Loyal to Whooda to a fault he loses a lot when Bryn gets away which is something he takes very personally.
The old man (slaver) – Force sensitive human. No one knows his real name. He captured Bryn for Whooda. Believed to be deceased.
Cora Alcyon – Almalthia’s character
Personality analysis of candidate.
Your results
Openness to experience 50 out of 100
Agreeableness 42 out of 100
Conscientiousness 63 out of 100
Negative emotionality 63 out of 100
Extraversion 46 out of 100
50 out of 100
Moderate openness to experience: Openness is all about intellectual engagement and exploration. People on the high end are curious, experimental and probably artsy-fartsy. People on the low end lean toward rigidity.
42 out of 100
Moderate agreeableness: Even though all the Big Five traits operate on a spectrum — with the people in the middle tending to experience a little of what both poles feel to the extreme — the population of people who count as “moderately agreeable” is particularly large. (It’s just that some of you may have a little less tendency toward empathy, compassion and trust of your fellow human beings than others.) You’re no goody-goody, but you’re also not what the professionals might refer to as “a selfish jerk.”
63 out of 100
Moderate conscientiousness: The highly conscientious are detail-oriented goal-setters who dot their i’s, cross their t’s and keep detailed spreadsheets of all the times they did that. They tend to do well at work, be productive at home and lean toward being religious. People with low conscientiousness, on the other hand, are slovenly types who smoke and drink and tend to not finish the chores they said they’d get done. There are benefits and drawbacks to people on both ends of the spectrum, but if we had to choose a roommate, we’d pick you — someone in the middle.
63 out of 100
Moderate negative emotionality: You don’t exactly have a propensity toward sadness, anger and anxiety. But you also aren’t exactly lacking those tendencies, either. All the Big Five traits operate on a spectrum — the people in the middle tend to experience a little of what both poles feel to the extreme. And that means you’re also likely getting a taste of the outcomes correlated with both those poles, too. People who score high on negative emotionality have rocky relationships — maybe you’ve had one relationship that brought that side out more than others. The low negative emotionality folks will cheerfully work the same job for decades with no burnout — maybe you take a little longer to reach burnout stage (even if you eventually do).
46 out of 100
Moderate extroversion: In the Big Five, being an extrovert is all about engagement with the world. That includes your interest in socializing, of course, but it’s also tied to your energy levels and ability to feel excited about other people and society at large. Because people who score in the middle of a trait tend to experience a little of what those on either pole feel, you’re likely getting a taste of the benefits afforded to the higher extroverts — popularity, a general sense of well-being — while also experiencing some of the drawbacks of relative introversion.
List and description of known and suspected flaws, obligations, vices and weaknesses.
- The Mask - Bryn unlike most Jedi has the capacity for a depth of emotion that is rarely seen in humans. His feelings of abandonment feed into him not believing he can ever be a knight. These feelings only magnify his faults in his eyes. He comes off as aloof and uncaring when that is far from what he really feels.
- Knives Edge - He constantly questions his motives and truly fears ever turning to the darkside. These questions haunt him with each action that he takes.
- Collared – Bryn is at present a pawn in a Hutt’s bid for power, a slave to the whims of the Underworld. Even Bryn doesn’t know how deep this flaw truly goes.
- Delusional - Bryn believes he has held himself up to Jedi standards. This is far from the truth. He believes he has some control over his situation. Also far from the truth. (the mission story presented below are how he has viewed his situation the truth of it shall be revealed in story.
Owned equipment of note.
LightSaber Blue 12 inches length soft grip
Personal biography, as detailed by the candidate for use in Jedi archives. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.
Bryn Dok Padawan
Academy Records (Coruscant):
Birth Aldraig BBY 3668
Sent to Academy Coruscant BBY 3665 Age 3
Jedi Initiate Age 8 BBY 3660
BBY 3658 Padawan to Master Gaul Toben Age 10 (Master Toben took him in despite incomplete training as it was discovered Bryn had a strong talent for Force Illusion an advanced form of Mind Trick. Instead of finishing his initiate training Master Toben chose to guide Bryn’s Training focusing primarily on Mind trick, Force Illusion, Telekinesis, and Stasis as they fit the missions Master Toben was training him for; which would generally be recovery of Jedi Agents from behind Sith lines. Also to this he trained him in Niman Saber Form as a way of defending himself.)
BBY 3656 Master Gaul is called back out to the field and takes Bryn with him. All contact lost Master Toben and Padawan Bryn Dok believed felled on Rishi…..No Further Entries of Note.
BBY 3656 “The Mission”
Master Gaul Toben, Master Jedi, was putting me through my paces with a Saber.
“Alright so you won’t cut your leg off although your defense could use some work.” he smiled then; I hated that it always meant he was going to try something new but that, in his mind, was all too necessary for my survival. “Now keep in mind your surroundings and use them to your advantage. Find anything or anyway to stop me.”
With that he lifted his Saber in his left hand and came at me from across the training room floor.
Keep in mind your surroundings, I thought , There is nothing here. Masters right ankle gave a slight twist out as his left elbow crossed his shoulder. He was going for a right side upwards slash. I brought my Saber down to parry as I stepped in bracing to throw my shoulder into his chest and roll off his left side; as my feet flew out from under me and I hit the ground hard.
“You let yourself get distracted and neglected to use ALL the weapons at your disposal.”
Before I could answer Sgt. Mehan came running in “Sorry to interrupt Sir, we have an agent calling for immediate extraction; no details except it’s on Rishi. We’ve been assigned, hopefully we will get more intel enroot.”
“Grab your gear and meet me at the ship.” with that Master Toben stormed out of the room. He was never one to waste time when we could easily discuss the lesson in flight. I picked myself up and scurried to where my gear was already packed. Master also wasn’t one to wait.
I got to the ship a few minutes before Master Toben; which was unusual but I knew better than to ask about that; so instead I asked “What was the purpose of today's lesson Master?”
“You aren’t fighting to your full potential. You need to think quickly and use the force as well. You will not know everything your opponent is going to do but even an initiate can trip you up if you are only concentrating on the blade. Do you feel ready? I know you are at least competent with the Saber and Forms but if you rely solely on that you won’t survive and I mean to teach you how to do just that.”
“But you only told me to mind my surroundings of which there were none. How was that a fair lesson?”
“That…..was the other half of the lesson. Now I have a lot to think about and so do you, we will talk more later.” With that the ship took off.
We didn’t talk much the rest of the jump. Master seemed preoccupied and distant…. worryingly so. I didn’t know what was bothering him and it didn’t feel right to ask.
We came out of Hyperspace and pushed the sublight engines hard to be in the atmosphere as quickly as possible. The retrieval beacon was already active and the signal strong but it was in a city with no close point to land. Everyone was geared up and double checking each other. Heavy clothes worn over armor just in case. Master Toben wanted to be in and out as fast as possible. He almost seemed nervous if you knew what to look for.
It was dark when we landed just outside the city. Master Toben looked at me “Do you think you can mask the ship?”
“I might but for how long, besides I am pretty sure you want me on my toes.”
“Not much we can do then, let us hope they didn’t see us land.” For a second he wanted to say something else then changed his mind and went on to say. “Well try to help us blend in, then it’s a bit of a walk, I don’t want trouble if it can be avoided.”
As we walked into the city I quickly took in any holo’s or locals I could see,;then,drawing on the force our outward images altered ever so slightly a little at a time, hoping nobody would look too closely. Everything seemed to be going well, a couple glances here and there but no one lingered on us. No one gave any sign that we did not belong there.
We were about 3 blocks in when I felt something cold. Master Toben stopped in the middle of the street just as there was an explosion from behind us that could only have been our ship.
He looked at me calmly and said “Run...this is not your time.”
Three glowing red rods of light pierced the night coming out of the alleyways in front of us. That was all I saw before I ran instinctively hiding my presence with the force. Suddenly, Lights and sounds sprang up around me as the all but empty streets come to life with what looked like soldiers or mercenaries at the least. I need to get off the streets before someone spots me. The port will be closed and it’s all but useless to try the ship we came in on. This was a trap; odds are the agent was dead before the signal for retrieval was activated.
I stopped running and stood there I don’t know for how long. Someone was talking to me I think.
“You ok kid?” it was an old human “You’re flickering. Ya got one of them fancy holosuits? Well never mind that let’s get you inside might even have some food or something.”
I was being guided somewhere; not really sure where. Everything was a blur and my ears seemed to be ringing. I felt metal under my feet then heard the hiss of pressure being released as a door closed behind me.
“Sit here kid should be coming back to you soon..”
Wait, I didn’t stop….he shot me. The chair he sat me in produced restraints and injected something into my arm. Not long after I was unconscious.
When I came too I was still in the chair, my neck was sore, and my legs were stiff; which was in contrast to how tired I felt. I tried to get my bearings, my head felt heavy and my vision was still blurry but I could still make out my saber on the table in front of me.
Is this a test, I thought, if so it's not a very good one. I could get out of this blind folded. The room spun as if to challenge my thoughts nevertheless I called my saber to me but before it had gotten halfway to me pain wracked my body every muscle seized then, as soon as it began, it was over my saber skittering along the floor and out of my sight. Something moved across the room. I could barely make out the blurry outline of someone standing their arm seemed to be holding something.
“Oh yes, you’ll fetch a good price.” it said then the pain came seemingly unceasing. Screams escaped me, breathing became hard, and it was apparent the force couldn’t help me here. I didn’t have the strength of mind to summon the force. This man meant to sell me as a slave; perhaps if i play along, a little more each day, i might find a way out of this mess. The pain was no longer bearable as I surrendered consciousness.
I couldn’t tell you how long this went on or how many times I woke to see my Saber on the table in front of me. I can tell you it hurt. I refused to embrace the pain that would have taken me on a path I could not tolerate. However, I was not so strong as to not give in that I only draw the saber at the whim of whoever holds my “control” device. I was weak and eager to stop that pain and no one had come for me, perhaps they thought me dead, or maybe they knew I would never be strong enough to become a Jedi. None of that seemed to matter now I began to believe I would never get the chance to escape. Then we got to Narr Shaddaa.
The old man had dressed me in some kind modified envirosuit. Then he had to test it. I had hoped I would never feel as much pain as the collar, but this was worse. He seemed to be satisfied with my writhing on the floor and accompanying screams. Then he simply said, “Ok kid this is where we part ways. Let’s go meet your new owner.” With that he directed me through several streets until we came on what appeared from the outside to be a hotel. We took the lift up and as the doors opened it looked like a throne room with a Hutt laying across the dias.
“Whooda Fuuk, Great and Mighty Hutt I bring you my quarry in hopes of reward.” the old man exclaimed with only the slightest tinge of ceremony on his voice.
“You bring me a tamed force wielder?” Whooda questioned his eyes looking me over in disbelief.
“He wears a pain harness and is trainable to your needs. Even if he doesn’t want to do your bidding he will to avoid the pain.”
“Why would he not want to do my bidding?” Whooda demanded anger and conceit evident in his voice.
The old man smiled lifting the remote device so I could see it. “Draw and light your saber but that is all, understand?”
I drew my saber without question but I must have hesitated, too long, as my body and saber went to the floor; the pain so sharp I almost didn’t hear him yell. “I SAID LIGHT IT BOY, NOW PICK IT UP AND LIGHT IT.”
I crawled quickly to the saber and holding it up let shine the bright blue light refusing to move another muscle until told too. My only thought being I have been abandoned.
Whooda Fuuk laughed “ A Jedi….no a padawan. Cut his braid and my enemies will know I am to be feared. Pay him and claim my prize. Wentok you shall keep him to serve my needs.”
With this I was his...his property. The Gank the stepped forward with the crate must have been Wentok. He took the remote and activating the pain harness for what seemed like an eternity he said “You are the property of the Great Hutt Whooda Fuuk. You will do as he says and I will hold your leash. Now sheath your saber and come with me.” He cut off my braid. There is no going back now.
3654 Another Trap
There were several missions after that I don’t even know how many. Luckily they had know idea what my true talents were and I was seldom in Fuuks presence. I twisted perception whenever I could; always seeming to follow instructions. Most of the missions simply involved my presence.
Although some had more sinister intent. That was where I controlled the narrative hiding people behind Illusion pushing and pulling with the force to give substance to what my captors saw. So many variables. So many ways things could go wrong. I came to believe that was why I was here to protect others from the Hutt that thought he was my master. Then hope came in the form of one of Master Tobens old friends.
Wentok came to collect me. “Ok time to prove your worth seems someone has been asking about you and so now Fuuk doesn’t like these questions. So we eliminate the questioner. Come along”
I gathered my things. This can’t be far I’ve managed to hide my actions….Who could possibly be asking about me.
A smuggler port on Nar Kagaa was where the trail would end. Crumbs were laid out so that anyone looking hard enough would believe this was where I was being kept. In truth, I didn’t even know except it was somewhere different all the time. The port was lined with crates with several ways in and out. Wentok brought 20 men with him as if he thought I wouldn’t be enough this time. Who had him that nervous?
The cold swamp air was heavy with fog held back by fires encircling the port. Few people would be able to approach without giving something away. I stood in the center with Wentok and his men hiding throughout the port. I still had no idea who was coming but I plotted the scene in my head, preparing for the worst. Time seemed to drag on. I reached out sensing with the force but felt only the faintest presence though seemed to be too close to not having already been here. So they have backup as well. Something seems familiar but I can’t quite put my finger on it.
A single shape walked out from between the crates. I heard Wentok through the comms say “Let them get closer.” as the short figure approached. My mind reached out sensing for the force yet detecting nothing. She, obviously a woman, was dressed in Jedi battle gear and carried a confidence that showed she was not to be trifled with. Something at the edge of my mind recognized her; though I could not say where or when.
“Let me go with the boy and no harm will come to you.” She called out. She knows it is a trap and she came anyway. That voice could it be? “Bryn, you are safe now come with me.” she said with the air of a master talking to their padawan. Pyter’s master Cora; it has to be her but why can’t I sense her. I heard movement as people came out of hiding. I had to act quickly.
The air seemed to erupt in flames smoke filling the air. Cora seemed to walk outside of herself in her next step. The Cora remaining igniting her saber and dancing away from shots. I copied myself as well and met with the real Cora where the fighting seemed lightest. Pushing and nudging with the force anything that the illusion interacted with. Cora seemed to help as she realised what I was doing.
“You need to go now.” I told her “this is a trap….you will find me again.”
“There is only one here that worries me.” She responded “Now let’s go.”
“All of you left me until it was convenient. Well it’s not convenient for me right now other people need me to keep them hidden. Look to Nar Shaddaa.” I practically screamed it almost dropping the illusion before regaining my concentration.
Then the one I sensed earlier made his move. A blast centered right between us as if a warning. The old man seemed to appear from nowhere.
“That’s enough Padawan we are leaving now.” as she reached for my arm.
“You are his target, it’s not my time let me help who I can.” I said backing away.
I noticed the illusion of her was surrounded on the platform. “I’ll give you a good moment in their eyes.” I said as I made the illusion plunge her saber down into the platform and in one single swooping spiral cut the ground beneath her pulling crates down over the hole with the force. Luckily, She assisted with actually pulling crates.
The old man seemed to be waiting though. Pain racked my body as I struggled to maintain the illusion. Cora seeing this had no choice but to take her fight with the old man elsewhere or risk exposing my illusion. Find me again and make it quick I thought. The pain soon ceased as the old man followed after Cora and left range.
Wentok came over the comms. “Let the old man track her and let’s brush off.”
I couldn’t sense anyone as I boarded the ship. Hurry I don’t know how long I can keep this up.
After that there were more missions. At first, I did them with renewed vigor and the strength of hope but as years passed and there was no more word of anyone looking for me I resigned myself to my fate.
That is until…..
If this character is approved this is to be concluded in the collab: The Lost Jedi.