Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

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After dedicating years of his life to fighting Heartless and preserving the Realm of Light, Key-Master Sora passed away at a ripe old age. His legacy, however, lived on. The WDS (World Defense System) was greatly expanded and improved until it was capable of eliminating all Heartless activity on a single world. Over time, this system was spread to other worlds, and eventually Heartless became a thing of the past. It seemed the only place Heartless could now thrive was in the depths of space, in the areas outside of the opened Star Paths. Their increased presence in these locations caused them to develop strong concentration of dark energies, too dangerous to fly through, and so Gummi Ship travel became restricted to only following the paths that Sora had opened during his second journey. Like Sora, Riku also dedicated his life to the cause of light, and after Sora's death he founded a Brotherhood of Knights that would come to be known as the Judges. The Judges tasked themselves with maintaining the peace and eliminating any force that would threaten the return of the Heartless.

It's now been a thousand years since those times. Peace has reigned throughout that time, and most of the worlds are prospering. One of those worlds is Lunaris, a world named for it's intriguing resemblance to a moon. Lunaris is a thriving space port, finding itself in the center of a profitable trading route between various worlds. It's home to many merchants - some that travel, others that don't - and has become a popular place for would-be adventurers and explorers to get their start. One unlikely group of strangers, each in Lunaris for one reason or another, face an impending challenge... whether they know it or not. What had begun as a simple purpose for being in Lunaris will take a turn... for the worse.

Dawn came as the port was slowly brightened by the rising sun. With the expanse of the morning light, the port itself seemed to slowly come to life. Merchants emerged to open their shops, sailors emerged from their rooms at the inns and, as they did so, the sound of morning shanties could be heard about the port, the workers using the age-old songs to pass the time as they did their morning duties. Elsewhere, where the Gummi Ships made port, the sound of their engines could be heard humming to life as some departed, while others still arrived in their place. It was every bit a normal morning for this bustling port of a world. And a certain teenager named Jared was no exception.

The only thing setting the young man apart from the rest of his home world was that he began his morning routine an hour before the sun had risen. He did so because there was particular spot he enjoyed visiting on a daily basis. It wasn't glamorous by any means, as the spot consisted of a half-sunken sailing ship with the nose of her bow pointed at a near vertical angle. It was here that Jared visited every morning, using his vocational skills to climb aboard and scale the point to a spot near the very top. He also made a point to reach this spot at exactly sunrise. For the tip of this once grand vessel pointed directly to the east, where the sun rose every morning. And every morning Jared loved to watch the sunlight creep across the port, bringing the place to life for it's daily routines. Plus the view gave him just enough vantage to watch a few of the Gummi Ships in the distant space port district, where he was rarely - if ever - allowed to roam. And every morning he would spot a Gummi Ship rocketing toward the sky or another coming in for a landing, and he would point to it, as he did so even now, and promise himself that that ship would one day be his. This morning ritual ended when the sun was fully in the sky, and Jared would have to venture off for his daily prospecting. Of course, he got down from this high point in the only sensible way, by leaping as far as his legs would push him and diving into the seawater below, where Dion's boat awaited him, with his rusty old harpoon resting in it as well.

When he came up, Jared glimpsed what he thought was a vague figure in the spot he had dived from, but it was gone after he rubbed the water from his eyes. A figment of his imagination, surely, and he went about his daily work as usual. Unknown to him though, was that others would "imagine" a similar figure at about the same time.
In the ports, where new arrivals always traversed when entering Lunaris, there were many merchants attempting to sell their wares to any passerby who might be interested. But elsewhere in the ports, one of the docking bays was closed off, reserved for an important ship, no doubt. And important it was, for just a week ago, the port had received notice that a few of the well-known Judges would be visiting for an inspection, a standard procedure on all the worlds with Gummi Ship access. It certainly made the workers and natives of Lunaris nervous, as the Judges themselves were very mysterious figures, always clad in white robes and intimidating in their strict, no-nonsense ways. But this was just another day, like any other.

...Or so it seemed, anyway.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Forcedsmile


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Promise Enrique

Promise was already dressed in his work trousers, he would put one hand in one of his many pockets while staring at the sky from his window, seemed the sun wasn't ready to rise as it still hid under the clouds or was it just having lazy day? Either way it wouldn't matter to Promise, he had worked in cold before and wasn't going to miss day at work or depend on the sun waking him up or give him heat. He turned around to face a finished boiled kettle, the steam spouting from it ferociously, the young boy would dunk a teabag into his cup and pour the hot water from the kettle into it, the tea spoon already in it for mixing and pounding the bag. He set it down on the table next to his honeyed toast.

Slowly the boy took a bite out of his toast, the sweetness making a slight curve to his mouth, then sipping his cup of tea so quiet it was unheard. Some people his age wouldn't be up as early as he would, but Promise was the sort of person to be grateful for what he gets, and put one hundred and fifty percent into paying the luck off he received. Deep down he was nervous, he had not been working long, the thoughts of future also gave him fright as he thought about working on a Gumi ship alone, without anyone to help him. He would shut his eyes and sigh, as he embraced what he thought was his destiny, to be a mechanic, to work on to improve and repair Gumi ships as it was profitable trade, however a challenging one. However slight doubt sloshed in stomach... "Does it really have to be like this?" He thought, while gazing into the tea.

Finishing his breakfast, and getting on the rest of his attire, he made checks. His bag was zipped and had everything he required, his goggles were on his forehead as usual, and his woolly hat was worn to cover his head, his curled red hair sticking out from the back and sides. He took one look in the mirror. "I am sharp and I am ready," he told himself. A few more minutes telling himself the same thing, another reflection would be standing behind him from a distance. Promise caught onto it, but it vanished leaving nothing behind. He would ignore his own question in his head, maybe he had not enough sleep, maybe he was still daydreaming, who knew? As he set out in the darkness, the sun would come out from hiding and begin to glow over Lunaris..
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

One of those many ships entering Lunaris had come from a far away world known as Ithelia. While Heartless didn't plague this distant world there were many more monsters in the universe than just the Heartless, humans being capable of being the greatest monsters of them all. Elim found this out the hard way and was on a mission. She had managed to have been lucky when a man researching the more distant worlds happened to come to Ithelia. Some of the people of that world knew of other worlds while others thought it was a myth. Well Elim knew it wasn't as those she was after escaped to one of those different worlds.

"Thank you so much sir". A boy, or at least that's how most would perceive her from her appearance, stepped off the Gummi Ship. Never in her life she had seen anything like it, so it was quite awe inspiring to think such incredible magic existed. The place she landed in seemed strange. No city made of metal and wood like this existed in Ithelia. They were all either constructed from just wood, stone, or a combination of both. This definitely made her feel out of place, especially with how many other Gummi Ships were arriving into port and leaving. There was more than one of those things? Incredible.

Elim wasn't hear to sight see though. Revenge. That was what she was here for. Once she had it she would return to her world. She had no desire to be here in this strange, foreign place for much longer. So with that she set out from the port after getting a few directions from the man who brought her here about where various things were. The market seemed like a good place to start searching for information on the Crimson Skull Bandits. After all, what better place to search for them then where money and goods were gathered.

As the young boy made her way to the market though something in a back alleyway caught her eye. Perhaps it was just the light of the sunrise hitting her eye at the right moment and making her see things, or it could have been a member of the group she was looking for. In an instant she had drew her sword and charged right into that small back alleyway that was cluttered with garbage, slashing at something. Her blade did indeed get something, just a bag of garbage someone thoughtlessly threw away into this alleyway that missed the trash can it was meant for. Cans made out of metal and trash kept in sacks made of strange fabric? This world really was strange indeed. Perhaps instead of just heading back to Ithelia after she killed those bandits she would first bring back some of the wonders she saw here with her. Who knows what other interesting things she would find here.

With a sigh escaping from his lips though after what he thought was a foe was vanquished Elim sheathed her sword and continued walking towards the market, hoping that her information gathering would go better than that "fight" did.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

Simo cheerfully skipped out of the ship that had brought him to Lunaris. Here was an entirely new world (to him) to explore. Simo wasn't used to being surrounded by so many people, however if there was one thing he learned while growing up in a jungle, it was how to adapt...and hunt...and how to use a sniper rifle...and-Okay! So he learned a lot of things in the jungle, that's not the point. What is the point is that he didn't let his new surroundings get to him. 'It's a whole new world' he told himself. That was enough to calm him down.

Simo found it odd that so many people seemed to fear the unknown. Why would they? Not knowing what something is makes it interesting, and finding out what it is is fun. He had left home because he had explored the forest he grew up in so many times, that there weren't any unknowns left. He had a perfect mental map of the place...and he found that boring. So, when his dad left, the only thing for him to do was do the same thing; to get out there and explore worlds he currently can't even fathom. It sounded like a great time

So Simo was naturally in awe of the station. The one where he entered the ship was kind of rundown, but this one was real nice. Hell, it almost sparkled in some places, that was pretty awesome. And the people. There were just so many of them. Hell, a good chunk of them weren't even human. That was a real surprise. Oh well, just something to explore at a later date. Right now, he had a new world to wander around aimlessly in until something happened. His dad always said that's the best way to start an adventure in a new place if you don't already have any plans. So he set off...to wander around aimlessly
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sezir


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Serene could not sleep last night. She was anxious to go into town to start to piece back her memory. Moon In-Sun had become her home. He was the only memories she had and she loved him. But she needed more she need to to know what had happened to her memory. Moon In-Sun tried his best to be happy for her but she knew he was still trying everything to keep her there. She tossed and tried to shut her eyes. All she could see was him. A tear rolled down her eye. She wiped it away with the back of her hand. Serene could hear him mixing potions in the room next to hers. A breeze swept throughout the room it brought comfort to this unsure moment. The next moment she heard footsteps and felt him wrap his arms around her. Another breeze came through the room and he held tighter to her. She closed her eyes and feel asleep in his arms.

The light shone into the little home. She smiled he was awake holding her hand. They looked into each others eyes. "I could not wait for you to wake." "Follow me!" We went to the next room. He lifted up a round potion bottle that look like it had the ocean in it. "This will help to bring back your memory." "You won't have to leave." She smiled with a heavy heart, wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her head into his chest. "I want to, I want to with all my being but there is something in me that needs to go." She looked up into his eyes silent tears running down her face. He put his hand to her check and wiped away the tears. "I understand, I love you!" "I don't want to let you go but, if that is what you want I will." More tears ran down her face. He wiped each one that rolled down her check away. "It's okay I will always be here when ever your ready." "Wait! Your not going to come with me?" She knew he wasn't but she need to hear it to make it a reality. "No, my place is here people need me." I wrapped my arms tighter around his waist. "It will be alright I will always be here." "Waiting for you." He gently set his head a top mine. Tears still falling. "We will leave at noon." Saying but not moving.

Serene had pack everything on the relic motor bikes. Stepping back and looking at the memories that she had here. Moon In-Sun was inside grabbing the last few things. As she jumped on the starting the engine as it roared with a monstrous sound. She took in her last deep breath of this place. Moon In-Sun came out with his hands full. "You will need these!" He pack everything in the bags he had prepared for her. "Even though you are leaving me you should still take this I believe it will help." He handed her the blue liquid. Without hesitation She swallowed it in one gulp. "How do you feel?" Moon In-Sun asked. Serene thought for a moment. "The same." Moon In-Sun sighed a little. Serene smiled. "Where you hoping that my memory would come back?" Moon In-Sun smirked and moved in closer to her face. He lingered by her lips. "Yes!" She smiled and kissed him.

Serene and Moon In-Sun where in town. They got there quicker than they both had hoped. Both of there hearts where heavy. They did not look at each other just at the splendor of this grand city. Moon In-Sun spoke. I found you over there. He pointed to an alleyway. Moon In-Sun drove closer to that vicinity and stopped at a motor park. As Moon In-Sun swiped his card the motor park opened and they parked the motorbikes inside. As they both walked out Serene grabbed Moon In-Sun's hand and the motor park rotated behind them as they headed to the alleyway. As they approached the alleyway there was a young boy who had just attacked a garbage bag. Moon In-Sun pulled Serene back to the wall as the boy walked by.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Right when Elim walked out of the alleyway the young boy had realized that someone had seen that somewhat embarrassing scene of him cleaving a garbage bag in two. Still any possible embarrassment that Elim may have had was immediately outweighed and replaced by the possibility of these two people having seen those she was looking for. He pulled out a scroll from his pocket, turning back and walking back towards him, holding out the open scroll towards them. "Have you seen this man? Or perhaps any member of a group known as the Crimson Skull Bandits?"

The scroll had a drawing of what appeared to be a man in his early thirties. The man drawn on the scroll was scruffy with an unevenly shaved beard, an eye patch over his left eye that had a skull on it, and just the general look of an evil person in the drawing. "Back in my world I heard that this group fled to this strange place and so I have come here to find them..." He was clutching the scroll a little tightly while he spoke and held it out, clutching it with a slightly angry look in his eyes that was directed at the scroll, the look being as if he really hated the person in the scroll. It was a shame to, to see hatred in the eyes of the young and hear it in their voice, as the boy didn't appear more than fifteen years of age.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Forcedsmile


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The breeze had smacked his Promise's face until it ran red on his cheeks and nose. He had to jog to work in his heavy steel toecap boots and carrying his two heavy bags made it more difficult for him to pick up speed and even last. He thought less people would roam the streets, unfortunately for him he was wrong, he had to walk through a heard of people who pushed and shoved their ways through, some with pure ignorance and force, others trying to get out of trouble and persistent to get to where they want to go. Promise would turn the doorknob and enter the garage, in a few hours he would see the lightened sky and would have to wait a couple more hours for the dark. "Morning" , he said quietly. The grown men working on the Gumi ships replied with rough voices, spanners and wrenches squeaked and scampered.

The machines were that painted the blocks were usually off in the morning but for some unknown reason they were on. The plain, dull blocks being painted red,yellow, even orange for the standard model. Promises carefully put his belongings in the locker and took time locking it in a lockup. His tool kit slung over his shoulder as he watched awaited his orders from his mentor. "Alright, Enrique I want you to take these blocks and put them in painter, they need to be coloured". Promise nodded, quickly he bent and picked up the basket of blocks, he would place them on the machine carefully, finishing quickly he would await his next task. "Guess what we got today Redhead, there's a couple of guys here wanting their ship sorted." The muscular man leaned closer to Promise and lowered his voice. "These cukes seem dodgey, mysterious men and all, wearing red and all and dress funny...But the money is good so don't mess up mate, you will be accompanied by Francis." His tone was below the commoner, however it carried the authority of king to Enrique's ears.
Promise would nod and get ready. "Alright I will find Francis straight away, hopefully we can get this ship up and running like a true beaut." He was trying to blend in with by using the grammar, he scanned the man's face and a little smile would appear as he began to accept the moulding. Promise would begin his powerwalk to Francis in the 6th bay.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sezir


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

When he pass he paused for a moment and pulled out a scroll from his pocket, turning back and walking back towards them. He held out a scroll towards them. "Have you seen this man? Or perhaps any member of a group known as the Crimson Skull Bandits?"
The scroll had a drawing of what appeared to be a man in his early thirties. The man drawn on the scroll was scruffy with an unevenly shaved beard, an eye patch over his left eye that had a skull on it, and just the general look of an evil person in the drawing. "Back in my world I heard that this group fled to this strange place and so I have come here to find them..." He was clutching the scroll a little tightly while he spoke and held it out. Moon In-Sun watched her as she studied the scroll. Serene's head was swimming in memories or maybe they where just thoughts. She did not know. As she closed her eyes slivers of memory came back to her. But all she could see where blurs of black in red in what seemed to be almost fighting motions but nothing clear. The more she tried to think about it the more her head became heavy and she leaned against the wall. Moon In-Sun held on to her and explained to the young boy. " Sir, I am sorry but she has lost her memory. We have come her to find something to jogg it back. She was in a fight down this alley way and we where hope to find something to help her remember." Serene opened her eyes as he spoke and there staring at her was a dark figure. She felt cold and quickly closed her eyes and held tighter on to Moon In-Sun. As she opened them again the fiuagr was gone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

So they didn't know. Well while Elim was heavily disappointed she was not surprised as he quickly rolled the scroll back up and put it back in his pocket. Apparently the girl among the pair had lost her memory, Elim looking at her for a moment. "Your lucky. Sometimes its better to live and not know the truth. This way you can begin to create new memories and start a new life." With that last remark the boy gave a polite bow of thanks, as was custom in his own world, before straightening back up and without much further remark bade them farewell with a small wave before walking off. After all, Elim didn't have much time to waste with small conversation. He had people to kill after all and in order to kill those people she had to find them first, which Elim did not want to waste time on as the more time she wasted the higher the chance that her prey could have already gone out of the reach of her blade.

He figured instead of the market though a port would be more ideal. Ships in and out, either those strange flying ships or regular ones that sailed on the water, had to be a more ideal location to gather information. After all the people Elim was after had come here in one of those flying ships. So without much further ado the young swordsman quickly began to run towards where he remembered the port being from when he entered this world in one of those flying ships. They had to be here. He wouldn't stop looking until his blade found their black hearts, his hand tightly clutching the hilt of his sword as he ran as his eyes always made sure to scan her surroundings in case they were somewhere hidden in the crowd.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Forcedsmile


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Bay after bay he finally got to the one he wanted. There he saw Francis, a young man in his early 30's with slick back brown hair and neat stubble. He wore the older uniform different to promises and his also had the old company logo on it, the big massive red letter G on the right side of his chest, Promise read it mentally. "G block". He approached Francis with his hands in his pocket, a slightly serious look made its way to his face as he watched the man lift the basket full of minimized meteor to the cutter. "Francis, do you know the job we have to do?" He asked, leaning against the wall in a casual fashion.

He dropped the meteors onto the roller of the cutters and turned on the machine. "You mean that new one right? I only now a little about it... These so called "Dodgy blokes" the boss calls em need a there shield armour repairing on the ship. G block usually tries to stay away from that type of work, fixing shields and what not because you can get mixed up in stuff, plus you know how much it is for a good shied block? Its a bloody fortune, so we tend to use a little under standard." Francis picked up another basket of the same rocks and would lay them on the roller before continuing. "I don't know what made the boss do the job, must of been some good money, so try not to mess up I'm actually going to let you do this one."

Promise frowned and his eyes lowered as he heard he was doing a job on his own, the boy still lacked confidence to work on his own, luckily Francis would be attending the job with him so it wasn't all bad. He put his goggles on his eyes, the tinted glass not fading his vision one bit. "I will try to get this job done and rolled out the way as quick as possible.", the young lad showed determination regardless of his nerves, but would he be able to do it? Who knows he may could or may not succeed.

Francis admired his determination, his mouth rounded into a smile that only last a few seconds, he wasn't the smiling sort. " Enrique remember what I told you? Quickness may help but if not done accurate and properly its nothing, remember that you are still an apprentice and you have much time to get a grasp of things, do not rush your learning or try to fit in with other workers so quick... It will come naturally kid, now come we got to go to this call out. He would take Promise to the garage to where the transportation were held.

Both of them hopped onto the bike, as it would the start the bits of black would fly everywhere. "Alright, we got to go to Bellows Keep storage, hopefully we got some spare parts in back so no need to stop at the Gummi Pk (Gummi Part Kollector). Francis watched as the boy nodded. "Repeat after me. I'm very sorry that I have come in collision with this law, you see officer we had to get to this job quickly it was an urgent one, it will not happen again." Before he gave time for Promise to say those exact words, the bike would be off heading towards Bellow Keep, Promise had crossed the place a few times, it was just a warehouse that use to belong to a company who produced Bellows, nothing special, not even complicated to get to.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

As he reached the shore, Thatch climbed out of the small rowboat, ankle deep in water, and dragged it up the shore until he was certain it wouldn't be carried away by a wave or high tide. He had to cut the prospecting short after only 15 minutes, having realized that he'd forgotten to check in with the old man. Dion wasn't extremely strict about rules, but he did at least make a point of wishing to be informed of where Jared planned to go and how long he would take. And so, with naught but the rusty harpoon in his hand, Jared walked back toward home, dreading the lecture he was sure to get for forgetting to check in.

Elsewhere in the city, two of the famed Judges exited the gummi ship they had arrived in. Their ships were distinct in that they were mostly a silvery white color, and each one bore a large key-shaped insignia branding it as one of theirs. The Judges themselves, dressed in their usual white robes, were unable to be specifically identified as they were currently wearing their hoods up. However, one of them was clearly a masculine figure while the other was more frail and feminine. The other thing setting the Judges apart from most groups was their insistence on working in pairs. The primary failure of groups like Organization XIII, they believed, was that each member always seemed to work alone, with no one providing support or backup of any kind, and so the Judges implemented their partner system to ensure that such a mistake was never made. The two were heading toward the computer station that housed WDS of Lunaris, as that was where they would begin their inspection. This station was in a guard tower that of course was restricted to all but those who were authorized. As the robed figures walked, the male figure spoke in a low voice, "I still say this kind of work can be just as easily done by a crew, our brethren need not be involved." he said in a somewhat irritable tone. The woman with him shook her head.

"We've been over this, Raiden. It's better to do the work yourself and ensure quality, otherwise we run the risk of overlooking something which, in turn, will lead to disaster." she said her response in an exasperated tone, clearly they'd had this conversation before, probably many times.

"I'm just saying we could get more things done, and besides, nothing ever happens anyway- What the?!" he was cut off by the unmistakable sound of an explosion, both Judges looked at each other and, in unison, instantly realized that it came from the WDS control center and both rushed toward it, now brandishing weapons. The man, Raiden, sported a long-bladed glaive and the woman appeared to wield an angelic staff.

Even the Judges couldn't be fast enough to fix the system before it could damage the world, however, as the dreaded yellow-eyed Heartless known as Shadows began to emerge thanks to defense system no longer locking them out, and of course they attacked without much discretion. This included Thatch, who was half-way up the beach when he heard the explosion in the distance and suddenly found himself swinging his harpoon around, desperately keeping the Heartless from swarming him as he tried to run back into town.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

It was the best place to look, they had to be there. If they weren't then Elim would search somewhere else. She wasn't going to give up until she found those people that killed her family, that had taken her life from her. While she liked the years she spent with her teacher she wanted to be with her family. She missed them every day and knew that the only way for them to be at peace was for her to kill the people that killed them so that they could never kill anyone ever again. So that they could never destroy families or livelihoods ever again as she was going to make them pay for their crimes, make them pay the ground with their blood.

Before she could get too far away from the couple, as that was what Elim assumed they were anyway from how closely they stuck to one another, she heard something. Something strange. Quickly unsheathing his blade, the young 'boy' noticed strange creatures seeming to pull themselves out from the very shadows themselves. Strange creatures with bright yellow eyes and even a couple that had bits and pieces of armor on their bodies that actually waked like humans. "What are these monstrosities?" Elim had never heard of, or seen, any Heartless before. Sure she had seen lots of other monsters like minotaurs, chimeras, slimes, and other such creatures (well maybe not seen, but read about anyway), but never had she heard of creatures like these before. Monsters native to this world?

Regardless of what they were they were in her way. Perhaps they were summoned by the Crimson Skull Bandits to stop her, as maybe they knew she was here, or maybe they were summoned by them to plague people. That thought caused her grip on her blade to tighten. "All the more reason to slaughter them and move on". He muttered this angrily before charging at one of the Shadows, slashing at the beast with her blade before thrusting her palm at it and letting loose a small burst of flame at the beast, hoping that this would take care of it.

Somehow it did though, meaning that these creatures weren't invincible. That was good, as a smirk appeared on her face as she carged towards another one, prepared to take out as many of these monsters as she could if it meant getting to her targets more quickly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sezir


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The young boy had asked what he wanted and left. Serene was now more alert and lead the way down the alleyway where Moon In-Sun had found her. She only had one focus at that moment and that was to find out what had happened here. She scanned the walls with her memory. Blank, absolutely nothing came to her mind. She bent down to the ground and touched the cold rock cement. Moon In-Sun spoke. That is the spot I found you. You where barely conscious. She looked more careful at the stone beneath her fingers. There was blood. A flash and the memory came she was yelling at a man as more of them appeared. They where not friendly faces. She lifted from her hands two bamboo nunchucks. They all laughed at her and she smirked. Then the memory fade out. She looked at Moon In-Sun and smiled at him "I remembered something!" She said excitedly and leaped into his arms holding him tightly. She felt him tense up and took a step back to look at his face it was sad. She said "I will never forget you but, I don't think that you will like the person I really am." He spoke very strongly. "Never say that!" "I know who you are now and it dose not matter what you did but, what your try to become." He embraced her in a hug and as he did the man that that young boy had shown them related to the memory she had recalled. She pulled back and Moon In-Sun looked at her. "I know that man that was on the scroll." Before Moon In-Sun could reacted she was running in the direction the boy had headed.

Before she realized it she was surrounded by black creatures with yellow eyes and no sight of Moon In-Sun. Instinctively she grabbed the nunchucks hanging from her bag ready to defend herself. One charged at her and with a whip of one of her hands the creature dissolved. It felt more elegant than she had anticipated. More came at her and with each swing of her hand they started to vanish. This was easier than she expected and her mind was surprisingly at ease as she fought.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thundercat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kasus lay on the roof of his foster parents merchant shop, his hands behind his head as he watched with curiosity gummi ships entering and exiting the atmosphere of Lunaris. It's a sight he's gotten used to over the years, but the gummi ships weren't exactly what caught his curiosity each time. It was where they were going, what they were carrying, who was going to buy them, why they needed them. Everyday these ships came and everyday they left, carrying all sorts of items from other worlds. It angered him in a way. These lifeless items got the opportunity to see other worlds and the mysteries they contain, but he was stuck here, working everyday as a boring trader. It was a weird feeling to envy objects but a feeling Kasus couldn't deny nonetheless. "One day," he said, a blank look on his face but adventure in his heart. "One day..."

He jumped up, sliding down the roof and climbing into the window of his room. "Kasus!" Fargo called. Fargo is Kasus's foster parent, and proud owner of Lunar Goods, his shop, that is doing considerably well for itself. "Come down here Kasus!" Kasus sighed, hesitantly walking out of his room and down stairs to the shop. Lunar Goods is a 2 story building, the first floor was the shop, strictly business, and the top floor is where Kasus and Fargo live.

Kasus poked his head into the shop "Kasus!" Fargo exclaimed, "There you are! I need you to deliver this box of starfruit to the port, asap!" Kasus reluctantly took the box and began to walk to the door, but quickly stopped, "Oh!" he said "Hold on!" he then ran up stairs holding the box of starfruit, barging into his room and looking around frantically, until he found his Blade of Valor, sitting on his dresser. He smiled, and walked, picking it up and clipping it to his belt. When he looked up he noticed a black like figure in an alleyway, outside of his window. Curious, he walked over to the window and opened it, but it had disappeared, or maybe was never there to begin with. He thought nothing of it. As he walked back downstairs Fargo gave him a look, "Do you really have to take that thing everywhere? You be careful, if anyone gets hurt-" Kasus interrupted "Yeah, yeah, you'll sell it cheap." he said, walking towards the door. "Don't lollygag!" Fargo shouted as Kasus ran out the front door and into the world of Lunaris.

The city was always booming in this district, the buildings and shops were practically squeezed next to each other, each a different shop, each attracting different customers. Kasus awoke everyday to this business, and grew tired of always maneuvering amongst the crowd, and found it easier to walk on the roofs of all the shops, which wasn't difficult since they were all conjoined. He ran forward, launching himself off of a dumpster, and began running atop the shops towards the port.

Kasus gracefully made his way through the rooftops, and immediately lost balance as an explosion rumbled the immediate area. He got up, observing the area around him, searching for the source of the explosion, and saw the WDS control center ablaze. Down below near the shops, people began to scream as small, black creatures with glowing eyes rose from the shadows. He jumped off the roof, landing on his feet, dropping the box of starfruit and grabbing his Blade of Valor. He had never seen anything like these creatures before, but as he saw them tormenting the people of Lunaris, he knew they had to be stopped. A group of 5 emerged, surrounding him. Kasus dashed towards one, slicing it in half causing it to vanish. The rest sprinted towards him, one by one Kasus sliced and kicked, and one by one they vanished, only to be replaced by more. The district was small, surrounded by buildings, if enough of these things appeared they could overwhelm him, he was doomed here. Kasus grabbed the box of starfruit and began running through the district, slaying any of the creatures that attacked or came within range.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Not far from The Moon In Sun, Serene and Elim

The number of shadows only increased with every strike, until the small area they were in became surrounded by darkness. Civilians, witnessing the demise and exploits of these creatures scurried into their homes. They were becoming overwhelming...
At the far end of the creatures, still within the line of sight of the two fighting them, A dark sort of window opened. From out of it, a man with armor and his hood pulled completely up fell backwards out of it, tumbling ungracefully to the ground. A enemy larger than the others bumbled in after him, slapping its large torso. The stranger thrust himself upwards, clutching his large sword. He dodged as the enemy charged at him quickly, the larger dark creature plowing through all the small ones and tossing them up into the air. The stranger ran quickly after the larger creature before impaling its weak backside, strangely surrounding himself with cherry blossoms as he swung his blade. The Larger creature faltered and turned to whisps of darkness with its death.
With the larger heartless having taken out the majority of the little ones, and the dark portal closed after the large creature came through, the stranger stood up straight. He slid his sword back into its holster on his hip. The stranger turned, slowly approaching the two others that had been fighting the creatures.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

Simo was in awe. He had heard how radically different some worlds could be, but seeing it first hand is another thing altogether. There were just so many people, some not even human. One strange race he noticed were tiny little furry things that had strange antenna with a ball on the end of it. So bizarre...yet awesome. While he truly loved his old home (those woods would always have a special place in his heart) he had grown far too complacent there. This on the other hand was...was...he didn't even know what to say. "Normaly this would be the part where I say that it feels like I've stepped into another world...but that's exactly what I did." It wasn't just the people, he also saw so many different kinds of weapons, some of which didn't even look like weapons but most likely were based on how their wielder was holding them. "If I was ever the slightest bit upset with my dad for leaving...this would have completely changed that. I'm amazed he could stay in one place for so long with such wonder and mystery out there, and this is only one world, just one. I can only imagine what the others would look like" he said to himself as he continued walking through the city

...and then the explosion happened. After that, people started panicking and running like a stampeding herd. While that was going on, some strange black creatures appeared out of nowhere. Simo wasn't sure what they were, however, when one of them jumped a man, that told him all he needed to know "oh boy! Things to shoot!" pulling out his trusty rifle, he took aim at the creature attacking the man and shot it off. With the black things still occupied, he was able to pick off the remaining few of them left. That done, he started running to the source of the explosion "this is just too awesome!!!" He squealed in delight "only a few minutes here and I'm already in an epic fight"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Heaving with heavy breaths, Jared had fought his way into the merchant district. Just a bit further and he would have made it to the space ports, where the WDS control center was located. When he got there, he looked around frantically, seeing some people trying to fight and others who were barricading themselves indoors. He swung his harpoon wildly, trying desperately to keep the critters at bay, lest he be added to the list of victims. When one of them managed to lung at him, he flinched defensively, only for the Shadow to be impaled by a spear that wasn't his own. He opened his eyes and, with a relief, gazed in amazement at the old man who had rescued him, "Dion!" cried Thatch, recognizing the man as his adopted guardian, "How is this happening?"

"The WDS..." grunted Dion in a gruff voice as he knocked away Heartless after Heartless with his weapon. Obviously, he was a stronger fighter than Jared, "...the explosion knocked out the system." When there were finally no more Heartless attacking them at the moment, both stopped to finish the brief conversation, "I'm going to the control center to help them get it back up. I need you to stay in the districts and help get people to safety."

"But-" Jared started to protest, but the older man had already run off to where the WDS was located. And it was pretty bad timing too, as a larger pool of Darkness started festering at Jared's feet. He jumped back, watching in terror as several giant pieces of armor floated up from the Darkness and then came together to form a large, armored Heartless. The creatures body was made of six individual pieces that seemed capable of moving independently: a head, torso, arms, and feet. The Heartless spun it's sharp-fingered arms as it prepared to strike. A Heartless of this size was impossible to miss, as anyone within the district and neighboring district would no-doubt either see it or hear it stomping about.

Cue Boss Music
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thundercat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kasus had managed to make his way back onto the roof of the shops, it was a much safer route but it didn't stop the creatures from spawning. He swung his blade wildly at any that got in his way, but the ones he dodged eventually began to increase in number, and a crowd began to form behind him. If he were to stop, or trip, they would surely overwhelm him within seconds. Kasus refused to stop running, his energy coming from the fear of these monsters catching him. One by one they spawned from the shadows and one by one he sliced them into nothing. Eventually the center of the merchant district was in sight, as Kasus came close the row of shops had run out, he had nowhere to run. Turning around his eyes widened with terror as he saw the crowd of creatures make their way towards him.

With no options Kasus launched himself off the roof and rolled forward as he landed. He looked up to see the crowd of monsters leap off of the building as well, as they fell towards him Kasus managed to slice them whilst in the air, but a majority of the crowd had survived the fall and now surrounded him. He gripped his blade, looking left and right, realizing he was doomed. He ducked as the crowd sprinted towards him in unison only to be pushed out of the crowd by an old man wielding a spear. In seconds the crowd of monsters redirected themselves at the pair, who fought them off one after the other until none remained. After Kasus was safe the old man immediately sprinted in the direction of the WDS building, sparing no words as he seemed to be in quite the hurry.

Kasus looked around, spotting a young man, who appeared to be wielding a harpoon. He made his way towards him, but before words could be exchanged a pool of darkness spawned at the young man's feet, much bigger than the ones he had seen from before. Kasus backed away cautiously as the young man jumped back. Several giant pieces of armor rose from beneath the pool of darkness, coming together to form a monster much larger than any other Kasus had seen today. It's arms began to spin, he prepared himself for what was next.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Heartless after Heartless fell to Elim's blade, Elim not giving up here. The Shadows were pretty easy, the soldiers being a little harder, but she wasn't going to give up here. It had to be the Crimson Skull Bandits responsible for this, or at least involved in some way. If they weren't involved well... that didn't matter. In the end these beasts were an obstacle for Elim to get to his goal, finding those bastards and making their heads roll. This would just be good practice for when she did so. Luckily her sword wasn't the only thing helping her fight. She had magic too, using Aero to form a shield of wind around herself to provide a very small defense boost while using fire for attacking the creatures.

That was when suddenly she quickly turned, noticing a large, armored creature appearing. That had to be the source of these little monsters and she would make sure to take it out so that she could achieve her goals. With another few mighty slashes at the creatures before her the young swordsman quickly did an about face towards the Armor and ran in that direction, dodging, jumping over, and slashing any Shadows or Soldiers in his way, the boy's eyes narrowing as he did so. This thing was an obstacle and he wasn't going to just go over or around it. He was going to crush it.

Upon arriving at the creature's location Elim wasted no time charging towards it, beginning to slash his blade as much as he could at the creature's feet, hoping that this could help take the beast down since Elim had never fought a monster made out of metal before.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sezir


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Serene was in the mists of the creatures that seemed to come as another one was defeated. She was getting tired but had to tell that young boy something. As she had got the last one she collapsed to the floor. She had never been so tired in her life. At lest not to what she could remember. As she took a deep breath a loud clattering noise came a crossed the city's do the ground trembled underneath her feet. People where running away from the sound but instinctively she ran towards it. There in the misted of everything was a giant creature it had an emblem on the center of its chest and it limbs floated in the air. She awed at its splendor and as she observed she noticed others fighting the creature and she joined in the effort.

As she attacked the lower half each clang of her nunchuck seemed every in effective and then she felt a pang in her head she tried to push back the memory but this was not an old memory it was a current one it was of Moon In-Sun. She quickly panicked as she though. Where is Moon In-Sun? As she continued to hit the creature she served the area. There he was sanding in one of the alleyways helping someone that was hurt. The second Serene took her attention of the creature it came a crossed her with its arm and threw her at the wall. Kicking the breath out of her and making her go limb.
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