Recently, I realized I have a ton of characters that I get really attached to, only for the rp to die 4 posts in. So, this will be my little house for all of those lost souls who haven't been used in a while, never got used at all, or simply are very dear to me. Of course, there are many that are lost to the sands of time forever, but in their cases, it should stay that way. But, I would very much love to use many of these again (especially Taeyung) so I think this will come in handy.
Now, go and peruse my lovely collection of big boys, little boys, and occasionally a girl. Well... I have an ample selection of girls. But I like my boys more.
Proficiency/Abilities Lalisa is well-versed in plant magic and can summon and command plant life to do as she wills. She also claims she can communicate with said plants, but that's anybody's guess. Takes up a more supportive role in battle, preferring to defend instead of attack. Has knowledge of plants, baking, and most household tasks.
Identification I have a few pictures of her drawn that I might upload later, but for now…
Lalisa is of normal height for her age, with a wiry build from many years of labor out in the gardens. Her hair is a dusty blond color, grown out to touch the tops of her shoulders, with double buns tied in place on the sides of her head. Her hair seems floaty, almost weightless, and Lalisa has woven in a number of daisies in her free time.
Her eyes are hazel, quite bright and lively, while her skin is healthy, freckled and lightly tanned from her time out in the sun. She is usually seen smiling, sometimes with flour and/or dirt smudges on her face from her various hobbies. Lalisa's fingernails most likely have dirt under them, and something has stained her hands permanently green, which is slowly spreading outwards from her fingertips.
Her face, many have noted, possesses a few elfish features, giving her a fae-like look that is at odds with her other childish features. Lalisa also has a "birthmark", an intricate fleur-de-lis on the back of her neck, but most will immediately recognize this as a mark of faery magic. Lalisa, in her homeschooling, is not aware of this fact.
Her voice, which sounds quite like her late mother's, is soft and soothing, and she usually smells like fresh-baked cookies and flowers.
Lalisa dresses modestly and simply, wearing a pair of sneakers, stockings, a sundress, and a cardigan, all worn but neatly mended.
Personality Raised by her grandmother, Lalisa is well-behaved, if a little odd. Taught to be polite, quiet, and helpful. Had a lonely childhood and doesn't have much experience in social interaction, leading her to be a bit awkward when talking to others. Naïve.
Curious, kind, and not afraid to try new things, Lalisa tries to approach each day with a positive attitude, and often tries to cheer up others as well. Her calm disposition has led her to become the peacemaker in trying situations.
Backstory Lalisa has very few memories of her parents, living her whole life in a gingerbread cottage at the edge of woods. Her grandmother, a baking witch, told Lalisa that her parents died in a werewolf attack, and to never stray into the forest. In spite of this, Lalisa began to develop a strong shine to plant magic, growing flowers in the dirt outside their doorstep.
Her grandmother was a secretive soul, and Lalisa was by and large kept away from outside contact. Homeschooled in everything her grandmother thought was necessary, Lalisa took to gardening to pass the time, and grandmama could only watch as she grew stronger and stronger.
Lalisa has been referred to as a "wild child", a changeling, and rumors of faery involvement abound, but her grandmother vehemently denies all charges. In reality, though, the story is this:
Siofra is young and in love, but without child. At her wit's end, she commits the ultimate mistake: bargaining with the Fae. The Fae agree to give her a child, but on one condition—the child, once fully grown, will give their firstborn to the Fae. Desperate, Siofra agrees. She gives birth to a beautiful baby girl, and she and her husband are happy.
Her child grows up to be a woman, but Siofra has still not told her about the deal. When the Fae come for her grandchild, the mother is unprepared. She fights back, raising her child in secret, jumping from town to town to evade capture.
The Fae are not happy about this, but the mother has been successful. It has been a full year, making the contract null and void. When it becomes clear Lalisa's parents have no intention of giving up their child, they are killed in an "accident". Lalisa, gaining protection from her parent's death, is left alive.
Barred from breaking the unspoken rules, but plenty angry, the Fae spitefully cast their worst curse on the child—one that will "tear her apart from the inside out." Siofra, still alive, is given the child as a reminder of her cowardice and the deaths she caused. She raises Lalisa in silence, telling her nothing about the mark on her back or why she can talk to plants.
As Lalisa reaches adulthood, and is no longer safe in a gingerbread cottage, Siofra pulls some strings and puts her granddaughter on the next train to the Academy. Maybe they can do what she cannot.
Lalisa knows nothing, but her time is running out.
Other Lalisa read a lot of books as a child, leading her to adopt a strange, old-fashioned way of speaking. Calls her grandmother "Grandmama". Bakes cookies, cakes, and a variety of other sweet treats regularly. Hopes to help out in the kitchens.
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈: Ah, yes, Lalisa. My lovely little fairy child. She didn't really have a big role in the rp, though, other than quoting Romeo and Juliet and fainting. I really should've given her some healing powers, but... it was my first time as a gm, so a few things flew over my head.
Choppy red hair pulled into a messy bun, lots of freckles, clear blue eyes, usually wears glasses with cyan frames, a product of frequently squinting at a computer screen late into the night. Small but hardy figure; clipped nails as she finds them annoying when trying to type.
5 feet, 2 inches.
Elly, or "Cinderella" as her friends used to call her, is a happy, calm, and kind individual who loves learning new things. She's most often the peacemaker of the group, and strives to please everyone she can. This personality usually shows itself in her tendency to overwork, chugging five cups of coffee and pushing herself to meet deadlines, with varying results. Elly is a lover, not a fighter. If this were Hogwarts, she'd be in Hufflepuff. You get the idea.
Music Industry Role
Sound Designer/Composer; deals with mixing, recording, and composing music
Specified Job Details
Elly works with her little laptop, making tunes for singers and mixing tracks of her own. She’s not a singer, though, and most of her written pieces require vocals. She’s fond of pop, rock, and likes to experiment. Her Irish folk heritage sometimes can be heard in her music, too.
Relative Experience
After moving to the States to find work, Elly bounced from place to place, occasionally scoring a hit, until she struck big, composing and mixing a hit single in the U.S. After that, she collected royalties, hoping to find more success, but it never panned out. Now, she’s moved to Japan because of a certain letter inviting her to Cystra City.
Growing up in the green hills of Northern Ireland, Elly had a quiet childhood, as the only child in a small town. Her father and mother were homely people, and Elly was mostly homeschooled. There was one thing, however, that charmed her, even as a child—music. Whether it be the folk songs sung at the town square, or the more “contemporary” tunes from the old beat-up general store radio, Elly loved it all. Music was her passion, from the very start. Begging her parents for piano lessons, guitar lessons, anything, Elly was given a choice—stay in her warm little home without lessons, or be sent to the larger boarding school across the way, and learn music and manners. The choice was a no-brainer, even if her parents warned her life would not be easy away from the hills. Elly would soon find that out.
Her school years were rough ones, with plenty of awkward encounters and bullying, and often Elly’s only respite was her weekly piano lessons. In such a controlling and pressurized environment, Elly grew up believing her needs came last, and everyone else’s before. This stayed with her into adulthood as her need to prove herself and please others. But, at the end of those grueling years, Elly emerged victorious, and immediately starting planning to move overseas to greater opportunity. Her parents were supportive but scared for their daughter, but Elly assured them she would stay in touch.
Her U.S years were quieter, with a few friends made along the way, and plenty of things learned. Elly grew in way she’d never imagined, and to her delight, she placed a major deal with a recording artist to compose a new single. The single did well, but Elly was left in the dust, working for another breakout hit. It never came.
And then, she got a letter.
Father and Mother—Elly tries to stay in touch, but her parents are quite old-fashioned and don’t even have cell phones. U.S acquaintances—Elly had a few friends back in the States, but most of them are busy. She occasionally talks to her old roomie, Terra, if she needs to relax.
- Single.
Character Theme
Likely I'll change this later, not sure what her style is right now.
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈: Hm... While I like Elly well enough, she's not a character I can really see myself revisiting. I'm mostly posting these here for archive purposes, and also because I was a bit proud of the formatting (this was back when I was a new recruit). Note the hand drawn picture.
Of the Italian fiore, "flower", and alba, "dawn", meaning "flower of the dawn."
• Name: Fiore Alba
• Age: 16 years old
• Gender: Female
• Class: Linker
• Nationality: Italian-Japanese
• Appearance: First of all -- Fiore's tiny. Standing at only 4'9, with a childlike build and features, she is quite a bit frailer than some of the other recruits. Even as a child, Fiore was never strong or physically healthy, and her childhood was frequented by bouts of sickness and broken bones; it didn't help that she wanted to climb trees and run races with the other kids The skin on her arms is especially marred by bruises, cuts, and scars, as she works without armguards or protection. Her fingers are deft and slender, as most of what she does requires precision, and her nails are cut short.
Fiore has long, straight black hair and amber eyes that shift color occasionally; her contacts are built to recognize signs of injury and she thought the sunset color scheme was pretty. She usually wears hand-me-down clothes from her former neighbors, but she's been trying to develop more a battlefield-ready wardrobe for tougher situations.
• Bio: Fiore is deceptively childish and innocent; her mind is one of both astonishing cleverness and naivete. Although her giant library and aptitude for learning have sharpened her mind in some ways, she still holds onto the optimism and wonder that may grate on the nerves of the more seasoned warriors. Having seen the horrors of the invasion up close, her greatest wish to give people peace and happiness, and dislikes the very notion of war. However, as the situation doesn't seem likely to change, Fiore accepts the role this world has given her and hopes to aid in any way she can.
Fiore has spent all of her life studying and playing and growing up in a perhaps unorthodox community of scientists and runaways hidden away in the forests near the now-destroyed Tokyo City, a congregation of top scientists that now work towards the development of new tech and better understanding of psychic abilities. Her father, an Italian civilian living in Japan, had taken up house in the colony after attacks forced many to evacuate. Fiore's mother died when she was very young, from injuries sustained from the long trek, and Fiore remembers her very little. Her father is a hardworking man, though perpetually worried about Fiore's weakness--she is all he has left, and while Fiore returns the sentiment, she always reminds him he has many friends here.
• Armament: As a Linker, and more importantly, a Medic, Fiore specializes in treating injuries both physical or mental. Her contacts allow her to see a larger range of vital signs and help her immensely when her brain fails her.
Medical Proficiency -- Fiore has studied extensively in the medical field, reading entire bookshelves as a way of keeping herself busy while bedridden with sickness. Even as a young child, she was capable of treating cuts, broken bones, and even self-administered stiches on at least one occasion. Her natural skills are supplemented by her hardworking nature and hatred of suffering. By taking to the battlefield, she hopes to reach more people in need of treatment.
All-Seeing Eye -- Although Fiore is not the best with technology, her years of hard work paid off. Her enhanced contacts give her a larger field of vision, as well as recognize injuries and help with medical procedures.
And How Does That Make You Feel? -- Mental health is also a big worry of Fiore's, especially with the kind of war the students are expected to wage. Her open mind and calming voice can make for an impromptu psychiatrist session if need be, and she hopes to try and lessen the effects of PTSD and other mental diseases with new treatments. Her career of a psychologist is just beginning, though, and she still has much to learn.
Drones, Drones -- As expected by the Academy, Fiore has borrowed a second-rate drone from the labs to aid her in combat. Despite her generally being not great with technology, she's confident she has what it takes to control and utilize drone effectively. It's constructed a bit shoddily, but it has cameras and holograph technology, and Fiore can use it to transmit her "mini-map" to her teammates.
• Psychic Drive:Probe -- Preferring to stay entirely out of combat, Fiore uses her psychic abilities to supplement her already heightened sight by sensing and returning information that would otherwise not be visible. This gives her an extensive "map" of the area, something Fiore finds useful when strategizing and coordinating attacks.
• Extra: Half of her wardrobe consists of children's clothes. The other half is clothes that belonged to her mother. Has a large scar on her left foot, stretching from her big toe all the way to her pinky. Fond of fairy tales due to the "happily ever after" endings.
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈: And now we get into the big guns. Fiore is one of my favorites, and I think she fits quite well into any sci-fi setting. A tiny girl with a big heart, she's pretty serious, and I look forward to playing her again if the opportunity arises.
Backstory: Yeojung, or Yunnie, as she would love to be called, was just a toddler when her powers began to manifest themselves to herself and her parents. First it was her eyes. Then her hair. Then, prodded by the family doctor, she promptly turned his coat bright pink--Yunnie LOVES pink--and started to cry, which ended in an entirely pink room that had to be repainted. After this, her parents brought her up quietly, even taking her out of school until she was 16, because she… wasn't very good at controlling herself. You see, Yeojung wasn't quite sure WHY she couldn't show off her power because, the moment, it isn't very dangerous. It's just odd. But still, her parents insisted, which made poor Yeojung more than a little anxious about keeping her power under wraps and started cutting back on how much she used it. Thankfully, an opportunity to actually make her powers useful arises in the shape of Skyline Academy, and Yeojung is very excited to finally meet some people like her.
Abilities/Weaknesses: Yeojung can change the appearance of herself and other things, inanimate or not, but only very superficially, like through color and pattern. It seems to be closer to an illusion than anything, but in some cases it can last for a long time. Most of the time, her power is used for very small things, but logically, the bigger the item, the more energy it takes Yeojung to change it entirely. The time the illusion stays depends again on size and difficulty, and there is a limit to how much energy Yeojung can expend before her powers (and her body) give out.
Personality: Yeojung is bubbly and friendly, but can soon turn anxious under the right circumstances. She wants to show her parents her power is a good thing, as they weren't wild about their daughter having magical powers, and aspires to go into fashion design. She loves pink and glitter and cute things in general.
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈: Yunnie!! I love this little ball of anxiety and glitter. Among my many ocs, Yunnie is the only one who's really concerned with fashion, so it's always fun to describe what she's wearing. Much like the character herself, I wonder if she gets annoying sometimes, because she's always talking fast and trying her best, okay! Also, cue the era of kpop faceclaims... Hers is Sungyeon from my favorite kpop girlgroup, Pristin.
★ "On the outside, he looks unimpressed. But on the inside... he's unimpressed." ★
★ Name: Yuzuru Sato. Due to the absence of the z in Hangul, this sometimes comes out as "Yujuru Sato."
★ Age: 20
★ Years spent training: 5 years overseas (4 at AS ent.)
★ Face Claim: Shori Sato
★ Nationality: Japanese
★ Place of Birth: Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan
★ Area(s) of Expertise: Dancing, all kinds. Has dabbled in choreography.
★ Background:
Japan born and raised until the age of fifteen, Yuzuru's story is fairly run-of-the-mill. He was raised mostly by his mother and stepfather, who he regards as more of a father than his birth father was, in one of the bigger cities in the Ishikawa prefecture. He lived a comfortable life in his youth, learning performance arts from his stepfather, a former dancer, and wasn't deprived of any love from his step-sisters and mother.
Of course, having been brought up a former dancer with various dancer friends has many advantages to the aspiring idol, and Yuzuru is no different. His talents, fostered at a young age by watching performances with his family, led him to fall in love with the art and pursue the lifestyle of a dancer. Given the thousands of hours spent practicing any type of dance Yuzuru could get classes for, it was not a surprise when somebody noticed his hard work. After watching Yuzuru during dance practice, an agent from overseas offered him their card. Thus spurred Yuzuru's move to Korea.
Making the decision to move to Korea was the most difficult thing Yuzuru had ever done, but he persevered. Everything from overcoming the language barrier, dancing on the streets for money, and working 9-5 at a grocery store were acts done in the name of his love for dance. Even after the agency that scouted him went under, Yuzuru made a name for himself as a backup dancer for many well-known performers, and was soon picked up by AS Entertainment, where he has trained under for four years now.
He is currently enrolled in Seoul National University and holds down a job at a nearby restaurant. Right now, he's not interested in love--other than his love for dancing, that is. Has long phone calls with his family on Fridays and misses them more than he'd like to admit.
★ Personality:
In the world of K-pop, Yuzuru has learned many things: to keep his head down. To not cause trouble. To work hard. The competitive nature of many trainees has taught him to not stir up the pot for the sake of recognition, but to show what you can do when it counts. This attitude makes him come off as cold and serious, but he's not opposed to friendships--in fact, in many cases, a good friend can make a big difference when you're kicked out onto the streets--but he'd much rather keep to himself. It makes things easier when your best friend is picked for debut instead of you.
On stage, he is passionate about his work and his dancing makes this obvious--every move is precise, and Yuzuru frequently incorporates freestyle dance moves into choreographed routines. This makes him stand out of the crowd, but not enough to be accused of "showing off." He doesn't like being accused unfairly and will stand up for himself, but only in the worst of situations. He's smart about who he confronts and is good at avoiding the worst case scenario--unless, for some reason, you find where it hurts the most.
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈: I like Yuzuru. He's a good kid. He's also dumb. And a mama's boy. Please let me play him again, I got in like 3 posts before the rp went downhill and I love him a lot. I'm sure you'd love him too, even if his only personality trait is "unimpressed."
Years spent at AS Entertainment: 17 years; he entered the company at 17 and has been a manager for 6.
Nationality: Korean
Place of Birth: Ilsan, South Korea
Area(s) of Expertise: Management. Teaching trainees the life skills they'll need to survive in the harsh world of K-pop. Not a vocal trainer.
Before AS Entertainment re-invented themselves and re-opened their doors to include trainees from all over the globe, their only contribution to the K-pop industry was a boy group by the name of Violet Day. A quartet composed of lead vocal Taeyung, leader and main rapper Jin, lead rapper Wonhyun, and lead dancer Kim T, they maintained a level of mediocrity throughout their entire career and met an unsurprising end of disbandment after two years of promotional silence. Regarded by the public as potential never fully realized due to the third-rate managers and low budget AS Entertainment had at the time, not to mention their own half-hearted attempts, their disbandment was met with little fanfare. They never even had a fandom name.
While Kim T, Jin, and Wonhyun all left the company soon after the news broke in hopes of pursuing other career options, Taeyung stayed. Maybe it was due to a lack of options, or a shred of hope; in any case, he was offered a management job after a year of sitting in the basement with no news and no future. Perhaps against his better judgement, he accepted. He currently works as AS Entertainment's general manager, teaching trainees how not to fail like he did; his bandmates have found similar lines of work elsewhere as dance instructors and the like.
Jaded with his life, but unwilling to let AS Entertainment make the same mistakes that led to Violet Day's disbandment, Taeyung works tirelessly to bring up trainees that can withstand the pressure of standing on stage. Don't be fooled by his easygoing appearance and selfless goals, however; Taeyung is a businessman at heart and if you can't make it here, then what's the point of keeping you around? Taeyung knows the netizens won't write off a slip or voice crack, so neither will he. Uncompromising and efficient, he's the first to tell you to leave if you can't keep up and the first to notify you of your contract's termination in the case of a scandal. When a group is debuted, he'll probably be your main manager, so you'd best stay on his good side!
Taeyung is a man of many hats; everything from lawsuits to photography has a place in his wide and varied job description, and he pulls it all off... somehow. This mixture of stressed out, exhausted, and short-tempered paints Taeyung as the villain to many trainees; if you can catch him off-duty, he's much less serious and would love to chat--unless it's about work. Deep down, he cares a lot for the trainees he manages, just in more of a "tough love" way than a "kind and understanding" way. But if something does happen to one of his kids, you can bet he'd be the first to grill the CEO about it.
Other: He still keeps in touch with his former bandmates, but wasn't close with them then and certainly isn't now. Don't ask him about his vocals. Do ask him about his variety skills.
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈: Taeyung is a grumpy old man. As such, I love playing him. A lot. He's been in a lot of rps and I think it's because his personality doesn't really change much; he's grumpy, a bit crotchety, but with a good soul. His mustard sweater and matching dialogue color always cheer me up when I see them. In terms of popularity, I've gotten some good reviews; however, he's definitely not as popular as Minkyu...
♕ ʙɪᴛs ᴀɴᴅ ʙᴏʙs ♕ ♞ Really likes chess ♞ A drifter; follows the money ♞ Usually wears a paperboy cap to hide his ears
"ɪ'ᴍ ᴊᴜsᴛ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏɴᴇʏ ɪs."
Dialogue Color: #696969 As seen in: Various places. The profile is from a 1x1 I really enjoyed, although he was in one before that, and he also featured in 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕆𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝔹𝕦𝕤.
ɴᴏᴛᴇs: Ji is a drifter. He floats through rps, not really caring where he ends up, but enjoying the ride. Sometimes he's got cat ears; other times, he doesn't. He's kind of my go-to for a hybrid rp, though, he's a bit boring to play now that he's been around so long...
Personality: Akimoto, or "Kitkat" as she is more often called, is a go-getter kind of girl--a girl who knows what she wants and goes for it. More often than not, this turns out to be a sparkly outfit, or a pretty (and expensive) item, but it's the thought that counts--and the effort KitKat puts into pursuing her "rewards" is a sight to behold. She's easily attracted to shiny things and before the expansion spent most of her in-game time mining rare items and ignoring "real" combat. But KitKat isn't just a shallow girl--she's a confident and sneaky one. She excels at getting what she wants, no matter the cost, and it is with ease that she manipulates the outcome to her favor. Her favorite game? Playing the part of an "in-game" girlfriend to collect money and gifts for her collection. But, now that she's no longer hiding behind a screen, how will her bargains play out?
Abilities: As a Naiad (water-based spirit), Kitkat has a few tricks up her sleeve:
Aquatic Affinity -- Encompasses a Naiad's ease of sensing water, conversing with water-based creatures, and the occasional calling forth of a sudden blast of water.
The Four Strokes -- KitKat's enhanced swimming ability comes in handy when adventuring underwater, as does her heightened sight. In addition, she doesn't need to come up to the surface as often due to her "oxygen storage."
Skills: KitKat's class, Dancer, gives her high speed, low defense, and a variety of tools to aid her teammates. Most of her usefulness comes from her book of buff, debuff, and AoE spells, giving her the title of support. These spells take the forms of various dances and songs, from the peppy and re-energizing Cheer Up! to a mournful melody the freezes enemies in their tracks. Couple this with KitKat's theatrical nature, and her performances are a sight to behold. Being a natural performer pays off, in more way than one, and KitKat has mastered those ways; out of battle, she can use skills like Flirt and Barter to turn the tide in her favor.
And while KitKat will usually stay off of the battlefield and aid from the sidelines, she holds onto a slender lightweight dagger and can quickly dart in between enemies to deal a little damage. One of her most prized skills, Pickpocket, gives KitKat the ability to approach an enemy and try to steal something off their person. It doesn't always work, though, and it leaves her open to future attacks.
Backstory: Alone. Young. Broke.
Those words fit Akimoto rather well--at the tender age of nineteen, she was kicked out of the house and left to fend for her herself. Not in the cruel, orphan way, but more in the "couch potato who needs to move out" sort of way. And at first, that's exactly what Akimoto did. She lazed around. She ate ramen for breakfast, lunch and dinner. She surfed the web. Despite being quite a bubbly girl as a child, it seemed to Akimoto that those days were over--that her fate was to die alone. Relationships with her family turned sour as her bad habits continued, and as far as she was concerned, it was for the better. A loser like her was worth nothing.
And then, she discovered Emerald Odyssey. For the first time in her life, she felt something--that is, she felt like she was worth something. In reality, she shopped at 24/7 convenience stores and lived on the bare minimum of wages, but online, she was special. She was loved! People liked her, liked her character's liveliness and liked her! This, above all, was what changed Akimoto's perception of life for the better. The further she got in the game, the more confident she felt with herself. She started taking risks--making bargains, a little bit of flirting here and there--and soon, this moved beyond just her online self.
Six months after purchasing Emerald Odyssey, she called her parents for the first time in three years.
Tears were shed as relationships mended and Akimoto leveled up higher and higher. Her online self was no longer just a personification of what she wishes she was--now, it's what she is, online and offline. However, as her confidence grew, so did her attachment to the game--at one point, she logged on every morning and every night, feverishly clicking away in the dead of night. Things were reaching a critical point. Akimoto lived each day wondering when the choice would come up--real life or Emerald Odyssey--and when it did, what would she choose?
And then the choice was made for her. Stuck in the body of her avatar (not a horrible tragedy, considering her, shall we say, assets) and without a way to contact her family, KitKat, formerly Akimoto Yae, is ready to begin anew. This is her life now; she's determined to never make those mistakes again.
Other: Possesses several impressive, if useless, achievements such as "Most Wedding Proposals Rejected" and "Most Pet Jaguars Owned."
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈: It's a shame this rp had to end when it did, because Akimoto was so fun to play. She's really an airhead with a dagger. I think it would be cool to play her again.
Personality: Bubbly, optimistic, and with a taste for success, Amelia is quite the firecracker. She's the one who gets you to face your fears--in a creative way, of course--and the one who tries every new food on the menu at her favorite restaurant. Her reasons for opening Café Crème are two-fold: first, she's got a knack for customer service and second, she needs the money. And no ordinary job would do for somebody as chipper as Amelia von Grado.
Background: Amelia, her mother says, came out of the womb kicking and screaming and generally being alive. Her twin brother, on the other hand, took his time. It was like that for most of their childhood--Amelia leading the way, and Minkyu following behind and getting distracted--and it wouldn't be until their high school years that Amelia would realize Minkyu was more than just a little brother with a different face.
Growing up in a multi-lingual, multi-cultural family had its ups and downs, but things were decidedly quiet in the von Grado household, one comprised of Amelia, Minkyu, their Korean mother, German father, and mature, tall, and already-in-college sister, Victoria. Amelia, always the adventurous one, aimed for high grades and planned out her perfect life, one filled with exotic travels and romances. But as she grew older, the family that she once thought was so unbreakable began to shift. Victoria left the house for a foreign lawyer job. Her parents aged, and her mother once again yearned for the familiarity of her home country, Korea.
And when Amelia discovered that Minkyu decided to skip college, she made the only choice she could--to stick with her twin brother, the one who stuck to her through everything. Now they're here, building Café Crème from scratch because Amelia can't be alone, and Minkyu needs, as she says, someone to look after him.
Color of Uniform: Deep Sky Blue
Other: While she works as a waitress primarily, many of the cakes and desserts in the display cases are made by her. Her favorite sweet is strawberry shortcake.
𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙮𝙪 𝙫𝙤𝙣 𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙙𝙤
Name: Min-kyu von Grado
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Job: Barista, Cook, and Co-owner
Personality: Minkyu can be described in one word: quiet. As a child, he never cried. Quiet. As a boy, he played with blades of grass and watched the clouds. Quiet. That's how he's always been, perfectly content with being quiet. Quietly he was born, and quietly he will go. Personally, he doesn't see it as a problem, and besides, it doesn't hurt to enjoy the silence.
Background: For as long as Minkyu can remember, he has lived in Amelia's shadow.
Perhaps it's just in his nature to get a little introspective at the differences between the two, since they are quite prominent for siblings born only a few minutes apart. There is Amelia, ever the friendly one, the social butterfly, and Minkyu, who takes after his soft-hearted mother rather than his globetrotter father. The difference is like night and day, and it always has been. When Amelia was aiming for the sky, Minkyu was learning how to grow things, working with his hands to create golden-brown loaves of bread and sugar-coated cookies.
Then The Move happened. Minkyu doesn't like thinking about it--Amelia cried and cried, even more than when Victoria left--but when their parents departed again for Korea, Minkyu thought that this was his chance to carve out his path. Do what he wants. Finally get out of Amelia's shadow, in a sense. Amelia was too set on her own future to follow them, so why would she follow him, right?
But then Amelia comes to him. And she says that this time, she's following him. In the face of that, what could Minkyu do but let her?
Color of Uniform: Sienna
Other: He can make a mean expresso. His favorite sweet is cannoli with sliced strawberries.
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈: Oh right, these two. //shot But really, the von Grado twins are a package deal. I don't know if I could rp just one of them. It wouldn't be balanced. Minkyu, though, I love that dude. His CS says he's quiet, but it really means he's terrified of people and speaks like this all the time. He's a very cute character to play and a lot of people liked him a lot.
𝐒𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞 Kpop style, mixed with absolute comfort. Also, he's broke, so everything is either thrifted or very old.
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 "Now, let's just take this slowly, so nobody gets hurt..."
𝐌𝐚𝐣𝐨𝐫 Forensics.
𝐃𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐦 Dorm 2
𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 & 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 ✔️ Fluffy dogs and cats! ✔️ The gun hidden under his pillow! ✔️ Scented candles! ❌ Blood. ❌ Injustice. ❌ Cruelty.
☆ 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 Hangyeol reads, a lot. He often escaped to the library as a child, so books hold a very special comfort for him.
☆ 𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 Hangyeol is generally quite good with his hands, having grown up very poor. He enjoys any sort of needlework, but knitting is his favorite. It helps take his mind off of things.
☆ 𝐃𝐈𝐘 𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨𝐬 He likes knowing how to do things. This could be sculpting, putting together miniature houses, or learning how to escape from handcuffs. Again, it distracts him.
☆ 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 Hangyeol has a protective streak a mile long. Bring up any sort of trauma in your past, and he'll immediately be sympathetic. He doesn't seem to think he's the one traumatized, though…
𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐟 The strong are to protect the weak. Or at least, they should.
𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞 Revenge. (But he'd never tell you that.)
𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐫 Being found out. For what, you ask? He doesn't know. (Or does he?)
𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭 Not being there to save her. Her being his sister.
𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 His stepfather's crimes.
𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭 [☆☆☆] You know what they say about tortured geniuses… Nah, just kidding. Hangyeol's pretty smart, but his real expertise lies outside of the academic fields.
𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 [☆] Hangyeol's willing to be friendly, but good luck breaking down his walls.
𝐍𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞 [☆☆] It honestly depends. Insult him, and he'll back down. Hurt somebody, and you might just make him really mad.
𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 [☆☆☆☆] Just like the song says, what doesn't kill you really does make you stronger. Unfortunately for Hangyeol, he got very close to being killed quite a few times.
𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 [☆☆☆] Living with an abusive stepfather did give Hangyeol a few tricks for getting out of the house, but he's not a psychic. He just knows the sounds of a bone breaking.
𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐬 [ - ] What resources? Hangyeol scraped together every last penny after his father died, and even now he has a huge amount of debt.
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈: Well, this guy was a ball of nerves. I mean, it was to be expected, and it was fun and challenging to play him, but sometimes I felt like he was too e d g y. But, he has the advantage of being one of my favorite kpop idols...
Simply put, Rosie is in the very middle of the high school pecking order: not too unpopular, but not too popular either. This, coupled with her shy side, keeps her from becoming too much of a hot topic at Beverly Hills High. Her comfortably small group of friends would at first describe her as "cute" before going on to point out her ever-cheerful nature and willingness to listen to problems as proof of her kind heart, and her teachers know her as a studious, if not particularly gifted, student that often stays behind to clean up after science and art classes. Her mother and father would probably note that, while a quiet girl in all, she is unfailingly positive and loves to give others the treats she so often bakes. In all, she's a quiet, helpful, if occasionally insecure teenage girl who's just trying to make everyone happy.
Although bullied during her middle school years, Rosie has bounced back tremendously since starting school at Beverly Hills High. The shy girl who cried in the bathrooms during recess has grown up into a somewhat shy but sweet teenager who has taken her experiences to heart and makes sure to spread positivity whenever she can. After meeting the Misfits at Santa Monica in her second year, she's been baking pies and hanging out with them whenever possible, in hopes of making friends that will last.
Which brings us to the heart of the matter—Rosie is a girl who desperately wants to be loved. Starved of friendship in the past, she over-compensates by trying to be as sweet as possible, with mixed results. Although naturally somebody who wants to spread love and positivity, behind that smile Rosie is just wants to be wanted. Sometimes this causes people to take advantage of her, and sometimes it's herself who bends backward to fulfill your every need; either way, it can come off as "trying too hard" when she's really just trying her best. Her insecurities regarding herself, her social standing, and even her mood can make her feel like she's not pretty, popular, or happy enough to have friends, so she is sensitive to how others see her and puts a lot of thought into how she dresses and acts.
► ⓝⓞⓣⓔⓦⓞⓡⓣⓗⓨ ⓐⓟⓟⓔⓐⓡⓐⓝⓒⓔ ⓣⓡⓐⓘⓣⓢ
Rosie is a bit chubby, but hopefully it's cute rather than off-putting. She's also very meticulous about her makeup and could probably help you with yours, if you asked. Very fond of the color yellow.
► ⓕⓐⓥⓞⓡⓘⓣⓔ ⓘⓣⓔⓜ
Her pink, sparkly, amazingly durable bunny-patterned watch that her grandma gave her on her 16th birthday. It's adorable and she loves it to pieces.
► ⓒⓤⓡⓡⓔⓝⓣ ⓓⓘⓛⓔⓜⓜⓐ
Not so much a dilemma than a issue she's been wrestling with since middle school, but Rosie has always been insecure about herself and her body. It's just that now, she shows it differently, opting to work as hard as possible to be loved rather than feel hopeless. But it's still hard for her sometimes.
► ⓦⓐⓡⓝⓘⓝⓖ
Nothing really. Rosie is rather accommodating; she doesn't snap easily and would rather cry than yell. But, be warned, she can jump to conclusions when she feels like somebody is avoiding her, even if they're just naturally standoffish.
► ⓠⓤⓘⓡⓚⓢ
⁎ Can be a little jumpy ⁎ Has a tendency to over-apologize ⁎ Baking is her happy place ⁎ Draws sunflowers whenever, and wherever, she can
► ⓗⓞⓑⓑⓘⓔⓢ
⁎ Baking — Something she learned from her grandmother, Rosie has a passion for baking pies, cakes, cookies, and basically anything sweet. ⁎ Drawing — While not a dedicated artist by any means, she enjoys doodling and has a penchant for drawing flowers. ⁎ Makeup — One of the things she thinks she's alright at. It's kind of fun to see how much you can change your face with just a few tools. ⁎ Daydreaming — Usually about food, or what she would do if she has lots of friends, etc. ⁎ Gardening — Rosie grows herbs for flavoring, flowers because they look pretty, and the occasional healthy vegetable in her window box.
► ⓓⓡⓔⓐⓜⓢ
To open her own bakery, maybe? In the short term, she just wants to make some friends, lose some weight, and make people happy.
► ⓕⓔⓐⓡⓢ
That when all is said and done, she'll be left alone—that she's not "good enough" to befriend.
► ⓛⓘⓚⓔⓢ/ⓓⓘⓢⓛⓘⓚⓔⓢ
✺ Sunflowers ✺ The smell of baking bread ✺ Her grandmother
✺ Clothing that shows a lot of skin ✺ Bullies ✺ Winter (and the cold in general)
► ⓞⓒⓒⓤⓟⓐⓣⓘⓞⓝ
Variable. She takes on a lot of summer jobs, like walking dogs, mowing lawns, etc. around her neighborhood.
► ⓕⓐⓜⓘⓛⓨ
Jonathan Benjamin Parks — Rosie's father. Works at a local post office as a mailman. Gemma Juniper Parks — Rosie's mother. A stay-at-home mom who loves her daughter dearly. Clover "Marigold" Kelly — Rosie's maternal grandmother, who lives with the family and picked the name "Rosemary" for Rosie. Always dreamed of opening her own bakery but is too old to do so anymore.
► ⓑⓡⓘⓔⓕ ⓗⓘⓢⓣⓞⓡⓨ
The only child of a fairly "normal" family, Rosie grew up happy, surrounded by her doting parents and equally-as-doting grandmother, who moved in with them soon after Rosie was born. Her parents only wanted the best for her, but it was Grandma Marigold who started teaching Rosie things—how to cook, how to sew, and, eventually, how to bake, a love that was passed down from grandmother to daughter not longer after their first lesson. At home, Rosie was Rosemary, apprentice baker, and her life was sweet like the buttercream icing on top of her carrot cupcakes.
Unfortunately, this happiness would not last, for when Rosie reached middle school, the harmless teasing began to culminate into flat-out bullying, something that would damage Rosie's self-esteem forever. It was then that she grew apart from her grandmother, spending less time in the kitchen and more time in front of the mirror, or locked away in her bedroom. Thankfully, when Rosie graduated, the bullying stopped, and better yet, she made some friends in the form of the Misfits in her second year. Her grandmother and parents are overjoyed and Rosie feels like life is finally returning to normal; what comes after graduation isn't too much of a worry for her, since her parents are so supportive. She's more worried about how life will go now that the friends she's so carefully tried to befriend are leaving her—the idea of having to start all over is terrifying to her.
Which is why this roadtrip appeals to her. It's the last time she'll see everyone.
✺ ✺ ✺ ✺ ✺ ✺
► ⓔⓧⓣⓡⓐ ⓘⓝⓕⓞⓡⓜⓐⓣⓘⓞⓝ
Cupcakes! Especially sunflower ones!
Dialogue Color: #FFF135 As seen in: Nothing. I had originally planned her for Drive Like You Stole It, but... that didn't happen.
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈: Like I said, Rosie has never been used. It happens sometimes. To be honest, I just worked really hard on the formatting and wanted to show it off. Poor Rosie will probably never see the light of day, but that's okay.
Name: Jun. Just... Jun. Please. He has a longer, more confusing, horribly pretentious-sounding name that he hates to use and doesn't let anyone call him by.
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Fuutarou Uesugi from Gotoubun no Hanayome. He's actually pretty good looking, and he has hair antenna. H a i r a n t e n n a.
Personality: Calculated, cool-headed, but intensely curious about life and humanity, Jun is more of a rebel than you would think--he hates the social classes and bloodlines vampires are so fond of and wants to get out and experience the world outside. His vampire nature sometimes gets in the way of these plans, and he's not super wild about blood or darkness, despite being a vampire who can't stand out in the sun for more than a minute before suffering severe sunburns.
Background: Jun comes from one of the most prestigious vampire families in the country and has grown up separated from humans and non-vampires all his life. His dream is to transfer to a larger, mixed school come graduation, but at the moment he is still under his parents' protection. Vampires are pretty controlling like that, since they can live for... a long time.
Dialogue Color: #7B68EE As seen in: A Hybrid in an All-Vampire Boarding School!? (1x1)
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈: Vampire boy #1. Jun is fun. His full name is Jullien Lous Vincent Jean-Antoine Oliver.
Would I play again: As with many of my 1x1 characters, it's hard to imagine them in any setting but the one they currently inhabit. Jun is like that. I'll give him a ❦❦❦ out of 5, but right now, he's happy where he is.
Age: Undetermined. He's still young, though. Youngish.
Personality: Cold, but with a strong moral compass underneath all that seriousness. Being the sole heir of a multi-billion dollar company will do that to you. Couple that with the fact that his entire existence is apparently a threat to humanity, and you get somebody with a lot of walls and a lot of secrets.
Background: After a top-secret deal between Cassius Sr. and the South Korean government, SVT Corp. is also the main benefactor of vampires all over the globe. The deal was thus: pay some money, and the government will turn a blind eye to the technically illegal dealings that the SVT Corp. undertakes for the vampire community and their livelihoods. In this day and age, if you want to survive as a non-human, your best bet is the SVT Corp. or another large organization.
Raised from a young age to succeed his father, Cassius Sr., as head of the SVT Corp. conglomerate, Jae-hyeok (more often referred to as Cassius, Jr. optional) is well aware of what is expected of him: succeed, make money, keep secrets. And believe me, he's very good at exceeding expectations.
Dialogue Color: #B20707 As seen in: A 1x1.
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈: Vampire boy #2. He's just "eh," honestly. Not anything super special about him, and I think Haku is a better version of him. Vampire Seungcheol, yay.
Place of Birth: Tamako Village, west of the U.H.K's capital.
Race/Ethnicity/Species: Human
Height & Weight: 5'10, 152 lbs.
Hair Color: Halfway between orange and peach.
Hair Length/Hairstyle: About to his ears. As for the style, it's a very "natural" look, since hair gel is rarely found in the countryside. It's kinda floofy, kinda spikey, and very soft.
Eye Color: Burgundy.
General Body Description: Fairly average for a boy his height. Nothing to see here, folks.
Typical Clothing Style: Emo-punk-grunge "sad boy" fashion. Think lots of black, graphic tees, facemasks, the works.
Birthmarks: One peach-shaped splotch a few centimeters into his hairline. Only visible if you know where to part his hair, or if he's bald.
Tattoos/Scars: None.
Personality: Momotaro (Momo = peach, Taro = eldest son, like the folktale) is a boy obsessed with the "brand." As a child, he was easily interested, and attacked each subject with the same vigor as the last, with some of these interests later manifesting themselves as "hobbies" and some disappearing once he had exhausted his curiosity. So, it was of no surprise to anyone who knew him when he declared his passion for the "grunge aesthetic," instantly devoting himself to the study of such fashion after an encounter with a foreigner from the capital. In truth, the reason Momotaro was so attached to this particular aesthetic was about how interesting it was, compared to himself. He was always a normal child, if an overly curious one; having seen the results of his "boring" appearance, he resolved to become the most interesting version of himself that he could be. Which meant piercing his ears, changing his fashion choices, and most of all, acting. In the present, Momotaro is a mix of the curious, plain village boy of the past and the cool, fashion-obsessed teenager of tomorrow, while still managing to be friendly and over-eager, somehow.
Quirks:He has many. Momotaro, for all of his efforts, is just as air-headed as he was in the past. His most recognizable quirk is, of course, his tendency to get obsessed with things, but he also can never quite resist the urge to yell made-up catchphrases, usually at the worst possible times.
Strengths: Endlessly friendly and remarkably easy to get along with, giving him an edge in social situations. Also flexible--like, physically flexible. In his youth he was called "the acrobat of Tamako village."
Weaknesses: His tact and self-awareness are a solid zero. Also, studying? What's that?
Domicile: Princeps, tentatively. He really wants to be an actor or a performer, but leader = ringleader = ringmaster, so it's the same... right?
Aspirations: Momotaro has always been on the flamboyant side, taking gymnastics as a child and honing his talent for acting through middle school theater performances. What he wants is to make people pay attention to him, or at least not forget him after a few days. And what way to better leave a lasting impression than performing? He'd also like to make his village at least a little bit proud of him, since he ended up here... somehow.
Backstory: A human born and raised in the green, fruited hills of the west United Human Kingdoms, Momotaro has lived an perfectly quiet life in Tamako, a village most known for its abundant fruit tree orchards and cherry blossom festivals each spring. For many years, his only worry was the matter of his dumb name -- "Momotaro" -- given because of the peach-shaped birthmark on his scalp. Then, in the world's weirdest mistake, Momotaro was sent a royal invitation to Erstwhile. After much prodding and pleading and persuasion on behalf of his entire village, Momotaro gave in and packed his bags, fully expecting to be sent back in two days. But, now that he's seen how sweet the school grounds are, and how big the dormitory rooms are, he's kind of cool on the idea of staying, too. He's not really sure why he was chosen, of all people -- but he's not complaining, and besides, what could go wrong? He's always been good at acting.
Extra Info: Having been brought up in the countryside, Momotaro has only a weak understanding of "magic" and really doesn't know how to hold a sword. More importantly, he has an amazing country accent (Like Kansai dialect from Japan? Maybe? It's pretty twangy overall) that he slips in and out of, usually without noticing. But he is great at cooking, chopping wood, hunting, and the like! He's self-sufficient!
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈: Ah yes, my dumbest boy yet. Momotaro is as stupid as his name, and a joy to write. 'Cause he thinks he's all that, when he really... isn't. Good stuff.
His red eyes could be considered his most striking feature, considering his hair is jet-black and he rarely wears anything but the traditional gakuran uniform. Across his upper abdomen and chest is a detailed snake tattoo, but it's rarely ever seen.
Personality: On the outside proper, on the inside cold and calculating, Haku lives by his own rules -- he rarely does things without proper consideration or thought beforehand, although at the same time, these decisions seem random and mystifying to others. He will go to any lengths to achieve his goals, and although he will present himself with politeness, directly after this he will not hesitate to eliminate you if you stand in his way.
Abilities: Haku is the spirit of a white snake, and as such, he possesses several snake-like abilities -- most often, he simply summons his snakes to carry out his bidding. He can summon up to 4 small black snakes all which use their venomous bites and constriction to subdue enemies. He also possesses his own venom, which he stores in a collection of needles he carries on his person at all times, all with slightly different effects, like hallucination or paralysis. As a last resort, he can revert to his primal form, that of a large, white snake with red eyes, but he prefers not to do so.
Skills: Haku is a skilled marksman, a clever tactician, and prefers to work from the shadows, giving him excellent awareness and reflexes. He's not overly physically strong, at least not in his human form. He's also taken up acupuncture in his free time -- using un-poisoned needles, of course.
Equipment: Gakuran Uniform: His normal wear. He hides his snakes and needles inside. Throwing Needles: A collection of needles imbued with various types of venoms. Black Snakes: When not in use, they take the form of paper snakes tucked in the inside of his coat.
Backstory: Like the white snake of Chinese folklore, Haku is a snake spirit searching for the secret to immortality, among other things. Raised in a family of yokai, Haku was treated coldly during his youth as a spirit, often locked up or abandoned for long periods of time, with only his snakes as company. This led him to develop summoning powers as an attempt to impress his grandfather, the head of the household. After an attack on the family home, the remaining members of his family split up and spread aross the land, and all rarely communicate with each other. He hopes to obtain immorality to prove himself worthy as the head of the family and unify his clan once again, and has migrated to Minazawa in pursuit of this goal. During his time at Minazawa, he hasn't made much of a stir, preferring to gather intel and strike when he's sure of his plan's safety. Known to frequent gambling parlors and small, family-owned businesses, due to his fondness of "observing" familial bonds.
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈: Remember how I said Haku is just Cassius Ver. 2? Well, yeah, except Haku is cooler. They even have the same dialogue color! I think the snake idea is a bit better than just "he's a vampire lol," and I'm disappointed the rp died so quickly.
Name: Jani Franson Age: Not important. Race: Familiar. Takes the form of a Chartreux cat (a domesticated cat breed know for its "blue" aka gray fur) Nationality: Finnish Personality: The first thing you would notice about Jani, whether in his cat or human form, is that he almost always looks dead. Dead tired, dead bored, dead angry, just dead. Jani does not do "fun." He does not do "jokes." And he certainly does not do "eldritch abominations that threaten the fabric of reality." No. Just no. Jani instead likes to get straight to the point, in a deadpan, bordering on the edge of snarky voice that rarely ever changes pitch or volume. His form of humor is sarcasm--dry sarcasm. And if you threaten his sleeping time, be prepared for one VERY angry cat. But, despite all that, his bark really is worse than his bite. He can be genuinely gentle and compassionate to people who he feels like deserve sympathy, especially young orphaned children, and his loyalty is invisible but stronger than steel. With his "mistress" and partner, he travels the world in search of a good place to nap... and to rid the world of evil monsters, of course. Backstory: It is said that any child, born at the stroke of midnight under the full moon, is stolen away witches and brought to their coven in the woods, to be a "familiar" for them, and fulfill their demands. The truth, like many folktales, is different, and yet the same. Jani was born under the light of the full moon, but it is not known to who; fairies, perhaps as a halfling, or to witches. Whatever the circumstance, the result was the same--Jani lived his life as a spirit, without much purpose until he was imprinted and taken as the familiar of a young, vagabond witch. Now, he knows that that empty feeling was a part of his instinct to imprint, to enter into a contract, and that he must never, ever leave her.
Dialogue Color: #778899 As seen in: Have Cat, Will Travel 💫, a 1x1 that I ADORE. Seriously, @Otakuforreal is a great partner!
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈: Hey, it's another catboy! But this one's TIRED! Jani's great. The rp he's in is great. He's not a character I can easily transplant, though, because him and Elonwen work so well together. He's not himself without her.
Would I play again: Tbh, Jani is a one-rp character at this point. It would break his little heart to be separated from his mistress. Zero ☾s out of 5.
➵ Nickname: "Ri? I dunno, most people just call me "babe."
➵ Age: 22
➵ Gender: Male
➵ Relationship Status: "Single and looking… ladies."
➵ Occupation: Uber/Taxi driver.
➵ Appearance: Riley has been blessed with a lot of things--money, doting parents, a good education--but his most valued asset, in the opinion of his many girlfriends, is his face. The boy has the face of an angel, speckled with aesthetic-looking, and authentic, freckles, hair floppy, curly, and soft enough to make the best of models green with envy, and a lip ring on his bottom lip. In fact, the only thing not perfect about Riley is his teeth, which are finally beginning to straighten under the insistence of his parents--braces, apparently, are a good look for him too. Around town, you will see Riley mostly in comfy, yet trendy hoodies and jackets, a pair of yellow converse or vans (he owns several pairs of both), and, sometimes, a hairpin or two in his hair.
➵ Personality: At first, Riley seems like the typical flirt; never without a smooth word, always bragging about his possessions to anybody who will listen, but there's one crucial difference: he actually thinks he's the greatest. Born into immense wealth, Riley grew up with a sense of superiority that has stuck with him throughout high school and beyond: he's a snob, as much as a small-town millionaire can be, and he never quite understood the "money can't buy happiness" thing. A romantic at heart, but without any stops, he relentlessly flirts with everything alive, and on occasion, a few things that aren't. Riley has a silver tongue, but also a heart of gold--he wasn't voted student council president three years in a row for nothing--and he is generally a very talkative, even friendly individual who just happens to own fifty identical hoodies.
➵ Secrets: At his very center, Riley is dealing with the beginnings of a reckoning with his identity, and his greatest desire is to get out of his town and do something fun for once.
➵ Bio: As the only child of the most powerful family in town, Riley grew up good. Palmer Sr., a self-made millionaire due to his successful toothpaste production plant, suddenly had too much money and did not handle it well in respect to his son, pouring his fortune into every aspect of Riley's life. Therefore, the boy you see before you today: a spoiled brat, bored of everything and convinced that he's the best. Without a private school to send him too, Riley attended the local (and only) public school all his life, and therefore knows every student… especially the cheerleaders. Every inch of this miniscule town is his playground, and he lords over it like a kid in a candy store. Although, all he really does is flirt with girls and drive around town in his red MG convertible, looking for something to do.
Name: Simon Kamado Age: 25 -- first year of residency Gender: Male Occupation: Medical student, now graduated from medical school and moving onto residency training to become a emergency physician. Background: Generally a quite bright and happy fellow, Simon nevertheless takes his job seriously--he's studying to be an emergency physician, and he's begun practice (under the watchful eyes of a more experienced doctor, of course) at the local hospital. Graduation from medical school means he needs to find a new place, and it's been a stressful few weeks of searching and getting all the paperwork done for both his job and his apartment, so he's about ready to collapse. In fact, that could be said of Simon all the time--he's amiable, friendly, cheerful, ready to collapse, and does so often. working 3 days in a row, often for long day or night shifts, really isn't the greatest way to live. But hey, he's here now, somehow.
Dialogue Color: N/A As seen in: Blood Work (1x1)
Notes: Jani spends about 25% of the time thinking about how tired he is, whereas Simon spends 50%. This is because Jani has to fight werewolves, and Simon doesn't, giving him more time to think about it. Jani is disappointed in you, Simon. Do better. Still, I like Simon, because he's what I want to be--friendly, cool, and somewhat dorky. Also because Tanjiro is my favorite character in Demon Slayer.
Capture difficulty (out of five): 👑👑👑👑👑 🏰🕍 Male, 17 years old. Blood type O. Born January 3rd.
Favor: Helios, the sun god. Associated with: Leadership and Royalty, Victory, Light. Relatives: Father (King of Luxor), Mother (Queen of Luxor), Even (Younger brother), Lucy (Younger sister). Profile text: The firstborn son and heir to the House of Gallahart, the ruling family of Luxor. The first person to greet you [the heroine] at the academy, a talented and upstanding prince.
☀ Best Route Okay, so if you pull this off, you'll see very quickly why many players regard this as the "canon route." You get to be queen, the country is saved from a possible coup and war, and Christopher gets to marry for love! How great is that!? ☀ Good Route There are few small mistakes you can make that set you down the path of the "good route," and they're all very easy to make. But, at least Christopher and you run away together... *sniff* ☀ Bad Route DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT give Christopher the Yellow Rose during the Winter Ball! This will ABSOLUTELY trigger the bad route and it's hard to fix after the damage has been done. In the end, Christopher's fate is left uncertain, as he disappears due to the stress and heartbreak, and Even is crowned king instead. How sad!
Trivia: ☀ Christopher's favorite food is Seafood Risotto--you can hear Even talk about how their mother was a fisherman's daughter before she married the king, and how risotto was her favorite dish to cook when her sons were young. ☀ Christopher ranked #1 in the popularity poll hosted by LUC-CO Magazine. ☀ Even in the bad ends and other routes, Christopher still holds onto the handkerchief you lent him in the opening sequence. You can see it in Patrick's Wedding ending here and in Even's Successor ending here.
Comments: H.: My favorite character!! The Winter Ball CG is just way too heart-fluttering!! B.: That best route, it's definitely the "true ending," isn't it? There's no way it isn't.
ORION LOVER: @B Yeah, it really seems like it. Sorry, Orion! T.T
Dialogue Color: Gold As seen in: Luxor: Realm of Romance (1x1)
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈: He's a shiny prince. What else can I say? The most interesting thing about him right now is his relationship with his brother. I had fun making the CS look like a wiki page.