Death, Oil and Paradise

The South American country of Melizea is a long time failed petrol state. Dependent almost completely on oil and tourism, her shores have long been infested with a line of unstable military commandants, jefe's and puppet presidents. 2020 is no different, with an upcoming election that is all but a farce, the poor will continue on being poor, the rich will get richer and all will be well. Reports of a unique new strain of rabies in rural China are barely a bloop on the radar. Melizea is home to nearly thirty-nine million people, sharing a border with three other countries and host to the island nation of San Sofía just off the coast.
Full Name: Diego Alejandro Saavedra
Age: 37
Brief Description & Background:
Diego Alejandro Saavedra, standing 5'7" with brown eyes, long slicked back hair, a heavyset body, is an unstable man born into a drug smuggling family, the Saavedra Cartel, that has ties in San Sofia. Throughout his childhood, Diego was seen to be heavily involved in his family life, living among some of the richest within the country. However, Diego has no alleged ties with his family, at least none that he will admit to, after joining the Melizea Army in 2001 for a period of ten years as a basic infantryman before advancing to the role of an officer in 2011. While it was odd to see someone enter the military as a basic rifleman with the background that Diego has, it did not stop him from doing so, though the advancement into his roll as an officer seemed inevitable if his family continued to back him. Upon becoming an officer, Diego was thrust into the political scene where he would serve under the president at the time until 2016 where he would leave the military to become a full-time politician within Melizea. As a politician, Diego backs himself with far more money than he would seem to have, however, no official inquiry has been given as to where these sums of money have come from.
Military or Civilian Background: Military
Age: 37
Brief Description & Background:
Diego Alejandro Saavedra, standing 5'7" with brown eyes, long slicked back hair, a heavyset body, is an unstable man born into a drug smuggling family, the Saavedra Cartel, that has ties in San Sofia. Throughout his childhood, Diego was seen to be heavily involved in his family life, living among some of the richest within the country. However, Diego has no alleged ties with his family, at least none that he will admit to, after joining the Melizea Army in 2001 for a period of ten years as a basic infantryman before advancing to the role of an officer in 2011. While it was odd to see someone enter the military as a basic rifleman with the background that Diego has, it did not stop him from doing so, though the advancement into his roll as an officer seemed inevitable if his family continued to back him. Upon becoming an officer, Diego was thrust into the political scene where he would serve under the president at the time until 2016 where he would leave the military to become a full-time politician within Melizea. As a politician, Diego backs himself with far more money than he would seem to have, however, no official inquiry has been given as to where these sums of money have come from.
Military or Civilian Background: Military
Full Name: Joseph Hernandez
Age: 38
Brief Description & Background: Joseph grew up in a wealthy and powerful family, he always got what he wanted and even things he didn't want. He was part of the very small elite class and with it had many perks. Aside from having the ears of powerful government officials. They had contact with many foreign elites, from both the west and the east. His family knew how to play their cards. Eventually when his family passed Joesph being the sole heir inherited everything. Including secrets on many officals, he used them in a much more ruthless manor, while blackmail was always on the table. Sometimes he had to get his hand dirty and show them that he wasn't bluffing and then for good measure the people would find themselves in various accidents. By the age of 33 he had served within the government though he was seen as a minor advisor his authority and power was vast and be basically ran the state security. But now as there is change coming he must rely on his wit and powers to keep himself afloat.
Military or Civilian Background: Civilian.
Age: 38
Brief Description & Background: Joseph grew up in a wealthy and powerful family, he always got what he wanted and even things he didn't want. He was part of the very small elite class and with it had many perks. Aside from having the ears of powerful government officials. They had contact with many foreign elites, from both the west and the east. His family knew how to play their cards. Eventually when his family passed Joesph being the sole heir inherited everything. Including secrets on many officals, he used them in a much more ruthless manor, while blackmail was always on the table. Sometimes he had to get his hand dirty and show them that he wasn't bluffing and then for good measure the people would find themselves in various accidents. By the age of 33 he had served within the government though he was seen as a minor advisor his authority and power was vast and be basically ran the state security. But now as there is change coming he must rely on his wit and powers to keep himself afloat.
Military or Civilian Background: Civilian.
Full Name: Rodrigo Menaz
Age: 46
Brief Description & Background: Rodrigo was born into a state of war when Melizea was at an all-time low, when his father was taken and killed by invading warlords he defended his village with the older men and elderly as they fielded almost ancient equipment. Their lever and bolt action rifles fended off the marauding horde, giving their families time to escape. Much later as he entered his young adulthood, Melizea still suffered from it's an ancient feud. Rodrigo left his family to join the Melizea Revolutionary Guard at the ripe age of 18.
He fought rebels for his first few years before going back to the capital to attend Algaria Military College (named after a previous beloved dictator). He commissioned as a 3rd Lieutenant at age 23. The higher Rodrigo climbed in his military career the more back-door deals and corruption he saw in his country and the government, not liking the odds of him surviving a revolution or assassination he retired from the army at the rank of Major at age 40.
After his military career, Rodrigo started a private military company (translated locally to "The Soldiers") that employed ex-Melizea military along with a few foreigners from the Baltic Lands. His company dealt with general security contracts but profited from the oil companies as they protected a majority of foreign oil companies like BigGas and Petro Intl. Currently, he operates the company out of their headquarters in the capital where he can keep an eye on the government's affairs, his family and his enemies all in one place.
Military or Civilian Background: Military [Hidden Modifier Attached]
Age: 46
Brief Description & Background: Rodrigo was born into a state of war when Melizea was at an all-time low, when his father was taken and killed by invading warlords he defended his village with the older men and elderly as they fielded almost ancient equipment. Their lever and bolt action rifles fended off the marauding horde, giving their families time to escape. Much later as he entered his young adulthood, Melizea still suffered from it's an ancient feud. Rodrigo left his family to join the Melizea Revolutionary Guard at the ripe age of 18.
He fought rebels for his first few years before going back to the capital to attend Algaria Military College (named after a previous beloved dictator). He commissioned as a 3rd Lieutenant at age 23. The higher Rodrigo climbed in his military career the more back-door deals and corruption he saw in his country and the government, not liking the odds of him surviving a revolution or assassination he retired from the army at the rank of Major at age 40.
After his military career, Rodrigo started a private military company (translated locally to "The Soldiers") that employed ex-Melizea military along with a few foreigners from the Baltic Lands. His company dealt with general security contracts but profited from the oil companies as they protected a majority of foreign oil companies like BigGas and Petro Intl. Currently, he operates the company out of their headquarters in the capital where he can keep an eye on the government's affairs, his family and his enemies all in one place.
Military or Civilian Background: Military [Hidden Modifier Attached]
Full Name: Marcela Linhares Lópes
Brief Description & Background: Marcela Linhares Lópes Was born originally to a rich family in the country of Meliziea, after a series of unfortunate incidents her family had fallen off grace and after reaching her 18 she joined the army seeking to regain her family's fame trough the military mainly embarking into officers school but she also had a passion for geopolitics and economics something she prefers even writing a book about geopolitics and how it affected Melizea.
Marcela gained to an extent recognition and reputation after becoming an officer and rising through the ranks after the war in the countryside reached a worse period using charms and tactics she was one of the ablest officers in the ground at the end of the war she embroiled in politics utilizing her family name to gain power in the nation believing that in politics she would gain more power.
Military or Civilian Background: Military
Brief Description & Background: Marcela Linhares Lópes Was born originally to a rich family in the country of Meliziea, after a series of unfortunate incidents her family had fallen off grace and after reaching her 18 she joined the army seeking to regain her family's fame trough the military mainly embarking into officers school but she also had a passion for geopolitics and economics something she prefers even writing a book about geopolitics and how it affected Melizea.
Marcela gained to an extent recognition and reputation after becoming an officer and rising through the ranks after the war in the countryside reached a worse period using charms and tactics she was one of the ablest officers in the ground at the end of the war she embroiled in politics utilizing her family name to gain power in the nation believing that in politics she would gain more power.
Military or Civilian Background: Military
Full Name: Alonso Terjedor
Age: 42
Brief Description & Background: Alonso is what you'd expect to see a politician's son. A smooth looking fit man, his hair slicked back with a cleanly shaven goatee to distinguish the look. Like his father before him, he lobbies for the oil companies. The extensive family estate was bought and built by black gold. His father believed a new kind of man was needed to help their poor beloved country. Alonso was sent abroad for his education.
Upon his return home, he quickly entered the political arena. Marrying one of the runners up in the Miss Meliza pageant to garner public support.
He harbors no love for the military. In truth he despises them for totalitarian ways. This is because his sister had been disposed of by an unknown officer. Leading to him organizing a massive protest against the corrupt military that had in his eyes poisoned his beloved home. Seeing their kind as bandits and nothing more.
Alonso does want his country to fare better but he is also greedy. Oil runs in his veins and often does what the oil executives want but he does see himself as a man of the people. Vowing to bring the country back from poverty and war.
Military or Civilian Background: Civilian
Age: 42
Brief Description & Background: Alonso is what you'd expect to see a politician's son. A smooth looking fit man, his hair slicked back with a cleanly shaven goatee to distinguish the look. Like his father before him, he lobbies for the oil companies. The extensive family estate was bought and built by black gold. His father believed a new kind of man was needed to help their poor beloved country. Alonso was sent abroad for his education.
Upon his return home, he quickly entered the political arena. Marrying one of the runners up in the Miss Meliza pageant to garner public support.
He harbors no love for the military. In truth he despises them for totalitarian ways. This is because his sister had been disposed of by an unknown officer. Leading to him organizing a massive protest against the corrupt military that had in his eyes poisoned his beloved home. Seeing their kind as bandits and nothing more.
Alonso does want his country to fare better but he is also greedy. Oil runs in his veins and often does what the oil executives want but he does see himself as a man of the people. Vowing to bring the country back from poverty and war.
Military or Civilian Background: Civilian
Full Name: Hernandez Ortis
Age: 49
Brief Description & Background:
Nobody knows who Hernandez Ortis was, where he came from, who was he before becoming one of the political forefronts, all they knew was that he was one of the foreign investors who took an interest in Melizea when the first pocket of oil was found. And while everyone was huddling for gold, Hernandez took an interest in developing infrastructure. While everyone is busying constructing oil drill, Hernandez was busying decorating the coast and securing favor from various factions. And when everything settles down, like it always was, Hernandez had already possessed numerous plots of land along the coasts.
And from here, resorts are built to serve the riches. Miles-long beaches and coasts reserved only for hotel guests. Golf courses and pastures. Horse racing and canoeing. Suddenly, Hernandez became the king of mortgages, services and entertainment sections of this decadent nation. And like most people with power and an economy to back it such power, he became a politician. And to be honest, he represents the darker side of the capitalistic way. He made it harder for small companies to be created while making those that are already in charge as the only supplier. There are monopolies in food, in export and import, in building ships and making torpedoes... All of these can't be done without him and the greed of the ruler.
This nation belongs to the rich. Everything in this nation belongs to the rich. And Hernandez is here to make sure that the foreign investment will forever overshadow this newborn's country capability.
Military or Civilian Background: Civilian [Hidden Modifier Attached]
Age: 49
Brief Description & Background:
Nobody knows who Hernandez Ortis was, where he came from, who was he before becoming one of the political forefronts, all they knew was that he was one of the foreign investors who took an interest in Melizea when the first pocket of oil was found. And while everyone was huddling for gold, Hernandez took an interest in developing infrastructure. While everyone is busying constructing oil drill, Hernandez was busying decorating the coast and securing favor from various factions. And when everything settles down, like it always was, Hernandez had already possessed numerous plots of land along the coasts.
And from here, resorts are built to serve the riches. Miles-long beaches and coasts reserved only for hotel guests. Golf courses and pastures. Horse racing and canoeing. Suddenly, Hernandez became the king of mortgages, services and entertainment sections of this decadent nation. And like most people with power and an economy to back it such power, he became a politician. And to be honest, he represents the darker side of the capitalistic way. He made it harder for small companies to be created while making those that are already in charge as the only supplier. There are monopolies in food, in export and import, in building ships and making torpedoes... All of these can't be done without him and the greed of the ruler.
This nation belongs to the rich. Everything in this nation belongs to the rich. And Hernandez is here to make sure that the foreign investment will forever overshadow this newborn's country capability.
Military or Civilian Background: Civilian [Hidden Modifier Attached]
Full Name: Isabella Cortez
Brief Description & Background: There is a sucker born every minute.
That's what Isabella's father Carlos always told her before he was taken by the army and killed for dealing drugs in the favelas of São Carmados. Isabella and her mother grew up pour without their father, and had accumulated his debt owed to the Melizean Cartel which peddled straight pure white cocaine amongst other commodities. At a early age she had to work in the sex trade to start paying off her debts that her father left her, why was he so careless?
She continued to be a slave to the sex trade into her early adulthood, one day something changed in her. Her submissiveness subsided and a rage to escape her captivity. She killed the John she was with and when we her Pimp came she shot him five times in the chest, she freed the other girls stuck in the crack house they were living in. Only some could escape, the rest were too addicted to drugs to make any effort.
Over the course of several months she started a rebel cell dedicated to taking out the cartel in her district, recruiting from former sex-workers and those disgruntled with the Cartel. On the eve of an annual cartel celebration "The Harvest's Feast" her group attacked cartel boss Juan Demelo at his estate where they captured him and burned him at a stake before razing his estate to the ground. Word of the attack spread of freedom fighters, fighting the state itself? When in reality it was just a girl getting revenge, Isabella took over Demelo's operations in the area. She was a face of hope and freedom to those oppressed in Melizea, but in reality she was just a drug-queen taking her rightful place on the throne.
Military or Civilian Background: Civilian.
Brief Description & Background: There is a sucker born every minute.
That's what Isabella's father Carlos always told her before he was taken by the army and killed for dealing drugs in the favelas of São Carmados. Isabella and her mother grew up pour without their father, and had accumulated his debt owed to the Melizean Cartel which peddled straight pure white cocaine amongst other commodities. At a early age she had to work in the sex trade to start paying off her debts that her father left her, why was he so careless?
She continued to be a slave to the sex trade into her early adulthood, one day something changed in her. Her submissiveness subsided and a rage to escape her captivity. She killed the John she was with and when we her Pimp came she shot him five times in the chest, she freed the other girls stuck in the crack house they were living in. Only some could escape, the rest were too addicted to drugs to make any effort.
Over the course of several months she started a rebel cell dedicated to taking out the cartel in her district, recruiting from former sex-workers and those disgruntled with the Cartel. On the eve of an annual cartel celebration "The Harvest's Feast" her group attacked cartel boss Juan Demelo at his estate where they captured him and burned him at a stake before razing his estate to the ground. Word of the attack spread of freedom fighters, fighting the state itself? When in reality it was just a girl getting revenge, Isabella took over Demelo's operations in the area. She was a face of hope and freedom to those oppressed in Melizea, but in reality she was just a drug-queen taking her rightful place on the throne.
Military or Civilian Background: Civilian.