Contests overview
This is a summary of all current and past series of contests and who hosts/hosted them.
If you have any questions or additions, please PM me.
Current writing contests
RPGC (Roleplayer Guild Contest) is the series of official writing contests of the guild that started five years ago on this website and is still going. These are run by the Contest Mods.
MFP (Microfiction & Poetry contest) is a series of writing competition where the goal is to write a short story of up to 500 words or a poem. These are run by a contest mod.
Previous writing contests
MASC (Monthly Adaptive Storytelling Contest) ran by Jorick
SALIGIA: The 7 Sins, ran by The Grey Dust
TTL (The Twelve Labours) ran by Terminal
Current character creation contests
Previous character creation contests
Character Contest, ran by BrokenPromise
Character Creation Contests, ran by NuttsnBolts
Current art contests
TDAC (Traditional and Digital Art Contest) is a series of art contests organised in the Gallery. They run alongside the RPGC's and are hosted by a contest mod.