Name: Irina Scarlet
Age: 36
Specialty: Command Sniper
Origin: Born before the war, she was only a teenager when the world was destroyed. Left alone without any family, she joined the UEA when it was formed, and signed up for the mlitary at the age of 17. She was not immediately allowed in, but she put through training over the next year and given a place to live until she turned 18, when she was formally enlisted.
Service: Military, Mobile Armor Core
Backstory: There isn't much to tell about Irina. An orphan of the war, she decided to make a place in the world for herself by joining the military of the UEA. Plus, she simply needed to survive, and they offered food and housing to anyone who signed on. Those were the early days of the UEA, when the cities were still being built. Compared to back then, the UEA is a paradise in a broken world after 20 years of development. She was the first member of the Driver Program, and was the main test bed for all their experiments. Plenty of things went wrong with her augmentations that weren't able to be fixed until the second round of the Driver Program, where they took what they learned from her, and applied it to more members.
Description: As a result of many failed parts of the augmentation process, her hair has turned silver, and her eyes a crimson red. This is not a normal thing and stands out for most people. Otherwise, she sometimes comes off as a little insane. Another part of the augmentation process you won't find on any records.
Infantry Loadout: Her only tool outside of her Lancer is a massive weapon called a "Glaive Cannon". It fires very slowly, but when it does fire, it lets loose a massive blast of energy capable of busting open even the sturdiest bunkers. At least that's what they say, but those tests were against Concrete. It can be switched into a rapid fire mode in which each shot is much less powerful, but of course, there are far more being fired.
Lancer Loadout: The Primary weapon of her Lancer is a beam rifle, which fires a single line of energy at extreme range. The shot impacts in an instant even at max range, and is capable of piercing through just about anything. The drawback is that it isn't exactly a large scale weapon, and is slow firing. This means that while the shot can pierce through just about anything, she needs absolute precision, or the shot will just put a small hole in one side and out the other. Otherwise, her Lancer is outfitted with a host of intelligence equipment for communications and battlefield intel gathering. Her Lancer is also equipped with wings, allowing it permanent flight capabilities so she can get a good view of any battlefield.
Driver Reference:
Lancer Reference:
Age: 36
Specialty: Command Sniper
Origin: Born before the war, she was only a teenager when the world was destroyed. Left alone without any family, she joined the UEA when it was formed, and signed up for the mlitary at the age of 17. She was not immediately allowed in, but she put through training over the next year and given a place to live until she turned 18, when she was formally enlisted.
Service: Military, Mobile Armor Core
Backstory: There isn't much to tell about Irina. An orphan of the war, she decided to make a place in the world for herself by joining the military of the UEA. Plus, she simply needed to survive, and they offered food and housing to anyone who signed on. Those were the early days of the UEA, when the cities were still being built. Compared to back then, the UEA is a paradise in a broken world after 20 years of development. She was the first member of the Driver Program, and was the main test bed for all their experiments. Plenty of things went wrong with her augmentations that weren't able to be fixed until the second round of the Driver Program, where they took what they learned from her, and applied it to more members.
Description: As a result of many failed parts of the augmentation process, her hair has turned silver, and her eyes a crimson red. This is not a normal thing and stands out for most people. Otherwise, she sometimes comes off as a little insane. Another part of the augmentation process you won't find on any records.
Infantry Loadout: Her only tool outside of her Lancer is a massive weapon called a "Glaive Cannon". It fires very slowly, but when it does fire, it lets loose a massive blast of energy capable of busting open even the sturdiest bunkers. At least that's what they say, but those tests were against Concrete. It can be switched into a rapid fire mode in which each shot is much less powerful, but of course, there are far more being fired.
Lancer Loadout: The Primary weapon of her Lancer is a beam rifle, which fires a single line of energy at extreme range. The shot impacts in an instant even at max range, and is capable of piercing through just about anything. The drawback is that it isn't exactly a large scale weapon, and is slow firing. This means that while the shot can pierce through just about anything, she needs absolute precision, or the shot will just put a small hole in one side and out the other. Otherwise, her Lancer is outfitted with a host of intelligence equipment for communications and battlefield intel gathering. Her Lancer is also equipped with wings, allowing it permanent flight capabilities so she can get a good view of any battlefield.
Driver Reference:

Lancer Reference: