"You are but a tribal in a much, much, larger world."
The land of Eliorial is a mysterious one, mostly uncivilized with tribes roaming throughout it's various landscapes and regions. Many old relics and monuments to an ancient era lay scattered about the rocks and hiding in deep caves are secrets known to none but a long dead race. Plenty of prey is to be found wandering the lands, ripe for easy pickings, yet many a dangerous predator also lurks throughout the areas, some with sharp pointed teeth, others with razor wire claws, or both.
As giving as Eliorial is, it also takes, and that is what the various tribes of the area have known throughout their time here. Time's however seem to be changing faster then ever be it for the better or for worse. Strange men in strange clothing have made their way here and not all are as friendly as they seem, tribes seem ready to turn on each other and chaos seems like it's just right around the corner.