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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Klumsykrow357
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Great idea @Naril, I'll go next! And sorry I haven't been posting either, there were some demons in my garage I had to exorcise.

Clint: Wendi probably would be equal parts cautious and curious of him. I don't see him trusting her very much though and keeping her even more at arms' length than everyone else. Mostly it would be because he's so protective of the Oracle and Wendi just showed up one day on the front stoop knowing about the organization and that they needed help with very little explanation in all her primal, non-human glory. She would take any opportunity to learn more about him, probably leading to creepy encounters where he looks up from his lunch to find her staring intently at him from across the mess hall. She would also request sparring with him, but it would take her a bit to work up to it. Whatever the outcome, she would become far more comfortable with him and the stalking would lessen (not stop though). If he lets her, she would actually talk to him, but it wouldn't be often or for long.

Jason: Wendi would have absolutely no clue how to handle Jason at first. He is so alien to her in so many ways. Considering Jason's nature though he would try his best to be friendly with her, which she will regard with suspicion until she realizes that he's not trying to get anything from her. After a point she will likely become protective of him because she would see him as too nice to defend himself from the evils of the world. This will likely result in at least one time he tries to go home with someone from the bar and Wendi chases them off because she deemed them unworthy of bedding him. She would also develop a habit of finding and leaving him shiny objects, trinkets, and jewelry on his pillow or in his locker. To this day though no one has figured out where she keeps getting them...

November: I could see that for the first several weeks if not months she was with the organization, they exchanged no verbal words at all. Watching them meet in the hallways is quite like watching two cats startle one another. Both of them freeze, hair prickled and eyes glinting, and posture for several seconds before relaxing and departing the area with deliberate slowness. They often jostle for the best perch points and secluded areas, and at least once they got into a fight. Not just a hissing match, but a full out "I'm going to kill you and eat your flesh" fight that others (probably Clint) had to separate them out of. Its not that they hate each other, they are just two predators confined to a single small territory. After that fight though they both realized that neither of them could kill the other without also dying so they have reached an unspoken agreement to not fight again, resulting in them dividing the facility between them into two separate territories.

Samara: Wendi would also be confused by Sam but also a little cautious of her at first because of her relationship with Death. She would however respond positively to Sam's teachings and gifts of biscuits. Sam would probably be the one she talks to the most because Sam makes other things make more sense. Wendi probably shows up in Sam's room frequently to ask questions like "What is the purpose behind money?" and "Why do people run away screaming when I offer them meat?" And Sam is just the person to explain the assigned value of paper bills and that most people don't see animals in their limp, broken-necked stage before they eat them. Wendi would become protective of Sam as well though in a more repaying her for her wisdom sort of way. As long as it doesn't interfere with her personal code, Sam could ask anything of Wendi and she'd do it.

If there's anything here any of you disagree with, let me know!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

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@Klumsykrow357 I can only imagine Sam's pride when Wendi manages to order drinks at the local coffee shop by herself. :3

Small character update! I added the times when Sam's died to the end of her sheet. I don't think it'll be necessary for much, but now we all know. :)

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Klumsykrow357
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@Naril She'd have to convince Wendi to wear regular clothes first XD
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 7 days ago

Actually, to that point, I do have a question - how much do our characters have to "generally" exist in society? Does the Division keep all of its agents in huge compounds, hidden from the world? I've been kind of assuming that Sam has an apartment (and, to at least some small degree) a life outside of the Division. It can't all be monster fighting and wrangling of supernatural forces, but it seems like a couple of our characters...er, well, not to be mean, sort of can't exist in normal mundane society well, at least at the moment. If that question is obviated by "we have a cool little fiefdom with Magic Starbucks and Eldritch Bodegas," that's fine, I'd just like to know. :3
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by WaywardK
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WaywardK The Most Paradoxical of Beings

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I figured she’d be at least confounded by Astra too. Weird bird thing protecc hooman y.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Klumsykrow357
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@WaywardK I completely forgot about Astra! O.o And I think that at first she would be, but she would just ask Astra directly why she likes Jason. I could see it going like this:

The Wendigo is crouched in front of one of the few windows of the facility, holding out a small chunk of meat to The Crow. With a casual flick, the morsel is airborne and is quickly snapped up in her glossy beak. "The Crow is beautiful and fierce," The Wendigo says in her low breathy tone as she slowly reaches for another meat scrap, "Why does she stay in the world of metal? Why does she befriend The Witch? Has he a favor with her?" The Crow extends a wing before making loud distressing caws and ruffling her feathers. She then relaxes them and turns to fix one beady eye on The Wendigo. "The Wendigo understands," comes the reply and another scrap is sent into the air, "she has met Kind Ones too... She will watch for it. Perhaps...she will befriend him as well..."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

So far I have not seen anything that leans too far out of character with interaction toward November. The character themselves has little interest in the Sentinels or anyone who allied themselves with them circumstantially as well outside of battle. Looking for November is, in a way, looking for trouble and although there exists the discipline not to engage in infighting, getting tangled up with him would be little different than trying to engage the Inquisition in a rational conversation. It is not say, overbearing, but any dialogue with November is not bound to be positive unless one is human, which is well into that realm of understanding that therianthropes need humans; other creatures are just quarry.

So it sort of leaves a situation wherein the character is by no means tight-lipped or reclusive in the traditional sense, rather that November is an exercise in trying to speak with something that generally wants to kill and has no real appreciation of them. Yet instead of doing that, they are content to talk. I find this opens some interesting opportunity because it is such a strange concept. So by all means if anyone wishes to actually interact with him, that door is open.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Klumsykrow357
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@The Harbinger of Ferocity Sorry, I didn't mean to make November seem undisciplined. In the scenario I thought of with them fighting I assumed that Wendi started it and that November simply refused to be killed by some wild half-breed. And now that I think about it she wouldn't even really want him dead, but would have to seem like she did to see what he's capable of. Wendi would be testing her strength as much as she would be testing his. November is a character she can relate to in the sense that both of them are predators, both of them understand the thrill of the hunt and the kill. Thus she would approach him as she would any other predator she's come across in the wild. If you think it's overboard to have her attack him though I'm fine with that not happening.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by WaywardK
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WaywardK The Most Paradoxical of Beings

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Okay so since everyone else did one...

Clint: Jason would lowkey have a thing for Clint. Not like a romantic thing but there's... definitely a thing there. Jason can sense the darkness in Clint's tortured soul. Not by any magical means or anything, just the fact that Jason gets vibes from Clint. Jason has likely on a couple of occasions tried to get Clint to follow him to a bar, or attempted to get the guy into something chill and mundane. In the field, Jason would like be extremely loyal to Clint's directions and would prefer to take orders from him. Jason may almost seem like a little brother. Astra is indifferent to him.

Wendy: Jason has 100% tried to tempt her with a chicken wing or some kind of meat, and may even make it a regular habit of trying to bribe her support via meaty snacks. He probably doesn't really want to be close friends with her cause they have vastly different interests, but feels like treating her well is a morally obliged duty, as the Greeks feared and respected those that were "wild." That being said, Jason probably has a fascination with her fae ancestry as well, as the fae have long since been known to work with pagan witches like himself, even if it's mostly just the Gaelics. Astra is very fond of her.

Samara: One of Jason's best friends. Jason personally knows what it's like to speak with and meet otherworldly deific energies so probably bonds pretty strongly with Samara over that fact. Samara is probably one of the few people that realizes something is off, supernaturally, with Jason. His past lives seem to be somehow important to who he is now. That being said, like Naril suggested, they are 100% drinking buddies, she may even be on his side with trying to get Clint to go out with them. Astra isn't fond of her for some reason.

November: November, out of everyone we currently have, probably isn't going to like Jason very much, and it's going to drive Jason batshit. Jason has a pathological need to be liked and the only reason November is ever going to look at him lovingly is if he's been slow roasted over a fire for a few hours and marinated in seasonings. Astra despises November.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

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@WaywardK Samara is absolutely on board with trying to get Clint to come out and actually have a good time, rather than scowl at a beer bottle. :3

Also, I was sitting here thinking of what color Sam's bike is, and...well, there's really only one answer, isn't there.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by WaywardK
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WaywardK The Most Paradoxical of Beings

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@WaywardK Samara is absolutely on board with trying to get Clint to come out and actually have a good time, rather than scowl at a beer bottle. :3

Also, I was sitting here thinking of what color Sam's bike is, and...well, there's really only one answer, isn't there.

Please say pink with sparkles
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Klumsykrow357
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@WaywardK It would take a bit to get Wendi to talk about her mother's people. Mainly she would be trying to gauge his intention on why he's asking about her family. She's very protective of her mother and is instantly suspicious of anyone who shows interest. Once she determines that he means no harm she'll be more than happy to talk about all she remembers. She hasn't seen her mother since she ran away from home but what she does remember she will share with fondness. She does NOT talk about her father though. If pressed to share she will get quiet and even a little hostile if the subject isn't dropped.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

No apology required, @Klumsykrow357. Assuming anyone would try to fight November as part of their backstory, with actual harm involved, his intent would be to kill - a character like Clint who November has to defer to, having authority by proxy, would be the way to prevent him from going to the full length to do so. So I am not particularly comfortable with making that determination yet. If the Game Master has something for that, absolutely, I would have no issue with it, because then November would simply obey but obviously have a radically different standing with that character. It would be something interesting to explore because it begs the question, "Can you really trust November, knowing the moment this is over what is going to happen?" Could other characters trust him that he simply wouldn't let Wendi die if a situation arose where his action or inaction made that kind of difference? Not saying this will be the case but it plays into the idea. Of course, I know the answer for the character and it is fairly obvious out-of-character how and why he would behave, but to the characters that is asking a lot about something they themselves do not actually know. Even if Wendi was in the wrong as by starting the fight, it is probably much harder to believe November isn't conceptually sharpening his knives, and in a way it gives her a sort of self-validation. Again, Game Master's intent permitting.

@WaywardK, I have to admit, the idea of a character wanting to be friendly to November is entertaining too. I will absolutely have to write a general overview here in the next couple of days based on what everyone else has done for their characters. Particularly since not all these are mutual relationships or understandings between them. November, for example, simply wouldn't have the understanding of Jason's consuming need for approval and it makes for an interesting game of Jason probably putting up with the unusual dialogue expected of a thera zealot.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 7 days ago

<Snipped quote by Naril>

Please say pink with sparkles

I think Sam's phone case is probably sparkly pink, but unfortunately that wasn't a colour offered by Norton in the 60s. Look, I'm leaning into a theme, all right? ;)

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

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Well, this weekend has been interesting. I'm exhausted, everything hurts, but I'm excited for the future. :3

I am going to be pretty wrung out for the first couple of weeks of October on a project. I'll do my best to post, but they may be shorter than I'd usually write.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

How fares the life of the Game Master, @StormWolf? Still with us and with a plan to start this thread in the near future? I ask only out of concern for a general timeline, just something to inform myself and reasonably others what and when we an expect this to begin.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by StormWolf
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StormWolf Cantankerous

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I apologize for the delays! I've been tiddling away at the draft of the opening post. It should be coming out over the weekend. The SD fire has made work slow going.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 7 days ago

Take care of yourself! I am looking forward to writing for this, but I’m happy to wait.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by StormWolf
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StormWolf Cantankerous

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

IC OP has been posted.

As stated, we're starting in media res. An investigation, in this instance.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 7 days ago

Time to roll a perception check!

Should we invent clues, or just tell you what our characters are doing and then receive info? :3
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