 ............................................................................... | The Federal Agency of Metahuman Affairs (Shortened to FAMA) is the Deltahuman regulation agency that is responsible for the regulation of Deltahumans after the rebranding of ALBATROSS/DOVE. Formed in 2003, they are an organization split into four departments: Deltahuman Welfare, Public Affairs, Research, and Security. The first organization is more of a social services group that promotes the well-being and mental health of Deltahumans. Welfare keeps track of all Deltahumans that are registered and constantly gives support to these Deltahumans so they aren't roped into a gang or become a super criminal.
Public Affairs is more about dealing with Deltahuman's social issues and attempting to change the public perception of them for the better. The Research department focuses on figuring out how these Deltahumans tick and developing new technology and methods to handle rogue Deltahumans. Security is the largest department tasked with detaining Deltahumans who abuse their powers. FAMA is volunteer-based; if people meet a particular set of requirements, they can apply to join the Agency. |
However, they are pretty strict with their recruitment and primarily hire those with the required experience, though there have been exceptions made. FAMA consists of regular humans and Deltahumans, as the latter are considered valuable assets in the never-ending battle against hostile Deltahumans. The organization is considered a paramilitary organization as agents are given special training on handling various Deltahuman threats and specific situations related to Deltahuman.
Field Agents of FAMA wear heavy armor resistant to most Deltahuman abilities. They are heavily armed with top-of-the-line firearms and other equipment (Nullification collars, taser darts, containment foam). The Agency has an outpost in every major city, and they are designated from one to hundred numbers depending on the size of the city (e.g., New York City is 1, Los Angeles is 3, and so on), and each outpost has a Director who oversees all operations within the city. Smaller towns have agents delegated from the closest major outpost. On the west and east coasts, there is a national headquarters where most operations are run. FAMA is what essentially keeps watch over the Academy Program.
FAMA, as its operations are detailed above, falls under the United States Department of Homeland Security and is led by a Director of Operations who reports directly to the DHS Secretary. Most FAMA recruits are selected from both Deltahuman and human applicants, with preference given to those who are or have already graduated from the DHS Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC). However, it is known for FAMA to hire from outside this program and pay out of pocket to send select individuals to FLETC or even hire them straight in if they meet FAMA standards.

 ............................................................................... | Task Force RAVEN is an elite team under FAMA, a group of several individuals that are called upon for when the time calls for it. Task Force RAVEN was born from the Verthaven disaster as an elite team was sent to handle the REAPER threat.
They were the ones who were deemed the true "saviors" of the Verthaven Disaster, and they managed to save face in the face of ALBATROSS's disgrace and dissolution.
Nowadays, Task Force RAVEN is considered the best and the most excellent FAMA offers. Due to immense publicity campaigns and acts of heroism, they are well-regarded among FAMA agents. They are led by Maximilian Cornell, who is stated to be the strongest Deltahuman in FAMA. Their mission control is Dana Alcott. |
The way Task Force RAVEN works is that they're regular agents assigned to different duty stations across the US. When a crisis comes, or they are needed, they are quickly assembled and sent to work on that task, and when the mission is complete, they are disbanded. Maximilian Cornell supports a heavy bond between the Task Force RAVEN members so that they are like a close-knit family and maximize effectiveness. However, at times, Task Force RAVEN is active for months (and one time, they were assembled for years), so they have no choice but to tolerate each other.
They are famous for their offensive against the Tyrants in Stadium City, quelling the Metahuman riots in Philadelphia, solving the Charity Beach incident, and more. Dana Alcott is the one who handles most of the paperwork and admin (with some assistants grabbing her coffee!) for the Task Force. She also selects who gets on the unit and who doesn't because her assistants pick out exceptional FAMA Agents, and then she decides if they're qualified. Afterward, she invites them to the Task Force, where they undergo distinctive and rigorous training. If they pass, they'll be called up when the time comes.
One of the perks of being a part of Task Force RAVEN is that they get to play with the more expensive tools and equipment.

 ............................................................................... | Following the Verthaven disaster, the United Nations decided to get more involved in the politics of Deltahumans. Specifically, the terrorist Deltahuman groups, those who intend on using Deltahumans for illegal gains, and other such groups to preserve world peace. MAVERICK was suggested by Natalie Bright, a high-ranking member of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, to help build relations between Deltahumans and humans worldwide.
The result was an elite task force gathered from Deltahumans and humans that collaborates with global Deltahuman regulation groups. MAVERICK's primary goal is to keep balance in the Deltahuman world by challenging threats such as the Allegiance and the Pure - but their main objective has been combating Abel and his REAPER group. |
So far, MAVERICK is an enormous group that consists of people from many different countries and training. It mainly consists of those from America and Britain, but there is a sizable amount of Africans due to MAVERICK's work there. The group is heavily armed with the best technology the United Nations was willing to donate. However, FAMA contributes a large chunk of their technology to them. MAVERICK answers to the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and them alone. However, it should be noted that MAVERICK cannot operate or enter any country that denies them access - only being allowed in countries that approve of the MAVERICK program.

 ............................................................................... | Nemesis of the FAMA organization and a lot more, REAPER is a strange and heavily armed paramilitary terrorist group. They are led by the mysterious Abel, a massive man who is feared globally as he has killed dozens of politicians, researchers, millionaires and beyond. He is tough to kill as he seems a Deltahuman who is insanely strong and durable. Assisted by a strange portal technology, REAPER gets right where they need to go and then vanishes without a trace. Each member of REAPER is clad in black armor that covers them from head to toe, helmets that distort their voice, and are heavily armed. If one of them dies (or is about to die), they are equipped with a strange chemical that dissolves their body down to the DNA and leaves no trace. |
Because of this, it's tough to identify members of REAPER and trace where they came from. However, several REAPERS are Deltahumans, with the elite members of the group being all Deltahuman shock troopers. It's difficult to pinpoint where REAPER will target as they are responsible for hundreds of assassinations, kidnappings, and other terrorist attacks globally.

 ............................................................................... | The lead Anti-Deltahuman organization and the antithesis to many Pro-Deltahuman organizations; they believe that Deltahumans as a whole are far too dangerous for society and must be removed if humanity is to survive. They spread their ideology far and wide but primarily operate in North America and Western Europe.
Billionaire Nolan Ulrich formed the Saviors as a means to assist humans afflicted by Deltahuman-related incidents; Nolan has a significant following behind him, from the wealthiest men in the country to the poorest laborer - some are so loyal that they call themselves "Saviors." |
However, they are not known for overt or violent acts against Delta humans, and they work towards their goals peacefully, as their objective is to help people. Whether they've been the victim of a Deltahuman-related incident or afflicted with a detrimental superpower, their secondary goal is to find a way to "cure" Deltahumans, which they believe will significantly help those in need. However, it is reported that a large number of the Saviors have violent hatred against Deltahumans, and if one manages to manifest, they will be excommunicated entirely. It's also believed that the Saviors secretly fund the Delta hate group, the Pure. After the Verthaven disaster, the Saviors received a massive boom in funding and could even expand to other nations. They're one of the groups with a heavy hand in disbanding ALBATROSS and DOVE and wished that FAMA was the alternative they sought. Their propaganda is seen all over American soil (TVs, signs, etc.), and they are seemingly reaching the world they've always wanted to go to.

 ............................................................................... | A subsidiary of the Savior Foundation, Liu Biomedical is run by a genius Chinese Immigrant named Jiao-Long Liu.
Liu Biomedical's specialty is the Deltahuman energy and how it can be applied in beneficial ways; they've produced several medicines and treatments for various conditions.
Despite being under the Savior Foundation, the company isn't against Deltahumans and primarily uses the funding to create treatments. However, the company is making waves in almost every circle as Jiao-Long has announced that he is close to figuring out a way to remove superpowers.
This has caused an uproar within the pro-Deltahuman circle but is causing acclaim among the Saviors. Jiao-Long has asserted that he is not doing this out of hatred for Deltahumans and is merely attempting to help needy people. |

 ............................................................................... | The ISD (Intellectual Scientific Designs) is a research conglomerate that is slowly taking over every field of science known to man, from technology to medicine to more. The ISD originated in the United States and was started by genius Berith Crest. Still, upon his death in 2006, his prodigal daughter, Tabitha Crest, took over the organization and has been running it from there.
The ISD operates globally with a research lab or two in about every major country and has been recruiting minds from all over in the name of science. They've also been putting in their hand on retail, restaurants, housing, and the hospitality markets.
What makes them notable is that they've been actively seeking out Deltahumans, who deal with technology or have heightened intelligence. The ISD has released some incredible pieces of technology to the world, including robotics and more. |
However, they've also been researching Deltahumans almost since the conception of the organization and have worked with the Savior Foundation and FAMA - however, they chose to remain neutral in the Deltahuman debate. Recently, the ISD has been seeking out and actively paying Deltahumans to run several tests and experiments with their powers, under the supervision of FAMA, of course.

 ............................................................................... | An extremist group, the Pure is dedicated to the destruction of all Deltahumans from the United States. The Pure is comprised of people from various backgrounds, former soldiers, police officers, and even civilians, all to kill Deltahumans.
After the Verthaven Disaster... the Pure movement has reached exponential levels as people are lining up to kill Deltahumans, and they have been killing Deltahumans left and right - and incredibly brutally.
Along with causing incredible amounts of damage, the Pure is behind the deaths of thousands of Deltahumans, which made the Pure one of the premiere terrorist groups. They often plan hits on the request of concerned civilians, carrying them out with extreme efficiency and sending a message to others.
They usually plant traps or surprise attacks. It doesn't matter if the Deltahuman is a threat; they'll kill anyone with a superpower. Man, woman, or child, criminal or innocent, it never matters to them. The Pure has been going to war with their antithesis, the Allegiance, and getting everyone caught in between - with the FAMA going after both organizations to end the war. |
It's unknown who leads the group, but it's widely believed to be the Knights of Purity, an elite sect within the Pure responsible for leading the group. They keep their identities concealed from everyone except each other, but they have killed hundreds of Deltahumans alone and are feared among Deltahumans.

 ............................................................................... | The Academy Program is an organization that was established decades ago in response to a large number of Deltahuman children in need of training. The Academy Program was established to provide a safe refuge for them to train and express themselves in peace. DOVE previously oversaw the Academy program, but after their disbandment, the FAMA organization is the one that overlooks them.
Students of all ages and backgrounds are trained to use their powers by FAMA standards, and FAMA often sticks homeless or troubled Deltahumans in the Academies. Other than that, there is little to no involvement from FAMA. Five different Academies are designated with a number depending on when they were chronologically established (The First Academy is set 001, while the latest is 005). |
The Academies are so large and well-equipped that there is little demand to expand aggressively. However, three more Academies are being constructed. Most academies are four-year programs that, after being fully trained, release a student back into the world. The Academies also offer an educational program. Both baseline humans and Deltahumans staff the Academy Program.

 ............................................................................... | The Verthaven disaster has brought Deltahuman relations to an all-time low; Deltahumans were being killed left and right and the government wasn't doing anything. This is why one man assembled a group to fight back against the enemies of the Deltahumans - which snowballed into a larger group.
Declaring themselves an "Allegiance" formed between Deltahumans to defend themselves from others can roughly be claimed as the antithesis to the Pure. They fight for the defense and supremacy of Deltahumans, driven by the anger of Delta children being slaughtered.
They have been tightly engaged in a conflict with the Pure, but they've also been going after the Saviors and the Liu Pharmaceutical company. The main problem is that they've been causing large amounts of property damage and show a form of racism that makes them no different from the Pure (However, they do not go around killing nonhumans). |
The Allegiance has been a prime target of the newly formed FAMA, and the organization has clashed many times in the past.

 ............................................................................... | The Tyrants are by far the most infamous groups of Deltahumans to ever hit the United States. They're a massive, major-metropolis-spanning criminal organization that took over the old crime world. Before the Tyrants, there were hundreds of gangs and mafias tearing Stadium City apart.
A group of Deltahumans took them out one at a time and subsumed their resources as they snowballed. In less than a decade, the Tyrants had the whole city under their thumb, and anyone else calling themselves a criminal group was eliminated with speed and efficiency.
The Tyrants ruled Stadium City with an iron fist. They expanded their influence far beyond neighboring cities by selling all sorts of illegal goods, from drugs, weapons, and their service, in exchange for money or more power.
They are on the way to becoming one of North America's most significant criminal organizations, with some of the most savage and dangerous tactics they employ.
However, they have a code of honor: no senseless violence and no harming civilians, and they are known for going after worse people. This dividdivides opinions on the Tyrants as they have improved Stadium City at the expense of all other cities. |
Nonetheless, FAMA has declared war on the Tyrants, and the two organizations often clash. The Tyrants are run by the powerful Queen Carmelita, a powerful tactile-telekinetic that was among the strongest in the world, Blizzard, her sister with a similar ability, and the elderly Barracuda, a woman who mentored the two with the ability to extend her blades using energy to cut through anything. However, a fourth member of their group, known as Blackjack, was instrumental to their rise to power and was the organization's leader before he went into hiding.

 ............................................................................... | The White Spider Society is a very mysterious organization that specializes in sex. They've been operating for decades now, and they own several expensive clubs and brothels all over Europe - quickly branching into North America and Asia.
The Organization is owned and led by White Arachne, a very wealthy and mysterious woman. She has enough money to support society and pay off anyone who might bring up any issues with the community. She keeps the organization nicely organized by hiring "managers" who run individual city operations and "district managers" who run the more extensive operations in countries (usually the daughters of White Arachne).
White Arachne has supreme control over the entire organization - and sometimes shows up in her clubs. The White Spider Society is very mysterious despite having public brothels and clubs open to everyone.
They keep as much about the inner workings of the organization as possible. For good reason, the Society owns a lot of the prostitution rings in Europe,and manage high-quality prostitutes in every major city. |
Along with importing/exporting prostitutes into other countries. The Society is also interested in catering to "acquired tastes," which come from Deltahumans. They primarily recruit Deltahumans with Bestial power sets to work in their brothels. The Society is also responsible for global drug trafficking, extortion, and other mafia-like business endeavors. The members are recruited, and only those who can uphold the Society's standards are allowed in - Men or women, black or white, they do not discriminate. Its members are noted for wearing animal-themed masquerade masks, white, pinstriped suits, and having incredibly polite, butler-like personalities. These are to make the members blend into each other as much as possible (And keep their identities a secret).

 ............................................................................... | Labelled a terrorist group by a majority of the world, BASILISK truly sees themselves as misunderstood freedom fighters. They are a hacktivist group that wishes to abolish the "oppressive" Deltahuman regulation of the world and protect Deltahumans any way they can.
Many are former ALBATROSS agents or those scorned by the said Deltahuman regulations. They fight for justice and expose the corruption in these organizations that cause more harm than good; BASILISK is responsible for many leaks and DDOS attacks worldwide.
Because of this, BASILISK is reasonably high on MAVERICK and FAMA's priority list. BASILISK is a relatively small organization consisting of a few dozen people with no choice but to remain in the shadows. Separate from each other so they do not get captured. To mock FAMA, ALBATROSS, and DOVE, each member of BASILISK has a reptile-themed codename to contrast with their avian motif. |

 ............................................................................... | After the Delta-Storm ALBATROSS and DOVE were established as a means of regulating these groups.
Each was dedicated to a different field; DOVE's best interest is the protection, social, and mental development of Deltahumans and taking steps to prevent them from becoming threats in the future.
Meanwhile, ALBATROSS's primary objective is investigating, apprehending, and detaining Deltahumans who have broken the law. Both organizations work hand in hand, as they are technically two sides of the same coin.
They were fairly effective, but rumors of brutality and corruption were rampant, and some feared they were too independent for their good. |
However, once the Verthaven Disaster occurred and the war with REAPER was publicized, the government saw the faults in the two organizations, and they were both dissolved. Eventually, the FAMA was introduced with the best of both organizations and more government supervision.