Welcome to my first roleplay on this site. I'm looking for 4, maybe 5 people to join me in an epic story of two nations at war in the remnants of a world shattered to pieces (quite literally). This will be a humans only roleplay with two forms of magic, ki and mana, and four roles to choose from for your character. You may have as many characters as you like as long as each one has a full character sheet.
As I tend to be very busy with work, I can be a bit slow with posting at times so with that in mind, everyone is free to write at their own pace. I've been roleplaying for about 8 years now on various sites and it's taught me plenty of patience, so I won't pressure anyone to post when it's inconvenient for them.
All levels of writers are welcome too. So as long as your writing is legible and isn't too full of spelling errors, it doesn't matter whether you're a beginner or an experienced roleplayer. What I value the most is enthusiasm, so if you want to join then I will do my very best to assist. The very least I ask is no one-liners and to stay true to the lore of the roleplay, though I'm also open to new ideas if you'd like to share any.
Now without further ado...
A hundred years ago, our world was destroyed when the Sorcerer King pulled the four moons down from the sky and sent them crashing into the planet, shattering it into a billion shards. Most of them were lost to the stars, but somehow by the will of Gaia, a precious few remain and we survived, scattered across a sea of floating islands bound by an invisible force that only the mages can see. They call it the Aether and like leaves on the branches of a great world tree, it connects us all. It is how we are still here living and breathing, and though the world lies in pieces life goes on.

Look over the edge of any island and you will see the heart of the world shining below, glowing like a second sun. The nights are cast in perpetual twilight, warm as sunset before giving way to the dawn as the true sun rises over the horizon, the same as it ever was. What remains of the oceans now lies in pools across the fragments of the world or rises as mist in the clouds all around us, above and below. We have made ships to sail the skies and harvest the mists for water, or reconnect with other remnants of civilization to establish trade and commerce. There are even those who seek to make the world whole again, binding it together a piece at a time.

So much has changed since the cataclysm and so much has been lost, but we are beginning to adapt to our new world. Slowly but surely, we are picking ourselves up again... Yet for all our hope, we are still haunted by the shadows of the past. The Vaimese Empire, legacy of the Sorcerer King, has made a resurgence and its mission to dominate the world continues once again. With cannon and flame, the warships of the Empire darken the skies and as they near the borders of Belisio, the first blow is about to be struck. It is here where we make our stand. With blade and bullet, ki and mana, and all the strength of our hearts and souls, we must fight to survive.

Even now, shattered to pieces, the world is beautiful.
Must there be war amidst these broken skies?
To a violent future, we fly!
This will be a humans only roleplay with two forms of magic and four roles to choose from for your character (more below). The name of the world itself is Ith and the story will be focusing on the nation of Belisio's perspective with the Vaimese Empire as the antagonistic force. While the Empire is a magocracy, the nation of Belisio is ruled as a typical monarchy so while non-mages aren't treated as second class citizens, there is still a social hierarchy in place.
The technology of the setting is quite advanced (think Final Fantasy 7, 13 and 15 in particular) with holdovers from medieval times in the form of weapons, armor, certain traditions and fashion, especially in regards to the ruling elite who may be garbed in extravagant robes and dresses whereas other people are more modern in appearance the further down the social ladder they are. Overall, the setting of the roleplay will have a fusion of medieval fantasy, modern and sci-fi elements, though leaning more towards sci-fi due to level of technology.
Further on weapons and armor, basically the idea is that whatever worked back then works just as well now in the hands of a ki master or mage with technology supplementing their magic rather than replacing it. Though with certain equipment, a mage could do what a ki master can and vice versa, though with certain limitations such as number of uses, lack of versatility, etc.
For example, with something called a 'nerve suit', a bodysuit made of artificial muscle fibres, a mage could increase their strength and resilience to ki master levels, though it only lasts so long and can't be regenerated like flesh if it sustains damage in battle. Similarly, a ki master could use something like a gravity gun from Half Life to mirror a mage's telekinetic powers, though it might only be effective at short range.
Though humans are the only race your character can be, there are also other creatures such as dragons, griffins, phoenixes and rocs. If you want, you can have one of these creatures as a companion or steed for your character, though they're all of animal intelligence and should be treated as such.
The power of the individual soul inherent within all living beings. While all souls come from the world spirit, Gaia, they detach as soon as they are born into our bodies and exist as individual entities, accumulating all the experiences and sensations of life before returning to Gaia upon death. However, through rigorous training and discipline, it becomes possible to tap into the power of one's soul and gain the ability to control their ki, allowing individuals to transcend their physical limits and master their bodies as mages master the elements. To step between raindrops, outrun the wind, crush steel into dust or withstand any amount of blunt force impact, such are the feats available to ki masters as well as enhanced regeneration, using ki to reinforce the properties of weapons and armour, or the very air itself to deliver attacks from a distance. It is for these reasons that ki is also known as the 'warrior's magic'.
The power of the world spirit, of Gaia herself. While all living beings are born with souls, only mages are able to access the power of mana as their souls fail to detach at birth, forming a permanent connection with the world spirit. This often proves too much power for their infant bodies to handle, resulting in their souls being consumed and returning to Gaia much sooner rather than later. The most common cause for stillbirths. If however balance can be achieved between the mage's own individual soul and their connection with Gaia, then it becomes possible to command the elements, although it denies them from ever fulfilling the potential of their physical bodies as ki masters are able to do. In ancient times the elements were thought to consist of earth, water, wind and fire, but in our current understanding, it is more akin to solids, fluids, gases and plasma. Regardless, all mages are capable of manipulating the four states of matter by forming their own miniature versions of the Aether in a process known as 'casting', which appears to non-mages as a slight distortion in the air between the mage and whatever they are controlling with their power.
Individually the most powerful warriors of any given nation, knights stand at the height of prestige among the ranks of their armies and are commanded only by their rulers or generals of the highest authority. Their martial prowess honed to perfection through rigorous training and the most grueling of trials, these are the certified masters of ki, the power of the soul inherent to all living beings. The knights of Belisio are given special names upon attaining their rank to reflect their particular nature, traditionally a combination of colour and type of animal such as 'Black Wolf' or 'Scarlet Hawk', though some may be named in other ways should nothing else be fitting. In any case, whatever or whoever they were before becoming a knight is no longer relevant for to be a knight is to be the sword and shield of the nation. None but kings and emperors may look down upon them and they are given the best equipment their nation can provide. With state-of-the-art weapons and armour, and the skill and strength to make the most out of them, they charge into battle ready to meet any challenge head on whether by blade or bullet.
Essentially equal to knights in terms of combat ability and martial prowess, but unbound to any lord or master, or any oath and cause save for their own choosing. These free roaming spirits follow their own way on the path to mastering ki and the martial arts, and the greatest of them all are known as 'Martial Saints'. Though there are those who earn the moniker of 'Demon' should they follow a darker path, to seek strength for its own sake and slay any who stand in their way on their path to power. Regardless of their deeds and inclinations, the tales of wandering striders are often the stuff of legends. Their fame and infamy reach far and wide, and many notable characters have made their mark on history to be remembered for hundreds of years. Their stories are their own, as are their motivations and when the knights are too busy fighting in wars to protect the weak, it is often striders who appear to save the day or become the cause of terror in the first place. Though striders tend to have inferior equipment to knights, they make up for it with unconventional combat styles and abilities that certainly wouldn't be taught in any knight academy.
Battlemages use a mix of offensive and defensive skills to lay waste to their foes and survive in the heat of combat. They focus on quick and precise techniques that can be used on the fly such as throwing foes off their feet with bursts of telekinetic force, throwing up protective barriers to block incoming fire or incinerating holes into the hulls of enemy warships. Essentially, battlemages specialize in combat and will stand on the front lines just as well as any knight or strider.
Casters are best utilized as support from the rear, using their powers for large scale feats such as summoning storms or using nearby debris as artillery against the enemy forces, sowing chaos among their ranks. Most Vaimese warships will have casters of their own to counter or enact such strategies, making them priority targets to be taken out, though the same can also be said for any mage on either side. The Sorcerer King was himself a caster and the most powerful one to have ever existed, capable of pulling down the four moons to destroy the world.
A hundred years before the cataclysm, the Vaimese Empire was the most powerful and largest nation in the world. For many centuries since its founding, it was ruled as a magocracy with all non-mages living as second class citizens while power resided in the most formidable mages of their time. Its last ruler, Agememnar the Sorcerer King, was one such mage who in typical Vaimese fashion had challenged his predecessor for the throne, won and claimed leadership of the Empire.
The territories of Vaim were already vast enough without the Empire collapsing under its own weight, but as soon as Agememnar took the throne, he immediately pushed for expansion and went as far as attempting to dominate the entire world. Naturally this led to resistance as all the free nations of the world united as one to fight back with the nation of Belisio leading the charge. While Agememnar himself was the most powerful mage in existence, he could not be everywhere at once and wherever he'd go to address one area of conflict, he'd lose ground in another.
After many years of brutal fighting, sheer attrition took its toll and the Empire would lose more and more territory until all that was left was Vaim itself. It was at this point when Agememnar, seeing that the end was near, decided that if he couldn't have the world then no one would and so he used his immense power to pull the four moons down from the sky. Thus the cataclysm came to be and the Empire of Vaim was no more... until now.
In the world's shattered state, there are three distinct levels: the void sky, middle sky and deep sky.
The main deity of the world is Gaia, otherwise known as Allmother, the Goddess, the World Spirit or Terra (as the Vaimese call her). Widely regarded as the source of all life and the Aether itself, holding the remnants of the world together so that her children might live. All livings souls come from Gaia and return to her upon death where they may be reborn or live as a part of the world forever. Some say that the world was destroyed not because of the Sorcerer King pulling the four moons down from the sky, but because too many souls returned to Gaia at once and their cries had split the earth apart.
If you're interested in joining, please let me know and if you have any questions, feel free to ask. I will do my best to answer them all.
Link for roleplay here.
Welcome to my first roleplay on this site. I'm looking for 4, maybe 5 people to join me in an epic story of two nations at war in the remnants of a world shattered to pieces (quite literally). This will be a humans only roleplay with two forms of magic, ki and mana, and four roles to choose from for your character. You may have as many characters as you like as long as each one has a full character sheet.
As I tend to be very busy with work, I can be a bit slow with posting at times so with that in mind, everyone is free to write at their own pace. I've been roleplaying for about 8 years now on various sites and it's taught me plenty of patience, so I won't pressure anyone to post when it's inconvenient for them.
All levels of writers are welcome too. So as long as your writing is legible and isn't too full of spelling errors, it doesn't matter whether you're a beginner or an experienced roleplayer. What I value the most is enthusiasm, so if you want to join then I will do my very best to assist. The very least I ask is no one-liners and to stay true to the lore of the roleplay, though I'm also open to new ideas if you'd like to share any.
Now without further ado...
Broken Skies
A hundred years ago, our world was destroyed when the Sorcerer King pulled the four moons down from the sky and sent them crashing into the planet, shattering it into a billion shards. Most of them were lost to the stars, but somehow by the will of Gaia, a precious few remain and we survived, scattered across a sea of floating islands bound by an invisible force that only the mages can see. They call it the Aether and like leaves on the branches of a great world tree, it connects us all. It is how we are still here living and breathing, and though the world lies in pieces life goes on.

Look over the edge of any island and you will see the heart of the world shining below, glowing like a second sun. The nights are cast in perpetual twilight, warm as sunset before giving way to the dawn as the true sun rises over the horizon, the same as it ever was. What remains of the oceans now lies in pools across the fragments of the world or rises as mist in the clouds all around us, above and below. We have made ships to sail the skies and harvest the mists for water, or reconnect with other remnants of civilization to establish trade and commerce. There are even those who seek to make the world whole again, binding it together a piece at a time.

So much has changed since the cataclysm and so much has been lost, but we are beginning to adapt to our new world. Slowly but surely, we are picking ourselves up again... Yet for all our hope, we are still haunted by the shadows of the past. The Vaimese Empire, legacy of the Sorcerer King, has made a resurgence and its mission to dominate the world continues once again. With cannon and flame, the warships of the Empire darken the skies and as they near the borders of Belisio, the first blow is about to be struck. It is here where we make our stand. With blade and bullet, ki and mana, and all the strength of our hearts and souls, we must fight to survive.

Even now, shattered to pieces, the world is beautiful.
Must there be war amidst these broken skies?
To a violent future, we fly!
This will be a humans only roleplay with two forms of magic and four roles to choose from for your character (more below). The name of the world itself is Ith and the story will be focusing on the nation of Belisio's perspective with the Vaimese Empire as the antagonistic force. While the Empire is a magocracy, the nation of Belisio is ruled as a typical monarchy so while non-mages aren't treated as second class citizens, there is still a social hierarchy in place.
The technology of the setting is quite advanced (think Final Fantasy 7, 13 and 15 in particular) with holdovers from medieval times in the form of weapons, armor, certain traditions and fashion, especially in regards to the ruling elite who may be garbed in extravagant robes and dresses whereas other people are more modern in appearance the further down the social ladder they are. Overall, the setting of the roleplay will have a fusion of medieval fantasy, modern and sci-fi elements, though leaning more towards sci-fi due to level of technology.
Further on weapons and armor, basically the idea is that whatever worked back then works just as well now in the hands of a ki master or mage with technology supplementing their magic rather than replacing it. Though with certain equipment, a mage could do what a ki master can and vice versa, though with certain limitations such as number of uses, lack of versatility, etc.
For example, with something called a 'nerve suit', a bodysuit made of artificial muscle fibres, a mage could increase their strength and resilience to ki master levels, though it only lasts so long and can't be regenerated like flesh if it sustains damage in battle. Similarly, a ki master could use something like a gravity gun from Half Life to mirror a mage's telekinetic powers, though it might only be effective at short range.
Though humans are the only race your character can be, there are also other creatures such as dragons, griffins, phoenixes and rocs. If you want, you can have one of these creatures as a companion or steed for your character, though they're all of animal intelligence and should be treated as such.
The power of the individual soul inherent within all living beings. While all souls come from the world spirit, Gaia, they detach as soon as they are born into our bodies and exist as individual entities, accumulating all the experiences and sensations of life before returning to Gaia upon death. However, through rigorous training and discipline, it becomes possible to tap into the power of one's soul and gain the ability to control their ki, allowing individuals to transcend their physical limits and master their bodies as mages master the elements. To step between raindrops, outrun the wind, crush steel into dust or withstand any amount of blunt force impact, such are the feats available to ki masters as well as enhanced regeneration, using ki to reinforce the properties of weapons and armour, or the very air itself to deliver attacks from a distance. It is for these reasons that ki is also known as the 'warrior's magic'.
The power of the world spirit, of Gaia herself. While all living beings are born with souls, only mages are able to access the power of mana as their souls fail to detach at birth, forming a permanent connection with the world spirit. This often proves too much power for their infant bodies to handle, resulting in their souls being consumed and returning to Gaia much sooner rather than later. The most common cause for stillbirths. If however balance can be achieved between the mage's own individual soul and their connection with Gaia, then it becomes possible to command the elements, although it denies them from ever fulfilling the potential of their physical bodies as ki masters are able to do. In ancient times the elements were thought to consist of earth, water, wind and fire, but in our current understanding, it is more akin to solids, fluids, gases and plasma. Regardless, all mages are capable of manipulating the four states of matter by forming their own miniature versions of the Aether in a process known as 'casting', which appears to non-mages as a slight distortion in the air between the mage and whatever they are controlling with their power.
Individually the most powerful warriors of any given nation, knights stand at the height of prestige among the ranks of their armies and are commanded only by their rulers or generals of the highest authority. Their martial prowess honed to perfection through rigorous training and the most grueling of trials, these are the certified masters of ki, the power of the soul inherent to all living beings. The knights of Belisio are given special names upon attaining their rank to reflect their particular nature, traditionally a combination of colour and type of animal such as 'Black Wolf' or 'Scarlet Hawk', though some may be named in other ways should nothing else be fitting. In any case, whatever or whoever they were before becoming a knight is no longer relevant for to be a knight is to be the sword and shield of the nation. None but kings and emperors may look down upon them and they are given the best equipment their nation can provide. With state-of-the-art weapons and armour, and the skill and strength to make the most out of them, they charge into battle ready to meet any challenge head on whether by blade or bullet.
Essentially equal to knights in terms of combat ability and martial prowess, but unbound to any lord or master, or any oath and cause save for their own choosing. These free roaming spirits follow their own way on the path to mastering ki and the martial arts, and the greatest of them all are known as 'Martial Saints'. Though there are those who earn the moniker of 'Demon' should they follow a darker path, to seek strength for its own sake and slay any who stand in their way on their path to power. Regardless of their deeds and inclinations, the tales of wandering striders are often the stuff of legends. Their fame and infamy reach far and wide, and many notable characters have made their mark on history to be remembered for hundreds of years. Their stories are their own, as are their motivations and when the knights are too busy fighting in wars to protect the weak, it is often striders who appear to save the day or become the cause of terror in the first place. Though striders tend to have inferior equipment to knights, they make up for it with unconventional combat styles and abilities that certainly wouldn't be taught in any knight academy.
Battlemages use a mix of offensive and defensive skills to lay waste to their foes and survive in the heat of combat. They focus on quick and precise techniques that can be used on the fly such as throwing foes off their feet with bursts of telekinetic force, throwing up protective barriers to block incoming fire or incinerating holes into the hulls of enemy warships. Essentially, battlemages specialize in combat and will stand on the front lines just as well as any knight or strider.
Casters are best utilized as support from the rear, using their powers for large scale feats such as summoning storms or using nearby debris as artillery against the enemy forces, sowing chaos among their ranks. Most Vaimese warships will have casters of their own to counter or enact such strategies, making them priority targets to be taken out, though the same can also be said for any mage on either side. The Sorcerer King was himself a caster and the most powerful one to have ever existed, capable of pulling down the four moons to destroy the world.
A hundred years before the cataclysm, the Vaimese Empire was the most powerful and largest nation in the world. For many centuries since its founding, it was ruled as a magocracy with all non-mages living as second class citizens while power resided in the most formidable mages of their time. Its last ruler, Agememnar the Sorcerer King, was one such mage who in typical Vaimese fashion had challenged his predecessor for the throne, won and claimed leadership of the Empire.
The territories of Vaim were already vast enough without the Empire collapsing under its own weight, but as soon as Agememnar took the throne, he immediately pushed for expansion and went as far as attempting to dominate the entire world. Naturally this led to resistance as all the free nations of the world united as one to fight back with the nation of Belisio leading the charge. While Agememnar himself was the most powerful mage in existence, he could not be everywhere at once and wherever he'd go to address one area of conflict, he'd lose ground in another.
After many years of brutal fighting, sheer attrition took its toll and the Empire would lose more and more territory until all that was left was Vaim itself. It was at this point when Agememnar, seeing that the end was near, decided that if he couldn't have the world then no one would and so he used his immense power to pull the four moons down from the sky. Thus the cataclysm came to be and the Empire of Vaim was no more... until now.
The World of Ith
In the world's shattered state, there are three distinct levels: the void sky, middle sky and deep sky.
The void sky is the highest layer of the world where the air is too thin to breathe and as close to space as one can get without leaving the Aether, the force holding the remnants of the world together. Land is sparse in this layer and only dragons live here where they go to hibernate in a stasis-like state to rest, though maintenance crews live here too in purpose-built satellite stations to maintain the world's aetherlink (this world's version of the internet).
The middle sky is as the name suggests the middle layer of the world which is most hospitable to life and contains the most landmass from floating motes of dust to entire continents. Most of everyday life occurs within this layer with mist tankers harvesting clouds for water, nations engaging in trade and commerce, and piracy running rife outside or within their borders. In the lawless regions of the sky (of which there are many), life is harsh, brutal and in some cases entirely primitive, but with the return of the Vaimese Empire, it seems that civilization is no safer. However the war turns out will decide the fate of all middle sky inhabitants.
The deep sky is the layer closest to the core of the world around which all land and life orbits. This layer is marked by hot temperatures that only get hotter and more inhospitable the further one descends towards the core, yet it is also where most of the world's most valuable metals and minerals can be found. Mining expeditions are constantly fraught with peril here as a single mistake can lead to death, but many are willing to risk life and limb for the chance to strike it rich. Fortune favors the bold after all.
The middle sky is as the name suggests the middle layer of the world which is most hospitable to life and contains the most landmass from floating motes of dust to entire continents. Most of everyday life occurs within this layer with mist tankers harvesting clouds for water, nations engaging in trade and commerce, and piracy running rife outside or within their borders. In the lawless regions of the sky (of which there are many), life is harsh, brutal and in some cases entirely primitive, but with the return of the Vaimese Empire, it seems that civilization is no safer. However the war turns out will decide the fate of all middle sky inhabitants.
The deep sky is the layer closest to the core of the world around which all land and life orbits. This layer is marked by hot temperatures that only get hotter and more inhospitable the further one descends towards the core, yet it is also where most of the world's most valuable metals and minerals can be found. Mining expeditions are constantly fraught with peril here as a single mistake can lead to death, but many are willing to risk life and limb for the chance to strike it rich. Fortune favors the bold after all.
The main deity of the world is Gaia, otherwise known as Allmother, the Goddess, the World Spirit or Terra (as the Vaimese call her). Widely regarded as the source of all life and the Aether itself, holding the remnants of the world together so that her children might live. All livings souls come from Gaia and return to her upon death where they may be reborn or live as a part of the world forever. Some say that the world was destroyed not because of the Sorcerer King pulling the four moons down from the sky, but because too many souls returned to Gaia at once and their cries had split the earth apart.
If you're interested in joining, please let me know and if you have any questions, feel free to ask. I will do my best to answer them all.
Link for roleplay here.