Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Hostilius
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Hostilius Rather Hostile

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Legio Ultima

It is the year 3421 AD.

The resounding echo of the Loyalist battlecry reverberated throughout the Jovian Star System. The Archon Empires fell, and the world of Jovian is now ruled by a foreign puppet. Gone were the days when Jovian was mighty under the rule of the Emperors, their rule ripped to shreds by traitors both within and without. The sovereignty of the people was gone. Bound by unfair treaties, the nation of Jovian was beaten down by the emerging countries. It was bound to an economy that could scarcely maintain itself and a military that had no capacity to defend the land. The Republic was in tatters by the time it came into existence, its scrap of legitimacy merely maintained by the gunboat diplomatic strategy of the victorious foreign powers. The police was corrupt and dysfunctional, its military small and worthless, and the education system utterly broken. Many of its citizens turned to crime and degenerate behaviour to escape their predicament.

Millions of soldiers returned home to a spiteful, unwelcoming populace. Without any means to pay for the welfare of their own veteran troops, the Republic left the brave soldiers to grow weary and angry at the state of their homeland, once proud and seemingly impregnable, now without purpose and structure. Many soldiers and disgruntled nationalists formed the infamous Free Brigades, roaming the world looking for jobs. Some Free Brigades were practically in open rebellion against the state, while some served it nominally to ensure some modicum of stability was present. They brought down Berelian revolutions left and right, promised land and compensation for their services, only to be abandoned when they were of no use anymore. One particular Free Brigade, once known during the Imperial Age as the legendary First Legion, mutinied and escaped with their fleet, occasionally launching raids on foreign-run businesses across the Jovian System, but ultimately, disappearing once and for all. In 3419, it was thought that the only reason why they hadn't been unable to overthrow the government yet was because the Free Brigades lacked cohesion and vision. With every passing day, the Republic rearmed itself in secret, in anticipation of a coup.

As the Free Brigades withdrew from supporting the government, Berelian revolutionaries had unrestricted access throughout the country. The victorious Varkusians believed that it was time to continue the Galactic Revolution against their old ally, Amara, and spread the anarchist utopia of Berel, and so began arming their ideological allies within every planet they had access to. The revolution spread like wildfire and announced the birth of the United Communes of Jovian. Nova Medinia, an autonomous planet under Jovian rule, withdrew support from either side and announced its neutrality. Many wondered where the Free Brigades had gone in this time of crisis, but they were nowhere to be found.

It did not take long for the Berelian revolution to reach the residence of the Aurelian Family. Some Berelians attempted to parlay with the former Imperial Family, but the wishes of the diplomats were overruled by the Revolutionary Council. After a ten-week siege, the Imperial Guards were wiped out; the Crown Prince died fighting, and the Emperor was shot in the head. Some escaped, but were later caught and executed. Mikhael Aurelius, a naval officer of the Republic and distant relative of the Imperial Family, was by succession law the new Crown Prince. Born into the royal family, but far from the line of succession, he instead became a true military man, serving with distinction against the enemies of the Empire.

The Aurelians had been martyred by the Loyalists. Many gathered in the streets, demanding the blood of their executioners. The Republic discharged Mikhael from military service, rendering him incapable of exacting revenge on those who killed his family. The judges and politicians ruled that he would be better off dead. He was the last great Aurelian, a war hero. Even if the Loyalists launched a coup, if he were dead, they would never unify. They imprisoned Mikhael and prepared him for transport to Berelian territory. However, the exchange would never happen. An attack on the high security prison he was held at caused chaos among the policemen present: had the Berelians planted operatives to cause chaos? It was not so, for the attackers used gunships to strafe the prison, and wore black-painted exo-suits. They moved with a professional speed and precision the guards had not known. They searched every cell and killed most of the prisoners. That is, except for Mikhael. He was spirited away by the black-clad soldiers. At the same time, an operation was conducted by the insurgents that successfully stole 324 of the Republic's 800 warships and 250 of the Berelians' 400.

Mikhael's abductors, among them friends from his days in the Marines, revealed themselves as the legendary First Legion, once lost and now returned. They announced their intention to topple both Republic and Commune and return Jovian to glory. Though hesitant, the young prince threw off the shackles of reluctance and accepted, for he knew that the fate that would befall Jovian would send it into a spiral of depravity and destruction until the legacy of his forefathers is no more. The Republic and the Berelians gave chase with their remaining ships as they immediately coordinated a temporary ceasefire to get rid of the Legion. The remaining ships of both Republic and Commune emerged from the surface to engage the Legions. There was little cooperation from both sides as they tried to destroy the Loyalist force, but their failure led to their destruction at the hands of the young prince.

They landed upon Nova Medinia, the fourth planet in the Jovian Star System, and home of the Jovian Legions. Legionaries marched along the streets, singing songs of victory and the accomplishments of the young prince. The Free Brigades, now interred into the new Imperial Legionary Army, saluted them as they walked around the city of Augustinia. The planetary government of Nova Medinia declared secession and bowed to the monarch. A few weeks later, he was brought to the Cathedral of St. Augustine Aurelius of Hispania to be crowned. Celebrations were short, and an hour after first donning the crown, he was once again in his Imperial military uniform, for the Berelians have received naval support from their patron nations to get rid of this pest. A thousand Varkusian ships carrying an indeterminate amount of Varkusian Legionnaires, under the command of the Jovian Commune, arrive in-system, its sights set on the conquest of Nova Medinia. The Final Legion, as Loyalists in Jovian call them, has decided that a head-on confrontation is disadvantageous, and now seeks to lure the Varkusians into their territory. Indeed, they have taken the bait.

The Legions

The Legions of Jovian were the elite forces of the Jovian military during the Galactic Revolution. Joining the Legions was not easy; it was rare for anybody older than 16 to join, as many Legionnaires have been trained starting at the early age of 7. Many were nobles, some were commoners, but both were equal in the Legion. They were both taught the rules of etiquette and leadership, as well as extensive military skills. Many of the most effective and popular non-noble government officials in the empires were former Legionnaires, whose education in governance came from their days in the Legion. The First Legion traces its history back to Mars, having been assembled by the Emperor Augustinus Medinius Aurelius on the eve of his Great Conquest. They were used for many operations, from espionage to commando operations, from sabotage to the spearheading of vicious attacks. While individuals from the Legion are indistinguishable from other people, they are identified by their black uniforms, unit patches, and the special daggers that they carried. When the Imperium Orionis was split into the Archon Empires, only Jovian, Varkus, and Aetokastro retained the use of the Legions, albeit to a lesser extent. Jovian Legionnaires find their home on the harsh snowy lands of the northern and southern poles of Nova Medinia. Youths from all over the former Jovian Empire were brought there to be trained.

The Immortal First Cohort of every Legion retains the most archetypal depiction of Legionnaires galaxy-wide, with their exo-suits fitted with unconventional heavy weaponry with extremely high rates of fire, small armour-penetrating missiles, and 'jump-packs' that allow the user to temporarily zip across the battlefield for a limited amount of time. Their armour is nigh-impenetrable with conventional weaponry; small missiles and other Immortal heavy infantry weapons are the only known ways to penetrate the suits. While Immortal versus regular infantry battles are often one-sided, Immortal versus Immortal battles are often tense and drawn-out. Unfortunately, despite their Legionary legacy, the Iron Brigade has no Immortal exo-suits left in their inventory after they surrendered to the new Republic, forcing the former Legionaries to adopt fighting styles to counter the Varkusian Immortals known as the Red Guards. Some were still able to retain their Immortal weapons, however.

The Iron Brigade

The Iron Brigade is an elite formation of highly adaptable mechanised infantrymen within the new Imperial Army led by General Gian de Galicia, and is the subject of this RP. Unlike most other Free Brigades and the First Legion itself, the Iron Brigade is mostly made of former Legionnaires who accepted the dissolution of the Legions under the treaties imposed by the Varkusians and Amarans, but upon returning, find that the people were no longer willing to accept them into society despite the many skills they had accumulated throughout their lives. Many were thrust into poverty, some took up undignified jobs, while some attempted to join the Republic military. While they excelled, they had a void their hearts. With a large Berelian uprising in the capital city of Jovius a few months after the end of the Revolution, many former Legionnaires and non-Legionary veterans present at the time formed the Iron Brigade –– the first of the Free Brigades. For a few weeks, the Free Berelian Army of Jovius occupied a large part of the commercial district. The government promised pay to the newly-arisen paramilitary as the Republic had trouble moving troops to intercept the rebels. Within three weeks, the massive uprising was suppressed by the veterans with their armoured cars and former Legionary operatives. They were paid only a meagre sum after they saw the brutality employed by the Iron Brigade, much to the discontent of its members.

The Iron Brigade continued to participate in other actions against uprisings across the planet, and gained notoriety for their brutal efficiency and effectiveness. They participated in three major counter-revolutionary movements, and eventually withdrew their support from the Republic due to its inability to repay their services, and for what they perceived as a misleading of the Jovian People. In early 3420, the First Legion invited the Iron Brigade and numerous other Free Brigades to plan a coup against the Republic led by the Imperial Family, with their base of operations on Nova Medinia, whose government was prepared to welcome the return of the Aurelian dynasty. For a few months, they prepared, and even chose the original Crown Prince as their figurehead. However, the civil war and the execution of the Imperial Family was a major setback. They chose the vengeful Mikhael Aurelian to lead them instead. Though they were not part of the rescue mission, the Iron Brigade stands at the forefront, ready to repel the Varkusian horde as their fleet evades the heavily-defended cities of Nova Medinia.

Other Important Information

In this roleplay we will be playing as a group of comrades in the Iron Brigade officers' corps. Though once young and full of enthusiasm and patriotism, the defeat of 3418 and the subsequent lack of compensation they received for serving the government left a bitter distaste for the system that was set up by the foreign powers. This distaste grew into hatred with the injustices and incapability of the Republic to do what was right, and this hatred grew absolute with the death of the righteous family that ruled the lands justly, the family they vowed to protect. At the beginning, we set the stage. Varkusian ships carefully advance on the planet, searching for suitable places to land their troops and subjugate Nova Medinia for the Berelian Commune. This roleplay begins on the eve of their deployment, in an expensive bar by Mediniapol.

I don't really expect overly-complicated posts, but do try to keep your writing style between casual and advanced. I'm not really concerned with how long each individual post is, as long as it stays within the bounds of this universe. Please, keep things civil as well so we keep sailing smoothly, and if you have questions, don't be afraid to ask, but I'll warn you now that I am not always active, though I will try to be.

I think everything's in order now. Oh, one last thing: use this Character Sheet as a basis for what characters you may submit.

Again, if you have questions, go ahead and ask and I'll do my best to answer!
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Shaxx
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Lord Shaxx Hero of Twilight Gap

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Will get something written up soon.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

I'll pm ya a cs probably tomorrow.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hostilius
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Hostilius Rather Hostile

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Here's a simple structure for the Iron Brigade, just for reference in making characters. While we will be playing the COs, we generally won't be playing as the highest officers in the Brigade. At most, we can play as Lieutenant Colonels commanding entire Battalions. Note that the Iron Brigade is highly unified, making communications between officers a regular occurrence. Would you guys also prefer to have the RP set within a single battalion?

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hostilius
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Hostilius Rather Hostile

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Lord Shaxx
Got it. Apologies again for the late posting of the OOC!
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