Hidden 4 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I am the Forsaken Ranger. On School Trips there had to be a Guardian inevitably, acknowledging advancement with knowledge through experience regardless of harrassment, and that was I. I learned of how Students advanced among Good-Looking Students, whether Pretty or better. I tried to assess becoming a Ranger that way, and become an Opponent to a Challenger that was duped through learning harassment the other ways - vagabond. Inevitably it became against Gals, Gurls, and other females, because Favorite Animals are that tough for the procession of Nobility.

The only thing I missed was the 2nd half of 3rd Grade to 5th Grade of my original Elementary School. I had missed the medium-tier talk about Students liking older people's looks, like busts and sexyness, so the Female puberty, that needed to assess itself much the same way as before but it became SMUT which is Girls trapping Girls to trap Girls for sex offensive promiscuity, became Maiden and I had gotten sexual arousement for women instead of the peerages of Girls- but got sent to special education classes where there were no girls. I though having been transferred to another School learned how the Resistance of that School was happening from "Plagues" surviving varments called "Hellraisers", which in my original School was Nobility, so I got satisfied with popular girls actually happening. The first Rebels of my former Elementary tried to pretend to be a Boy Scout amongst groups, at the new Elementary School the Boy Scout pretenders had gotten to solo Ranger's occaisonally, but they were revereful of it and roleplaying specifically too, or fascist - just liked talking like they admired the Ranger's hooded cloak, to gain friends instead of prestige - but I didn't befriend them, I instead took it gradually for myself. That's probably the latent Thief skill I used as a dexterity to braven towards being a Ranger, but couldn't speak of it, so I bided amongst whatever Students I had and endeavored their goodness - and avenged myself away from them to better be a Skateboarder, which was normal. Skateboarding had 11years of Bachelor Parties - probably those "Plagues"-Bachelor Parties, but it had no "millennials" rallying Us to be Peons. I accepted a squad of Guardians, and it was so worth it. Inevitably it wittled down with each of our maturities progressing soulfully as cause. I assaulted every person I could imagine a rival on facebook to further being better than a Plague, accepting Brown Spotted Pit Zmija like a commando in this U.S.A. stuff, where Poland needed to be fought for like a Soulmate. I learned going there is probably going to be easier than searching for a Polish Gal here, as there I'll probably be liked by a Gal that looks reminiscant of me - and that itself is Mate stuff, so, I could probably find a Zmija there, whereas here it'd be a Bunny or Wolf.

Hissy my Beanie Baby. I've given it a 1st LT rank, too, U.S.A. Army 1st LT. Hissy.
I've watched the Toy Story movies, and I comprehend that whatever are my Toys are alive my way of playing with them, so since I'm militaristic I needed to include Royalist, so they could comprehend an intruder type according to plan.

In the beginning I myself was the Captain-Commander of my Battle Field. I was a Hot Wheels C2 Corvette Stingray. There may of been the shadow smythe vs sleuth availability of other close resembling snakey automobiles, but mostly I know I was the C2 Corvette Stingray that's more coiled Viper than slithering snake in the shadows/used to the shadows. I not having action figures to figure out Role-Playing, and totally watching Dragon Ball Z on Toonami in the United States of America's Illinois, Gleneagle Farm's Carpentersville ... So, I assaulted and attacked my collection like action figures. Not interested in thinking about terraforming the automobiles rear was ignored for the two rear wheels, thought as the legs, and since I could fly, I did lay them on all wheels and casually learned to become a Captain-Commander using the front wheels as arms to punch and swivel to make energy-blasts. I did this for years, halfway through High School I stopped. I had collected 216+ originally, all named after a specific Person I had to like-rival being about whenever I was whereever, like a Birthday Party. I started adding Girls in Middle School. Whether they were from Elementary or just gossip sexy I made myself better for it. The collection got riffraffed when moving from New House to the Old House. My Folks wont allow me to get them. I started a new collection, but the mentality isn't the same, so it's obsolete. So, I moved on to action figures. I had some amongst the Hot Wheels, and only 3 actual bigger than palm action figures. A SS Vegeta, and a Park Ranger with their ally Jet Flying Operator.

I don't need them action figure sizes, but after playing with the Megabloks Halo miniature action figures I'm happy to get them later, now that I've assessed the playing imagination with making Officers out of them from my Halo Gaming Role-Play. I know the general mission, and it can only be that mission, and it isn't wrangling girls, so I'm capable of partying with a bunch of action figures, toys, or like Hissy a "plushy" all together. I intend to get Pohatu from Bionicle, for instance, and regain the minor toys I had with those action figures for toy word parties - "BOOMBOX".

Role-Playings came to me in 3 aspects.
The 1st was being my Animal.
Th 2nd was making my Animal a Dungeons & Dragons character- because Special Education brought D&D to class, syopsing us with goodies like a Nintendo 64 to have us forget about MAKING PROMINENCE to ASK about regaining regular classrooms. Then they pittied us with D&D with regular Students outside Special Education that volunteered to play. I watched, not interested in a fake personality called "friend". I had missed making a Superhero or joining an Animal Role-Play with my own Animal and rivaling them at recess because of it, but in a courtship way, so I forgot about D&D for a while, but because of this 4th Grade moment of a brainwash I made an Animal character, not afraid to lose the character to a wizard, when I needed to bide some spare diligence in 2019 when I had begun working, but had adolescence remaining to vs- so I began to purge it with that.
3rdly I Role-Played Human in Special Forces Armors while I bided to get to my Animal Role-Play. The gypsies in school tried to enslave Students through facade-merriment, when I was chosen to be "gay" I ignored them with a leer, I had no reason for the mexican ethnics to be talking to be asounderly in 3rd Grade, and kept my eye contact, gauging her presence for herself. I presume the "gays" would of had become a friend-of-a-sort to them, and that was how they learned to pretend to be babylonian instead of imperial, which they got gays to become inert for themselves - creating accosted misfits amongst the vagrant Students that became nihilist to them because it was easier than being an actual opponent-they-thought against harassment. I only got a gist of Students not liking the ethnic, but no Person has ever told me it's probably because they communed the other Students to a coercement to learn Spanish so they could fight them for Mexican instead of each other to become a Hidalgo for Spain. Many other students became gypsies because of this, and I survived being myself for Forest Rangers liberty of the United States of America, and Poland's Kingdom, the gypsies mixed esteems and philosophies to resound themselves to upkeep their English against the Tournament of Animals which came from body-blows then into a fight gaining crowds, and "Party Animals" of Chivalry(which punch your face specifically instead of Tournamenting for values for Animal - restituting for Animal) because of this adversity, so the gypsies of like any ethnic tried to delve into Animal Role-Plays like Disciples or Scouts to digress the Role-Play itself into a victory for themself - calling themselves "Medium". "Hard" I saw being Animals learning to "mean" cherishing platonicly eachother for relationships, as a Courtship, to not be a mere Jester or Fool in peer-pressure for popularity but succeed as Courtesans aside their Courting to other Courts of Nobilitation, it gained fervor and diligence amongst many Students forthcoming into their Animal, the broken relationships though is where the "Hard" gets it's prosperity. "Easy" was just saying a typical Favorite Animal, and so became a Peep instead of a Peer; So, I had the Armored Popculture Character to Role-Play as for my Quantum-G experiences that they forsaked to believe a Animal Superhero vestige was worthy of creating to spectrum the classroom correctly, or maybe it was just me. I played like this so if I said what I was Role-Playing as I wouldn't be bothered by a duplicator because I had comprehended Quantum-G magistrational philosophy through having an Armored pop(ularity)cultured Commando-type of Character do what the misfits couldnt fathom in a Role-Play blaring through auxillory speakers music so they could remind themselves to try, or whatever that meant in accord to my Role-Playing, never losing Peer-Pressure getting towards a Favorite Animal being my sole Animal for popculture - thus my Animalsoul, too.

I only got 3 ever used, a Halo Spartan, a Mandalorian, and I got to use the STARWARS Imperial Royal Guard here on the Roleplayerguild.

I missed the Animal Tournament, but the Tournament of Nobility always exists.
Had I had the actual Tournament of Duelist - agreeing to disagree to a bout like 1 virtuous Student being a Knight and the other a Justiciar - then I'd probably use the Nations section with a Barbarzyn Space King planet war, instead I just Forest Ranger Dames{Damsels} out of Forests into my Ladies.

Animal-Roleplay: I learned being my own Animal for Role-Playing was stronger than Role-Playing an Animal for "friendship"|team-sense, which was invasive to pop(ularity)culture thus my Defence, by being an Animal they were Role-Playing as. That would even ex-communicate me from my own Family if I had tried, in the responsibility of respect spectrum. They may not, my Family, have an Animal Role-Play, but I have skills in assassination because of my Animal Role-Play if they were to ever try, thus Warrior. And with it being a capable mentality, not maniacle because it's an Animal, I get Reaper - the best street dexterity. It defeats bandits and rebels that quit pursuing those dexterities to exist amongst society as a commoner.

When the Animal Tournament was becoming apparent, just a few months probably before I got transferred to Special Education Classes, the Brauds had been defeating Students titled Scamp's, so whatever Pest they'd of become be it Terrior or Coyote, for example, I wasn't going to let myself be rued to a Pretender and they a Newborn when my chances came to avenge Favorite Animal itself, like vsing the Monkey, which would of been separate from my Forest Ranger Nobilitation.
LARP is as well an idea I could do, but I acknowledge the Princess routine - of becoming a Master Knight through swordsmanship instead of gymnastics, but combat by Forest Rangernastics, and Sellsword instead of be an Adventurer because it'll get me close to slaying any monster, if the Person(s) are so weak to have that misfit-LARP. In School I heard of Heretics being monsters to learn pride of being a Prince or so, if they couldnt fight in School, by LARPing. I like the Arbitary LARP Communities that have been created, and soon will be entering a Festival of Sorts as this: .
Hidden 4 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I am the Brown Spotted Pit Zmija. When getting to telling People I am two things are not meant; I don't protect you, thus I ain't a Friend nor will I be, inevitably I will remind myself once the adversity disapates from all the raving or when I'm the unanimous Champion of my own shadow then quit it's foundation from becoming a Consortium - creating a Tournament in the process of it's eradication, of course. The other thing is I'm not magi(c)kal, so I won't be telling you that I hope we fight, eventually into Soulmate like a Ranger. It's not on the Polish Wikipedia, so I think it hasn't been observered by a Polish Ranger, yet. It has by a German Naturalist, but I think I'm going to avenge Poland and do it myself - so if ever a better name should be chronicled they could of only ever been Polish after Me.

Żmijowate Sebastian Dabrowski 2022
Systematyka https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systematyka_organizm%C3%B3w

Domena\Domain https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domena_(biologia)
eukarionty|Eukaryotes https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eukarionty

Królestwo\Kingdom https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kr%C3%B3lestwo_(biologia)
zwierzęta|animals https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zwierz%C4%99ta

Typ\Type https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typ_(biologia)
strunowce|strings https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strunowce

kręgowce|vertebrates https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kr%C4%99gowce

żuchwowce|Gnathostomata https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%BBuchwowce

Nadgromada\Supercluster https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gromada_(biologia)
czworonogi|quadrupeds https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Czworonogi

diapsydy|diapsids https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diapsydy

Rząd\Government https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rz%C4%85d_(biologia)
łuskonośne|scaly https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%81uskono%C5%9Bne

węże|snakes "Hoses" https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/W%C4%99%C5%BCe

Alethinophidia https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alethinophidia


Rodzina\Family https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodzina_(biologia)

Hidden 3 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This section is for my own COMIC character Burg Zmija.

{Combatancy proof: Free-form Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, United States of America Burglar boxing, Polish gymnastics.} My personally original character is a dashing swordsman, and burglar extraordinaire!

While a burglar to learn Forest Ranger morals, merits of boy scouts, and have night vs sound not oppose him like it hinders punks, rebels, thugs, terrorists, and extremists, his burgling has enhanced his agility, endurance, and perseverance. No guile, but a sardonic albiet rare nobleness has uncouthed this man's place in the crowd - it's more charming than indomitable.

Sword training, body building, archery, and animal handling remind him that he is not a marauder. When seeking out a carnival troupe to spy on any fire experiances my viper had to slay an assailing force of colored ninjas, sword weilding kunoichis|shinobi, and masterful kages.

To survive ultimatumly he has become a Sword Hunter. Yakuzas, forbidden turf, enterprising federations, consortiums, even empires dread the fierce virtues of the reaping Brown Spotted Kawaler Pit Viper Zmija Sebastian!
I have Polish sabers. I also got a ATK motoxrosscycle. I've practiced some freeform styles with a burst rifle like the Polish MSBS for instance, and the Thompson submachine gun.

I vs the Poland Skull King Polish Wolf and his Sword-Hunters.
I vs the Chicago Polish Wolfess and her Ghost-Burners.
Serpent Queendom, too.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Shadow; I quit being a "Burglor", so I can't of had been a Thief, since I taught others assessing my ambition, not aspiring to be a Leader, which was an unfulfilled esteem being a Thief, then.

I had a Barbarzyn {Barbarian} legacy infamed about me during School, and have been learning to become a Party Animal since I was intending to be a Ranger, but Thief was free. So, in this section I am learning how to do it without Thievery, but use my Thievery dexterity to be a Swordsman attaining Chieftain, maybe achieve Warlord that way. I am not an automatic Chief warring though, that'd be a hostility against my humbleness I must earn it, like a Ranger.

I believe there's some sort of Longsword that is painted a color that Thieves that were in trouble for being a Thief, like getting set up to be one, had tried to master towards Thief. I having never been caught as one got a Hooded Cape in a color, my charisma was just too good to be thwarted by my thieving, so it almost seemed like I was pragmaticing agility - but when I escaped school my rogueness spectraled away, needing to focus on myself. During the days I had to range to get home, I didn't need to bide time to enter immediately my parents both worked in the mornings, but since it was so normal I didn't get to concentrate and so just naturally let myself thieve. When the thought came to steal at night, because I was mature then, I did. I think BLACK is for Rogues, and BROWN would be last to the Muggers that learned to fight from stealing, this classic way. Stealing to make a Thug is the not classic way. I presume PURPLE is for Pickpockets.

That aside, Princely, I have done greatly with my restitution and can comprehend that had I not gone to Special Education I'd of fought in my original Elementary School inevitably imagining I had a longsword at recess, doing quantum-G to quantum observations theories with it, all the way to explicitly hunting down Germans for not having a reputation as a Swordsman, just Raiders not even Reavers. And so with figuring that out, I have smelted a 2nd metaphorical poetic sword, a double edged viperous bodied iron longsword. I'd only be a Brigand amongst any of the Polish Students I got communing with me, as for Rank itself I do have an appreciation for Rank higher than a Resistance Effort, so I figure Major is the highest I could achieve as a Brigand, but it'd be after Commander. LT would be a beginning, and gradually to Captain - then Commander, then Major. How I learned of these Ranks mattering from my solo experience is that I presume that if I were a Challenger instead of the Prince I'd need to go from LT to Captain then Captain-Commander towards Major. Had it been a struggle for me aspiring for Rank I'd still retain Commander, but it'd be a survival cognition Rank, the Commander-Captain. Any higher in 2nd cognition would mean Major options, like a base of operations of my own, but to be given to the Leader to help figure out what to do. Thus Commander-Captain is just the foot soldier, 2nd-In-Command type. There is of course Commander-LT, but that's my apprentice if I were a Commander-Captain.
A LT-Captain would be a trooper if I had attained successfully Major, as Captain-Commander is a Field Rank, not an obligation. I have no Polish Rank, just a comprehension of having LT-Commander. A Boy peer pressured me to smoke marijuana, and my intention before it was to just Brigand him to Challenger eventually, so I didn't go raiding. I did though become my own option of who I am still, and he recruited Gypsies, which I took over, as was my duty regardless of the Party's stature, and well I wasn't a noob at thinking so I defeated that Boy as a Lt-Commander, knowing they'd probably not follow me afterwards, as that was never the intetion, but I got into their intelligence-game of parties, something the Boy Mark was feigning to have by bringing them to his home to smoke; I gained Avenger's Might for myself, keeping my Rank high not Warrant Officer for a cabinboy "mooch".
It's important to know such regulation because "Rebels" from communing Boys|Girls were most likely a Bandit. They would need a certain merit to be seen to promise to themselves to assess towards Man, or Woman, to avoid being defeated by ethnicity's gypsies. I got lost in that for a while only because I had succeeded adversity away from them needing to see my "white-power" of Nobility, and so was gaining respects in the Skateboarding Culture- which can't be entirely accepted, just neutralized. Eventually the ethnicty was defeated in a Party, and so I skateboarded away from the skatepark so they couldn't believe in their adversity to be ethnic to mean something to me. Wrote a Party-Animal restitution, and now am part of the "Vanguard" of succeeding Nobility of Life. I had some in my phone but I didn't like relying on them for weed, eventually enough pop(ularity)culture of going to the Mall as my own ethnicty, Polish peach, prevailed and I purged them from my existance of wage-life; But still Ranging skatebording as a Zmija, I'm about to get a motorcycle license but I'm not doing it to get closer to people, only because economics is invasive.
Because the "Resistance" in the U.S.A. is studying the Military and other Militaries to not be a misfit and discourage Others from joining the Air Force NCO's instead of the Army Officers leagues. It's a reason like this that I studied Dungeons & Dragons character classes to defeat the mentioned bandits above that pretended to like spellcasters - to encourage spellcasters to fight before them, so they could pretend to usurp atleast 1 person in school to pretend they were gallant instead of legendary. It is there I read about their Marauder that turned into Heroes, and so learned to not allow them through as Soldiers; Instead they're "Peeps" not "Peers", much like any other Adversary. The weakest observation is them being thunk as by their Contemporaries as "Monsters" only after they've been fought, and so chose to stay a Loser to be an Adversary to a Misfit if they did lose, or got scared of further wins and became a Bandit; Creating the cesspool of minority-House-Party-rules for Sluts, if the Males avoid being a "Skank". That's them wearing vintage clothing like "Bubs" which is the Homeless|Hobo Person that got back into Society (working for the wage of money after having lost their virginity) and then correctly consume Beer at the Taverns for those "Sluts".
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I chose to be a Kid Next Door vsing my Sister. It works against the Neighbors, well. Winning on both lines|fields I've learned how to appreciate my Country not my Nation; Burrough, Burg, Village, Suburb. I vaguely vs'd Teenagers, mainly Misfits and Druggies partying to insecure couth Children. I was a Skateboarder for 17+ years, then after my first serious injury around AGE 27 whilst writing my restitution and purging it to create a treasury from diary prosperity, including my Favorite Animal is me and the reasons (of course) like it was Heraldry to vs Teenagers whims of their heraldry being a weapon under a table for example, avariced regaining the might to skateboard again. Now against the Skateboarders I previously had, to see how they impose against my Party Animal rank.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

From being a Forsaken Ranger I was going to achieve first the Court Ranger in class, and purge my Black Knight feelings at Recess, into fulfilling Barbarzyn.

So, Party Animal is here.

Barbarzyn Court Ranger

I accomplished the fantasy of virtue. I made my misfit into Nobleman not Broker, I didn't need to be a Foe-Mercenary, then prestiged for Court Ranger. The rumors became gossip, the faults became warfare, and Outlaw doesn't need to kill - just not magic(k). I havn't created a Badlands, too, I just make my stand everywhere, then forsake the place. "Reavers" didn't avenge themselves, they were just Highlanding, Highlanding from nowhere - so they chose, if weak enough, to vs Rangers, but I never saw it happen nor I got chosen to fight a Reaver, What I was getting at was that the Reavers were supossed to be Animals that learned to pick up a Sword like in the fantasy movies and shows and used That to reave for the reputation "Reaver", but none were an Animal, nor did any fight a Ranger to learn to present themselves to be a Ranger to rustle Avengers to their cause, instead it became having sex with multiple Girls, and thus that created Wanksters pretending they were Plagues, but sold drugs or avoided being a Ranger-because-they-duped-themself-to be thee Wankster. Students earned to appreciate tattoos defeating the fake reavers, because immaculance was aspiring. It became sex, and that's where the Reaver learned to abandon being a Reaver, so they could feign peace-keeping to try and attain a beautiful Girl, before she chose a middle-class type of Male. Mate came to be known perfunctorily because all that invaded itself into lesbian and homosexual, homosexual being Males are virtuous in the legacy of the world's History, of course, and lesbians being the slaves of harems, or other debauchery groups for sex.

only things I had before I got my fighting experience on Scuffy-balding-white English men were the Middle-Eastern Persian types, not in Sports but got groupied by Indonesian Gamers-or-something-Cads of their own, it wasn't longlived just some foot-tripping attempts that I never fell to but chose to strive over so if they ever got serious I'd have never lost footing for my turf, but it didn't come to that in 7th Grade, skateboarding didn't fault me for being white-Peach of my own soul, and inevitably I fought enough Partying to commit to Skateboarder with whatever rivalry I had learned to avenge myself, since I had no need to republic into a Champion or Nemesis, I am from a Country that has a Kingdom virtue, but I knew to try for Ranger to defeat the Reaver idea from my mind to avenge myself.

The tattoo of an Animal means I can be at any PARTY and always avenging myself, never becoming an Assassin from having been a Broker of street-potential, that is Avenger, guile. I studied animals at about AGE 23 when I stopped partying but got on with my life through getting a Job to sustain my virtues and nobility that was what kept me wanting to fight at parties to protect Damsels if the parties turned to be corrupt. Because they were corrupt, but those weren't the Damsels I virtued as needing to heed my own nobility, I stayed to make certain to avenge my own gender creeds lying beneath my virtue so I wouldn't lapse into an inbred status of "Bitch" which is the adolescent ages of 18-21. So, now working, I deleted whome I had in my phone not caring about any of those ambitions aside defeating Reavers as a Party Animal. Tattooed a Viper around the AGE 30, about 5 years in getting muscular and exersizing. Didn't try a Ranger College, but economicked myself into learning what College was itself with making a "curriculim" after getting accepted into my Community College. That itself made me try the virtue-of-Nobility, performing arts, specifically Stage Combat, but the classes had no Instructors so I quit college to further pursue my nobility of Ranging, and that's about when I liked Viper as a hand-to-hand shadow combat form ideally, so I made the Brown Spotted Pit Zmija my favorite animal, and tattooed it onto myself. With cash resounding my purposes I might do College in the future when more successful in life, it has nothing to do with AGE actually, it's there indominantly. I did get a Venomous Snake Handlers Certificate before "Herping", and a Motorcycle License as a prize for processing economics. Had I not I couldn't of had figured out the Entrepeneurs escaping Europe to America to make businesses as bitch-rivals to Magnates, so it's terraforming in the least.

Wrote a Party Animal restitution, of all the Animal People deflecting Peeps and Peers trying to snuff or weed Us out from becoming a Reaver, which is very virtuous. Inevitably they learned to cope as losers amongst us to survive, sustain, or republic gayness. Adversaries (Adversity|Adventure) surely not, but Infidels (Intruders|Inferiors) because they strove to learn to be Contemporaries to be adverse to their own statures of Entrepeneur, such as Beauracrat instead of Democrat, but not for Nobility, for "Alchemy" to vs Summoning.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Inconveniently I involuntarily have a placid endearment from my Family, so I will place my Nobleman here.

Am the 7 of Spades card, thanks to my Birthday being February 5th. My birthstone is an Amethyst. Got a corner billiards stick, studied all the billiards balls, too. Studying my Poland Kingdom's Kings and Queens on wikipedia. Some have created their own playing cards, so I tattooed the SPADE symbol onto my left arms bicep area, not only because of the nobility but I was even born in Wroclaw, Poland.

I've studied the Animal Kingdom to the best of my virtue and avenge the Brown Spotted Pit Viper. I've begun getting it tattooed on my back, depicting it as colored realism, too. I didn't go far to get it done, I stayed within my U.S.A. State Illinois, to specifically remember to vs "Reavers" from "Lowlander" if that is such a thing, since being in the North I need to virtue for my Northmen, not Northladies. So, for Court Ranger of the North proxies I have achieved something against the Norths rumors of Timber Wolf, Red Wolf. Against the Coasts Sharks, and Alligators. The South's Texas Wolf, and the Rattlesnakes of the general rest of the U.S.A.

So far I've learned much, and that it's not the knights virtue but my own that happens. My country has proven knights were in the thousands, vsing eachother for Dukes in my own country, too. But no private Sir has been noted yet, just Princes, Barons, and Lords and other Kings from other countries. There're abundant of types of Ladies, Princesses, Countesses, and of course Queens.

But for all the Christianity that has happened Christianity is not yet safe, still to this day. Of the rumors I've heard, well it seems with my reading that it's plausible that the Romans only helped fight alongside us Christians because Catholicism. Christianity, while true has crusaded, only succeeds through an Order of Crusaders succeeding there, as proof of our own nobility having God. Otherwise the Romans would of tried to enslave us, instead and help the slavers instead - but they have no faith in God.
And, like England and Spain have proved; Making their country the very Christianity sustained from Catholicism. Without the Arbiter, needed.

Poland had 1 Order, the Order of Dobrzyń. It's taken a while to find for me, I tried tofrom the pages I had gotten to, but it's not until after the battle of Grunwald on my 58th King's wikipedia webpage that I got to it exactly. I remember vaguely that it said it was comprised of german knights, but I doubted entirely. Here it says just german knight. So, I don't care about this Order. Polish pure blood righteousness only!

Lastly, it is wise to include that from reading my Monarchs it's probably best to escape imprisonment if a Noble because the political concessions must be averted, so fighting for my land, should I be involved to become King, as any Royalist comprehends, would be better to escape and capture them later from having fought the lowlanders - the bandits of the Captor, using virtue even to dismay Highwaymen from siding to their cause like Marauders, and so forth into the principles of my land; the honest virtue of Baron.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Polish Army Beach{Coastal} Trooper with a 10th Brygada Kawalerii Pancernej Flame-Tank. Kawaler is the Polish Royalist instead of Magister. May be that "Cavalry" is an honor of "Cavalier", and so us being Polish accept it as Kawaler for ourselves, not merely toying with just a "Cavalry." So, it's my duty to have the
from the (English is the Ethnicty I master) "10th Armoured Cavalry Brigade" of Poland. The Flamethrowers seen there are also Cannons that shoot Bullets.

I got my fantasies well and good and know to vs empires, even avenging what empiric endeavors I know I need to purge "magick" from so the Adversaries could respect the Roleplays themself, too, for myself - that's Compatriot.

NOW FOR MY TROOPER. I've always liked the old-fashioned ARMY Trooper. I don't like parachutes, though, so I cannot be a Komando - but I don't pity myself in knowing that. I've come far to this moment, proving I've not gone far at all, I was just reserved.

Poland has Komando's - and of that Komando Regiment, the 2nd Division has a the U.S.A. Thompson Sub Machine Gun on it's patch. I'm honored to have made it thus far, with popular culture.

I don't like being a typical soldier, and so prefer to be an Officer. The highest Rank for me would be Major, although I'm probably hopeful towards Commander. I'm aware of Field Officers, Battle Captains, and War Ranks like "Captain Commander" or "Commander General". I will not indulge being a 1st LT, though, I accept the regular Rank of LT. I wear prescription glasses, so these images below would have me be with sporty-spectacles.

This first image has an entire uniform presented; the Goggles, I comprehend for, are for dust and wind, as well as other inclimant weather when the Trooper possibly finds a dirtcycle to chase their enemy after ranging the foe on foot if it took that long of an endeavor..

This other image has the Reptant kamoflaz, which is what I DO wear. And I'm quite proud that it has a Thompson SMG styled ammo casing attached to their rifle - very lucky of me to find this professional image of Soldiering; That ammo cache allows me to spray left and right comfortably. The regular ammo cache that juts downward may make me need to swivel. That is haphazardly to my performance regulation of procession. Which may have my finger closer to the trigger with safeties off - and that itself may confuse my instincts to reflexively shoot the adversity of friendly-fire. Probably why some Soldiers are Saying "Fire!" instead of "Shoot!" as a NCO..

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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I didn't conive from Barbarian slavers in School into a nihilist, psyching themselves that fun is enslavement itself, to avoid ethnicity. I got turf.


Barbarzyn is good to me, but the legacy of being a Barbarzyn Ranger is just a virtue, not the actual morals I abide by. I prefer my Ranger to be the medieval type, for a Kingdom. I never thought about whether it was for a Baron or a Duke, or Prince in the Kingdom, I just do.

I'm aware of Rangers speaking with respects to Nobility, hence the Royalty competence towards the Nobility. We serve the King, thus when we are through with a job to someone who works for the King, or if the Kingdom is bigger than that another Nobility, we politely magnate with each other their honors as a goodbye, not needing farewells.

The Ranger's|Ranging Guilds I've created towards getting towards my Kingdom, as well as Magistration purposes, to comprehend Forest Ranger in all virtues extending thuroughly pass Park Ranger, when I was nonplussed about it. I've also learned of a Captain rank during times of war, as well as a "Commandant" rank among Master Rangers - which is what the Magistration skill is needed fore. Rangers of that level get married to Ladies. Many a Lady-In-Waiting have become Courtesans, and when not avenged by Lancers or Knights, a Ranger fits the position.

I've been studying Ranger aside Commando, as well as Soldier of Fortune stuff, but not Mercenary specifically. I'm aware of Countries that allow People to join their Country's Military, but that'd be Soldier of Fortune. Some are immediate, some are 3 years till optionable, some are like 5-7 years. There are about only 18 Countries that do.

Countries that have a Ranger Company are: United States of America; Army Rangers, Ireland; Army Ranger Wing, Kenya; 40th Ranger Strike Force, Canada; The Queen's York Rangers, Philippines; Philippine First Scout Ranger Regiment.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I accomplished Black Knight privately, and here is an Black Knight attemptee virtue of my Nobility. It's quite far to comprehend RuneScape lealy again, but I managed to do so with what Player-Killing dexterity I had capturing my virtue from bequeething myself into a more astute Gamer. I chose to avenge the Black Armor tier and did so as a Black-Ranger, not as a Black-Guardian to then Black Knight, because by this time I had accomplished the virtue of accomplishing Black-Ranger with-out magick|runecrafting|construction skills.

This was accomplished hunting spellcastors, aside the Main Account that's accomplishing 99 Thieving, much the same way for nobility {This would be the Black Knight, but I accomplished the Black-Ranger virtuously first}. I couldn't use the Main Account in these new worlds with bare economies, so I created this Account in retrospect of the Main Account. I have higher Ranged than Melee on this Black Account. I Role-Played as a Black Knight on a old Account, and within my Soul I got gruff with Role-Players not comprehending that it was because the plume is English not Polish, therefore it being Blue and unaware of that reason I kept Role-Playing whilst still maintaining being a Ranger avenging the Commoner Aquaintincing I deflected in RuneScape whilst saitably assessing Nobility from "badlands" from being a Player-Killer with other Social-Skills; Which I had accomplished 99 Ranged from Lead-skills prior to RuneScape 3 delving to OldSchool RuneScape, then. I got that Account locked for having magickal levels - something needed for the Quest Point Cape of Accomplishment, I did good asking for it to be locked instead of getting it banned. That 99 Ranged was certainly assessed correctly, thus Black is avenging my Ranged, as it is the last normal Armor before mythical Mithril Armor and so forth towards fantasy of RuneScape.



I had a Mercenary Academy created a year or so before I got this gaming laptop, so I'm going to input it here. roleplayerguild.com/topics/183459-mer…. I intend for it to be a Black Knight Institution, and a Mercenary Academy for the regular people hoping to attain Nobility.

It was a quest to try so to create my own Black Knight, and not the Black Knight I originally had from dastardizing Dandies that were not yet more than Harrowers. I am aware of the Black Knight likened by a Ranger Guild, and since I had the Ranger dignity before Black Knight I can imagine that a Ranger became the Black Knight when they magistered themself after a real accomplishment of being a good fighter as a Ranger. Any other color and the Rangers could forget about them, but Black meant that the Rangers could expect them to return to them, plausibly to further Rangers for the Kingdom, instead of just being a Knight elsewhere. It was that the Harrowers didn't know about, and I forgot about, so I felt like I was going to inevitably betray them for the greater good because it's this AGE we're in and I'd then see what Prince's existed to rival me, if at all.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

My RuneScape Role-Play.

I'm a Player from Illinois of the United States of America. I'm a Player with a Fist of Guthix Rate over 9000, a mithril forum post count, and have achieved the Crown of Loyalty on 2/7/2018. I learned prominence as a Ranger, and I Role-Played as a Kinshra Knight.

I started about 2005 or 2006. My mother brought me and my sister to the library for the first time, there a bunch of boys were playing on the computers and I joined them as "{HAZOP}" {I browsed AIM before this name, vaguely before becoming a Gamer; So, with that my only random-Mass Person Online experience to the Boys near me I recognized that I need a general name, and being a Boy and I'll hump "Bombshells" I made "{HAZOP}", not yet knowing how to peer in the situation.}! I had began as a goblin slayer and worked my way towards the nobility of PvM with getting a black longsword first. Through the course of RuneScape communities I got albeit to becoming a Player-Killer. It corrupted me away from my virtue, only in the sense that I had to strengthen my intelligence against heretic minorities, so I had to actually learn might anew substantially. {HAZOP} got banned for a sentence trying to impersonate a Jagex Moderator, being from the United States my loyalty to English virtue was tainted with all the secular rumorings between people, so, not knowing how to proceed linguistically (I certainly didn't want guile) I delved into marauding because I was Free-To-Play and mistaking how to think of scammers (probably to do with some sort of Armiger virtue because I would deny it to spellcastors and bowpeople) I chose to try it myself so as to not side with them in the future.

My 2nd Account was named "{HAZOP}", a name I remembered fore it was given to me by my Sister to use on AIM and since the "7" was to differ from it before it just became my next Account (for what it's worth I didn't use that name I tried to better what virtue she sought of me in using it and created "SKELATON of WAR" because I preferred thinking I was a Boy and not a Brother), which also got banned. This time for "negative payments". I did a pay-by-phone payment method for membership, having never had membership yet, and I neglected to tell my parents. 6-7 months of unpaid phone bills got it banned. I thought it'd get canceled after a month, but nope. Me and "Chopperdude7", and "Supercorn" got into the Champions Guild from F2P quests under 10 Combat. I got used to killing monsters without looking to profit from them on this account when it was member. When I wasn't yet I would kill Hill Giants to sell big bones.

My 3rd Account was named "{HAZOP}" (I began Xbox Live with Halo 3, hoping specifically to rival PvP somehow initially, and only the guns of Halo seemed tactical {Not yet Role-Playing Halo}). I somehow got it locked testing out the forums. I tried to unlock it but Jagex found some reports about it and keeps it locked. On that account the communities expanded with friends chats and the 99 Hood/Cape of Accomplishment also had become an item. I learned might verily from those, and even aspired to attain an Untrimmed 99 Firemaking Hood and Cape of Accomplishment within the chats of Uloveme, Casserole, Green098, God, Weed, Zamorak, and Zezima's. I'd get 70 Ranged before becoming Member to prove I learned of Members in Freeworlds instead of entering a Noob. By then I am used to how the game works, and don't really care about the merchants, but had a penchant for buying the Archer or Berserker Helmet not comprehending the tactical differences needed to have Player-Killer admonished experience to sustain the attitude from quitting the minority to be next to boring adults called Skillers. It meant I was a Player-Killer orientated person, and that's MLG, so when becoming a Member I'd try questing for Guilds, and if I used melee I would be capable of slaying and chatting at the same moments, instead of joining a PvP Community like a subordinate. I didn't want to become a minority and become a "pure" Soldier-of-Fortune to rival savagely in real life my popularity, nor was I experienced enough to be entrusted with Player-Killers of a higher professionalism elsewhere on google, but I found a general Community called "The Watchguard" that I was allowed to join and it progressed me to a start. Some say "Field Lieutenant", but it's most likely I was just a "Sergeant" because I think an Officer knows how to use items of different calibers, as well. Any Rank lower than "Sergeant" would of had to have been from a Player-Killing specific Community. During this Account I had also learned of a Black Pure before or after I had Role-Played being a Black Knight on the Role-Playing World.

My 4th Account was named "{HAZOP}" (the Iron Maiden song "The Nomad" and I wore a spectral-flame skull shirt, so "inferno" was the idea.) On this account I changed my boast of Firemaking to Thieving. During this 4th Account Clan Wars was in the Wilderness with Revenants roving about. I made my own "clan" named "Bloodpool of Chaos", and had a short legacy with it as a Field Lieutenant. I quit Bloodpool of Chaos when I had finished using Clan Wars to see how tactically better I'd get - like seeing if I'd actually like being a Player-Killer within a Company; In those years the nobility of being a Knight or Ranger in a PKing Company|Community wasn't ever "soldier of fortune" but actually if I was skilled-enough-then-I-would, but even though I could rush to the level of 70 for full black dragonhide I wasn't ready to commit my mind from the adventuring community to a professional Player-Killer, so I disbanded Bloodpool of Chaos after the Field Officer experience taught me to gain high tier Prayer levels. Fist of Guthix synergized me to respect my choice of disbanding Bloodpool of Chaos to preferring the Sharpshooter I gained out of myself from being a Marksman with those Prayer levels. It got permanently muted by Jagex Moderator Steve W so I quit it.

My 5th Account "{HAZOP}" prevailed from those frontiersmen-days. Name changing became optionable, and player owned titles, too. Because of Player-Killing, Role-Playing as a Black Knight that became a Knight of the Kinshra, I accomplished 99 Ranged. The defendic thought of using strategum of topographics was a chatting procession from being a Player-Killer I learned from my other accounts when I had always gotten 70 Ranged because of that before becoming a Member to learn my might in black dragonhide armor it taught me how to think of RuneScape as a frontier, and helped me be my own Slayer, inevitably. Originally I entered the Role-Playing World being a Zamorak Ranger in a Zamorak Castle Wars Hood and Cloak, the Zamorak Blessed Dragonhide Armor, a Seercull Bow, and Dragon Boots. There were Black Knights, White Knights, spellcastors, and the weird-roleplayers that actually Role-Played as NPC-types like werewolves, vampyres, and stuff. Once a white Knight wanted to vs a Kinshra Knight, but said it in a staunch way that didn't embarrass his Role-Playing combat skills. So, I tried to become a Black Knight Overlord at the Bar in Falador, questing myself to learn rigorness to proceed with challenging another Player to a Role-Play duel. I needed experience to not be a blundering moron that was in the vicinity to like my Role-Playing itself. I didn't get responds well, and had to think seriously on how to pursue gruff without being arrogant, and not become a Foe outright to discourage myself from attempting the honor of Role-Playing a Knight. I learned to Role-Play without sword and shield on. When I learned of an actual Kinshra plumed styled helmet I made it and didn't Role-Play anymore. I instead used the helmet to be an actual Kinshra Zamorakian Ranger and played against the fascism of RuneScape, but never got in trouble actually, my charisma had achieved success by now. The retarded Players learned to coexist as Player-Vs-Monster types, obeying one another. So, there was no need to use Mercenary guile to be a Renegade "Tank". When the Evolution of Combat came to RuneScape 3 many Players quit. Not me. I was 3 levels from 99 Ranged when E.O.C. happened. I accomplished 99 Ranged. I cherished the maturity I gained with the accomplishment, fulfilling my esteems of desire for a 99 Hood|Cape of Accomplishment, and it was a Combat 99 success, too. Had it not been I would of quit RuneScape then and there, sensing the nobility of the awe from myself, and focused on it to create something fortunate for myself, like gone to college.

I took long breaks from RuneScape 3 to focus on skateboarding, and partying. I didn't have a personal computer at about 95 Ranged, so was using the library. I did manage to enter the Zamorakian side for the Battle For Lumbridge, I joined Zamorak because I saw the Kinshra Knights being used for valor and so it made me feel a sense of compatriotism needed to keep my Role-Play staunch for the Community. I played long enough to accumulate points for the Zamorak Banner Pet. I also did the Bandos vs Armadyl event and attained the points for the title "Soldier". Mainly I was in awe for having accomplished 99 Ranged with Archery skills. I wanted to interact with the People playing but I was at a lost in my wonder as how to do so without it being fuddled with a Role-Play exquisite.
When I got a laptop I needed to join OldSchool RuneScape and make a fundamental strive towards college. I chose to play it as what I had roleplayed on RuneScape 2, but this time as a Kinshra Knight so to avenge the Black Knight virtue I had before it. This time though to avenge my previous virtue and solidaritify my nobility gained from being a Ranger. Instead of joining a Community of PvMers I went after the Quest Cape of Accomplishment specifically to master melee with using all the tactics I liked from RuneScape 3 from the peer pressure. I had only ever gotten as far as Legend's Quest on RuneScape 2\3, and just after attaining 70 Ranged too specifically for the Black Dragonhide armor, and the Dragon Longsword to take later to PvP went lovely with the Magic Shortbow that I used with a special scroll that imbued it to give me 4 special attack shots instead of 2. But the Archer's Helm never returned, I used the Warrior's Helm in it's place because I was mainly playing OldSchool RuneScape for the Quest Hood|Cape of Accomplishment and I didn't need to focus of my Ranger merit of Role-Playing as a Kinshra, because of having 99 Ranged on the other game system RuneScape 3. I did also use the Seercull Bow for 'Mage-Hunting' when I was a Captain in the Player-Killing community Reapers of RuneScape Community, though. I also use Slayer Goggles on OSRS and Beer Goggles on RuneScape 3, now, enjoying my mohawks. I Role-Played so far as to purge my bank account with usage of the Black Knights Fortress' foundry(it gets a basement in a members quest) and their Lair beneath Taverly, purposefully for the prestige of attaining other 99s by having an empty bank to only have a visage of my Role-Playing the Kinshra Knight to virtue the 99 Accomplishments I dropped all my items in the foundry like an Armiger, and then to the secret wall above the war room I used the suits of armor to Knight myself as a Role-Play officer by treating that room as a Treasury by dropping my just earned 99 Capes of Accomplishment with the Quest Point Cape of Accomplishment, had I not dropped them too I'd probably mistake my virtue for United Kingdom English not Poland's or the United States's. I Attained 99 Firemaking for an inextinguishable light source cape perk before I accomplished the Quest Hood/Cape of Accomplishment, which avenged my {HAZOP} quest for it. I did not accept the kingdom I earned and profusely gained 99 Fletching biding my time on how to proceed next for the Kinshra Role-Play while at the Grand Exchange, so after I got that I did the purging, but in an Arbitrasive manner because I had not Role-Played for naught, so I went on a killing spree as a Knight of the Kinshra accumulating 100,000GP from the Knights of Gielinor's deaths for some solidarity with a Dragon Longsword; I also used the Fletching Moniker crossbow and grapple to assault the White Knights Castle on my return to former glory to the Capes of Accomplishment. I earned an untrimmed 99 Attack Hood/Cape of Accomplishment on the PvP specific type world with multiplied experience "DEADMAN" before accomplishing 99 Prayer on the regular worlds. Before I did I slew 8-11 Players as a Kinshra Master Firemaker. I lead their Entourage into the Wilderness and slew them 1 by 1 deeper as I went. I can only imagine that it's because of the magnanimity of being a Kinshra Knight that they chose to all get slain and not flee before their deaths. Doing so made me renounce the Hoods of Accomplishment and gain goggles on my Player, vindicating my like for specs that I've been wearing since 5th Grade popularity. {Being a Viper I will brag about having Pit Viper sunglasses with prescription lenses, and polarized goggles for more extremities - like Billiards.} I was about to further myself toward gaining 99 Thieving to avenge myself 1 last time but preparing to do so while acknowledging tactfully 99 Ranged to 120 without accumulating 99 HP to keep it untrimmed to then be a Master Ranger for the Green098 Clan on RuneScape 3 wasn't worth it anymore because the RuneScape 3 community had changed. There was no longer a Highlander Clan system for Green098, where all my Chatfriends the previous years had switched from Casserole's friendschat to join Green098's Clan Chat when Casserole quit. It used to be big, but now it's only about 10 Players. During these thoughts on how to master quitting RuneScape I comprehended that the Quest Cape of Accomplishment couldn't have been accomplished without the magic(k) skill, and with comprehending that the Construction Skill teleports me to another dimension, that then the Kinshra Role-Play, except for those PK kills {all recorded}, was defunctional to my former frontier because even though I didn't use magic(k) on the DEADMAN world Construction is still needed to ever use a plumestand, which counts as a magick level indefinitly. I got Jagex to lock my account and started with new accounts specifically to avenge my 99s, in goggles, without leveling the magic(k) skill. Then, from reconciling that that is from the adversity of the RuneScape Community I settled on 1 account because only 1 99 Hood|Cape of Accomplishment is needed to avenge me: {HAZOP}! Buthough, I did manage to create my Player-Killing prestige thanks to the Fresh Start Worlds; {HAZOP}. As thee Black Pure, finally - well Black Armor Mage-Hunting Archer, actually, since it avenges my former 99 Ranged. But there will never be an official Zamorakian Ranger after that Account, the Defence level will remain at 10. Nor will the Dragon Longsword ever regain a special place in my heart; The Attack level will remain at 10.

Being a Frontier-Player, I tried to exist through my virtue like it was a nobilitation, thus however Player-Vs-Player orientated I got classy - I was still an Adventurer. My legacy against the conglomerated community was that Untrimmed Hood\Cape of Accomplishments was the way to keep from bopping the ranked players in the chats that could move players out of the chats; I wanted 99 Firemaking, just to have it's orange be fancied , or the purple of 99 Thieving. Perhaps had RuneScape 2 not become RuneScape 3 I would of learned how to say "No" after accomplishing a 99 like that and steadily defeat the game communed simulation keeping to an untrimmed Hood|Cape of Accomplishment, instead I was left in a barron mmorpg where my charisma dwindled idly, but still accomplished 99 Ranged- so as I said I went to OSRS to begin a test of virtue. Maybe a "crucible", even, not just because of 99(s) but because I separate PC from television gaming system gaming, too to merit my popularity skills.

I deactivated my account because I had achieved through the game to the Quest Hood|Cape of Accomplishment, which is only possible with the magic(k) skill. And got 1 99, my untrimmed Hood|Cape of Accomplishment on my Party-Animal animalsoul account, because it'd be mighty of me to defeat altercations. It also so happens to be the Thieving I mention. A friend got it before me, but after I told him about the purple liking of the item from me. So, for the probability that he's a "warlock" I'm avenging humanity too like a Burglar. Which is fun moreso because he wasn't a communtiy friend, but a WWW friend.

In the last years of my account I matured enough to stop name changing and equip my first name as the 2nd time I did. I still though need to log in as "{HAZOP}" (and that name is taken, too.) but it's an original LOG-IN; Now People need to use their emails for the original placement of the name on the LOG-IN screen.

The titles of nobility I have are Sir, Lord, Overlord, and Baron.

The game got autonomous achievement tracking accomplished. So, when on Poland World 28, I achieved 99 Archery as Baron "{HAZOP}" stately to that entire world in the CHAT that I had accomplished "99 Ranged".

I got it mostly in F2P {but for 7-8 levels with the Crystal Bow} with Mithril Arrows and the Maple Shortbow. After 85 it took about 7000 arrows per new level, I bought them 10k at a time and didn't pick them up.

I got the Quest Cape(but only this image of the cape's emote feature), and even played on RuneScape Classic a while: I have acquired full black, a mithril scimitar, a strength amulet and an orange cape. I think I'm level 31. And my bank has over 100,000GP because a person was selling steel platebodies in mass at Catherbys general store so I walked all the way to Varrock and sold them at the platebody store. {There will be a photo whenever RuneScape Classic comes back online again.}

(I figured out my nobility and have learned that I live in a burg. It's part of a Borough, but the Neighborhood of my Borough neglected the Cross-Streets of my Burg, where I attained my animalsoul the Brown Spotted Pit Viper.)
I'm keeping my name a secret. I've restituded to not gain 99 Ranged like how I earned on RuneScape 2s change to RuneScape 3, but to gain the 1 99 I said to friends I'd gain 2nd, but have yet to have gotten, still.

It occurred to me that when I was just going to get 1 99, the orange 99 of Firemaking, and learn to appreciate myself and my account with saying "No" to further 99s, I was going to join those celebrital "clan's" upon my return from OSRS to RS3, but I've learned that all those people of old dont exist anymore. To celebrate the power I've accumulated to simply join a clan of 15 Officer's, and not the 40ish peers I had among them, diminishes the effect of Master Ranger to me. Instead, the 1 99 I said I'd get 2nd in my whole adventure on RuneScape shall only be gained, and then I'll quit.

It's because the friend I told about getting 99 Thieving for it's fadey purple coloring, since I had failed Firemaking before it, may have used that possibility to have gained his 99 Thieving for himself because of that. I have no idea his reasoning behind it, as I've never asked but thinking back on it now it's somewhat auspicious- and now that I know how to comprehend it as a form of rivalry amongst friends... I should get 99 Prayer to avenge my virtue in the Roleplaying, or just Firemaking because it was what I said I'd get first... but since this 99 Thieving, if neglected, could be an affliction to him from me, then I must avenge my self specifically and accomplish 99 Thieving, instead of gloating ingame of my former accomplishments, since they wont matter because I'd have to absolve to complying for a Quest Cape(which was only possible with having used the magical skill). And also cease using the other accounts, because I am making a real move on RuneScape. I won't be returning to RuneScape 3, because that only existed for 97-99 Ranged. The integral diligence of my reverence for the game being having accomplished my very first 99, even a combat 99, from like a frontier of playing... Well, I resolved to abandon RuneScape 3, because it was the Old School RuneScape, the RuneScape 2, style of gameplay I was loving being accomplished then. So, my Nobility is proper, and my virtue isn't needed to be avenged because my old community isn't available anymore, and it's a new generation of Players. And on top of all that 99 Ranged was gotten while I had magic! I can comprehend that as ruefulness, now.

The Account is close to 99 Thieving; 3 Levels to go. I avenged my Black Prestige with the regular Black Full Helmet's blue plume, and am attaining 99 Thieving in Dragon Hunter sport. . Whilst playing a new 6-Month new economy set of worlds were created. I had to avenge my 1st 99 ever, Ranged, prestige entirely with being a Black Armor Wizard-Hunting Archer, since it was for new Accounts specifically, that'd get merged into the game after the 6 months, or if they want they can option out of "Fresh Start Worlds". This is what I've gathered so far on the Players that don't really have their own magocracy, or spectral guild:

I didn't care to regulate the spellcastors genders and skin colors I see now because I totally expect spellcastors to be Gender-Benders. Shooters may get some, but the Scimitar weilders aught to be entirely said so. That thing is such a rivalry in the game.... These are the STATS of my two magick unpure Accounts (I can't not make a spell in Tutorial Island, it will account towards my skill as 7 experience) but in Free-To-Play the Member Skills are unplayable; ; - and the images of it progressing to the Black Dragonhide Armor; Where I'll stop switching Armor.
I am now playing in the Free-To-Play WORLDS the remaining 2-3 months (01/30/2023), free of former ego, having accomplished my frontier of RuneScape, as this Skiller: . It has gotten rid of secular badlands behavior as a Player-Killer triumphing, with Black Knight zealousy, into the Party Animal Zmija I am of course.

Behold the former 99 Hood and Cape of Accomplishments; In the order of gainage: RuneScape 3 99 Ranged Old School RuneScape 99 Firemaking Old School RuneScape 99 FletchingOld School RuneScape special experience PlayerVsPlayer world's 99 Attack Old School RuneScape 99 Prayer {with Holy Water, too}
ACCOMPLISHED 99 Thieving abidingly aside the former valiance, correctly; . I've gotten to RuneScape 3 since and am ataining my 1st 99 from the formal years, Ranged, again, just the same as with that Account on "Old School RuneScape" without magickal accumulation.
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

My Xbox Avatar has done well with the 4 year tenure of Xbox Live.

I first got it to be played on the game 1 vs 100. There it actually played against/with other people thanks to Xbox Live. It's an actual televison show where the host asks question to 100 people. Get 1 wrong and they get blocked out from the next question, and at the chance of winning if the host loses to the question. I survived 1 time against a host, as well as like 40 people remaining, and won microsoft points.

This image comes from the game "Fire Pro Wrestling": . The flamethrower prop I bought on the Xbox Live Avatar Store. I was entering to the boxing ring, so I represented using my introductionary prop.

I've also done an obstacle course game called Doritos Crash Course, and have done Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock with it.
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

My plastic Army Trooper. Got it from an Xbox One game. Got to Private First Class with it on Xbox Live. I saw a video of Steam Players playing phenominally, like 60 Players, got the game on that, too. The Players are easier to get than Xbox One, but the rules for RANKING are different in 1 way; On Xbox One just killing Players (and BOTS if it's that game type along with the Players) gives experience towards RANK. On Computer you have to win whatever you were playing to get experience.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I got a Stealth Viper.

I picked it because of my Viper dedication, not because I'd be tactical with it to begin with. So, from what I have gathered it seems that when the Stealth Viper does come out of the ground it has the opposing zoid out of it's firing controls, because the pilot doesn't have time to assault - unless it had prepared a melee attack.

Besides that the Stealth Viper also has a longrange cannon, and I'm sure I can have a smokescrean/land mines, so to not need to rely on my fangs. NOW I'm tactical with it. So, the assault weapons on the Stealth Viper's head must be for mid-range tactics, or closing the distance for my fangs. Looks like it's missles, so I can probably try and negate assault directions and force the attackers out of their tactics, too.

Unsure if I'll have a shield, but i can haze vape of smoke out my body portions. I don't mind the tip of my tail being a pulse-radar-disruptor thing to make a shield, or even as an emitter not radar, maybe I can coil the zoid, or deflect something and flank with active kamuflaz. The lasers above the pilot-system should be able to penetrate zoid shields.

I learned it does use Heat-Signature vision apparatuses, but with the cameras in the mouth, I don't need to rely on those specifically.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This section is for my Polish U.N.S.C. Army SPARTAN trooper, and is my actual Field Major Xbox Live rank.

Came from planet Poland to the U.N.S.C. Army. Well, the Role-Play is not Poland specific, and with Halo Infinite it makes sense to me that if the people had no Kingdom to call their own that they'd just enter the U.N.S.C. SPARTANS. I've only been doing this Role-Play to strengthen my virtue with Poland, because it was the only PvP video game console video game that tried to peer pressure me somehow. So, to not accept supporting the Roman's virtues I practiced safe Armying. So, my SPARTAN came from a Poland planet, and didn't need to do the SPARTAN Academy. But my SPARTAN isn't anything more than a Land Force Officer, my Field Major, thanks to being an Officer I got to reduce the injections to just being capable of using the armor - not gaining height, destroying walls, no deformaties, not mutations, nothing super, and I can still make love. But it's still the same thing - I just can't do the imaginary stuff like falling through orbit and survive- without a chance.

I started Xbox Live with Xbox 360 around 2007 (My father imposed the Nintendo 64 on me and my sister when I was 4, and gaming somewhat had it's own culture I saw at that age. There're many video game consoles at the apartment complex; Super Nintendo Entertainment System, and a SEGA were the one's I learned of my populace. I had gotten a Atomic Purple Gameboy COLOR before the original Xbox, even. I chose to be committed to the Xbox when it came out, so as to not lose intelligence with the Playstations) specifically to PvP Halo starting with Halo 3. I had made multiple accounts on the first Xbox on Halo 2's multiplayer, naming them after my burg's neighbors, as they appreciated the game but lacked the time to make accounts because they were mainly my sister's friends- and they never did play, but the randomization the game made of each armor per name made me want me to roleplay Halo someday bravely not as Sierra-117 but as my own trooper, because I learned to appreciate the virtue I had within myself and began to appreciate that they weren't "neighbors" but just teenagers and in a burg (though I was still a companion)- although I prefer "commando" not "soldier" so only when I was an accomplished gamer at Halo did I rejuvinate from the game's "commando" to "trooper" to roleplay into other spectrums of war, like Barbarian, or basic Earth land forces. I joined a company called "DRO Gaming" too on Halo 3, and changed my name to "DRO Acid". "DRO" was "Dedication, Respect, Order". It didn't last long for me, the company tried to sell it's own website. A shame I think, because there're 100+ members, and I was part of a division seperate from whome I played with to induct myself to their company. But I did learn to use the Battle Rifle with them in 8 player duels thanks to that FORGE dexterity. Later I appreciated the Squad Automatic Weapon specifically thanks to that training.

The armor in Halo 3 helped me fufill my initial duty, but it wasn't expanse like the way 343 Industries proves. Still, ROGUE was good enough to commemorate EVA later for "3rd-person" roleplaying(I'm a 1st/2nd-person roleplayer type). As time went on I regained the roleplay with Halo 4's armor's- starting as ROGUE to level 77, then years later I returned to Halo 4 and used HAZOP to 96 (as well as finally beat my Halo 1 {ANNIVERSARY} on heroic solo, then some year later I got to MCC and H5). I've finished Infinite, as well as all the other Halo game's so I returned to Halo 5. I'm now 100+ on Halo 5 and have VECTOR skills too. Now that I'm mature enough to comprehend the situation (being that my character ingame is no longer Role-Playingly proving safe virtues {thanks to changing my Xbox Live Tagname to an original animal type} like an action figure but on the T.V., since I'm just being tactical now and reporting bad players) I am affirming to be an ARMY based Spartan-4 from a Poland planet.

I've been called a "Monkey" amongst peers, but I valued my own experiences and earned respect with calling myself a "Viper". Those peers didn't relent becoming monkies, but not all did after my fight.

I intend to use the DRO company in my roleplay because I imagined being courtious originally with the Halo 2 component-name-randomizations to be camouflaged within my own shadow, for feats of might... That being venom, thus far, thanks to my Xbox Live name having gone from immaturity over the years, to "DRO Acid" symbolizing a semblence of maturity - so, I created an original Viper name when my partying was settling down and I had returned to Xbox to treasurize it. The first word is a lowercase adverb so as to not have viewers think of my whole name as like a super thing on Xbox Live but specifically instead orientated for the next word "Viper".

My Party-Animal Halo Halo. I said it above, that I started on televison First-Person-Shooters with Halo 2. It being my first first-person-shooter I learned to appreciate it as my mlg, that being Halo specifically, hoping it'd virtue me correctly into the world of video game consoles, or digital games as a "Sellsword". In America appropriately the virtue would be towards Ranger, and similar nobilities, delving only to them being words like "Commando" or "Prince". I had yet to appreciate "Knight", but knew to appreciate the other types. Overall with camping trips with family or Polish camp frequently before High School graduation I gradually accepted Ranger because I very seldom came about a boy or girl that virtued Knight, or Princess. So, with needing to prove I had a comprehension of advancement in the family, by attempting to gain favor with who I am, I got my father because he had a DvD console and was playing with the plasma televisions cabling at the new house. With my mother having only ever trashed my toys and refurbished my room without telling me at the old house, my placement as a guardian of my family were limited - so when a chance of "teenage" had happened my Freshman year of High School for Xbox Live I "Sellsworded" myself to have them not deflect the situation and hinder me into needing to be crafty and do it myself - so I seized being a teenager and provoked my father to use a person my family tried to party at with me in tow, but not my sister... They were failing to provide a safe environment for me, but were allowing it for my sister, but they were all Polish people regardlessly. So, the one adulterous lackey of a party with a playstation 2 I whimsilly used as a parlay to my father to get to install the Xbox Live on my Xbox 360.

Now - skipping to the Halo Party. My first Halo school consciousness came around 7th or 8th Grade with a system-link of Xboxs party. This is the only "Paladain/Paragon" effort I ever got, if you don't account the Indonesian/Arabian skateboarders I played SKATE against at the skatepark. To this day I have no contempt in thinking a "Paladin" is a white person thing - the closest to that for me has been seen as an Arbiter for Crusaders, and some girls being Penitants to earn "Arbiter" because "Arbitress" could be sexist. But the whole Paladin thing I don't make Christian in my soul, because Paragon and Medjai are lurking to expose it ontothemselves or something.

I played Halo 1 and 2 there. Bloodgulch on Halo 1 and the Blackout map on Halo 2 are what I remember the most. The Halo 2 game was entirely swords, too. They didn't "disband", but I had to get myself to find their Halo 2 clan personally. So, they were nerds/geeks and I was just a "player" not a friend-initiate.

Later I played Halo 3 with my own accumulation of players, and once while dating a girl I beat her at Halo 1 1v1. That was reason enough to stay committed to Halo 1 Anniversary, thanks to the digression of Halo 3 becoming Reach and ODST - psyocting me to want to quit Halo because Halo 3 couldn't be played fully without ODST being owned, and with me not liking Reach I almost quit. But I persevered luckily, and reinstated my skills to where they are now. And Now I am preparing to quit.

Halo 1 never interested me, and Xbox Live came with Halo 3 having been out a year or two already, so my Halo 2 Xbox Live combatancy didn't fulfill my virtue. Halo 3 didn't forsake anything, it was better than Halo 2 in nearly all ways - but the campaign seemed almost a side project. Must of been that Halo 2's whole game had become Halo 3's PvP masterpiece; I critique. Of Halo 3 I befriended some Colonels and Brigadiers in the new neighborhood, aspired to Strike Commander with them but only achieved Field Major because of the game's handicaps mentioned.

Eventually I stopped customizing my character every guest play, and actually signed in on my own Xbox name with each new session. I suppose I was being a practical Friend and not care about the MLG styling of PvP because I preferred to be a skateboarder, but not a Player, as to why I don't buy 2ndary controllers for my game console. I'm not a Halo 1 loser, nor a Halo 2 poser, but a real Halo 3 Gamer. To of had played as a guest and not moniker myself as an individual would of been wrong of me partying. It kept me sharp not wild.

1 way or another I reminded myself that I got through Halo Campaign difficulties in Co-Op because the levels would inevitably end. When I returned to Halo through the Master Chief Collection I equaled my difficulty Xbox Gamerscore Achievements to my individual Halo Games Xbox Gamerscore Achievements. Spartan Ops for MCC gives achievements for higher difficulties; I like that it gives that, because Campaigns made Co-Op identical Players or had a specified character for other Players - Spartan Ops let's the customized Players play. When I achieve Halo 2 in the MCC on Heroic I'll be accomplished where I originally fathomed defeating Halo 2 {to defeat the endeavor of Halo 2 gossip (as I wasn't a pop(ular)culture-vagabond, but managed to forge a legacy they couldnt} before defeating Halo 3 on LEGENDARY, Solo. As it was Halo 3 that I proceeded to avenge myself with Xbox Live to reclaim my reprieve of having thought Others played on Heroic when with a Co-Operative Campaign was on Normal initially into the spectrum of PvP. Then it'll be just doing Spartan Ops, and playing the Halo Reach Campaign as what it's depicted that Noble-6 was.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This section is for my Megaman NT Warrior character.

NetNavi's just can't have numbers in their name, spaces, or symbols, but they can have as many capital letters wanted. Because name's may have already been taken by someone else in the world. Such being the situations, students are acknowledged to think of what nobility is to them currently or was before. Popular beginning words can be "Sword" or "Shield" or "Lance", maybe "Knight" or "Princess", but students do also create names thanks to the attention to that like "SkullflamesMan" or "QUEENofStrawberryAcid". It can never be changed, too. Only if your NetNavi were deleted could you get a new NetNavi.

Having quite the infinite possibilities of how to pick or create a NetNavi; Help from community NetNavi's, or a bought NetNavi that just needs a name - I assembled a Viper-type with camouflage pants and boots, no shirt because it's an animal but I did grant my NetNavi sport-glasses.

My NetNavi's name is SpaceMercenarySwordZmijaman!

Hidden 3 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

During my time I've come to know of ToonTown. It is a "canon" part to the existantial life of where Mickey, Donald, and Goofy live - in fact I think it's where the House of Mouse club is. So, to avenge my love of the Disney characters Launchpad McQuack, Max Goof, Genie, Carpet, Stitch, King Arthur, Princess Aurora, Sir Hiss, Tigger, Flit, Jack Skellington, Jim Hawkins, Mulan, Prince Phillip, Rex, RC Car, Thumper, Chum, and Kronk I have played ToonTown and, with solemn grace, have proof of my character here:

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

My Neopet is me, too.

I'm a Biscuit Hissi, with a Ghost Wuzzle Petpet.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hot Wheels

I drive this 1963 Corvette.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

My Motorcycle Jouster.

This is a image of a scene in Knightriders, where Noblemen and Princesses watch;

I don't say "dirt bike" like a Dad, I originally say Dirtcycle, manifesting towards "Father." This original North American Dirtcycle Company, "ATK", will be the Dirtcycle I intend to use in my Jousting against other Challengers of my Motorcycle Tournament. [/img]. I don't have a Dirtcycle of my own yet, but in 2023 I will begin testing for a Motorcycle Drivers License. So, in the badlands-time till I get me on it with my own Lance for an image here, I Sebastian Dabrowski A Kawaler 7 of Spades of POLAND, will use this image instead: .

I've entered a Motorcycle Club by accident. I was bored with my time in the day, so I became interested in looking at the smoking Bowl ornaments at the Town Smoking Store. It happened to be a Shop type of Store; I walked down steps to get to it's door. The same type of next-door entrance I walked into a Motorcycle Club. The Members were standing about and a lone one sitting on a stool playing Nintendo 64 on a possibly portable Television. They ushered me out.
I see they don't use it during the Winter so it's a Club and not a Gang. It's my destiny to become a Motorcycle Driver, and with this good luck knowing it's not a Gang I can accept it as fate and not destiny ultimatum to need to have my own Motorcycle Club - which would have me be my favorite Military Rank, the Captain-Commander. I've come a far way to equal my mind with my soul from these mere writing dexterities of knowledge in the United States of America; So, I'm pleased to know I'd accomplish a Badland instead of a Wasteland, like the Ranger.
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