Welcome to the Nexus. The people here are wildly different. The worlds they come from, even moreso. Still, this place isn’t the same as the world you remember, is it?

Maybe you woke up in a tropical beach resort. Maybe you woke up in a desolate wasteland. Everyone’s room is different, but some things are always the same: No one came here by choice, and no one can clear their own room.

With the exception of one person, everyone starts in their own room, which plays out explicitly like a level in a video game. The only problem is that no one can clear their own room, causing the room to reset itself over and over again once its time limit runs out. Uncleared rooms have no exit, and most people have no idea what they’re supposed to do to begin with, making no progress at all. Every time the room resets, the room owner resets too, losing all memories of their room, trapping them in an endless loop. Only through the Nexus, which contains doors to everyone’s room, can the cycle be broken. That being said, no one can escape the Nexus yet either...

Each room is designed by the player who made the character, with challenges and/or enemies that match the character in question. The room’s obstacles will be managed by me and the player who created it. The goal of each room is to avoid or conquer all obstacles and acquire a character’s token before the room’s timer runs out. The token possesses the power of the corresponding character, and can take the form of any object the player specifies. (Within reason) When used by other characters, the token will grant them a portion of the corresponding character's abilities, as determined by the player who created them. (with my help for balancing purposes)

Once a token is touched by one of the room's intruders, no matter how briefly, the door back to the Nexus will open up somewhere nearby. The room is cleared when the token is brought through that door, negating the time limit and connecting the exit door to the room’s entrance in the Nexus. However, if a room’s timer runs out, the room owner will gain a tremendous boost in power and lose all control of themselves, going on a murderous rampage that will not end until either every intruder is dead or the token is brought to the Nexus.

Once in the Nexus, tokens can be placed on corresponding pedestals to unlock a character’s living quarters and utility room. A single door in the Nexus is locked, and has no corresponding pedestal. The prevailing theory is that once all pedestals are filled, it will open and everyone will finally be free…

PM me your character apps. I would like to keep tokens, rooms and utility rooms a surprise.