In 2087, bandits discuss raiding a mountain village, but their chief decides to wait until after the harvest as they had raided it fairly recently. They are overheard by a farmer, whereupon the villagers ask the village elder for advice. He states that he once saw a village that hired samurai and remained untouched by raiders, and declares they should also hire samurai to defend them. Since they have no money and can only offer food as payment, he advises them to find hungry samurai.
On arrival, the samurai find the villagers cowering in their homes, refusing to greet them. Feeling insulted by such a cold reception, a samurai rings the village alarm, prompting the villagers to come out of hiding and beg for protection. The samurai are both pleased and amused by this, Slowly the samurai and farmers begin to trust each other as they train together.
Based on movie The Seven Samurai
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