Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KinkyPrawn
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KinkyPrawn Snappy Boi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

United States/Alabama


As much as Eddie Lessing hated the country and the government, he had to admit that it was the best place for his business. Plus the state helped to keep a low profile with everything already going on within its lines. Some might even say that, as an immigrant, he was living the American dream.

Set up in an old, abandoned warehouse that used to process some sort of crop was a massive operation with people sorting various illegal weapons, packing them up and going about other business that was clearly less than legal. However, things were a lot more tense now than it usually would be. "Oi Mike, make sure those AR's are all in there! If those Baptist fuckers stole our shit, I'm gonna moer them!" Eddie shouted over to one of his soldiers as he hopped out of his truck. The man threw him a thumbs up as he walked around to get to some pelican cases out from the back of the truck. "You got it, boss." he responded as he started to unload the cases. "And get them unloaded as quick as you can. We might need to pack up. Those Feds will definitely be on our tails after that." he ordered the man as he walked away from the truck, unstrapping his body armour as he marched. A few other people joined in to help him as their boss disappeared into his office.

After almost throwing his chair through the window of the dilapidated office, he took a moment to catch his breath. "Fucking extremists. I swear, if it's not a bloody church in the US, it's a bloody terrorist group in the Middle East." he ranted to himself as he looked around his office.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KrystalKleo
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Sitting in the corner of his office, Scarlett Rose sat in her usual black leather pants and her leather coat. She had her black hair curled around her shoulders as she looked at him rather curiously. "You know, that chair may be the only worth a dime in this office." She spoke to him with a smirking softly, uncrossing her legs and leaning forward. Her blood-red tank top showing a clear view down her shirt.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KinkyPrawn
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KinkyPrawn Snappy Boi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Eddie's gaze shifted up to his partner sitting in the office with him. While her body language could be interpreted as flirtatious, he was far too pissed off to care about that for the moment. "Ja and we could have afforded a new one if those fuckers didn't call the fuckin feds on us! Like, since when do they care about the feds?!" he continued to vent, utterly dumbfounded by the occurrence.

He ran a hand through his hair and over his face as he dropped into the chair with a heavy thud. After a long groan and a few spins around with the office chair, he turned to face her. "We can't loaf around here anymore, bra, we need to get out of here. Bleddie feds will be onto us." he explained with a much calmer tone as he studied her. With a final sigh he grabbed his pistol and plate carrier, rising from his chair.

"Tell the boys it's time to pack up. We're rolling out." he ordered as he turned to leave. "Hopefully we can shake them. You riding with me?" he asked as he stopped in the doorway, turning to face her.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KrystalKleo
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Scarlett rolled her eyes as she pushed herself to her feet. She walked slowly over to him, her thin heels clicking on the floor as she moved. "Feds can never catch us, you have enough smarts to stay ahead of all of them. Feds, terrorists, all of them." She traced her finger along his jaw line.

Watching him head to the door, she rolled her eyes. "One of us has to ride with the lackies so they don't get lost or drive right into their arms." She pulled her hair over one shoulder as she went to follow after him. "Just don't kill anyone."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KinkyPrawn
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KinkyPrawn Snappy Boi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Eddie scoffed at her compliment as he made his way to the door. She continued to speak as she walked with him, earning a chuckle from the gun runner. With her last commet he stopped and looked at her with a smirk. "No promises. Though don't let the convoy stick too close to each other. We'll scatter then regroup in the Vegas safehouse. Bleddie long drive but we can't stay local." he instructed her with a casual tone. "Just don't take too long, I need my eye candy." he joked as he gave her chin a light and gentle flick.

He turned to leave once more for his truck, opening the passenger door and dumping his gear behind his seat. To say he trusted her would be a lie. In this business one couldn't trust anyone. But she had proven herself valuable with his operations and knew she would get the rest of the outfit out in one piece.

A bunch of unassuming crates and containers were loaded up onto his truck before he started the smoking diesel engine. Glancing over to Scarlett, he waved her over. "Ditch the vehicles as well halfway. No evidence or loose ends. Don't be a stranger." he quipped, flashing her a wink before driving out of the warehouse ahead of a few other vehicles following after him. .

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KrystalKleo
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Scarlett wrinkled her nose at his comment about eye candy, tossing her head lightly to the side with the flick. Eye candy... I'll show you eye candy. Her eyes betrayed her thoughts as she looked him over and pausing on the retreating rump that seemed to jiggle just right with each step. As silent as heels could be, she went down the stairs to the loading docks with the trucks.

Turning around, she tossed her hair over her shoulder and barked at the men she'd be traveling with. "You heard him! Do not bumper hump and swap out!" Grabbing the door handle of the truck, she pulled herself up into the driver's seat. A quick check to make sure her desperate feminines were stocked and that her pocket pistol was conveniently hidden below them. She didn't trust any of these men she was riding with. Her loud mouth and take no bullshit attitude earned herself enough fear amongst them to be respected, but there were the odd acting out that she had to prepare for.

Firing up the truck, she revved it a couple of times missing her bike. CIA wouldn't let her have it on the case, saying it wasn't believable that a woman would ride a Harley. Women don't ride Harley's my ass. I'll show you where to shove that Harley. Her mind drifted for a few moments until the passenger side door slammed shut as her co-pilot decided to join her.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KinkyPrawn
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KinkyPrawn Snappy Boi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Overall the packing and moving seemed to go according to plan. They had learned the hard way to not get comfortable, no matter where they stationed. After a couple hours of driving, Eddie sent the address to the trucks following him before taking a different route. The others soon followed and scattered to the wind.

Eddie turned up the volume of his radio and sat back, cruising along a highway towards his destination. His mind drifted back to the mission that went south. It didn't make sense that a church so hell-bent on toppling the government would suddenly tip off the FBI. It was obviously an inside job. But even with his precautions, there were simply too many people who could have let them know. The obvious solution was to take them all out... though the thought of plugging his closest lieutenant didn't sit well with him. As suspicious as he was, he didn't want to immediately act on her.

He brushed it off. He could easily chalk up a list of people who knew the new address. If this move flopped, he would know who to take out... however only one person had the real address. The rest was all a meeting point for the crew to assemble. He hoped that his suspicions were wrong.

By nightfall, he pulled into a motel and checked in under an alias. He got himself a decent meal and immediately got ready for bed afterwards. Laying in bed, he opened his chat with Scarlett on his phone. ::Howzit sweetheart. Missing me already?:: he sent her with a snicker. He figured that she would have stopped somewhere as well by now. ::You guys make good time?:: he sent shortly after.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KrystalKleo
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Scarlett had parked up to some run-down motel that was barely filling four rooms a night. The kind that ladies of the night tended to bring desperate lovers. A hot shower was what she was craving, opting for sending her lackie out for some McDonald's and beer. A clean shower and a greasy burger got her nice and relaxed. She turned on the ancient television, not surprised that it only had four channels to choose from. The news would have to do for background noise.

Hearing her phone whistle at her, she rolled her eyes and picked it up. :Better time than you I can bet. Five star or cab sleeping it? Why'd no one remind me that Daryl doesn't shut the fuck up?: She sent him with an eye-rolling emoji. She set her phone down beside her and rolled onto her side. Double checking that her defense was under the pillow, she closed her eyes wanting to get on the road early.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KinkyPrawn
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KinkyPrawn Snappy Boi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Snorting at her message, Eddie rolled onto his stomach as he started typing. ::Doubt it. Comfy bed, lekker food, might as well take the motel board off and make it a luxury resort.:: he sent her with a smirk emoji. He stared at his screen for a bit before typing further.

::Can come pick you up. Can't be too far from me. It's a double bed and I'm sure it's more comfortable than yours. Plus you even got your own bed warmer right next to you then.:: he sent her as he grinned at his screen, his mind slowly descending into the gutter.

Checking the time, he set his phone aside and rolled onto his back. He would laugh if he actually managed to convince her to go along with his stupid idea. The thought reminded him of something as he picked up his phone again. ::Ditch Daryl, my conversation is a lot more interesting.:: he sent her with another smirk emoji.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KrystalKleo
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Hearing her phone whistle again, she chuckled as she picked it back up. Reading his messages, she couldn't hide the fact that they intrigued her. A good roll in the sheets could be just what she was missing at this moment. The trucks weren't moving until morning so she was pretty sure they couldn't get into much trouble. Reaching one hand down and taking a sip of her beer, she hit the reply button.

:You be driving, I've already dipped into the liquid gold.:
She purposefully shoved the chilled beer into her cleavage, after rolling it over the points to make them stand out against the cold. She sent him a photo right after the first message, her lips wrapped around the rim of the bottle.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KinkyPrawn
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KinkyPrawn Snappy Boi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

He chuckled at her message, sitting up on his bed. ::Deal. Just drop a location and I'll come pick you up.:: he sent her as he got up from bed. Then the photo came through. He bit his lip as the picture grabbed his full attention for a moment.

He didn't waste a second more as he locked up and hopped into his truck. Once the location came through he drove off. After a while he finally arrived at her motel and parked the truck. ::Stop teasing and come down.:: he sent her as he waited for her in the idling truck. This was starting to feel like some high school stunt.

When she finally arrived, he turned the truck around and drove back to his motel. "Knew you couldn't resist my charm." he teased her with a wink as a hand came to rest on her thigh.

Eventually they got back to his room and he led her inside with an arm around her waist. By the bed he casually dropped down, pulling her along with him on his lap. "Jou gesê, my bed is way better." he joked as his arms wrapped around her.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by KrystalKleo
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Scarlett dropped the location for him before going to check on Daryl in his room. Faint snores were coming from it so she trusted it to be safe enough for her next plan. Unknowing how long she had, she scurried down to the truck and began looking through her travel bag. Where the.. where is it? Finding what she was looking for was a tad difficult but she managed to get it under her fingertips.

Turning it on and hearing it beep once to show it's active, she slipped around to the front. The back bumper was usually checked for devices such as these, but not the front. Thank god for tiny hands! Her hand slipped between the truck and the front bumper. She secured the tracker inside it, checking to make sure the blinking red light wasn't visible in even a reflection.

A quick look side to side, she couldn't see the other truck and took off back to her room. She quite literally just reached her door when he messaged her about coming down. "For fu.. I was.. " She muttered to herself before ensuring everything was locked up and she headed back down to meet him. "Maybe it's not the charm I couldn't resist." She smirked, spreading her legs just a little for him.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KinkyPrawn
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KinkyPrawn Snappy Boi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The night came and went, along with all the fun in bed. Eddie stirred awake early in the morning with the bare form of Scarlett in his arms. A smile formed as he hugged her closer and enjoyed the few more minutes they hsd before his alarm went off.

Except they weren't so lucky.

His phone rang with Daryl's name displayed on the screen. Immediately he sat up and answered the phone. "You better have a very good reas-" he was cut off when the worried voice of Daryl interjected. "They're outside the motel. I dunno how they tracked us but they're here." he whispered.

Eddie tensed up as he stared off into a corner of the room. "They're searching the rooms. Fucking SWAT teams, dude." his hushed voice continued.

"Either you get out of there somehow... or you make sure they won't get a word out of you." he ordered with a cold voice. "What about Scarlett?" he asked as muffled voices in the background became more prominent. "She will take care of herself. I suggest you do the same." he spoke before ending the call.

With a sigh he dropped back into the bed and looked at Scarlett next to him. "How? How de bliksem did they track your truck?" he asked her with irritation growing more prominent by the minute. "And how flippen lucky are you I managed to lure you in here?" he continued as a faint smile formed on his lips.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by KrystalKleo
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Scarlett smiled softly as she pressed herself up against him. Soft moans and content sighs came from her lips until she heard the phone ringing. She remained silent as she listened to the conversation. She couldn't hear Daryl's end but she could figure out what the man was talking about. Part of her wanted to test how cool this man could be when giving orders and distracted. Her hand slowly moved below the blanket, looking up into his eyes. "I have no clue how they tracked it. It was swept and checked before we left the base. The truck was only left alone when I was in the room." She whispered to him, working on her mischievous task. "I did send Daryl out for dinner and beer while I showered." She offered him curiously.

"You saved my ass, I could be in a small room right now or runnin for my life. Maybe I should find a way to thank you." She spoke, an innocent look on her face.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KinkyPrawn
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KinkyPrawn Snappy Boi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

He immediately felt Scarlett's hand getting a little intrusive the moment the call ended. Eddie laid quietly and listened, a smile forming as she tried to distract him. "While you were showering, hey?" he muttered as he stared at her with a raised eyebrow.

A soft chuckle escaped him, but he quickly snatched her wrists and rolled over to pin her underneath him. They were in a perfect position to simply pick up where they left off, however he did no such thing. "As fun as that would be, sweetheart, we're a little too close to that place fo comfort. So why don't you keep that in mind until we stop somewhere for lunch?" he spoke with a sultry voice as he held her pinned beneath him. He gave her one last passionate kiss befire letting go and getting up.

"We need to move. You can wear one of my outfits for the time being." he commented as he unceremoniously picked up a pair of jeans from his bag and tossed it at her.

With a snicker he quickly got dressed and ready for the road. "Let's go." he said the moment she was done as well. In no time at all they were back on the road, the radio playing songs of whatever station they could pick up. However as the day went on, a news headline caught Eddie's attention on the radio.

"A shootout at a motel? Two cops dead as well as the suspect." he repeated whatbthe presenter said. Looking to Scarlett, he merely shook his head and sat back in his seat. With one hand on the wheel and one on her leg, this day at least had some upsides to the bad start it had...

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KrystalKleo
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Scarlett wasn't impressed to be wearing a pair of baggy jeans, they didn't accentuate anything she had to offer. Instead of complaining though, she simply put them on and tugged her tanktop down. She thanked God that she had a firm pair of globes so a bra wasn't necessary. Once in the truck, she got herself comfortable and began working on her hair. Being the passenger wasn't as much fun as it sounds. She managed to get three thin braids in her hair before the reporter was speaking. Her eyes got wide and she sat up listening.

"He killed them? They killed him? Oh fuck, I could have been dead. That should have been me Eddie, I was the one driving that truck." She was pale, the realization of how close she came hitting her. She expected something to go down, but there was a ton of collateral victims in shootouts.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KinkyPrawn
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KinkyPrawn Snappy Boi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Eddie raised an eyebrow at her sudden outburst, not at all expecting it. He studied her for a few seconds before giving her shoulder a light nudge. "Relax! He got dropped, you didn't. Plus he had a chance to get out." he reassured her, though his tone wasn't reassuring in the slightest. A chuckle escaped him as he glanced at her once more. "You see why booty calls in the middle of the night isn't such a bad thing?" he joked as he flashed her a wink.

The rest of the drive was pretty boring. Eddie was focused on the road, discussing some "company" stuff with his partner now and then. Eventually they reached a gas station and he parked next to a pump. "I'll fill us up. Go get us some breakfast." he said as he pulled a hundred dollar. Bill from his pocket and held it out to her. "Any other essentials, feel free to load in as well." he continued as he worked on filling up the truck.

Sometimes he regretted getting the damn thing as he saw the dollars creeping up with seemingly no end in sight. Thankfully it ended after a while of standing there and staring at the price. He was tempted to simply drive off without paying but even hardened criminals had standards they couldn't stoop below. With a groan he paid for the gas and jumped back into the driver's seat, parking close to the entrance of the shop as he waited for Scarlett.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by KrystalKleo
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Scarlett headed inside to get the supplies. She'd have to get her pistol from her handler once they reached the bigger city. She was actually quite upset with her that she had left that go bag in her truck. Everything was gone, she literally had nothing. Her feminine products, her gun, clothing, even her snacks were all now 'evidence' in the case.

She grabbed them some food as well as some junk food. Tossing some of her needed products into the bag, expecting a visit from mother nature in the next couple of days. She headed back over to the truck and tossed the bag in. "Grabbed you some condoms, just in case you keep insisting on the booty calls." She adjusted the baggy pants but not getting them any more comfortable. She jumped up and got into the truck before digging around in the bag. "Turkey bacon or club?" She asked him curiously.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KinkyPrawn
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KinkyPrawn Snappy Boi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A mischievous snicker escaped Eddie as Scarlett got back in the truck. "Hey, I don't hear you complaining over it." he quipped as he shot her a smug grin. He pulled out of the station and got back on the road as she sorted through their groceries.

"... Can't remember the last time I had turkey. Throw me a turkey there." he commented as he held out a hand to take his breakfast. Her fussing with the pants he borrowed her earned another chuckle as he watched her from the corner of his eye. "If it bothers you that much, you can get out of it, you know." he quipped with his grin returning.

With a bit of a fuss he managed to get his sandwich into a secure grip. A content hum escaped him as he took the furst bite. "Great choice." he muttered before taking another bite. "How good are your cooking skills? I don't think I've ever seen you make anything more than a sandwich when we're in between jobs." he asked her with curiosity as he took another bite.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KrystalKleo
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Scarlett took a bite of her sandwich as he spoke, looking up at him. A frown came across her face at his questions. "My cooking skills are well enough thank you very much. You don't stay with me between jobs, so you'd not see me cook meals. You want a good homecooked meal, grab some groceries and make sure the next room we have has a kitchen in it, and I'll cook you a meal so fine you'll be drooling for weeks over it." She told him after swallowing her food. Her tone was one of distaste, of defense, and even a little hurt. She even turned herself around to look out the window.
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