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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago
Zeroth Post

  • Up to 3 Main Characters per person
  • At least 1 Main Character must be intended to join the Newspaper Club. Players may have additional Main Characters that do not join the club
  • Max 2 human characters throughout the party; all others must be monsters.
  • Monster characters can be from any walk of mythology as long as you can provide info resources about them (or they are commonly well known)
  • Monster info for your characters may also be altered from the traditional info about them, as long as you detail how they differ
  • Characters may be new to the campus or students that attended the Elementary and Middle schools that are part of the campus, but they must be High Schoolers as of the start of the RP
  • Children of canon or extremely likely ships from the original work are allowed, but not preferred
  • At least 1 character per player must be a first-year student
  • Players may also play Side Characters (NPCs), and generally don't have a limit to how many they're allowed to play
  • Side Characters can range from a nameless 1-time mention to a recurring role, as long as they are shown to be having less focus in the story than Main Characters
  • Side Characters that have a recurring role should be documented just as Main Characters are, but with less required info (a separate sheet will be provided)

Main Character Roster

  • Junbi Kitsui
  • Ichiro | Jiro | Saburo (unit character)
  • Ayane Takashi
  • Mippu
  • Ryuuto Mizuchi
  • Isana Kishimoto

Recurring Side Character Roster

  • Fubuki Akita
  • Newspaper Club Member 1
  • Newspaper Club Member 2
  • Maria Haliya
  • Yukime
  • Mysterious Girl A
  • Mysterious Girl B
  • Miku Aono

Example Sheet


Well, let's get to work shall we?

Age: 17

Gender: [ x ] Male [ ] Female [ ] Mixed [ ] Parthenogenic

School Year: [ ] 1st [ ] 2nd [ x ] 3rd Year

Grade Point Average
  • in human subjects: 3.5
  • in magical subjects: 3.8
  • in forbidden subjects: 3.2

Day Cycle:
So that we may best match you with a roommate, please specify: [ x ] Diurnal [ ] Nocturnal [ ] Do Not Require Sleep [ ] Hibernating (please specify duration and season[s] of cycle)

Pretty Nice, although I expect y'all to type more than this

Please answer the following questions truthfully after performing the following oath with the appropriate talismans: "I am telling the truth. Cross my heart(s) and hope to die."

I Have Killed A Human(s): [ ] Yes [ x ] No
  • How Many?: N/A
  • I will kill again: [ ] Yes [ x ] No

Reason For Killing Human(s):
[ ] Carelessness [ ] Hunger [ ] Inexplicable urge [ ] On principle [ ] Other:

I Have Eaten A Human(s):
[ ]Whom I Killed. How many? [ ] Whom I found dead already. How Many?

Monstricity: This one's a secret for now, but you won't get away with that

  • He seems to have some connection to the Art Club

History: He had a disagreement with his parents, and left home. He eventually got brought in by the school's headmaster and began attending classes during his Middle School years. That's all you're getting for this guy for now, but I expect full paragraphs from you.

  • Secret Person 1
    • You don't get this info yet
  • Secret Person 2
    • You don't get this info yet, etc.

Here are some Side Characters that are up for grabs:

Newspaper Club Members 1 & 2 (potentially 3)
We need some tertiary members for the Newspaper Club, preferably 2nd years but one of them could also be a 3rd year. Names, Gender, Monstricity, Appearance, and Personality are up to you as long as they aren't rebellious towards the Club President. Also willing to have an additional one that IS rebellious towards the club president for drama, as long as we still have 2 that aren't. The rebellious one should be a 3rd year

A young girl, appearing to be around 8-10 years old, that shows up unexpectedly at some point and eventually spends a lot of time at the Newspaper Club. Name is set, Gender is Female, Monstricity and Appearance are set, but Personality is up to you as long as it includes close affection for the Newspaper Club President (more details later)

Mysterious Girl A
A mysterious girl that the club will meet later in the story and potentially save from peril. Name is up to you, Gender is Female, Monstricity is set, and Appearance and Personality are up to you (more details in private)

Let me know if you're interested in claiming any of these characters, or if you'd like to get more details about any of them before deciding. This post will be updated as more information develops, so be sure to check it periodically.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Lore Magus
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Lore Magus Creator and Bearer of Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Junbi Kitsui

"Hm? Oh! Sorry, I was a bit absorbed in my book."

Age: 15

Gender: [ x ] Male [ ] Female [ ] Mixed [ ] Parthenogenic

School Year: [ x ] 1st [ ] 2nd [ ] 3rd Year

Grade Point Average
  • in human subjects: 3.9
  • in magical subjects: 2.7
  • in forbidden subjects: 2.1

Day Cycle:
So that we may best match you with a roommate, please specify: [ x ] Diurnal [ ] Nocturnal [ ] Do Not Require Sleep [ ] Hibernating (please specify duration and season[s] of cycle)

Junbi is very studious and loves learning new things, from the sciences to fantasy and just about anything in between; he's quite the bookworm. Despite what that implies, he's also highly curious of the world around him as well. That said, he has some misgivings about meeting new people due to some events in his past, not that he'll show it. If someone seems kind enough, he'll present as casual and slightly mischievous in addition to his studious side, but he'll internally put up some distance, afraid of things turning in a violent direction and him being dragged into it. Still, if he sees something happen that he doesn't abide by, he'll go out of his way to step in and try to stop it.

Please answer the following questions truthfully after performing the following oath with the appropriate talismans: "I am telling the truth. Cross my heart(s) and hope to die."

I Have Killed A Human(s): [ x ] Yes [ ] No
  • How Many?: Didn't keep track
  • I will kill again: [ ] Yes [ x ] No

Reason For Killing Human(s):
[ x ] Carelessness [ ] Hunger [ ] Inexplicable urge [ ] On principle [ x ] Other: Self defense

I Have Eaten A Human(s):
[ ]Whom I Killed. How many? [ ] Whom I found dead already. How Many?

Monstricity: Yoko (Kitsune) Rank: Kūko

  • Because Junbi grew up surrounded by humans, he used to think that he was one; his explanation for the fox powers that he convinced himself with was inspired by a manga he read once that he took a little too seriously
  • Junbi is formally the child of a Kyuubi, and following common belief of Kyuubi he started with 1 tail and grew additional tails as he matured/got stronger
  • Due to the harsh environment he grew up in, he already has 6 tails
  • Junbi studied very specialized forms of magic, so while he doesn't have much common knowledge he does have skill with what he studied in addition to his fox powers
  • With his fox powers he's able to create bright blue fox fire, decoys of himself, and he can slip through gaps in space for a quick getaway. He also has powerful healing abilities that he's able to extend to others through direct contact
  • Junbi is really frugal, so one of his biggest peeves is wasting food or pointlessly tearing up clothes
  • He used to rely on a fox mask with a strong seal to maintain his human appearance, which ended up hindering his ability to learn to do so on his own. This means that he's still a bit sloppy at it, and various details will occasionally slip out if he loses focus. He still keeps the mask as a memento in his room
  • He has a bit of an aversion to conflict, more specifically violence, caused by a combination of mild trauma and just growing tired of it. That said, he's still fairly fit, although he doesn't look it
  • A lot of things that are normal for most monsters cause a bit of culture shock for Junbi, as he's still getting used to the concept of being a monster
  • Has no particular favorite food, because any fresh food is like a delicacy to him
  • Junbi is incredibly fond of his uniform as it is the best set of clothes he has
  • While relying on his sealing mask he had poor eyesight and had to wear glasses, but was able to see clearly without them whenever he had access to his fox magic. Now that he has full access to his powers he could keep correcting his vision, but since maintaining his human guise takes a lot of focus due to inexperience he chooses to continue wearing glasses most of the time instead
  • He doesn't really know when his birthday is, not that he was ever in a position to celebrate it

History: Junbi has no recollection of his parents, which is likely for the better as he was abandoned and left for dead on the streets shortly after he was born. His mother happened to be a member of a group of radical lunatics trying to gain a Kyuubi they could raise as a living weapon, so when he was born with only a single tail they assumed he was a failure and dumped him. Against all odds, Junbi was miraculously able to survive his abandonment as a street rat thanks to various minor contributions from the communities around him, including a certain shrine that gave him the mask he used to seal away his fox powers. When he wasn't trying to scrounge up (or steal) a meal, he spent most of his time in public libraries reading books of varying subjects.

When he was around 11 years old he was brought into a special schooling program in the human world that took in children that were monster, subhuman, and in some cases even standard humans that had unique powers, and attempted to teach them to regulate their abilities and behaviors. The class itself was filled with kids of all ages, and it was here that Junbi met a ragtag group of friends that brought him in and gave him a real place to live. There was just one major catch; this group was filled with the most conflict-hungry kids of the bunch, and he ended up having to go along with a lot of their shenanigans. He did have fun time of it, but there were also times when he had to put his life at risk, which led to him rapidly developing his powers and having to question his identity a few times. It was after one such major fight that the whole group went their separate ways, and he was alone again.

At some point during his moment of freedom in solitude, he learned happened to learned about Kyuubi Yoko, and was faced with the realization that he wasn't human like he had initially believed. He proceeded to pour his soul into learning more about his species, which eventually led to him stumbling upon a flier for Yōkai Academy. He immediately applied, hoping to get more in touch with his roots by being surrounded by other monsters, swallowing his anxieties about the potential of yet another bloodbath happening.

Junbi grew up in the human realm, and doesn't know anyone at school yet


“Sounds fun; let me in on it!”

Name: Isana Kishimoto

Age: 17

Gender: [ x ] Male [ ] Female [ ] Mixed [ ] Parthenogenic

School Year: [ ] 1st [ x ] 2nd [ ] 3rd Year (at least one 1st Year per Player)

Grade Point Average
  • in human subjects: 2.4
  • in magical subjects: 2.1
  • in forbidden subjects: 2.8

Day Cycle:
So that we may best match you with a roommate, please specify: [ ] Diurnal [ ] Nocturnal [ x ] Do Not Require Sleep [ ] Hibernating (please specify duration and season[s] of cycle)

Isana is a very rambunctious individual, always seeking entertainment. His favorite pastime involves poking and prodding at people’s boundaries and watching how they react. While he revels in embarrassing and inconveniencing others, he greatly enjoys the company of others with no sense of boundaries like him as having double the trouble adds new layers of teasing to the formula.

Please answer the following questions truthfully after performing the following oath with the appropriate talismans: "I am telling the truth. Cross my heart(s) and hope to die."

I Have Killed A Human(s): [ ] Yes [ x ] No
  • How Many?: (If applicable)
  • I will kill again: [ ] Yes [ ] No

Reason For Killing Human(s):
[ ] Carelessness [ ] Hunger [ ] Inexplicable urge [ ] On principle [ ] Other: (please explain)

I Have Eaten A Human(s):
[ ]Whom I Killed. How many? [ x ] Whom I found dead already. How Many? Hell if I remember that long ago

Monstricity: Isonade

Notes: Being a carnivore, Isana doesn’t eat fruits or vegetables. He prefers his meat raw, but if it must be cooked he takes it as rare as possible. Being essentially a shark, instead of full sleep he has periods where his mind rests but his body remains active. While in this state, he’s less aggressive and loud, and has a tendency to spend much of his time swimming. He tries to avoid letting others see him in this state, but can’t always choose when his active brain shuts down.

History: Isana’s childhood years were spent swimming along shores with his parent, isolated from the world above the sea. He was taught to never be picky about what type of creatures he ate, for meat was meat, so whenever his parent would topple over a wooden seacraft Isana never thought twice about eating the by then dead humans that got dragged overboard. As time passed by, however, more and more boats started sailing with weapons, as those that rode them were intent on hunting down the mighty Isonade.

While unconcerned about themself, Isana’s parent did worry for their child, and thus decided it was time to leave the waters and hide in plain sight. Being masters of stealth made it easy for the two to disguise themselves, and as an added precaution Isana was sent off to attend Yōkai Academy when he was at grade school age to learn to blend in with humans.

At first Isana was apathetic about others, but the more time he spent at Yōkai the more he grew to enjoy seeing people’s reactions to things he said and did. Through these reactions he learned what it was like to have fun, and so his personality began revolving around seeking out this fun by taunting and teasing anyone around him that seemed like they would have interesting reactions.

Isana has attended Yōkai Academy since late Grade School, so he knows most students that aren’t new to the campus, including but not limited to:
  • Ryuuto Mizuchi
    • relationship TBD
  • Mari
    • relationship TBD
  • Fubuki Akita
    • Isana hasn’t interacted much with Fubuki; his first impressions of him were that he might have interesting reactions behind the mild-mannered behavior but Isana never figured out the trigger to get those reactions and eventually got bored of pushing disconnected buttons so he moved on.
  • Miku Aono
    • Isana has had a decent amount of interaction with Miku; enough to know not to joke about human death around her. As long as he avoids those types of jokes, the two have pretty fun interactions; sometimes he pulls pranks on her and sometimes the two enjoy some friendly rivalry.

Fubuki Akita

“What can I do to help?”

Age: 17

Gender: [ x ] Male [ ] Female [ ] Mixed [ ] Parthenogenic

School Year: [ ] 1st [ ] 2nd [ x ] 3rd Year

Fubuki is generally mild mannered and gentle at heart. Despite this demeanor, he’s very passionate about personal growth, and strives to make the Newspaper Club a place where members can feel safe to express themselves and grow as individuals. He’s also very protective of his underclassmen in the club; truly the fatherly-type.

Monstricity: His Monstricity has been kept effectively private, but there has been signs that he has an affinity with ice.

Role: Fubuki is the President of the current Newspaper Club, as well as the newspaper’s Editor.

Miku Aono

“What can I do to help?”

Age: 18

Gender: [ ] Male [ x ] Female [ ] Mixed [ ] Parthenogenic

School Year: [ ] 1st [ ] 2nd [ x ] 3rd Year

Miku is hardworking and moderately competitive, but also fairly down-to-earth and empathetic. She always pushes to improve the student experience in the school as much as she can, and also offers council to any students that need someone to talk to about any kind of issue. That said, she's very critical about supremacy mindsets and comments that allude to them, as she is fully aware that her father used to be human himself.

Monstricity: Vampire

Role: Miku is the daughter of the school's principal, the original main character of Rosario + Vampire, and his wife, the original heroine (Tsukune Aono x Moka [Aono] Akashiya). She's also the President of the Student Council, and is aware of certain goings on that most students would be ignorant towards.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Banana Senpai
Avatar of Banana Senpai

Banana Senpai The Senpai Who Always Notices

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ichiro | Jiro | Saburo

Name: Kérberos Alpha, Kérberos Beta, Kérberos Gamma

Age: 16

Gender: [ x ] Male [ ] Female [ ] Mixed [ ] Parthenogenic

School Year: [ x ] 1st [ ] 2nd [ ] 3rd Year

Grade Point Average
  • in human subjects: 3.8 | 3.1 | 3.0
  • in magical subjects: 3.9 | 3.3 | 2.8
  • in forbidden subjects: 4.0 | 3.2 | 2.9

Day Cycle:
So that we may best match you with a roommate, please specify: [ ] Diurnal [ ] Nocturnal [ x ] Do Not Require Sleep [ ] Hibernating (please specify duration and season[s] of cycle)

  • Ichiro
    Highly social and adventurous at heart, curious to the point of being downright nosy, clever and manipulative but projects a laid back attitude, very good at not revealing his intellectual snobbery, kind of sassy
  • Jiro
    Moody and quickly bored or distracted, can come across as mean-spirited and rude at first to people who have some kind of power over him (not limited to authority); passionate, stubborn, swings quickly from self-deprecation to reckless overconfidence and back
  • Saburo
    Quiet but not shy, mostly gentle mannered and polite; seems to be a little distracted and preoccupied all the time, prone to staring blankly into space, but when spoken to, he listens a little too intensely; completely obedient and unquestioning of rules, instructions and authorities. Only ever displays mild cheerfulness and muted gloom; gullible and easily influenced

Please answer the following questions truthfully after performing the following oath with the appropriate talismans: "I am telling the truth. Cross my heart(s) and hope to die."

I Have Killed A Human(s): [ x ] Yes [ x ] No
  • How Many?: (If applicable)
  • I will kill again: [ ] Yes [ x ] No

Reason For Killing Human(s):
[ x ] Carelessness [ ] Hunger [ ] Inexplicable urge [ ] On principle [ ] Other: (please explain)

I Have Eaten A Human(s):
[ ]Whom I Killed. How many? [ ] Whom I found dead already. How Many?

Monstricity: Cerberus "dog spirit" / hell hound. (The legendary Cerberus in separated humanoid forms. Nonhuman traits include very strong teeth, sharp canines, high tolerance to extreme temperatures and to pain as well as keen senses of smell and sound. For nutrition they need to eat only red meat, white meat sometimes; only once a day. They are weak against lyre music, the only thing that knocks them out.)

  • Ichiro
    The more approachable and outgoing of his brothers, he is popular and well-liked, even by teachers because of his exemplary academic and non-academic performance. A ruthless player of chess but also excellent at kyudou, but is often seen reading whodunnit type English novels or fidgeting with a 3D puzzle.
  • Jiro
    While he looks and may even speak like a delinquent, and is known to get along with that crowd, he is the shyer brother who prefers only the company of people he knows. He actually follows rules strictly; specifically Ichiro's rules. A fan of pop culture and idols, he is impressive at video games.
  • Saburo
    Saburo is rarely away from his brothers, completely dependent on them and doesn't communicate verbally all that much especially when away from them. Despite his true nature, he is afraid of dogs and likes cats very much.

History: The hell hound brothers are under the care of someone they call "Father", who enrolled them to the school as he does work that the triplets do not know of. It isn't clear if their guardian is their actual father, because he works at a church-like group. They are not born in Japan and have only recently arrived, but are fluent in the Japanese, as well as English.

  • each other
    • They are three in one, one made three. Ichiro thinks for them and Jiro reacts for them
  • To be added!
    • -


"Just my luck..."

Name: Mie Fukuda (福田実笑)

Age: 15

Gender: [ ] Male [ ✔ ] Female [ ] Mixed [ ] Parthenogenic

School Year: [ ✔ ] 1st [ ] 2nd [ ] 3rd Year

Grade Point Average
  • in human subjects: 3.2
  • in magical subjects: 2.9
  • in forbidden subjects: 3.1

Day Cycle:
So that we may best match you with a roommate, please specify: [ ✔ ] Diurnal [ ] Nocturnal [ ] Do Not Require Sleep [ ] Hibernating (please specify duration and season[s] of cycle)

Hardworking and dependable, one could say she's the type to work too hard, often puts others before herself; lives by her own rules and is unafraid—even of showing vulnerability, confident yet quiet and a little superstitious

Please answer the following questions truthfully after performing the following oath with the appropriate talismans: "I am telling the truth. Cross my heart(s) and hope to die."

I Have Killed A Human(s): [ ] Yes [ ✔ ] No
  • How Many?: (If applicable)
  • I will kill again: [ ] Yes [ ✔ ] No

Reason For Killing Human(s):
[ ] Carelessness [ ] Hunger [ ] Inexplicable urge [ ] On principle [ ] Other: (please explain)

I Have Eaten A Human(s):
[ ]Whom I Killed. How many? [ ] Whom I found dead already. How Many?

Monstricity: Human (Although she is the child of a crime leader, whom some would say is a type of monster...)

Notes: Her first name being an atypical selection of kanji, people often either go for spelling it in hiragana or using the nickname "Mippu," based on a portmanteau of the international order of her full name. Not that she minds but as a result, few of the many people she's friendly with know what her name actually is, and gets called variants of something that sounds like the nickname (Miku, Iku, Ippu). People have mostly forgotten where the nickname started at all, but it stuck. She's of the belief that she was cursed because of things her ancestors have done and tends to be absolutely gullible when it comes to superstition about fortune.

History: Mippu, as she's often called, is the only child and expected successor to a criminal family. However, it is said in the family that she inherited her father's soft heart. It is yet unclear to her what kind of illegal business her family is involved in, and though she isn't entirely at ease with it, she mostly leaves them alone. She was told that she was to be enrolled in the school for her safety. She doesn't get it, but she went with it anyway.

  • To be added!
    • -
  • To be added!
    • -


It's art!!

Name: Bulawan na si Maria Haliya sa ginghari'an sa Kasakitan (Maria Haliya is her name and the rest is her title)

Age: 17

Gender: [ ] Male [ x ] Female [ ] Mixed [ ] Parthenogenic

School Year: [ ] 1st [ ] 2nd [ x ] 3rd Year

Perfectionist, snobbish to those who are rude or impolite, full of passion for beauty, uptight about certain things such as punctuality and work ethic, ambitious, seems like she doesn't like to be around others but is actually quick to see the good in people, kinder and more genuine than she seems

Monstricity: demi-god (semi-immortal child of a serpent-dragon primordial being); eyes, hair may glow in the dark, has a serpent-dragon form, doesn't need to eat)

Role: President of the Art Club, and was an admirer of sorts of the current Newspaper Club President. What she feels for him now is a mystery mostly to herself.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Saiten Algard
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Saiten Algard Laudem Nox

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ayane Takashi

What does that thingy do!?

Age: 15

Gender: [ ] Male [ X ] Female [ ] Mixed [ ] Parthenogenic

School Year: [ X ] 1st [ ] 2nd [ ] 3rd Year

Grade Point Average
  • in human subjects: 1.8
  • in magical subjects: 4.0
  • in forbidden subjects: 3.0

Day Cycle:
So that we may best match you with a roommate, please specify: [ X ] Diurnal [ ] Nocturnal [ ] Do Not Require Sleep [ ] Hibernating (please specify duration and season[s] of cycle)

Ayane is a bright and cheerful girl, eager to make new friends. She is insatiably curious with a childish sense of wonder, and she always tries to see the best in people. Although she is kind, she is by no means weak, and is not easily bullied nor will she allow anyone to bully her friends. She is outspoken and is seemingly unashamed of her ignorance in certain subjects. She is generally respectful of authority figures and usually only breaks rules if she is unaware of them… usually.

Please answer the following questions truthfully after performing the following oath with the appropriate talismans: "I am telling the truth. Cross my heart(s) and hope to die."

I Have Killed A Human(s): [ ] Yes [ X ] No
  • How Many?: N/A
  • I will kill again: [ ] Yes [ ] No

Reason For Killing Human(s):
[ ] Carelessness [ ] Hunger [ ] Inexplicable urge [ ] On principle [ ] Other: (please explain)

I Have Eaten A Human(s):
[ ]Whom I Killed. How many? [ ] Whom I found dead already. How Many?

Monstricity: Zenko Kitsune. (The Zenko are benevolent foxes associated with the god Oinari.)

Notes: Ayane has had very little interaction with humans to date, and despite how wondrous she finds the human world, she is largely ignorant of science, the world’s history, and is technologically illiterate. Ayane often wears a leaf hairpin. Young kitsune use a leaf to help them practice with their transformation abilities, but she enjoyed wearing hers and never ditched the habit.

Her powers as a kitsune derive from kitsune-bi or “foxfire,” a pale blue flame that bestows a devoted practitioner a variety of abilities. She can transform into various forms by cloaking her body in the flame. She can create minor sounds or illusions by manipulating the flame. Due to her connections to Oinari, her magic also gives her a natural green thumb. And, of course, she can use the flames offensively, though she hates using magic to harm anyone or anything.

Ayane is fit and limber like a gymnast, having practiced martial arts from a young age. Her style is similar to Wing Chun, and firmly believes that it should only be used to protect someone you love.

History: Ayane is from a remote kitsune village deep in the mountains of Japan. It is protected by magical wards that prevent humans from stumbling across it, so for most of her life, Ayane had no interaction with humans. Her primary education consisted primarily of magic, martial arts, and agriculture, the three things considered essential for kitsune of her village.

However, once monsters were revealed to humans, the elders deemed it would be essential to learn how to live with their neighbors, and saw integration as an inevitability. So, Ayane was sent to Youkai Academy to complete her education and learn how to live in the world of humans.

Ayane is from an isolated village and knows nobody at the school yet!
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Saiten Algard
Avatar of Saiten Algard

Saiten Algard Laudem Nox

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ryuuto Mizuchi

Don’t be so wasteful…

Age: 16

Gender: [ X ] Male [ ] Female [ ] Mixed [ ] Parthenogenic

School Year: [ ] 1st [ X ] 2nd [ ] 3rd Year

Grade Point Average
  • in human subjects: 4.0
  • in magical subjects: 4.0
  • in forbidden subjects: 4.0

Day Cycle:
So that we may best match you with a roommate, please specify: [ X ] Diurnal [ ] Nocturnal [ ] Do Not Require Sleep [ ] Hibernating (please specify duration and season[s] of cycle)

Ryuuto typically comes across as cold, calculating, and callous. He studies diligently and is a perfectionist in everything he does, becoming frustrated when he can’t meet his own unreasonable standards. He will point out the flaws in others before he offers encouragement. As such, making friends is more difficult for him than the most advanced academic subject. One of the few things he is passionate about is environmentalism, and he will not tolerate any kind of wastefulness.

Please answer the following questions truthfully after performing the following oath with the appropriate talismans: "I am telling the truth. Cross my heart(s) and hope to die."

I Have Killed A Human(s): [ X ] Yes [ ] No
  • How Many?: 7
  • I will kill again: [ X ] Yes [ ] No

Reason For Killing Human(s):
[ ] Carelessness [ ] Hunger [ ] Inexplicable urge [ ] On principle [ X ] Other: I needed to prevent the defilement of my river.

I Have Eaten A Human(s):
[ X ]Whom I Killed. How many? 7 [ ] Whom I found dead already. How Many?

Monstricity: River Dragon

Notes: It is said among Ryuuto’s people: First came the gods. Then the gods created nature. Afterwards, they created dragons to preserve their work. Ryuuto sees it as his divine duty to protect the river he calls home, one that his family has defended for generations.

As a dragon, Ryuuto has super-human strength, and rarely has to exert himself when going about everyday human activities. As such, he doesn’t play any sports as it would be too easy for him to reveal his true nature. In addition to strength, Ryuuto has the ability to manipulate water. He is not yet strong enough to create water of his own, but he can control existing water telekinetically and can make large bodies of water to swell to greater volumes. He can also breathe underwater, and his physical form can merge with water.

History: Ryuuto was born in the Hime river where he spent the majority of his childhood. Occasionally, his family would take him into nearby cities to expose him to the human world and so that he was aware of the events transpiring around him. Ryuuto learned everything he could about humans and their history, and was shocked by how violent they acted even towards each other.

When Ryuuto was 13, a group of humans decided to set up a manufacturing facility near Ryuuto’s length of the Hime. He saw the damage such factories caused to the environment, and Ryuuto would not stand for it happening to his home. At first he just caused floods, damaging equipment and infrastructure in the hopes that they would be deterred, but they just brought down more equipment to work. So, Ryuuto determined that the people in charge of the project needed to die.

Ultimately, seven people needed to die before the project came to an end and the river was saved. Detestable as they were, the people that Ryuuto killed were still living creatures, creations of the gods. He did not let their bodies go to waste. He used those humans to nourish himself until there was no meat left and buried their bones.

In light of this incident, Ryuuto’s family sent him Yokai Academy in hopes that he would learn to live peacefully with humans. Ryuuto simply took it as an opportunity to learn more. He decided to join the Newspaper Club this year because information acquisition is a skill he’d like to practice.

[*]To be added!
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