Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lone Peep
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Lone Peep

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hello! I'm Lone Peep who is 20 years old with an relatively strange imagination. I am looking for a Freestyle Fantasy RP partner that is over 18. I wish for my partner to be able to pump out a paragraph (5-7 sentences) or two per each response except maybe for the action ones. I know those can be very tricky to pump out a long one during the heat of battle, so I can be pretty understanding in that aspect. For sex scenes, if we are to do it depending on how our characters are or if you wish to have them, I prefer MxM the most BUT I am game for all other pairings whether it being MxF, FxF, an anthro creature x an human, anything. The only thing I will not be okay with is literal beastiality or underage characters doing the do. There is some other things I am looking for in the about me part, but the above is the minimum!

A little about me:
I have roleplayed off and on for several years, and right now I have an RP partner that has been RPing with me for 3 years. But since we both go to college, and them being busy with... Something, not really sure what, they gone quiet for about 3 weeks. Anywho, my time is not always there, but I do do my best to pump out at least 1 large reply a day at the bare minimum. The only time I will not reply is if I am busy or if something bad happened. If this happens, though, I will alert you as soon as I can.

My grammar is not always the best, and often times I repeat myself. Because of this, my writing can be a bit bland at times. If you are interested in knowing what my writing is like, ask and I can send a smidge to you so you can get a feel of what to expect. I'm also an extremely relaxed person, to the point that I am AOK to OOC chatting and many gruesome things that can pop up in the heat of roleplaying. Hell, I am even fine with NSFW sex scenes if you want to do them. The only triggers I really have is sort of farfetched. The first trigger I have is an descriptive death of a horse/horse like creature. I am okay with a horse getting hurt, and a quick line that says 'The horse was slain' but once its descriptive, I get extremely uncomfortable. The next trigger I have is OOC graphic sex. I don't want to know your sex life. I don't mind us making sex or kink jokes, but please don't tell me that Chad plowed another hole into you. I don't want to know that private life. Outside of these two triggers I am okay with anything else. You can burn up an orphanage, blow up the world, or make Satan be a secret stripper in his down time. I don't mind. Hit me with the worst!

Oh! One more important thing. I do tend to get bored very easily. Because of this, sometimes I like to 'refresh' an RP or create a whole new RP if my partner is okay with it. My partner of 3 years tended to make me do all the villain work, which was why I often times had to request that we refresh an RP and create an all new idea. It honestly gets very boring for me being the villain all the time after awhile. Because of this, I would like it if my partner will be okay with us switching back and forth on who is the villain. This means I'll plan and play the villain and once your characters defeat said villain, whether big or small, then it would be your turn to plan and create a villain for my characters to fight against. I feel this shall lesson the chances of the both of us getting bored.

Anywho, now the plot of Fantasy I am looking for...

There is none! I wish for this to be a freestyle sort of thing. We create our characters, we create our own lands and sea, and we can choose whether or not we want to have angst or smut or build the characters up without rushing around to move the plot along. We could switch back and forth on villains and we can have characters of all sorts of backgrounds. The only thing I request is having characters with weaknesses because no character is perfect!

I am also okay with an Dragonrider x Rider plot, but my main preference would be the Freestyle sort of thing.

Though, if you have an hankering for a certain plot, the worst I can say is no. Just ask and we shall see!

Alrighty, uhh, I think that's it! If you have any questions, ask, and I'll do my best to answer!
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Ozark231


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hey, I feel ya on most of it, I’ve been hit with that a lot on most occasions and it really sucks, but I keep trying, I wanna be your friend tho cuz I’m dead without one.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lone Peep
Avatar of Lone Peep

Lone Peep

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Hey is everything okay? I am a bit confused on what brought this on, but I'm a bit worried for you. Hopefully everything is okay!
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Ozark231


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hardly, just don’t feel appreciated by others as all not even my family.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lone Peep
Avatar of Lone Peep

Lone Peep

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Oh dear... I wish I could help, but I don't have any certificate or license in therapy. I would suggest, if you have somewhat of a connection with your family, talk it out. It might be nerve wracking, but sometimes people don't realize what effect they are doing to their loved ones. If you do not have a good connection with them, then you can always go out for some counselling or therapy sessions. I heard they help out a lot!
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