Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 25 days ago

...to my first ever 1x1 (or small group!) search. I am your host, Benzaiten, but please, you can call me Ben, Benten, Benji, whatever suits your boat. In this episode of today's adventurous tale, we have me - your most beloved host - searching for RP partners that I click with, vibe with, will want to write with from heavens to hell and back. With no further ado, please, take a seat, scroll through the information. Can I offer you refreshment while you do so? Splendid!

About me:
  • 24 years
  • writes mostly in Casual to low-middle Advanced
  • speaks English and German fluently
  • prefers queer stories/characters (FxF most preferred)
  • Smut: let's discuss this in PMs more, but in general I prefer character-driven sexual/emotional tension and usually prefer to fade to black at some point. This depends also on our vibes together. I don't like smut for the sake of smut, it has to make sense plot-wise and/or character-relationship-wise.
  • prefers OCs and to create own worlds, but enjoys taking ideas/concepts from existing worlds (e.g. Stargate, Potterverse)

Expectations from me:
  • decent grammar and spelling - I don't mind some mistakes, I make them, too.
  • no ghosting - please just let me know what's up, it's easier
  • enjoys building a story that balances plot- and character-driven storytelling
  • mature themes allowed with exceptions (exceptions: drugs, self-harm, suicide - I'd like you to respect this.)
  • must be 18+ (I feel more comfortable)
  • communication is key
  • 1-4 paragraphs, depending on what the IC situation requires
  • However, always quality over quantity
  • must be able to provide a good insight into the character's emotions/motives/thoughts/etc when writing, I wanna feeeel with your character
  • dedicated to building a plot/world together - I want it to be a shared effort
  • regular replies - this can vary from 2-3x a week to weekly or bi-weekly, it's most important to me that when we have a rhythm and we fall out of it, that we let the other one know; be it due to lack of creativity or life getting busy or whatever else

The Themes

Here are some of the (very) general themes I enjoy including in my RPs. (This list is in no way finished, those were just the first things coming to my mind.)

  • fantasy
  • magic
  • sci-fi
  • steampunk
  • world-building
  • character development is very important to me
  • drama, but not just for drama's sake, for story and character sakes
  • quests or goals of some sort - I like to know vaguely where the story is leading us next
  • time or space travel
  • exploration
  • political things (including for example war, corrupt government, etc.)

Existing Worlds

This lists a few of the existing worlds in media that I enjoy currently or in general, so you have an idea of what kind of vibes/worlds/plots I usually enjoy. I am putting this here because I often find it easier. Please note that those are here for inspiration and to draw from them (ideas, whole concepts, etc) but not to jump into their exact world. I also want to note that I am listing them below for their world-building or their general setting/general premise - so I might not fully agree with how they eventually went down, treated some characters/actors, etc. (The 100, I'm looking at you) but they give you an idea of what kind of setting/premise/world-building I find interesting.


Those are just some plot suggestions, I am open to a lot of things.

Character Sheets

These are some characters I made for stories that either never came off the ground or died very young. The characters are obviously open to being re-vamped and tweaked to fit our new plot/setting/ideas. But maybe one or two inspire you.


If you have seen my writing before and caught interest or if you've seen this 1x1 and think we might make a nice pair but nothing of what I said so far seems up your alley, don't feel shy to send me a PM regardless. I'd be happy to hear about your own plot or pairing ideas. Who knows, maybe we can work something out together.

As for now, farewell, my friend! I hope that refreshment gained you some fresh perspective and creativity. Be well on your way now, it is getting dark outside soon. Safe travels! And please, do keep our encounter a secret now, will you? Most peculiar things will happen in your near future, I am certain.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 25 days ago

Tiny bump
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 25 days ago

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 25 days ago

Added some character sheets, bump
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