Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Su
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Su Chrome Dome

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Redding, Northern California, New California Republic
June 6th, 2284

The mining town of Redding was a shining example of the working spirit. The miners there were just as rough and tumble as they were when the town was founded. With the arrival of the NCR and Van Graffs, the small mining town had exploded into a center of commerce and labor. But that didn't stop the local miners getting into bar brawls and playing slots at the end of a long work day. Some things just never change. With this economic explosion also came the Followers of the Apocalypse, the humanitarians of the wasteland. With the permission of the NCR, one day they simply rolled into town and set up a field hospital. This is where you find yourself.


You cram into the small chapter offices in the center of the hospital camp. It seemed these small, low set buildings were the only places Redding was willing to sacrifice. You're surrounded by wanderers, fighters, and misfits similar to yourself. After a few minutes of waiting, an older woman walks in. She has a dark complexion and silver colored hair done up in a slightly messy bun. Though she is up in years, her beauty is only marred by the fearsome scars across her cheek. Despite this, she gives a warm smile to your group.

"Thank you all for coming. My name is Doctor Darya Sadeghi. As you've no doubt surmised, I'm a member of the followers. I've been with the followers for thirty seven years. In my youth I worked as a seeker, traveling the wastes in search of knowledge that could benefit the remnants of humanity. As I got older however, things were becoming more dangerous. I was getting slower, sloppier."

The doctor stares down thoughtfully at her left arm, which you notice is a silver robotic prosthetic.

"So I stopped. But recently, something has come to my attention. Something that we can't afford to dismiss. In northern Oregon, there are reports of a girl unaffected by radiation. Not ghoulified or mutated but completely normal. Now normally I would dismiss claims like that but one of our seekers came back with a sample. Some of the locals had found her loose hair and decided to sell it. Well, we tested it and the results are nothing like we've ever seen." Darya explains, gazing around the room intently."

"Radiation resistance on par with that of a ghoul or a mutant. But the sample was a strand of healthy, bright red hair." she let the sentence hang in the air a moment. To ensure she had your full intention.

"I'm putting together a crew to go after her. To bring her here. So..." she trailed off.

"Are you with me?"


Welcome to Lilith! This RP will focus around a group of freelancers in the employ of the Followers of the Apocalypse on their search for a mysterious girl with an immunity to radiation. This RP will consist of 6 to 7 players, each of their characters will fill a unique role in the team. The writing will be somewhere between casual and advanced and there will be little limitations in terms of what type of character you can play. Ghoul, mutant, robot, human are all fair game as along as you can write them well. As far as weapons and abilities I'll go into more detail if this concept gets enough interest. Safe to say there will be some limitations but nothing extreme. I want the players to feel as free as they can in creating a character.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to voice them. I look forward to your interest!
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull 💀

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1x Thank Thank
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kale19
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Kale19 Is mayonnaise an instrument?

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Su
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Su Chrome Dome

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Awesome, I think if we have another two people we'll have enough to start an OOC!
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

I am going to throw my hat into the interested pile...
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Su
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Su Chrome Dome

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@HEAVY METAL@Kale19@BigPapaBelial@Sifter

Enough people are interested that I will start working on an OOC. Stay tuned!
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Su
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Su Chrome Dome

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@HEAVY METAL@Kale19@BigPapaBelial@Sifter

OOC is up! I'll have an example character up in the characters tab soon.

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