"Well brother, if there is a God," said the usurper with a small, rueful smile, "Perhaps He'll have us share quarters in Hell. He'd consider that justice, I'm sure. Otherwise, though, this is goodbye."
When he was done cutting the King's throat, the usurper rose from his haunches, cleaning his dagger as he stepped back from the corpse, careful to avoid the spreading pool of royal blood creeping over the pale marble.
"Where's my nephew?" asked the usurper, his eyes still fixed on the dead king sprawled before him, "And where is that snake, Salazar?"
"The boy wasn't in his chambers," said a short, thickset man in the gold-and-white uniform of the Darkwatch, "My men are turning the palace over. We'll find him."
"And the wizard?"

Welcome to the city of Azon, capital and jewel of the mountainous Kingdom of Pharazon: most ancient and honorable of the Five Kingdoms of Geryon.
It has been over 300 years since the defeat of Daigon, the Dark Lord, a sorcerer of terrible power who, from the cursed lands of Nagath, launched an invasion of the Five Kingdoms of unprecedented scale and fury. Daigon and his legions of twisted soldier-fanatics were beaten back, barely, by the Kingdoms, under the leadership of King Odrossyan II of Pharazon and the Synod, a network of powerful wizards, who aided in combatting Daigon and his many fell lieutenants.
In the intervening centuries, the Five Kingdoms-- Pharazon, Phars, Caphad, Essur, and Glome-- have squabbled for dominance and have seen off invasions and raids from the desert peoples to the south, occasional incursions of mutants and monsters from Daigon's former kingdom of Nagath to the east, and the ferocious Ashlanders to the north.
Only once, however, have they faced a threat akin to Daigon: more than a century after the Dark Lord's defeat a rebellion broke out in the heartland of Pharazon, led by the Wretched Prince, a disinherited heir to the throne, who nearly toppled the kingdom by rallying a coalition of the dispossessed in the name of the Dark Lord.
The revolt was broken, along with Pharazon's preeminence among the Five Kingdoms. In the wake of the Wretched Prince's revolt, the Darkwatch, an inquisitorial order of battlemages was founded to root out followers of Daigon from Pharazon. Over time, the mages of the Darkwatch, loyal to the throne of Pharazon, have come to view the Synod- with its many foreign entanglements- with suspicion. Often members of the Synod have been banned from the Kingdom and suffered occasional bouts of persecution in Pharazon.
Based out of the mysterious mountain fastness known as the House of Wisdom, the Synod, some members of which are old enough to have participated in the fight against Daigon, have retained a place of respect and influence in some kingdoms beyond Pharazon, often mediating disputes and acting as courtiers, spymasters, and viziers, especially in Glome and Caphad.
In recent years, however, the Synod has made a notable return to influence in Pharazon, much to the chagrin of the Darkwatch. Odrossyan VI has reigned for ten years, after overcoming his older brother Valens in a succession dispute that would have turned into a civil war, if not for the machinations of Odrossyan's future vizier Salazar, a mage of the Synod.
Odrossyan's rule has been controversial and tumultuous, and has recently come to a bloody end. Valens, long in exile, has returned and with the connivance of the Darkwatch killed his brother and the king's chief supporters. Publicly, Salazar and the Synod are blamed for the murder, and Valens has promised to uproot the spies and agents of the House of Wisdom from Pharazon.
The King's heir, with the help of the wizard Salazar, just barely escaped his uncle's assassins, and now flees into the mountains with a small band of supporters....
Welcome to the Crownless King.
Writers are invited to submit up to two character applications- you will play principally as the companions of the heir to Pharazon's throne, though I will consider applications for third-parties, more distant allies, and even enemies.
I dont require a specific format for the CS, but invite you to write a brief scene that gives a sense of your characters' personality, looks, and motivation. You can use a traditional character sheet format if you like, but please do include a brief IC scene- it can serve as your first IC post if you wish.
Collaborative worldbuilding will also be a major part of this RP. The details given above are meant to be fleshed out by the players both in the course of the IC and OOCly. I intentionally gave more 'big picture' background than info surrounding the recent coup and the conflict between the late king and his brother Valens. I would like players to flesh out recent history in their own characters backstories.
Some details to get us started are included under the hider below, but these are meant to be explored and deepened not just by me but by all the writers in the RP. In fact, if there is some aspect of the world you'd like to flesh out with an OOC description, you can submit that here and I'll include in in the OP.
Discord: discord.gg/WhnvBxCRbz
When he was done cutting the King's throat, the usurper rose from his haunches, cleaning his dagger as he stepped back from the corpse, careful to avoid the spreading pool of royal blood creeping over the pale marble.
"Where's my nephew?" asked the usurper, his eyes still fixed on the dead king sprawled before him, "And where is that snake, Salazar?"
"The boy wasn't in his chambers," said a short, thickset man in the gold-and-white uniform of the Darkwatch, "My men are turning the palace over. We'll find him."
"And the wizard?"

Welcome to the city of Azon, capital and jewel of the mountainous Kingdom of Pharazon: most ancient and honorable of the Five Kingdoms of Geryon.
It has been over 300 years since the defeat of Daigon, the Dark Lord, a sorcerer of terrible power who, from the cursed lands of Nagath, launched an invasion of the Five Kingdoms of unprecedented scale and fury. Daigon and his legions of twisted soldier-fanatics were beaten back, barely, by the Kingdoms, under the leadership of King Odrossyan II of Pharazon and the Synod, a network of powerful wizards, who aided in combatting Daigon and his many fell lieutenants.
In the intervening centuries, the Five Kingdoms-- Pharazon, Phars, Caphad, Essur, and Glome-- have squabbled for dominance and have seen off invasions and raids from the desert peoples to the south, occasional incursions of mutants and monsters from Daigon's former kingdom of Nagath to the east, and the ferocious Ashlanders to the north.
Only once, however, have they faced a threat akin to Daigon: more than a century after the Dark Lord's defeat a rebellion broke out in the heartland of Pharazon, led by the Wretched Prince, a disinherited heir to the throne, who nearly toppled the kingdom by rallying a coalition of the dispossessed in the name of the Dark Lord.
The revolt was broken, along with Pharazon's preeminence among the Five Kingdoms. In the wake of the Wretched Prince's revolt, the Darkwatch, an inquisitorial order of battlemages was founded to root out followers of Daigon from Pharazon. Over time, the mages of the Darkwatch, loyal to the throne of Pharazon, have come to view the Synod- with its many foreign entanglements- with suspicion. Often members of the Synod have been banned from the Kingdom and suffered occasional bouts of persecution in Pharazon.
Based out of the mysterious mountain fastness known as the House of Wisdom, the Synod, some members of which are old enough to have participated in the fight against Daigon, have retained a place of respect and influence in some kingdoms beyond Pharazon, often mediating disputes and acting as courtiers, spymasters, and viziers, especially in Glome and Caphad.
In recent years, however, the Synod has made a notable return to influence in Pharazon, much to the chagrin of the Darkwatch. Odrossyan VI has reigned for ten years, after overcoming his older brother Valens in a succession dispute that would have turned into a civil war, if not for the machinations of Odrossyan's future vizier Salazar, a mage of the Synod.
Odrossyan's rule has been controversial and tumultuous, and has recently come to a bloody end. Valens, long in exile, has returned and with the connivance of the Darkwatch killed his brother and the king's chief supporters. Publicly, Salazar and the Synod are blamed for the murder, and Valens has promised to uproot the spies and agents of the House of Wisdom from Pharazon.
The King's heir, with the help of the wizard Salazar, just barely escaped his uncle's assassins, and now flees into the mountains with a small band of supporters....
Welcome to the Crownless King.
Writers are invited to submit up to two character applications- you will play principally as the companions of the heir to Pharazon's throne, though I will consider applications for third-parties, more distant allies, and even enemies.
I dont require a specific format for the CS, but invite you to write a brief scene that gives a sense of your characters' personality, looks, and motivation. You can use a traditional character sheet format if you like, but please do include a brief IC scene- it can serve as your first IC post if you wish.
Collaborative worldbuilding will also be a major part of this RP. The details given above are meant to be fleshed out by the players both in the course of the IC and OOCly. I intentionally gave more 'big picture' background than info surrounding the recent coup and the conflict between the late king and his brother Valens. I would like players to flesh out recent history in their own characters backstories.
Some details to get us started are included under the hider below, but these are meant to be explored and deepened not just by me but by all the writers in the RP. In fact, if there is some aspect of the world you'd like to flesh out with an OOC description, you can submit that here and I'll include in in the OP.
Discord: discord.gg/WhnvBxCRbz