
Personal Equipment:
Nadia Enache
Nadia stands at an even six-foot tall, and doesn't seem particularly out of the ordinary at first glance. The most immediately noticeable thing about her are the several scars that mark her face. Such scars, accompanied by the flat, serious expression she regularly bares, as well as her well-kempt black hair, can make her seem rather imposing to most. Her no-bullshit attitude is palpable even before she speaks.
When it comes to physique itself, Nadia is in rather good shape. She's no bodybuilder by any means, but she has a penchant for weightlifting as a hobby, which provides her with a leanly muscled figure. This isn't entirely evident though, as she never wears revealing clothing, preferring dark-colored clothing that covers most of the body. She is especially fond of black clothes and leather.
When it comes to physique itself, Nadia is in rather good shape. She's no bodybuilder by any means, but she has a penchant for weightlifting as a hobby, which provides her with a leanly muscled figure. This isn't entirely evident though, as she never wears revealing clothing, preferring dark-colored clothing that covers most of the body. She is especially fond of black clothes and leather.
Nadia is a very focused, serious individual. Where others are comfortable, she is always tense, and always liable to throw a glance over her shoulder. On the outside she seems curt to most, and a buzzkill to those she actually talks to. Catching her with anything that seems like a smile of any kind would be like finding a black cat in a coal cellar.
These things are all true to those who don't know her - and nobody really knows her. Most would assume there's more to her than what she allows people to see, but nobody has gotten close enough to tell.
These things are all true to those who don't know her - and nobody really knows her. Most would assume there's more to her than what she allows people to see, but nobody has gotten close enough to tell.
In Nadia's adolescent years her life may have seemed somewhat dull, but eventually became rather promising. Despite her mother being a single one and having to work multiple jobs to keep them afloat, she also managed to scrape together money to afford medical study for her young daughter. She'd always hoped the best for the young girl, and so made certain that she had a bright future ahead of her. And for the most part, she did a very fine job. After finishing primary education, Nadia seemed to adapt to medical studies extremely well, surpassing her fellow students despite her humble roots.
Although her mother was a very hardworking woman and didn't really have much time for many recreational activities, it didn't seem as though fate was particularly concerned with how full one's plate was. This showed in the form of a surprise romance in the single mother's life. While Nadia was studying her heart out to make her mom proud, the middle-aged mother quickly fell into a relationship with a man that eventually turned out to be an underboss of a Romanian Mob family. Not that this mattered much to Nadia's mother - the two seemed to be madly in love with one another.
Over the following years the two girls became quickly familiarized with the world of the Romanian Mob. While their lives had improved considerably, financially and mostly otherwise, as a result of their closeness to the Mob, not all was well. Nadia's mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer. It was a heartbreak to a few, but it was especially hard on Nadia - and it wasn't long before her mother fell to her illness. Nadia's studies suffered after her mother's passing, but she eventually managed to drag herself to graduation - and did so several years earlier than most, due to her substantial study ethic before the loss of her mother. She'd finally accomplished her mother's wishes, but it felt like a hollow victory.
After her mother's death, the newly-doctored young girl no longer felt a desire to be a doctor. Her MD meant.. nothing, to her, really. From others it earned some degree of reverence, but to her it was hardly more than a piece of paper. This sudden loss of path for her quickly lead her to seek the only other thing she really knew - the Mob. Unfortunately for her, her stepfather wouldn't allow it. He held an oath to her mother that he wouldn't subject her to the operations of the Mob any more than was absolutely necessary.
But this oath drove Nadia to take more dangerous measures. She betrayed the family which had taken care of her and her mother and sought another. Her Medical Doctorate being a well-sought asset among those who often met violence, sometimes on a daily basis, it wasn't hard for her to find a family to join. She stayed with the mob for a few years - developing a cold, no-bullshit personality - but eventually the new family that she'd found herself in fell apart at the hands of other, stronger families. Prominent figures were summarily executed, and it didn't seem as too many were spared. Nadia took the first chance she could to flee, and shipped herself away from Europe entirely, finding her way to America.
She laid low for some months, but somehow was found. But not by any members of a mob, no. She'd been found by The Senior.
Although her mother was a very hardworking woman and didn't really have much time for many recreational activities, it didn't seem as though fate was particularly concerned with how full one's plate was. This showed in the form of a surprise romance in the single mother's life. While Nadia was studying her heart out to make her mom proud, the middle-aged mother quickly fell into a relationship with a man that eventually turned out to be an underboss of a Romanian Mob family. Not that this mattered much to Nadia's mother - the two seemed to be madly in love with one another.
Over the following years the two girls became quickly familiarized with the world of the Romanian Mob. While their lives had improved considerably, financially and mostly otherwise, as a result of their closeness to the Mob, not all was well. Nadia's mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer. It was a heartbreak to a few, but it was especially hard on Nadia - and it wasn't long before her mother fell to her illness. Nadia's studies suffered after her mother's passing, but she eventually managed to drag herself to graduation - and did so several years earlier than most, due to her substantial study ethic before the loss of her mother. She'd finally accomplished her mother's wishes, but it felt like a hollow victory.
After her mother's death, the newly-doctored young girl no longer felt a desire to be a doctor. Her MD meant.. nothing, to her, really. From others it earned some degree of reverence, but to her it was hardly more than a piece of paper. This sudden loss of path for her quickly lead her to seek the only other thing she really knew - the Mob. Unfortunately for her, her stepfather wouldn't allow it. He held an oath to her mother that he wouldn't subject her to the operations of the Mob any more than was absolutely necessary.
But this oath drove Nadia to take more dangerous measures. She betrayed the family which had taken care of her and her mother and sought another. Her Medical Doctorate being a well-sought asset among those who often met violence, sometimes on a daily basis, it wasn't hard for her to find a family to join. She stayed with the mob for a few years - developing a cold, no-bullshit personality - but eventually the new family that she'd found herself in fell apart at the hands of other, stronger families. Prominent figures were summarily executed, and it didn't seem as too many were spared. Nadia took the first chance she could to flee, and shipped herself away from Europe entirely, finding her way to America.
She laid low for some months, but somehow was found. But not by any members of a mob, no. She'd been found by The Senior.
- M.D. - Being a doctor provides quite a bit of knowledge that can be extremely useful in this line of work. Not only can she patch wounds and inflict more debilitating ones, she can roleplay a local doctor pretty well.
- She has thorough knowledge within the realm of mob operations, and is hardened to the darkest actions of such organizations. Her time within the mob forced her to get pretty street-smart pretty quick. She knows how to lay down a beatdown, and is pretty proficient with firearms.
- Nadia is an extremely intelligent woman. In school she easily surpassed the large majority of her classmates; she learns quickly, is quick on her feet, and is a strong planner.
- Nadia can fluently speak a few languages, each accompanied by her distinguishable Romanian accent. They are Romanian, English, Italian, and French.
Nadia's phenomena draws from the excitement of those around her to enhance the effectiveness of adrenaline in her body. She doesn't develop jitteriness or stress from adrenaline, allowing her to keep a clear head, and she tires quite slowly.
Personal Equipment:
Aside from job-specific gear that the crew brings, Nadia prefers to carry with her a Suppressed Colt 1911 in a crossdraw holster. She also tends to carry a briefcase which stows medical supplies and a compact, Kel-Tec Sub 2000 folding carbine, alongside a few smaller tools if needed.