Name: I already told you.
Age: 17
Year: Junior
Gender: F
Height: 5'6
Weight: Less than you. Keep trying.
Skin Color: Light brown.
Physical Description: What an injustice it is that Evelyn is one of the prettier girls in Leesburgh. Truly. Many a person has discussed, huddled around laptops at sleepovers or examining social media over clunky early-gen iPhones, how literally no one would care about Evelyn if she was not hot. Unfortunately God has seen fit to give his tightest fits to His shittiest soldiers.
Evelyn is about 5'6 and unlikely to get much taller, although one would be politely reminded Napoleon did not need to be in the 6' club to bring a continent to its knees. How merciful Evelyn has settled for but one city. She is thin (annoyingly) and has clear skin, said skin being the light brown of her mixed-race Hispanic/white heritage. She has dark brown eyes and eyelashes and brows that were presumably sculpted with one of those precision-lasers they use on diamonds. She has big, almond-shaped eyes and soft facial features that allow her to pass for a bit younger than she is, and she would describe as Disney Princess-esque, but, you know - hotter. She tends to stay moving, rarely standing still, shuffling her weight from one soccer-toned leg to the other, or chewing on bubblegum, or examining something on her phone (she has one of those glitter cases).
As far as the supernatural goes, I'll describe that in the power section.
Clothing: Fashion wise, Evelyn is always put together, even when she's wearing something casual to look laidback on social media, and coincidentally wearing sweatpants that cost more than most ensembles. While the town of Leesburgh Pennsylvania, I will wager, does not have a high amount of Met Gala viewers, Evelyn probably singlehandedly shifts the town's fashion consciousness a few levels higher. As her writer is not particularly adept at outfits, these will probably be left vague, but she's pulling off all the shit in the early 2010s that you were convinced you could never pull off. Rightfully. Look just assume it's all things fabulous.
Voice: Evelyn has a clear voice crisp as running water - did you know she sings? - and one with the slightest hint of an accent. Some have speculated this accent is carefully crafted to give her an exotic flair, as someone with a Hispanic accent should presumably pull higher than a C- in CP Spanish. These speculators, curiously, did not have prom dates that year.
Character Traits: Evelyn watched Mean Girls with the understanding of Regina George that Hinckley had of Caufield. There is a lot to unpack with Evelyn. The most general approach would be to say she's a bitch, and that would not be incorrect. While she has no use or time for studying for classes (why do it when you could cheat?), she is far more cunning than the sweet smiles and giggles would let on. Her ability to piece together timelines and cross-examine alibis on Facebook would probably land her a position with a government intelligence agency if she actually wanted one. She is sharply observant, and moves like a shark covered in mirrors in a school of beta fish.
Evelyn tends to view most relationships as transactional. This is mostly borne from the fact that largely, that's how people view Evelyn. I'm not going to try to sell you on how she's a good person deep down, because a lot of people at 17 are just terrible and there's not really a hidden moral core underneath. She's nuanced, and layered, and complex, but none of those complexities involve a moral code that contextualizes her actions. Evelyn tends to view things based off the consequences rather than from any position of abstract moral reasoning. And tha'ts understandable - Evelyn's been dealing that way since she was little. Growing into your body, and an uncomfortably attractive one at that, in middle school, leads to early cynicism. Evelyn did not take the approach of shying away from strangers' gazes or trying to squash out her sexuality. Rather, Evelyn realized she could get free ice cream at 13 if she wore a low cut shirt. Beyond that, people approach her transactionally. She's Evelyn fucking Noblezada. You're not nice to her because you want to be nice to her. You're nice to her because you're afraid, or you want to get in her pants, or you want to get invited to her party because her parents have good liquor and don't give a shit. Evelyn has had so few genuine connections since stumbling through the crucible of puberty she tends to dismiss that sort of thing as something only children have, because that was the last time she had that sort of thing. Boys are all trying to fuck her, girls are all trying to fuck her over. Evelyn views herself as still being on top because she's sharper and smarter than the rest of them. And just better. There's an almost Manifest Destiny sense of how Evelyn views her high school. It's all there, boyfriends, prom queen status, lead in the musical, soccer captain - just hers for the taking. If someone else is currently holding those things, they should've not sucked so much and they could've kept them.
In that regard Evelyn's good features are really ambiguous, morally. She's observant and perceptive, but often in the way that she can seize on someone's insecurities at a casual glance. Evelyn can dissect a situation to figure out the best way through - and then choose an option that's just easier and faster. Evelyn has been around the block, socially, and is good at picking up on lies, telling how someone is shielding their ego with an offhand remark, joking to draw attention away from the fact their clothes don't match or they got caught with a boner in class or something. Her memory is not quite eidetic, but that's only because that word is fucking nerdy. She could not begin to tell you what the Krebs cycle consists of, but she knows good and damn well who was sitting on whose lap in 7th grade at Kyle Brennan's campfire. Evelyn is perfectly capable of showing kindness and magnanimity, if only because she understands the value of good PR.
This is not to imply that Evelyn is a complete monster or drowns puppies in her free time. She doesn't do cruel or mean shit just for the hell of it. She doesn't have a ton of qualms with being nasty to someone, and doesn't really see the problem with coming up with a solid rumor about someone if they're annoying her, but she doesn't go actively seeking evil. It's more that being shitty is way more fun. She's also really never had to come face to face with any sort of real world consequences for her actions. It's more like playing a game. Again, she's 17. You were also a piece of shit then, you just couldn't match outfits as well.
Bonds: Evelyn is highly competitive and likes being the best. She likes being in control, not necessarily in the sense of needing to be #1 at everything, but she wants the reputation of people knowing she could if she wanted to. Evelyn enjoys the game of it, so to speak. She likes figuring out what makes people tick and making sure that their internal clocks are running to her tempo.
Activities: Much like the girl who bullied you in high school, she annoyingly does it all. Musical theater? She was Christine last year, and applauded with roses that, again, viciously reprised-against conspirators have alleged she arranged to have bought for herself. She runs the Hispanic Student Alliance, which no one can actually manage to find a manifest of where they meet, who's in the club, or any activities they do, but she somehow has the first club listing in the yearbook every year with students most are sure do not actually live in Pennsylvania. She is on the soccer team, where even her harshest detractors have to admit grudgingly that she has some talent (this is kinda key to her character - she's partially annoying just because she is actually good at what she does, and carefully manages so no one sees her suck at stuff. You want to hate her, but she's able to give you the impression, like a good crypto enthusiast or a mid-tier cult leader, that you could also be that good if you just follow along). She has recently taken up gardening, which seems to be one of the few passions she pursues purely for her own sake and not for public perception. She is also an adept social media manager, and runs her Facebook (was Instagram around then) page with the sort of skills that will be highly marketable once she leaves college. She runs cross-country in the off-season, which she actually doesn't excel at, but everyone knows it's just training for soccer anyway.
She also went through a phase where she was helping train dogs to be therapy dogs, but no one's sure if she did that for the right reasons or because her dad's law firm had a huge scandal that month.
Skills: This bitch can make you cry in under ten seconds. A cursory glance is all Evelyn needs to size someone up. She picks up on the way you slouch, the way you scratch the back of your head when your nervous, how you lick your lips before you lie. She can remember someone wore the same outfit twice in one week and looks like they haven't gotten much sleep, she can tell you any detail you want to know about anyone in Leesburgh so long as it has no actual meaningful relevance to someone's intrinsic worth as a human being.
Beyond her observance, Evelyn is oddly a very good leader. She's more Stalin than Susan B. Anthony, but her junior varsity cult of personality shtick does work and she can rally a group and organize them fairly efficiently. Her very frank assessment of people helps her ascertain who will be best suited where, and how, which has earned her the actual rare affection of her soccer teammates.
She's physically fit but by no means a potent fighter. Evelyn is skilled at glamor and glim and anything you suspect Sharpay may have excelled at. If there's a metahuman press conference, Evelyn is the one to put at the microphone. She cries alligator tears, but her charms work on a great deal of people, in part because it's almost like a Kansas City Shuffle - you know she's a bitch, sure, and you don't trust her, but you totally miss why you shouldn't trust her, or that you're still hanging out with her and doing favors for her even as you say how annoying and full of herself she is.
Beyond her interpersonal social skills, Evelyn is good at social media and that whole shtick. She intuitively gets how to spin events, how to frame an issue, how to present oneself. Evelyn has a good knack for figuring out what her audience wants to see, and knows how to give it to them, all while convincing them they never stepped foot in the theater.
She also really is good at soccer and singing and theater which is so fucking infuriating to the theater techs, who have looked on the dark web for a hitman in response to her getting that Phantom role.
Backstory: Not all backstories need to be convoluted, and I fucking hate writing these anyway. It's one you've seen before. Came from money, and all the leisure to explore whatever she wanted, and the opportunities to ensure she'd at least have a chance to be good at it. Beyond that, Evelyn won the genetic lottery. There are kids you can tell from an early age are going to be losers, and kids that are going to be winners. Once you're out of high school, it doesn't matter so much. But until that diploma's in your hand, there is a caste system, and you're well aware of who kicked ass in their past life when it comes to Leesburgh.
Evelyn's metahuman status never particularly affected her, in part because it was just one more tool for the spin. Evelyn largely represents a metahuman who can still actually excel in "normal" society, and doesn't seemingly have much of an ability that gives her an unfair advantage, which makes her more palatable to hate groups than she otherwise may be. She's also human-passing. So this whole superhuman shtick really hasn't affected her too much, and Evelyn hasn't wasted time wondering why God did this to her or why it had to be her. She's got other shit to do.
Her family moved here in middle school, much to Evelyn's chagrin, from New York. Her father, being an attorney, was maybe involved in some drugs and/or wives that belonged to other people, and so a hurried exodus was made to Leesburgh. While most would consider this quite the downgrade, and in terms of raw social prestige it certainly was, Evelyn got her skills from somewhere - he quickly managed to turn a small-town, good-for-nothing firm into one that positioned themselves firmly as the legal liasions for metahuman issues, right at the heart of Leesburgh, and the success was immediate and resounding. While Manhattan may have the ivory towers, her dad has secured plenty of cash for them in his work (hustling both sides) and managed to make what was pretty clearly a career dead-end look like a brilliant humanitarian move.
Her mom mostly drinks wine, watches E!, and shops with Evelyn. Should this RP last long enough for the opioid crisis in America to reach its heights, she will 100% O.D. Evelyn's memorial post on Facebook will receive no less than 3,000 likes after the fact.
Description: The main reason Evelyn can get away with being pretty obviously a bitch is that her power is anything but. Evelyn is literally springtime. At first, her parents weren't entirely sure she had powers, but it became visible when they noticed that the grass was literally greener on the other side, provided Evelyn wasn't standing where you were. Evelyn's aura is reinvigorating and life-giving. This manifests in a number of ways.
Firstly, provided it's daytime, the sun is shinier, the air crisper, the birdsong clearer. Things are just better and more vivacious around her. Literally, her clothes look brighter and the colors richer than the people around her. Her aura gives people energy like a caffeine buzz, and there's almost a withdrawal to leaving her presence.
Evelyn's power affects the natural world. Animals are naturally quite friendly to her and it's not uncommon for butterflies to swirl around her head, a deer to casually come up and start nuzzling her arm when she's on the bench at soccer, so on and so forth. Plant life grows noticeably around her, and the health of everyone near her is improved. Evelyn's aura gives something of a healing factor. You will not regrow a lost limb standing next to her, but your odds of surviving a gunshot are remarkably higher, although your chances of suffering a self-inflicted gunshot wound will skyrocket. She can't induce Wolverine level healing, but you could recover from nearly anything a lot faster if you were near her for the duration of your recovery.
Being in Evelyn's immediate presence, the springtime energy is pretty potent. People are more inclined to like her, and life blossoms. People's emotions are heightened, the air is warmer, sensory experiences more vivid and potent. Evelyn can only alter all this to a degree. She can really turn up the charm if she wants to, or if she's trying to keep a baby bird alive or something, it's a lot easier, but she can't turn it off or turn it up all the way. While Evelyn is fully accustomed to this, other people often aren't. Part of the reason Evelyn always seems to have the social edge is that when she interacts with people, they basically become high for the first time and don't realize what's happening. A lot of guys just think that the butterflies in their stomach around her are why she's literally the only girl in the world for them, because biologically no one else has that effect (as I said, teenagers dumb).
Evelyn's singing is not supernatural in the sense of a true Disney Princess, but it is dazzling. You aren't going to lose your free will or anything hearing it, but animals are drawn nearby and charmed, and you're at least going to feel some kind of admiration or rush of emotion. It's not going to stop you from pulling out a gun and shooting her in the head, but you may need a good cry after, if nothing else.
Now for the part every RP needs - combat applications. Evelyn is really not a brawler, or a heavy hitter. Surprise. You certainly want her on your side, because you're going to feel more jazzed and your wounds are going to not be as harsh. Her energizing effect is quite handy, and can keep people going longer than they otherwise would be able to. For direct combat, Evelyn's limited. Her ability to juice up sunlight and springtime means that she can bring on a real harsh glare if she has to, and with some serious effort and training she may be able to surround herself in a sunny glow that could burn people. But that's a ways away, because Evelyn has really pooled all her resources into figuring out the social gimmicks of her powers and never bothered with anything else.
As mentioned, animals fucking adore Evelyn, and will not attack her unless really provoked. They're very friendly, and will often help her out if needed. She can't summon a grizzly bear out of nowhere, but if you wanted to fight Evelyn, a nature preserve or petting zoo would be a pretty terrible place. Similarly, plant life flourishes and blossoms around her. Plants will literally go into bloom as she walks past, then wither back into their wintry gloom after. If she stays in an area long enough, and were to concentrate, two things you probably just can't convince her to do, she could potentially grow a lot of brush, thorny vines, so on and so forth. Obviously plants don't have the intelligence to fight someone as a dog or cat might on her behalf, but you may notice tripping over more roots or getting slapped by more branches if you annoy Evelyn in the woods.
Finally, her springtime aura lessens the effects of toxins, poisons, etc. She's a breath of fresh air. Being around her will really weaken the effects of knock-out gas or a snakebite, although obviously not 100%, and the minute you're outside her aura the effects will leave you very sharply (along with a dopamine crash). She's not able to lay on hands and cure someone's cancer, but she's kind of that unknown factor that makes a team operate far beyond the sum of their parts when she's around, and no one can really put a finger on why.
Evelyn has a much higher ceiling for her abilities should she actually work on increasing her strength. She will eventually be capable of a larger aura, more intense effects, and more direct control and finesse over what she affects. Eventually, while she will never reach the level of pure telekinesis over plants or something like that, her abilities there will grow, and she'll have better uses for and management of sunshine and springtime.
Limitations: Namely Evelyn doesn't give a shit about being a superhero. To the nerdy casual observer, the applications of her powers are pretty fucking mind-blowing. She could easily make millions just standing in an endangered wetlands. Evelyn, however, thinks marshes smell like ass. So while she's really mastered the social glow part of her power, she hasn't put a lot of time or effort into the more fantastical elements, which I imagine will need to occur in this RP.
Additionally, Evelyn's power takes a LOT of energy to be more than subtle boosts. The aforementioned solar flare/sharp glare type of thing would leave her at about 30% of her stamina to do once, and it's really going to make someone drop an f bomb and rub at their eyes for a minute. Surprisingly for the varsity soccer MVP, she doesn't have a ton of supernatural juice to keep going, due again to the lack of practice. So with training, these limitations could lift.
For the more concrete ones. Evelyn's power is largely dependent upon her surroundings. She can boost the vigor and health of people - if she's near them. She can make plant life grow and animals go full Disney - if she's in the woods. If you put Evelyn in a concrete room by herself, there's really jack shit she can do.
Evelyn's power resist natural forces; that is, in the dead of winter, the air will still be noticeably warmer around Evelyn, and on an overcast day the sun may shine a bit brighter through the clouds if she's around, but she can't turn a blizzard into Miami Beach. Anything resembling a combat application, which is not her forte, doesn't manifest inside or away from nature, which Evelyn doesn't really like anyway because dirt sucks.
She can adjust her aura somewhat. So if she's in a fight with thirty people around her, and only ten are her friends (well, you know), she can concentrate real hard and make it so that they're getting the bulk of her power, but the rest are still getting a trickle. Perhaps the best way to put it is that Evelyn currently lacks the metaphysical muscle or finesse to turn the throttle fully one way or the other. She can amp up elements of her abilities, or muffle them, but she's not yet skilled enough to fully reduce either and this causes problems for her occasionally (ex. everyone feels jittery at a funeral).
Obviously, her singing is neutralized if you wear earmuffs or find a way to shut her up, which no one ever has.
Weaknesses: Evelyn's powers are subtle enough that there isn't really one Kryptonite bullet to take her out. So I'll list a few.
Firstly, her dizzying effect on people, the emotional rush, the energetic boost - these effects are tangible, but largely only disorienting on the unprepared. The same way that when you've been drunk a few times, you can manage to be more coherent than the first time you got shitfaced, if you're aware of Evelyn's powers, it's not going to make you turn into an idiot (it really wouldn't already - you just feel your heart on your sleeve, the colors are brighter, the air sweeter, etc). So someone with willpower or really a Valium can muscle past that. As far as a direct weakness, it also relies on Evelyn's emotional state, which is generally nonplussed. If you piss her off or upset her - first off, your ass better leave town, because she will fucking ruin every relationship you have - the cheeriness is melting away.
Her healing factor does not stop bullets, as said before. If you get hit by a hand grenade you are still fucked. If you break your leg on a hike around her, you may find it can support more weight than maybe biomechanically it should be able to. However, her power offers soft resistance her. You can brute force past it. A shallow bite by a snake you may be able to resist near her; if a king cobra sinks its fangs in deep, she can really only buy you a few minutes more.
Her singing requires you to be able to hear her, and again, it may make you drowsy or feel giddy, but if you're in a pissed off mood it's probably just going to piss you off more.
Her outdoor powers require outdoors. Harsh winter conditions really limit her. It doesn't neutralize her, but it basically leaves her walking uphill constantly. If you walk into a walk-in freezer with Evelyn, she's still going to be warm and summertime, but it's requiring a lot more energy to resist those external forces. So if your plan to survive a hike in the Arctic is to keep her along, she'll need a lot of rest and coffee.
Her aura is also limited in range and dissipates when she leaves. If she spends a long time somewhere, the effects take longer (ex. the plants outside her house look like the Garden of Eden because she spends 10 hours a day there and keeps coming back) but she can't turn a salted field into a vineyard unless she's there for a year straight. The most succinct way to put it is that Evelyn's power nudges entropy one way or the other, but she can't reverse it or change its course completely. You're trying to grow plants? They'll grow better. But she can't make something from nothing. Likewise, if you're savvy to her charm, it's not really going to work on you as well (on a purely metaphysical level - she still is very socially savvy, and can weasel her way through situations on good old-fashioned charisma).
The longer she goes without sunlight, the weaker she becomes.
Any other suggestions welcome, I can't think of any others off the top of my head. I'll tinker with this more.
Other Information: Some of the most well-kept secrets in history include the true reasons behind the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the events that transpired at Skinwalker Ranch, and rumors of a horrifically embarrassing event Evelyn caused in elementary school. Evelyn stomps those rumors out like the fucking NKVD.