It had been a couple weeks since the journey had begun. Apart from a disconcerting run-in with the Shadows, the trip had been relatively quiet thus far. The caravan was peaceful, and the figure sitting by the dying fire kept watch over what stirred both without, and within the protective circle of the wagons.
Taking a rare moment to relax, Eoin slipped a hand beneath their hood and loosened the ties of the mask, pulling it away. Face still completely hidden in the abyssal shadow of their hood, a gloved hand procured a slim, hollow tube from the folds of the cloak, along with a small pouch. Fetching some dried leaves from the pouch and tamping it into the shallow bowl at the end, they then returned the pouch to a pocket unseen.
A wave of their gloved hand and spectral fingers fetched a glowing coal from the fire, bringing it near, but hesitating before the dying light would shine on the visage beneath the hood. No one was around... Everyone slept. Ice cold eyes stared at the starving embers as the kiseru lit and the coal was flung back into the fire, the stem of the kiseru vanishing into the abyss of the hood a moment and fragrant smoke curled upwards after a sighing exhale. The pain was easing after a few heartbeats. The contents of the kiseru were enjoyed peacefully, until the wind stirred around them, the whispers becoming agitated.
Eoin barely had time to react as the tent flap opened and their traveling partner exited. The gloved hand quickly snatching the mask and slipping it into place as he approached. "What brings you out early, companion? Your watch doesn't begin for another hour." Their voice sounding as though it emanated just behind their partner's ear.
Thank you for reading my drabble. This character is very unique and special to me. It is a character that represents a lot of firsts for me in roleplaying and writing, and as such, I am looking to expound on their concept and breathe more life into who and what they are.
Eoin fits well into a low-to-high fantasy setting. Given they were initially created for the Pathfinder ttrpg, their skill-set is better suited to that sort of setting. I can place them most anywhere with a bit of doing.
I have two very important pieces of information I must share with you, however. I am looking for a male character to play opposite Eoin. I have nothing against females, but the couple of times I have played opposite females with this character, things were expected of Eoin that they could not provide and there was friction. I would like to try playing them opposite a male this time around. I don't care what species either, just that the character is a male.
The second bit of info is regarding romance. I am a sucker for romance. I want Eoin to experience romance, but in a non-traditional way because they are a non-traditional character. I can discuss these reasons more in depth if one shows interest, but I will say that I am looking for something more on an emotional connection than just smut. If you want to write with this character for the sake of a titillating sex scene, there will be friction as I mentioned previously. There is a reason Eoin is referred to in non-binary they/them pronouns.
As for ideas, I have a few concepts. Eoin is a magic user, so if the idea of an enemies-to-lovers idea appeals to you, them playing opposite a witch hunter type character could be fun! Or perhaps your muse could have known Eoin when they were younger and went by a different name before they became what you see now. Still further, perhaps your character hires Eoin to journey with them for protection or what have you. Or simply, your muse wants adventure and finds the masked harlequin colored individual fascinating enough to follow. I am open to many ideas and look forward to hearing from you!