The luxury skyliner Queen Titania was a marvel of Formulization and engineering, a brass juggernaut of an airship that had all the amenities one needed to enjoy a thirty-day trip around the world. Gorgeous greenhouses full of exotic flora and avians served as wonderful areas to enjoy fresh fruit and well-brewed teas. Indoor sports gyms bedecked with equipment for all games of athleticism made friends and rivals out of the growing number of erudite youths who entered the ship at each stop on its global tour. Even the library, though it paled in comparison to Alexandra’s vastness, was a soothing marvel, all mahogany and leather as crystal players resonated classic music at astounding clarity. And even the dining rooms, both private and public, looked to be places that one ought only to go when dressed to the nines, the on-board chefs managing to delight with their crosscultural culinary creations every evening. There were no shortage of distractions onboard the Queen Titania, no shortage of entertainments and pleasures to partake for the two thousand prodigies within its spacious bowels.
But today was the thirtieth day, and the clear skies encouraged all to crowd around the concave windows of the foremost atrium to witness the one thing that the Queen Titania could not offer:
The Academic City of Bermuda, an artificial island on the equator made of brass and steel, its many towers jutting out as if to scrape at the underbelly of the airship.
Fifty years has passed since a tenuous truce rose from the ashes of the Futile War, and the crystallization of that peace now stood below the two thousand students. It was a lasting symbol of peace and cooperation, a cloistered space away that served as a neutral ground, where no individual government could profess power and where the youths who would shape the future of the world could learn to build a unified future.
But you were different.
For you were here for a specific purpose, a purpose determined by the government agency, by the secret society, that sponsored your admission to this prestigious academy. Through subterfuge and subversion, your goals will be accomplished with all the sophistication of an expert spy, all while you maintain the disguise of just another erudite student.
Those naïve fools, those sheltered academics, none would be any the wiser as you execute your schemes and machinations with precision and tact.
What you didn’t know, however, was that every other freshman aboard was also a spy.

TL;DR? Don't worry, I gotcha.
Qualia is a Steampunk Academy RP, where everyone is a budding Polymath (an individual who was trained in the manipulation of reality through writing) and where everyone is also associated with a different shady government agency/secret society, initially for the purpose of gaining an advantage in the future war. The world itself is just a litttttttle bit eldritch too, and that'll definitely play into a larger plot to encourage more cooperation and diplomacy than just straight up unga bunga combat PvP. As a general note to dissuade people from making spies that are too perfect, the age range for characters goes from 13 to 18, and as such, they're still teenagers. Expertly trained, exceedingly intelligent teenagers at best, but caught in the throes of puberty all the same.
I've left most of the specifics of the world vague, so feel free to come up with your own interpretations of your character's home country. Just consult with me ahead of time so things don't end up getting too off-color. If you're interested, pitch me questions about the world and character ideas!
And as for inspiration vibes...Princess Principal, Shinobigami, Yuuki Yuuna, Link Click, and Reverse 1999 were my jams for this particular RP~!