The crashing sound of waterfalls mingled with the sounds of chatter as the light of the full moon turned the water to liquid silver. It lit the crowd of cats that were gathered on the slightly damp stone hidden within trees and cliffs as everyone waited for the leaders to find their spots upon the ledge and begin the gathering in earnest. Embersky's ears swiveled around, listening to the conversations around him, as he made his slow, winding way through the crowd to where the rest of the medicine cats were seated with their apprentices. He glanced behind him for a moment to make sure that Albatrosspaw was keeping up alright. He had been crushed by the unexpected death of his father, but having one of his brothers as an apprentice made the sting a little less.
His mother and sister were making their own way through the crowd towards the ledge where Spiderstar and Whitestar were already waiting with their deputies sitting on a slightly lower ledge beneath them. Looked like they were just waiting on RainClan then. He felt a flash of pride knowing that it was his family that was in charge of BreezeClan, and that they would lead their clanmates to prosperity and greatness. He just had to make sure the rest of the clans saw that as fact. Which was easier said than done.
He dipped his head slightly to the Gullbreeze and Cloudwing as well as their apprentices as he settled down and tucked his tail over white paws. "Greetings. How are things in FireClan and DarkClan?" It hadn't been long since they'd met at the half-moon, but he felt it was only right to make sure that things were going well with his fellow medicine cats. He had also heard that there were some members of other clans that were beginning to raise concerns over the fact that his family alone led BreezeClan. He knew that Whitestar had a good relationship with his mother, but the others were somewhat nebulous to him.
"Greetings Embersky," Cloudwing dipped his head as well, his silver and white pelt turned pale by the moonlight. "Things are well in DarkClan. We have a number of new apprentices and kits that are growing quickly." There was a familiar fondness in the tom's voice as he spoke of his clan, but he still didn't give much away.
None of the clans were weak and based on what Embersky heard, and could see of the number of apprentices, were by no means struggling. That would make Dawnstar's plans that much more difficult. None of the other clans would be interested in uniting if they didn't have any additional trouble by being separate. "I'm glad to hear it. We've been lucky these past moons."
Cloudwing nodded in agreement before glancing past the other medicine cats to look towards the cleft in the cliffs that surrounded the gathering space. "Looks like RainClan has arrived."
He could just catch the bushy tail of Coyotestar followed by Stormstrike and his own apprentice. He kept an eye on the RainClan cats as they dispersed within the others and the volume rose once again as friends were greeted once again. He finally caught sight of Sagecloud and Eaglepaw making their way towards them. It was only a matter of time before the gathering started then.