"The Long Road Home"
(Closed to ItIsJustMe and Princess Peril)
I have created 2 roleplays (at least) based upon this same "Universe". Although they each begin with this same map, political situation, and historical background, the role plays will diverge quickly due to the actions of and personal backgrounds of the main characters of each story.
Our story's map:
- I did not create this map. I "borrowed" it from the internet.
- Originally, the black triangles represented mountain peaks. In our story, they represent towns.
- The yellow terrain surrounding these towns (black triangles) originally designated highlands. In our story, they simply represent areas of higher human development (ranches, farms, and mines).
- Stars: capitals of the 4 similarly colored sovereign nations (white, blue, red, green).
- Dots: other cities of the similarly colored nation.
- Triangles: towns (unnamed on the map) which are generally but not always ruled by the nearest capital city.
- Grey circle (Un, on the Island of Tella-Un): a religious site holy to all nations; the world's only active volcano.
The Sovereign Nations:
- Southernmost of the sovereign lands.
- It was once the greatest and most powerful nation. Now, however:
- It has the smallest population: ~25,000.
- It has the least wealth in resources.
- It has the smallest treasury.
- It has the smallest armed forces, with only 200 cavalry, 1,000 skilled warriors, 2,000 potential conscripts, and 200 sailors/marines on 5 warships.
- It is ruled by a Prime Minister, who is selected by a Council of Nobles. He also serves as Lord Mayor of the capital city, Yalla.
- Each of the Nobles rules his (or rarely her) city or town as a Feudal Lord.
- Historically, the Prime Minister had great power, including the right to insist that the Nobles support his war declarations with armed forces, resources, and coin. This is no longer true; the Nobles now do essentially what they like.
- Capital: Yalla (pop. 5,000)
- Marcan (pop. 4,000) on the Island of Tella-Un.
- Sutla (pop. 3,000) on the Island of Sufi in the inland Sea of Yalla.
- Savat (pop. 2,000) on the island of Sevu in the inland Sea of Vint.
- Rlawell and Abad (pops. 1,000 each) in the southern reaches of the Fenwater.
- 4 towns (black triangles; pops. 200-600) to the southwest of the Capital City.
- Dozens of small-to-medium sized villages (pops. 50-200).
- Note: Yalla does not have control over the waters surrounding its island cities. The inner seas are almost exclusively controlled by the usually friendly Vint.
- See next hider for list of towns lost by Yalla to other nations.
- Tiala (pop. 3,000): given over to the Kingdom of Vint in lieu of debts owed 20 years BRP (before role play).
- Tut (pop. 3,000): seized by force by the Frenkish Empire 10 years BRP.
- 5 of the 9 towns (black triangles) it formerly controlled.
- 1 town north of Tut, captured by the Frenkish Empire 10 BRP.
- 2 towns in the Salfar Mountains, lost to Barbarians. (They still exist but are shadows of their former selves.)
- 1 town on far side of the Kokalla River, which joined the Meretheni Federation 2 years BRP.
- The coastal villages and coastal waters from the mouth of the Kokalla River to the Eastern Blight.
- The navies of the Republic of Yalla and the Frenkish Empire battled in the Eastern Blight during the war over Tut.
- Yalla's navy was utterly destroyed.
- The Eastern Blight became Frenkish Empire Territory.
- The Dead Coast (named such because no long term communities have ever survived there) is now patrolled by the Kingdom of Vint's navy (to keep the Frenkish navy in the north).
- It is the westernmost and largest of the sovereign lands, stretching from Frost Bay in the north to the mouth of the Kokalla River in the south.
- It has the greatest population, currently at over 100,000 and growing 10% year after year.
- It is simultaneously rich and poor:
- It has the greatest per capita wealth, the lowest level of poverty, and -- at nearly 25% -- the highest literacy rate of all the sovereign nations.
- However, it has a modest treasury due to the generosity of its Ruling Class to its Middle and Under Classes.
- Its arable lands make it the most agriculturally productive of the sovereign nations; it exports half of what it grows each year.
- It lacks ores and minerals, however, importing them primarily from the Frenkish Empire.
- Its standing army is the second largest after that of the Frenkish Empire.
- It's available conscription army (2 years compulsory service, age 16-18) is the largest, however, with more fully trained warriors than the other sovereign nations combined.
- It has the second largest navy after that of Vint.
- During times of peace, the standing army is engaged in civil works projects while the navy supplements the merchant and fishing fleets in their work.
It is the most democratic of the sovereign states with a Bicameral Council of Elected Ministers:
- Each population center (cities, towns, villages) elects 1 Minister for each of its 500 residents (free men, women, and children).
- Villages and towns with less than 500 residents must combine their populations for the purpose of elections.
- The House of the People meets 2 times a year (just prior to the planting season and just after the main harvest) to discuss and vote on issues brought before it by its Ministers.
- Motions passed by the supermajority of 60% are forwarded to the House of the Lords.
- While all free men, women, and children are included in the census population, only free males who are property owners or registered with the Army/Navy as active personnel, veterans of war, or willing and trained conscripts can vote.
- Each Nobleman or Noblewoman is also a Minister to the House of Lords.
- The House of the Lords meets one fortnight after the House of the People concludes its own work.
- It discusses and votes on Motions sent to it from that lower House.
- Motions that are passed take effect as determined within the motion's text.
- Motions that fail are returned to a Resolution Committee of Ministers of the House of the People.
- These Committee Ministers are chosen by their House's membership to stay behind while the majority of the men return to their individual communities to return to their work.
- If 80% of the Committee Ministers vote to override the Motion declined by the House of Lords, the Motion becomes law.
- Becoming a Noble is a matter of inheriting the role or being elevated from the masses by the House of Lords itself, a process which doesn't happen often; it happens even less often for Ladies.
- Nation's population: 100,000 and growing 10% annually.
- Capital: Forthala (pop. 20,000)
- Lotha (pop. 12,000), Kinth (pop. 11,000), Morbeth (pop. 9,000), Tothan (pop. 7,000), and Lux (pop. 6,000).
- Eight towns (black triangles; pops. 400-1000), including the town northwest of the mouth of the Kokalla River, which defected from the Republic of Yalla.
- And more than 150 small villages (fishing villages on the coast, farming villages on The Great Steppe, and logging villages in the forests) ranging from (pops. 50-400); these are not indicated on the map.
- Coastline and coastal waters: from the mouth of the Kokalla River in the south to the Frost Bay in the north.
It is the central most of the 4 nations and extends from the extreme north to the extreme south, including control over:
- The northern mainland territories between the Meretheni Federation and the Frenkish Empire.
- Nearly the entirety of the inner seas; reasons discussed further below.
- The Sacred Island of Tella-Un (with the exception of the Yallan City of Marcan).
- The City of Tiala (formerly a possession of the Republic of Yalla) on the shore of the Long Sea.
- The Land Corridor of the Kokalla River, between the inner and outer seas.
- As well as various ports on the southern and northern shores of the outer seas.
- It should be noted that Vint enforces a Policy of Cooperation regarding the Kokalla River:
- The Meretheni Federation and the Republic of Yalla -- both considered friends of Vint -- have relatively free (but taxed) merchant vessel access to the river, to the ports at its ends, and to the villages along the route.
- No military vessels from these two nations are allowed on the river without a Vint escort. Weapons are typically collected from these vessels prior to entering the river and returned once the vessels have completed their transit, though, this demand is sometimes waved.
- Merchant vessels from the Frenkish Empire -- not a friend of Vint -- must have both an Vint warship escort and Vint marines aboard each vessel.
- Frenkish warships are not permitted passage through the Kokalla River.
- It has the second greatest population of the four sovereign nations, currently at over XX,XXX.
- It is a nation of the very rich and very poor:
- Its Royal Family is by far the wealthiest family in the history of the world.
- It has a great number of very rich Nobles who are loyal to the King.
- It also has a large and poor peasantry, as well as the largest slave class of the four sovereign nations.
- Literacy is considered a right and privilege of the rich and powerful. Lower class people who demonstrate literacy often simply disappear, never to be seen again.
- Its arable lands are very fertile, but there aren't enough acres to feed the population, therefore Vint imports from the Meretheni Federations.
- It once produced enough ore to satisfy its needs, but:
- The Frenkish Empire seized control of most of its mining territories in the the northeast.
- To fulfill their need, Vint seized control of the Holy Island of Tella-Un, on which there are many ore mines.
- This wasn't popular with the other sovereign nations, but there really wasn't anyone to stop them.
- Its standing and standby (conscription) military are modest but suitable to protect their border with the Frenkish Empire, it's only current enemy.
- Its true military power lies in its navy:
- Decades ago, Vint ship builders designed warships, transports, and merchant vessels that were faster, more solidly built, and more heavily armed than anything ever built.
- They used their navy (supported by their army) to seize control of ports all about the inner seas, making it nearly impossible for the other nations to conduct business over the seas without paying for the privilege.
- They seized the Land Corridor of the Kokally River for some time before coming to an agreement with the Meretheni Federation and the Republic of Yalla for it to be a cooperatively shared Corridor.
- Their navy now patrols the southeastern Dead Coast to keep the Frenkish Empire's navy away from it.
- It is a dictatorial monarchy, headed by a King.
- The King designates trusted and loyal Nobles to rule over Regions, Cities, Towns, mines, ports, etc.
- He keeps them in line with the carrot (wealth and power) and the stick (threats of beheading should they betray him).
- Population over XX,XXX.
- Capital: Vint (pop. 25,000)
- Virta (pop. 18,000)
- Suva (pop. 9,000) and Ketch (pop. 8,000) on the Island of Tella-Un.
- Tiala (pop. 7,000) in Republic of Yalla territory, taken in lieu of a massive debt.
- 4 towns (black triangles; pops. 400-1000) in the north, two of them in constant fear of being invaded by Frenkish forces.
- As many as 150 small villages throughout its territories (pops. 50-400) that are not indicated on the map.
- Found in the northeast of the world, it is the 3rd largest by size and population both.
- Its extends from the city of Sipriot in its northwest (which it seized from Virt 8 years BRP) to the city of Tut in its south (which it seized from Yalla 10 years BRP) and includes all the land and islands to the east and north of those two cities.
- Although it has shoreline on the inner seas (the Small Sea and the Long Sea), it has no settlements on those shores; the Kingdom of Vint prevents this, as well as preventing the construction and/or deployment of vessels here.
- Emperor Frenk the Hearty is an absolute monarch and harsh dictator.
- The Noble Class is made up almost entirely of the Emperor's Consorts -- who are many -- and his 100+ children, some of whom are land-controlling Nobles despite barely being into double digit ages -- the descendants, not the Consorts.
- These Nobles rule over Regions, Cities, Towns, mines, ports, etc., but no single Noble controls enough population or wealth to have the ability to become a rebellious threat to the Emperor.
- The Emperor tours the Empire almost constantly, spending a few days in each location to review its current situations, collect the harsh taxes, and roll about in the ruling Consort's bed before moving on to the next location and bed.
- He replaces Consorts often, either for failing to rule as he sees fit or for failing to please him in bed as he demands.
- During the Emperor's absence, Consorts are escorted by bodyguards at all hours of the day to ensure they do not invite other men into their beds; these bodyguards are generally large, ugly, eunuchs who -- despite having given up their balls -- who are very well paid to do the Emperor's bidding. Consorts are, however, permitted to have female lovers. These lovers must also make themselves available to the Emperor on his visits. Often, if he appreciates the services of a Consort's lover, the Emperor replaces the former with the latter. Because of this, Consorts tend to keep their female lovers' identities secret. However, the Bodyguards rarely miss this, and Consorts who hide such information are often quickly replaced, sometimes by their lovers.
- Rule over the Nobles and general population alike is typically via the stick and seldom the carrot.
- Nobles, whether Consort or otherwise:
- Are permitted limited governance over their cities and towns. The Emperor has final say over any and all issues.
- Are heavily taxed, specifically to prevent them currying favor with others via coin, particularly military forces which might attempt to overthrow the Emperor.
- Are monitored closely by spies and guards who report directly to the Emperor.
- Are, if not a Consort, chosen spouses by the Emperor himself, often from his own line of Consorts. This is done to prevent the formation of potentially threatening alliances between Noble families.
- Its standing army is the largest of the sovereign nations.
- Its standby (conscription) military is large but undertrained.
- Its navy is the 2nd largest by number of ships and available sailors and marines, but the vessels are old and poor in quality.
- To prevent Nobles from easily raising rebellious forces, conscripts and volunteers alike are not allowed to serve directly under the Nobles from their homelands; they are relocated to distant locations where they are trained and commanded by Officers not of their own homelands, Officers who are loyal directly to the Emperor
- Its arable lands are very fertile, but with the majority of the harvests diverted to the army (as taxes paid by Nobles to the Emperor), the peasantry is often on the verge of starvation or already deep into famine.
- The Emperor will, however, sometimes purchase vast quantities of food from the Meretheni Federation to prevent famine.
- It's fisheries and seal and whale hunting industries are very valuable.
- Population over ~80,000.
- Capital: Ras Rufna (pop. 22,000), which was a Kingdom of Vint city until Emperor Frenk seized it 25 years BRP.
- LentFrenk (pop. 15,000), the empire's birth place.
- Nurva (pop. 8,000)
- Bind (pop. 6,000)
- Sipriot (pop. 5,000), formerly a Kingdom of Vint city.
- Tut (pop. 4,000), formerly a Republic of Yalla city.
- 12 towns (black triangles; pops. 400-1000).
- As many as 200 small villages (many of them little more than military outposts) throughout its territories (pops. 50-300) that are not indicated on the map.
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