Which Will You Choose?


Though the Hidden Leaf Village is at a Cold War with the Hidden Sound Village and Orochimaru. It's up to Lady Tsunade to train as many Ninja as possible to be ready for when real War does break out and battle ensues. But until then, Ninja must choose their path to Lightness, or Darkness. What with Orochimaru scouting out an Army, Orochimaru has secretly hidden himself inside the Hidden Leaf Village, and has given several of our Ninja his Curse Mark to try and entice the young Ninja to become his Army when the time is right.

Will your Ninja fall under his Curse or will they resist and stay in the Light of the Hidden Leaf?


Now that you know the plot, here are the ground rules:
1. Please be active.
2. Let the group know if you need to leave the roleplay for a while.
3. Be courteous.
4. Please use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation; people need to be able to understand what you're writing for them.
5. No first person writing.
6. Character images should be anime-style, since this is an Anime Fandom roleplay.
7. Please no romance between characters.
8. Please no one-line-posts; your replies don't have to be a mile long, but effort is appreciated.
9. Absolutely no controlling other people's characters without their permission.


Katana (means 'sword') Bushi (means 'warrior' / 'samurai')
Current Age: 14
Gender: Female
Hair: Long, Straight, Deep Brown
Eyes: Purple
Skin: White
Tattoos / Piercings: None
Family Clan: Blade Masters
Home: Hidden Leaf Village
Current Rank: Genin

Goals: To become the best of her clan.
Personality: Likes to train, often training with Naruto. Overall, she's quiet, but when she does have something to say she says it. She takes life and training very seriously. When she has free time, she enjoys walks through the forest and watching and studying butterflies, often times enlisting the help of Shino to find the rarest and most beautiful. Even though she's only 14, her Mother and Father are the current leaders of the Blade Masters, making Katana Bushi the Heir.

Favorite Foods: Ramen, Dumplings
Favorite Colors: Purple, Teal

Likes: Training, Walking Through the Forest, Butterflies
Dislikes: Bad Smells, Weak Girls, Cold Food

Friends: Naruto, TenTen, Tamuri, Shino
Dislikes: Sasuke, Sakura, Ino, Hinata
Crushes: Gaara of the Dessert, Neji Huga
Looks Up To: Kakashi, Lady Tsunade


Summoning Creatures: None

Jutsu Skills: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Shadow Clones
Attack Type: Strong Offensive

Kekkai Genkai: Can swallow swords and other blades (literal sword swallowers) without damage. Using hand signs, her clan can launch blades from their mouths, and can cloak their blades in fire from their mouths.

If interested, don't be afraid to say so and have fun creating your Ninja!