Sir Lucario
25 Years
Anthropomorphic Jackal
Lucario's birth parents are not known for certain. As a newborn, he was left at the base of the stairs that led up to the giant doors of the castle. After he was found by one of the high-ranking knights, he was taken in. The lead knight raised him as his own son, as he and his wife lost a son in a miscarriage. With no other sons to train, the lead knight taught Lucario everything that there was to know about being a good knight.
As Lucario grew up, he had a strong interest in becoming a knight, just like the man who he called "Father." His telepathy, as well as being accurately predicting an opponent's moves, which was something unexpected among the royal family, servants and knights, allowed him to topple all of his fellow squires, and even a few knights, gave him the title "Knight of the Aura."
Shortly after he was promoted to knight, Lucario learned that the princess's former guard, who was his adopted father, was killed protecting the princess from an arrow fired by an assassin. The news upset Lucario greatly, but when he learned that he was to take his adoptive father's place, he felt pride, and promised that he would not let anyone down.
Lucario is fiercely loyal to the royal family, and especially protective of the princess. He tends to remain oddly calm, even in situations that would rattle most knights. He does not speak much, preferring to focus on his task, and not make small talk.
Lucario doesn't exactly speak the way most do. A family trait that happened to contain a certain mutation caused him to speak with telepathy, rather than an out loud voice.
Voice claim:
Sean Schemmel (Voice of Lucario in the movie: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew)