Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Neianna86


Member Seen 1 yr ago

The map will come here...
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Neianna86


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Entering Elysium: Setting/Creatures and Rules.

The world of Elysium is quite large, similar to our earth it had several continents and different peoples, but mostly it is a place filled with fantasy, magic and wonder. However, there is also great danger. Great Dragons can terrorize a place and hags and crowhexe are feared for their devious scheming.
Our story however will start in TenTen, in the Heavenly Gardens from where the Taiho’s peer into the world below, beyond the Skysea and the Veil of Stars.
There they gaze upon the peoples of Elysium and twice a year during the equinoxes they descend down in an attempt to find their ruler should they not yet have sworn fealty to one yet.
For a kingdom without a ruler will suffer and fall prey to plague and vermin.
Both Taiho and Ruler are necessary for the stability within a kingdom and should heaven forbid the Ruler displease the heavens the Taiho will be struck by illness, till at last he or she dies. As a result the balance will be lost and thus the Ruler too will perish. Should the Ruler be killed or die unjustly, the heavens then will appoint a new Ruler and thus the cycle will continue.

As stated there are a great many kingdoms within the world of Elysium, but for now our focus will lie on Asterius which is flanked Gaius and Taitus. Those three kingdoms set in the South Eastern part of the world will become our first focus.

Races: There are many races and creatures, but we will encounter predominantly;

- Humans
- Kirin
- Youkai/Monsters/Beasts
- Hanjyuu
- Farwalkers
- Hyutei/Djinn
- Sages and other Heavenly Beings

Different creatures: Whilst you will discover these along your journeys I shall introduce you to a couple to start you off with.





Power structures:
The Heavens watch the world, they maintain the balance through the Kirin who are the representation of heaven and they have to choose noble and good rulers who will rule the land. If the heavens are displeased the Kirin will be punished with a deadly sickness and if the ruler does not change his or her ways the Kirin will die, with the ruler dying about max. only a year later.

- The ruler has his or her own court with noblemen who often get appointed to certain ministries or positions of power.
They help command the army, regulate the economy and collect and invest the taxes.

- The merchant follow after that, they often are people of some means owning a shop or practice from which they can garner an income.

- Farmer, similar to the merchant only they often lease or rent the land they live and work on. Thus having to give up part of their income to taxes & rent.

- Then there are the wandering playing troops, a mix of the gypsies and circus, often performing theatre plays and though one of the lowest of the groups they still hold some level of respect as they are regarded with joy, bringing relief and entertainment in the otherwise mundane harsh lives of the people.

- The unwanted; several groups are regarded to this amongst those are the Farwalkers, those that end up in Elysium and bring great ravaging storms with them, or do the storms bring the Farwalkers…regardless they are considered demon spawn and regarded with hatred.
The same goes for traitors and criminals, seldom do they have the respect of the populace.
The Hanjyuu or half beasts are simply regarded as unlucky, are considered 2nd class citizens and aren’t allowed to have a proper job.

Rules regarding magic:
Magic in this world will be split into two categories:
Those of the Heavens
Those of the Earth

Meaning those of the heavens will form contracts with creatures to fight for them, their magic is meant to bring life even in Death. Meaning they cannot kill, but are free to create.
*Ultimately when a for example a Taiho dies the contracts are regarded as fulfilled and the creatures contracted have the right to feast on the Taiho's soul/power and remains.

Side not: They don't control the elements as these are deities of a different variety and rarely allow themselves to be tamed.

Those of the Earth are creatures who perform magic through pacts as well but have to sacrifice something in order to gain certain magics. Few people are willing to peddle in these kinds of magic and it is generally the evil inclined ones that use it, Hags are familiar with it, Dragons as well, though there are naturally exceptions to the rule.

Rules regarding swords and weapons:
As you see we can up your combat skills by the use of a Hinman, who'll take over your body and control your movements provided it can see through your eyes. You'll be able to hear it in your ear as if the being stood next to you and generally listens to the one it has a contract with (The Taiho, but I'll be extending that part).
So using a Hinman is basically pulling a cheatcode, but there's still the drawback of your own body (your own exhaustion and physical limits) so it depends on whether you'd want one or not.
Most of the weapons will be of medieval make. Dependant on the development of the country itself.
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