Hero City, The City of Tomorrow!

"Hero City was built alongside Champion City hundreds of years ago among the verdant woodlands and rolling hills of Massachusetts.
It may have been the jewel of the region at one time but no more. The surrounding area's woodland has been deforested and developed into industrial sites and mass housing complexes. The once serene skyline is riddled with elaborate skyscrapers, Neon signs, and a fleet of airships that constantly patrol the streets from a bird's eye view through smog clouded skies. Numerous cultures have left their mark not just on the city's development and identity, for better or for worse. What historically was a city of simplicity and humility has grown into a multicultural hub of decadence and corruption.
Yes Hero City, the City of Tomorrow...and Champion City's less flattering sister city.
Despite what the news and radio shows tell Hero City itself was in a worse state than the local government let on...not that it fools any average Joe and Jane that hasn't been living underneath a rock for their whole lives. No, Hero City is rife with villains and ne'er-do-wells that prey upon the honest citizens of this city. They operate in the shadows and gutters of this city, like the vermin they are, so the corrupt officials are easier paid to look the other way to their activities. Almost every day, evil goes unpunished...but not today! For today the CHAMP roster has been bolstered by fresh new heroes! Evil beware the CHAMPs are after you!"
Manny proclaims proudly to nobody in particular while he uses a hairbrush as an impromptu mic and raising his hands upward as if basking in the love of an invisible crowd. Just as he's bowing to his imaginary audience, Paul enters the dingy one room apartment with a box of donuts and a tray of coffee.
"Manny, you really need to tone down a little. Especially when doing these monologues. The neighbors are starting to think you're crazy." Paul said with a slightly concerned tone, hoping that his best friend hasn't gone and lost his mind.
Manuel turns to look at his long time friend with a wide grin and a sparkle in his eyes. "How can I, Pau? We got three. Not one. Not two. But THREE email application in one night. This is an outstanding success! Mark my words, Pau. This is a turning point for the CHAMP."
"Well be a CHAMP and help me with the donuts and coffee." Paul says while setting down the box of donuts and coffee on a kitchen counter top only to grimace as he feels a wetness on the back of his hand as it touches the surface. "Jesus, Manny. When was the last time you properly cleaned this dump?" The Asian man says as he frowns at the motor oil that stained the back of his hand.
"Roughly two months ago, but that isn't the point. The point is that we got to make our first impression count with these applicants. What makes a better first impression than a rousing speech, donuts, and coffee?"
"Meeting in a dirty cramped apartment that smells and looks like an auto shop barfed in it." Paul said with no thin layer of sarcasm.
"Touché. Help me clean before the applicants arrive. They could be here at any moment." Manuel finally agreed and began haphazardly sweeping trash and junk into areas where it wouldn't be seen easily.