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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nika Vulpes
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Nika Vulpes Bread.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So I was wanting to do more casual roleplays, like I used to (as in, no DM, no official rules, mostly collaborative worldbuilding, almost like co-writing a story or something), and I had this idea. Wouldn't it be cool to play as foxes in early Alaska when the fur trade was a big deal? We could be a clan of foxes trying to escape the trappers with magic (because magic makes everything better. I'll explain what few mechanics there are in a later paragraph). Warning, I am vegetarian and totally against fur trappers- especially fur!! Like, meat, sure. If you're starving, go ahead, eat what meat you need to survive. Don't kill animals just because they would make a pretty coat. Anyway. So I wouldn't be a GM, I would just be another roleplayer and, at most would simply determine worldbuilding disputes. Big deal to me: be respectful, especially of trauma and mental health. Avoid triggers. If anyone feels uncomfortable, we change the subject immediately with no questions asked. Also no swearing or vulgarity.
So, mechanics: maybe we could roll a dice in combat to see what works and what doesn't. There are no hit points or damage die at the moment, if we change our minds we can work out the mechanics then. Magic mechanics (the fun part!): We will each have two knacks. In the past, I've found that to be a pretty balanced rule. For example, you might be able to control water and wind. That does not mean you can make tsunamis and tornados. That means you can make a breeze and knock an apple out of a tree. We all have to agree that your magic is balanced and can call you out for pushing the limits. maybe we'll put in some "you get tired if you push it too far" and then in a pinch, someone can knock themself out doing something hard to save everyone else. The exception is Venus, who is obviously more powerful, being matriarch. Moving on.
Worldbuilding-wise, wellll...
1. naming conventions- usually you have a plant name. I have a list, actually, intended for wolves, but this is close enough. speaking of that list, Vetch is a really cool one. But you might also be something like North(dibs), Arrow, or Aries. but it's also your character. if your heart is set on a fox named Sarah, have at it.
2. I say Alaska, you think cold. false. Because of science and ocean currents, the coastal areas are fairly warm. We'll have cold winters, of course, and could get in trouble if chased too far inland, but for the most part, we'll figure it's like really thick woods in Maine or New York.
3. (I'm making this up for fantasy worldbuilding, these are not the patterns of real foxes) We will be in tight-knit clans. Most or all of us will be related. Clans will number around ten. They will be matriarchal, with the oldest female fox in charge. She will be an NPC. I'll detail her later. Because clans will almost all be siblings, they will mate with passing clans. they mate for life and try to stick to the same migratory patterns in mating season, but the hunters will probably disrupt that (real foxes raise cubs together in dens, with the males bringing the females and kits food until the kits are old enough that the female can go get food too, I think. this is not based in reality and probably more resembles orca patterns than canines). Females raise the kits with the help of the clan. they usually have 4 kits, but typically 2 or 3 die in the harsh conditions and are sometimes even abandoned if predators (especially the hunters) force a move too early (it would be a cool storyline though if we abandon a kit or two and the mother refuses to leave them (if she's a PC), and then she and the kit(s) had to get back).
4. a fox's power is stored in the eyes. consider which eye has which power. if you lose an eye, you lose a power. if you go blind, you use both (a pc born blind who has to survive without power or sight would be really cool). Heterogenous eyes are fairly common because of that.

North (my character)
Fur- Black
Eyes- Darkish blue, one pupil is white (note that is not the typical form of heterogeneous eyes, it's usually in the irises, like one green one yellow or something)
Personality- She seems friendly, she laughs a little too quickly and fades into a soft, sade contemplation when allowed to drift into her thoughts. She is slow to trust and rarely shares deeply. It's hard to tell whether or not she's trustworthy.
Powers- Illusion, Telepathy
Backstory- The clan found her orphaned when she was young, with dark, sad eyes. She never speaks of what came before. Reluctantly, the clan adopted her, since it was clear she would die. Venus was reluctant to allow it and seems to harbor a grudge against her to this day, for unclear reasons. (maybe one of you argued for me and got me in the clan?)
Other physical characteristics- Smaller than average, scrawny and wiry
Other- Bottom of the pack and is not related to anyone.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Miyke
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I'll take part if you'll have me.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nika Vulpes
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Nika Vulpes Bread.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nika Vulpes
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Nika Vulpes Bread.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The roleplay thread is here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/189084-ala…
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nika Vulpes
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Nika Vulpes Bread.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character creation is on the link. It looks like we have 3 people, counting myself. Once we have the characters we can form the clan around them. If you want to create an NPC in your character creation, like a brother, sister, or parent, throw them in. We'll fit them into the character format and use them later. NPCs will also have opinions of all the PCs (several of them dislike or hate North).
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nika Vulpes
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Nika Vulpes Bread.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So everything reset. The rping that rain iron and I did ceases to exist and rain iron is no longer in the rp. his character is now an NPC. If anyone wants to join, please follow the link & create a character. thanks.
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