Journey to the Frontier

The town of Woodside borders the vast frontier of the Hinterlands, making it a premier spot for up and coming adventurers. With the town only being founded ten years ago to this day development has only just reached the capability of supporting the one thing that would make it finally accessible.
An Adventurer's Guild branch.
With that, it will open up the Hinterlands for further exploration and adventure to discover what our ancestors left behind in these ancient lands untouched by anykind for so long. Of course, developing a branch will be a bit difficult but a suitable spot has been found.
Ruins long forgotten by past failed settlers pose the perfect place to set up a Guild Hall and you brave adventurers have come here for first dibs in creating something grand.
Setting Primer
There are many names for the world. Ask any citizen and they'll have their own opinion. Religions and scholars can give you hundreds of answers as each culture developed their own understanding. Much has been lost in this world so most disregard the past and have come to call it Fragment.
Until recently in the grand scheme of things, people have scarcely managed to build much. Cities rise and then fall, culled by the environment around them. You see, our world was cursed. Horrible beings known as 'Monsters' in the common tongue ran rampant. These creatures were spawned from the very mana that makes up our world. They still are.
But the worst of them all were the Calamities. Inconceivably powerful beings that ruled their kingdoms of ash. They sought not but fuel in the form of anything and everything around them. For generations these beings roamed, scattering civilization in their wake as they went. At least, that is until The Guild was formed.

Pick any random passersby on the street and ask them if they know of 'The Guild'. There's a high chance they're going to say yes.
The Adventurer's Guild as many call it (though the name changes depending on culture, language, or race in most cases) started roughly two hundred years ago. Twelve individuals, each of a different calling, joined together to put an end to the Calamities. On that day, these twelve people formed the first Adventuring Party.
Of those twelve, only one remains to this day. The Founder of the Guild, the Immortal Swordswoman.
Elindas Skyfall.
She, together with the other eleven heroes of old, united all of the peoples together to fight against the monstrous tide that threatened to snuff the light of civilization. Afterwards the foundations of the Guild were set and lead us to today.
Now, a Guild Branch exists on each continent, in many cities, and often some towns. Adventurers may have existed before this event, but now they are truly called a respectable profession.
Today, the Guild is responsible for managing adventurers, giving out quests, regulating hunting, and managing monster populations. A lot of work goes into making sure the whole thing runs smoothly and you can thank your local Guild Manager for that.
The System
This game will be using a little old system that I've come up with titled Weavers & Wyverns.
While you can peruse the document to your heart's content, I will explain its function briefly here. The way the game works is you have four separate dice pools of varying sizes that each use a number of d6s. When you face an obstacle or challenge you will be rolling against a predetermined difficulty check.
You also have a resource called 'Mana' which you can use to increase your dice pool to succeed at checks of a higher difficulty. Together with Talents, your pools will grow and allow you to face more challenging threats.
This system still being in its infancy will require a bit of help on your part. If you have any suggestions or thoughts send them my way. And in the end, my goal is to not have you roll for everything. If your character wants to do something you think they can reasonably do then go ahead and do it without a roll.
On the topic of roleplay, I penned in both 'Casual' and 'Advanced' in the tags. Personally I would prefer to run this at a 'High Casual' standard where there is a good amount of depth but also room for simpler posting if the current situation doesn't require it. While I consider myself to be a decent writer, I don't want to ask for pages upon pages when a short and sweet post can do the trick.
Last Words
I haven't been on this site in 7 years. Time has been... an experience. There have been ups and there have been plenty of downs. I've changed quite a bit since my last visit here. My writing has evolved and developed as well. Somewhere along the line I drifted away from this style of rp.
But I always remembered this place fondly, even in my youthful memories.
So I've decided to come back here and try something new. With the new year in place, I wish to try and make more good memories to outweigh the bad. Either way, if you're interested then I thank you. Hopefully this RP can have some good times.