
Priest Queen Hecantha -

League of the North -


Grimgi's Gak - A company of siege engineers lead by Alarik Grimgi - Currently serving Priest Queen Hecantha

Silver Swords - Our Company, mounted infantry with cavalry support - Currently serving the League of the North

The Golden Coin - Crossbowmen with supporting pike - Currently serving Priest Queen Hecantha

Iron Shields - Vikingesqe heavy infantry from Narguard - Currently serving The League of the North

The Horse Lords - Knights/heavy cavalry from Bettony - Currently Serving the League of the North


The Southern Horde - Derogative name for Priest Queen Hecantha's forces, a series of cities in the southern jungles.

Bettony - An agrarian nation on the Northern Shore of The Shimmer Sea


The Captain - The Captain.

Nambi- The company doctor and a Guilded Wizard