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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SoulStealer
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SoulStealer Local Deatheater

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Charles just sighed. "You seem like you'd be Griffindor. As for my brother, only I will be displining him. We don't need innocents getting in trouble for him being a brat," He said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have places to be," He stood and left.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Angstyrainbow
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Juniper rolled her eyes again. "With the way he acts, I won't be the only one hitting him this year." She muttered and glanced back over her shoulder at Alex. "I don't know why you didn't just keep your mouth shut, idiot."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SoulStealer
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SoulStealer Local Deatheater

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Alexander ignored her, only muttering "Mudblood" again before turning his attention fully to the book. Yet he never turned a page himself. His wand, which was sitting on the seat beside him, occasionally shifted whenever a page turned. Charles approached his friends, met first by a Slytherin Fourth-year prefect. "Hey, Mark," He nodded greeting. The Slytherin nodded in return. "So. Heard your little brother is probably going to end up in Slytherin," Mark noted. Charles just nodded with a sad sigh.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Angstyrainbow
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Juniper stood up at the name. "Do you want to get punched again?!" She threatened. Her threat was cut short by a short, brown-haired girl opened the door to the booth.
"Hi there! Could I come and sit with you guys? Everywhere else is sooo full!"

A fourth-year ravenclaw boy winced at Marks words. "I actually feel sorry for the other slytherins. No offence man but you're little brother is on a whole other level."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SoulStealer
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SoulStealer Local Deatheater

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Charles just nodded. "I'm aware," He sighed. "My brother is a disgrace to my family." Alexander smirked, quietly picking up his wand. "Sure," He told the new girl. His brother had clearly gotten him to be a bit more decent, though his tone was still cold.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Angstyrainbow
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The girl sat down beside Alex and smiled at the two. "I'm Blair, Blaid Nyx, hopefully 4th generation Slytherin. What about you two?" Her voice was bright and cheerful, her entire being practically radiating friendliness.

Arthur shrugged a little. "He's only a kid, give him a change. I mean, you never know right? Some time away from your folks might give him the freedom he needs to grow up a bit."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SoulStealer
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SoulStealer Local Deatheater

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"Alexander Bennett. I'm hoping for Slytherin as well, even though it doesn't run in the family as it should," He replied. Blair seemed decent to him. Charles shrugged. "Believe me. I know," was his only response as the train began to slow.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Angstyrainbow
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Blair smiled brightly at him. "It would be nice to already know someone there." She turned to look at Juniper who offered a small smile.
"I'm juniper. I don't really know. I'm the first witch in my family."
Blair gasps in surprise. "Your whole family are muggles? That must be strange, being the first witch! I come from a long line of magi myself."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SoulStealer
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SoulStealer Local Deatheater

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Alexander bit his tongue, as he didn't want to be reprimanded by Charles. He simply returned Blair's smile, pretty much ignoring Juniper. To him, Juniper was still a good-for-nothing Mudblood, and he would probably never change his mind. Charles was pulled away by Mark, and the two had a rather tense discussion about Alexander, which ended in Charles getting a warning expelliarmus in the face and being forced to leave. Mark wasn't going to have any of Alexander's bs, even if it meant threatening the brother of the troublesome boy.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Angstyrainbow
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Blair kept her attention on the other girl, quizzing her on what it's like living with muggles and growing up without magic. Juniper was happy to answer her questions, glad to be talking to someone friendly for a change.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SoulStealer
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SoulStealer Local Deatheater

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Alexander watched the girls, toying with his wand until the train finally slowed to a quiet stop. He stood as Charles walked in, looking irritated. Charles glared at Alexander and beckoned for his brother to come over. Alexander obeyed, not wanting to get disciplined again in front of Blair. "Behave yourself, Alexander. I don't want to be hearing about your bs, okay?" Charles hissed. Alexander nodded. "Why are we stopping? Are we there yet?" His voice was soft, but still carried that same harsh cold. He was putting on a show for his brother.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Angstyrainbow
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Blair and Juniper left the train together, deciding to wait at the end of the platform for Alex. Juniper had caught a small snippet of Alex's conversation with his brother and against her better judgement, walked to meet him half way. "I know you hate me for being a mudblood or whatever but..look, family stuff is hard. Are you okay?" There wasn't any judgement in her tone, just concern and understanding.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SoulStealer
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SoulStealer Local Deatheater

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Alexander glanced at her. "Fine. Why do you care anyway, Mudbl- Juniper?" Surprisingly, he managed to correct himself. He was trailing Charles, who glanced behind himself as his brother spoke. Charles went over to a boat and steadied it. Hogwarts towered above the children.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Angstyrainbow
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Juniper frowned. "I just know how much family drama can suck, that's al. Sorry for actually trying to be nice to you." She snapped, she turned on her heels and stormed back down the platform to Blair.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SoulStealer
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SoulStealer Local Deatheater

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Alexander just glared after her then hurried after Charles. Charles was speaking softly and rapidly to Mark, seemingly in an argument until Alexander approached. Then of which, both older boys fell into awkward silence.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Angstyrainbow
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Arthur ran up to the group and ruffled Alex's hair with a grin. "Come on lads! Cheer up! Think of all the hot girls there be that we can hit on!" He looks between Mark and Charles. "Or hot guys. You know, whatever floats your boat."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SoulStealer
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SoulStealer Local Deatheater

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Charles raised his eyebrows with a playful scowl. Alexander slapped Arthur away with an annoyed huff, earning a glare from his brother. Charles kept the boat pinned and allowed the others to board. Alexander boarded without a word, irritated still. He would always be irritated until he got sorted into Slytherin, and even then...
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Angstyrainbow
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Juniper and Blair climb into the boat after the boys silently. Juniper offered Charles a small nod of acknowledgement and stole a glance at Alexander before quickly turning her gaze to the water. She smiled softly and grazed the water with the tips of her fingers.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SoulStealer
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SoulStealer Local Deatheater

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Charles managed to get onto the boat before it began moving, almost falling though. He returned Juniper's nod without a word. Other boats were also now in motion, some already reaching the shore on the other side. As soon as the boat reached the shore, Charles left the first-years alone without a word, not even to Alexander. Alexander watched his brother then got out of the boat himself, hesitating before offering a hand to help Blair if she wanted it. It was a shy motion, but respectful nonetheless.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Angstyrainbow
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Blair smiled brightly at the gesture and took his hand, grateful for the assistance. "Thank you Alex!" She leaned ever so slightly, lowering her voice. "Would you mind helping Juni too? I get the feeling she might be a little distracted. You know, first time and all at Hogwarts?" She pulled away and offered another smile then looked to Juniper. "Coming?"
Juniper stood up slowly, careful to keep her balance. She stumbled slightly, pulling a nervous laugh from her. "Yeah, sorry. I'm not used to boats and water makes me a bit dizzy"
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