In the land of Avalia, a great war was waged between two dragons: one light, the embodiment of order, purity, and loyalty. The other dark, the avatar of chaos, anarchy, and power. These two forces were locked in an eternal power struggle that lasted centuries, even shaping the politics of the land they fought in. In another timeline, perhaps we would follow the tale of the war between the followers of said dragons, but our story starts elsewhere...
In the midst of yet another struggle between the two godlike beings, a single necromancer tricked them both by waiting until they had made each other weak and dealt the killing blow to them both. With that, there wasn't a single being strong enough to take on the power of (The Lich), a wizard turned lich who had gained access to necromancy, a school of magic thought to be long gone.
Over the next few years (The Lich) establishes his rule over Avalia, inciting fear, hopelessness, and despair into the hearts of Avalia. However, his plan did not account for the dragons unknown trait. For when they die, their souls fuse with that of two other mortals to live on as their champions, and eventually, descendants of themselves. Their immortal souls would grant the (at first) lesser mortals godlike powers and capabilities, but would require patience, time, and practice to hone.
We begin our story with the tale of Mari and Gavyn, two young teenagers who are just on the cusp of adulthood, thinking of what they wanted to do with their lives after "graduating" from their local orphanage, when the dormant powers of the draconic gods awaken within them. A once cute rivalry between the two becomes a mix of confusion and angst as they fight between each other over what to do with their powers. However, once their loved caretaker Brooks dies tragically at the hands of (The Lich), it is clear that they need to put aside their differences to bring down the evil that has taken over the land.
The two begin their journey and fight against the lich's forces, learning more about themselves, each other, and the land outside their small town of Briarglen. Will they defeat the lich? Or perhaps find a different alternative to the usual evil vs good struggles? What happens if they destroy the lich? Can they resume even remotely normal lives?