Basic Information
Name: Hoshi
Age: 18 (Physical Age)
Gender: Male
Species: Artificial Humanoid
Orientation: Asexual
Fandom They’re From: Final Fantasy (OC)
OC or Canon?: OC
Role: Experiment

Hoshi appears to be around 18 years old with ashen blonde hair that has a single highlight that changes color depending on what type of magic he uses and bright blue eyes. He tends to be around 5’6” in terms of height and often tends to wear a simple outfit that consists of a pale blue shirt and shorts although he also seems to have the tail of a fox as well which could have also brought to mind that a genetic sample from a mystical fox was also used in his creation although the fur color of the tail is the same color as his hair.
Personality, Powers, Abilities and Weapons
Personality: While he is initially shy at first glance, Hoshi tends to be a somewhat friendly being to those he is familiar with. While this usually means that he will end up stuttering when speaking around strangers, he also tends to have a difficult time trusting people unlike Tatsumaki, a phoenix attuned to the element of wind that tends to… have a habit of being a bit too friendly at times. However, should one manage to actually get Hoshi to trust them, they would find that he can be rather friendly and loyal; however, once someone breaks his trust, it is not easily earned back.
However, among those that know him, Hoshi is shown to have a rather down to earth personality around those that he is comfortable with and will be rather outgoing for those people as well although in the face of immediate danger, he often takes on a courageous moniker to face what is to come next.
•Spellcasting (Magic)
•Light Manipulation
•Pure Fire Manipulation
•Fox-Fire Manipulation (Useful for attack and illusions only. Often appears as a blue wispy flame)
•Fox-Fire Pyroclasm
Weapons: (If they have weapons available)
Backstory and Other Info
Backstory: (OPTIONAL)
Other Info:
•He was created at the Citadel and is currently kept under the watchful eye of those who work there. This also includes being dragged to the medbay or being visited by scientists daily for a check-up which he has a pretty strong dislike of especially considering how cruel some of the scientists can be at times.
Name: Hoshi
Age: 18 (Physical Age)
Gender: Male
Species: Artificial Humanoid
Orientation: Asexual
Fandom They’re From: Final Fantasy (OC)
OC or Canon?: OC
Role: Experiment

Hoshi appears to be around 18 years old with ashen blonde hair that has a single highlight that changes color depending on what type of magic he uses and bright blue eyes. He tends to be around 5’6” in terms of height and often tends to wear a simple outfit that consists of a pale blue shirt and shorts although he also seems to have the tail of a fox as well which could have also brought to mind that a genetic sample from a mystical fox was also used in his creation although the fur color of the tail is the same color as his hair.
Personality, Powers, Abilities and Weapons
Personality: While he is initially shy at first glance, Hoshi tends to be a somewhat friendly being to those he is familiar with. While this usually means that he will end up stuttering when speaking around strangers, he also tends to have a difficult time trusting people unlike Tatsumaki, a phoenix attuned to the element of wind that tends to… have a habit of being a bit too friendly at times. However, should one manage to actually get Hoshi to trust them, they would find that he can be rather friendly and loyal; however, once someone breaks his trust, it is not easily earned back.
However, among those that know him, Hoshi is shown to have a rather down to earth personality around those that he is comfortable with and will be rather outgoing for those people as well although in the face of immediate danger, he often takes on a courageous moniker to face what is to come next.
•Spellcasting (Magic)
•Light Manipulation
•Pure Fire Manipulation
•Fox-Fire Manipulation (Useful for attack and illusions only. Often appears as a blue wispy flame)
•Fox-Fire Pyroclasm
Weapons: (If they have weapons available)
Backstory and Other Info
Backstory: (OPTIONAL)
Other Info:
•He was created at the Citadel and is currently kept under the watchful eye of those who work there. This also includes being dragged to the medbay or being visited by scientists daily for a check-up which he has a pretty strong dislike of especially considering how cruel some of the scientists can be at times.