LINKSMCF InfosheetSporum InfosheetDetailed MapCHARACTERSRoyal Family: House of Solomon (Solomonic Dynasty)-
(Emperor Yohannes V). Deceased. Born June 2nd, 1915. Assassinated in 1974. He was 59.)
(Empress Dowager Elani). nee. "Elani Aman". Deceased. Born January 11th, 1922. Suffered from Senility in her final days. Died over the Gulf of Aden when her aircraft was shot down by a Spanish jet on June 4th, 1980. She was fifty eight.
Emperor Yaqob II. Born January 7th, 1953.
Description/Introduction Art 1 Art 2 Art 3--Title: His Imperial Highness: Emperor (Negus Negast) of Ethiopia and Unified Africa
Empress Azima. nee. "Azima bint Hassan al-Soomaaliyeed" Born September 30th, 1955.
Description/Introduction Art-
Sahle. Went by the alias "Samel" for a time. Deposed former Emperor and older brother of Yaqob. Born December 18th, 1946.
Description/Introduction Art 1 Art 2-
Princess Taytu. Born April 20th 1951. Serves as Foreign Affairs Advisor on the Imperial Advisory Board and is the older sister of Yaqob
Prince (Lij) Tewodros. Born July 21st, 1978. Son of Yaqob and Azima.
Olivier Gezi. Orphaned during the Katanga Rebellion and maimed by Ras Hassan. Born February 23rd, 1977. Adopted son of Taytu.
Description/IntroductionRoyal Retainers-
Mvuli Tansi. Captain of the Imperial Guard. Hero of the Katanga Rebellion, where he lead the Lost Battalion through enemy territory. Lost his eye to Caleb Banks, a rogue Mormon Missionary. Lost his leg to a Gorilla.
Tilu Gidada. Yaqob's personnel assistant. Young college kid.
Dr. Malcom Orji. Elani's Dementia Doctor. Student of Doctor Babukar Sisi.
Description/IntroductionThe Government-
Akanni Themba. Prime Minister of Ethiopia. Ambassador of Ethiopia to China from 1971 to 1973.
Werkenesh. Akanni's wife.
Nassor Chitundu. Adviser for Domestic Affairs to the Emperor. Old Katangan dude and pretty black.
Fitawrari Iregi. Die hard democrat, leader of opposition in Senate. Egotist.
James Lutalo. Aging Kenyan Adventurer. Leader of the Wakomunisti (Communists) in Africa.
Ras Goliad. Governor of Hararghe and remnant of the traditional Ras nobility of Ethiopia. Likes guns and hyenas.
Description/IntroductionDiplomats and Foreign Relations Personal.-
Ita Thabiti. Assistant Adviser for Foreign Affairs. Close friend and right hand of Princess Taytu.
Fulumirani Digane. Ambassador to China. Somewhat relaxed, if not entirely dull man.
Jean Thaba. Fulumirani's assistant. Has a rusty voice, whatever that means.
Tomas Haile. Ambassador to the United States. Elderly war veteran. Distant cousin of Yaqob.
Description/IntroductionEthiopian Military-
Ras Hassan Yusuf al-Soomaaliyeed. Commander of the Pan-African Armed Forces. Father of the Empress and grandfather of Lij Tewodros.
Description/Introduction Art-
Ras Rais. Commander of the Pan-African Army.
General Idrissa. Commander of the 4th Sefari. Given command of the Western Theater during the Spanish-Abyssinian War of 1980. Famous for his participation during the Battle of Taif.
Description/Introduction. Art--
Quartermaster Daud Quartermaster. Small, balding, Arabic man.
Fitawrari Bucephelus L. Scott. Commander of the First International Sefari. African American. Has Van-Dyke beard and Black kepi.
Description/Introduction--The Army is Divided into "Sefari".
---1st Sefari. Stationed in Gondar. Commanded by General Ojore Sentwala.
---2nd Sefari. Stationed in Chad. Commanded by Ras Zayed.
---3rd Sefari. Stationed in Katanga. Commanded by General Biniam.
---4th Sefari. Stationed in Swahililand. Commanded by General Idrissa, the hero of Ta'if.
---5th Sefari. Stationed in Chari near the border with Spain. Commanded by General Motogusinile
---6th Sefari. Stationed in Sudan near the border with Egypt. Commanded by General Fergessa.
---7th Sefari. Stationed in Hejaz in order to keep the peace. Commanded by General Peyisai.
----Colonel Ashenafi: Aide to Peyisai.
Description/Introduction---8th Sefari. Stationed at the mouth of the Congo. Commanded by General Chisulo Iskinder.
---1st International Sefari AKA the 'Andalusia Sefari'. Commanded by Fitawrari Bucephelus L. Scott.
Description/Introduction----Bill Vipperman. Appalachian Socialist, uneducated ideas about race. Otherwise decent fellow
Description/Introduction----Major Adcox. A British-born colored man of Caribbean heritage.
Description/Introduction-Walinzi: The Intelligence, Special Forces, and Investigative office of the Pan-African nation. Commanded by Hakim Mossadeq.
Commander Mossadeq:
(Assistant Director Amare Debir): Former head of the Caucasian mission. Served undercover as the Ambassador to Armenia. Played a part in engineering the false-flag bombing of the Ethiopian embassy. Went into hiding, came out of hiding to arrest Sahle, where he was shot by Aaliyah. Deceased.
Leyla Masri. Assassinated the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire by changing his heart medication and seducing him.
Description/Introduction Art---
Elias Zelalem. Leyla's Walinzi partner.
Description/Introduction ArtLeyla's Entourage-
Barentu. A large Oromo soldier. Sad man.
Junedin. Elderly priest. A tiny bit rapey.
Heruy. Young, serious soldier. Feels angry at the world and shows it.
Description/IntroductionSahle's Russia-
Vasily Nizamutdinov. From Russia. Former-bouncer at the "Dead Man's Den." in Sevan, Armenia.
Colonel Lazar Sorokin. Commander of Volgograd forces stationed in Astrakhan. Cautious, and bibulous.
Regina Romanov. Nine year old Tsarina of Russia disguised as Sorokin's daughter. Owns a creepy horse doll.
Radmila. Regina's teacher. Has a crush on Sahle.
Uliana. Sniper woman in Regina's guard.
General Oleksandr Rykov. Elderly leader of Volgograd. Nice, clever, royalist.
Gleb Apostol. Hetman of Zaporozhian Cossacks. Clever, outgoing, fun-loving military genius
Semen Hertsyk. Hetman of Don Host. Well educated military man, takes himself seriously.
Ihor Iosifovich. Hetman of Kuban Cossacks. Short, terse, aggressive. Son of Koba.
Oleg Yushchenko. Hetman of Sochi Cossacks. A tea plantationer who has no military experience.
Andrei Yaroslav. Former President of the Ukraine, now leads resistance to the Poles.
Description/Introduction Sahle's Acquaintances as Samel.-
Aaliyah. Sahle's Ex-Girlfriend. Maimed in Cairo by Stanley Barnham.
Yared. Krar Player, played in band with Sahle.
Marc. Cornet, Trumpet, and Saxophone player. Known for ability to procure narcotics.
Stanley Barnham. Known as the "Sheikh of Cairo." Oil-rich man who overseas the nightlife in Egypt. Stabbed Aaliyah in eye after disagreement, shot by the witless entertainer Bozo. Survival assumed.
Sanos Horasian. Often called simply "The Old Man." Operates the bar called "The Dead Man's Den."
Oziryan. Armenian Crime Boss in Sevan.
(Vladmira Putin.) Russo-Finnish woman with a flirty disposition and nice tits. Betrayed Sahle to the Po-Po.
Deceased. Description/Introduction Real-World Counterpart.-
Darcho. Shitty Comedian.
Davit. Creepy doll maker who makes masks also.
Deng Wu. Chinese Wushu teacher in Armenia. One of Oziryan's associates.
Description/IntroductionGovernment of the Confederacy of Tanganyika and Mozambique-
Hubertus Majogo. Prime Minister of Tanganyika. Elderly, but lively. Something of a convinced coward.
Adolf Mwashinga. Minister of Foreign Affairs. Sweaty bald guy.
Mukwava Kidude. Perceptive senator. On the Committee for Tribal Affairs. Member of HeHe tribe.
Dr. Rudolf Sumari. Director of Tanganyika's Walinzi.
Joao Salomao. Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Teodato Zucula. Minister of Justice.
Description/IntroductionPeople of Africa-
Dr. Babukar Sisi. Psychologist. Neurosurgeon. Smuggler. Drug Kingpin. Advisor to the Walinzi and Ras Hassan. Secretly a Mad Scientist.
Description/Introduction Art-
Zenon Bie Bwana. Ethnic historian who really likes Carthage, but thinks it was black people. Leads some militia in the Congo.
Priest Zerihun Biruk. Former Priest in charge of watching over the Ark of the Covenant (tabot). Formerly an Exorcist.
Description/Introduction Art-
Priest Paulos. Current Priest in charge of watching over the Ark of the Covenant (tabot). Is part of a group of priests with that charge.
Fulumirani's Unnamed sister in AwasaAlvar Panzano and his Spanish Friends-
Alvar Panzano. Translator in the Spanish Ejercito. Awkward, prone to rage, voyeuristic. Has a psychopathic streak to his personality.
Estefan, Anso, and Tomas Panzano. Alvar's cousins. 26, 20, and 12 respectively.
Cornelio Cortez. Fellow student who Alvar beat up. Has nails-on-chalkboard voice.
Lieutenant Abilio De Oviedo. Commander of the platoon which Alvar Panzano is in. Shouts.
Corporal Cristobal Fonseca. Member of Alvar's platoon. Dislikes Alvar and thinks he is a pervert.
Colonel Honorato Inigo de Loiola: Basque officer; aggressive, overconfident, haughty.
Description/IntroductionOther Assorted Foreigners-Ma Jingsong: Chinese Congressman and unofficial leader of the pro-African faction in their government
Description/IntroductionPeople in the Past-Iyasu V: Former Emperor of Ethiopia.
Description/Introduction. Real-World Counterpart.--Faaiso: Iyasu's materialistic concubine. Yohannes' mother and Yaqob, Sahle, and Taytu's grandmother.
Description/Introduction.-Zewditu: Declared Empress by the 1916 rebels, but was deposed and put under house arrest.
Real-World Counterpart.-Ras Tefari: Rebel noble who failed to depose Iyasu V in 1916. Fled and disappeared.
Real-World Counterpart.-Negus Mikael of Wollo: Negus of the North from the start of Iyasu's reign until his death. Iyasu's father, Yohannes' grandfather, Yaqob/Sahle/Taytu's great grandfather.
Description/Introduction. Real-World Counterpart.-Johan Bruno Freiherr von Schnitzler: German Baron and advisor to Iyasu V during the first part of the Great War. Died in Kenya in 1921.
Descrpition/Introduction.-Mansuur ibn Ra'd: Hassan's grandfather.
-Yusuf ibn Mansuur al-Soomaaliyeed: Hassan's father.
-Ras Gugsa Welle: Noble who joined rebellion in 1916 and died at Dire Dawa in 1917.
Description/Introduction. Real-World Counterpart.-
The Rebel Rases at Debre Damos (1952 Civil War)--Ras Guggsa
--Ras Eba Gugsa
(1917 mention)--Ras Aron
--Ras Petros-Menas
-Baruti: Sahle's former personal assistant.
Description/Introduction-Vince Reynard: BP Liason and former Prime Minister of Ethiopia.
Description/Introduction--Emily Reynard: Vince's Daughter, born ~1959.
Description/Introduction-Dumaka Amiri: Former Prime Minister of Ethiopia.
Description/Introduction-Adila Minkah: Former Judicial Adviser to the Ethiopian Empire.
Description/Introduction-Edmund Glaise-Horstenau: Austrian official from WW1 who wrote a history of the war.
Description/Introduction. Real-World Counterpart.NAMING CONVENTION"Ethiopians do not use surnames. The same system is used by both Christians and Muslims. An individual's name consists of his proper name followed by his father's name. Individuals are, there-fore, normally referred to by their proper (i.e. first) name. Both the proper name and the father's name may have two components; thus a name may consist of three or four words. In addition secular or religious titles may be added to one or both names. (See glossary for titles). Many Ethiopian names are, in effect, phrases. Wives do not take their husbands' names. Three courtesy titles are used in Ethiopia: Ato (Mr), Woizero (Mrs), and Woizerit (Miss)." (citation: "Layers of Time: A History of Ethiopia" by Paul B. Henze)
GLOSSARYPrecipice Specific Terms or Phrases (AKA shit I made up).-
Walinzi: Name for national intelligence and policing agencies in Pan-African nations. Means "Guard" in Swahili.
Ethiopian Terms and Titles.-
Abba: Father
Abbay: Blue Nile
Abun/Abune: Head of the Ethiopian Tewahedo Church, which is a branch-off of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
Adarash: Meeting hall.
Afe-Negus: "Mouth of the King." The Royal Spokesman.
Aleqa: Chief or head.
Alga: Bed, wooden framed and sprung with a lattice of leather straps. Also can mean 'throne'.
Amba: A flat-topped mountain, typically surrounded by cliffs so it is hard to reach. Traditionally the site of fortifications or monasteries.
Amole: Salt bar.
Arbanya: Partisan/Patriot.
Azmari: A bard. Uses a single-stringed fiddle called a
Bahr/Bahir: Sea or Lake.
Belg: The short rainy season in March and April.
Bet: House.
Birr: Silver. Basic unit of currency (like 'dollar' or 'euro').
bisi: "Man of." Example: "Eon bisi Anaaph" means "Eon of Anaaph"
Bitwedded/Bitwoded: Court title that means "Favorite." Used as a qualifier for an official title like Ras.
Buda: A person who possesses the ability of the evil eye. Buda are believed to be able to turn into a Werehyena, allowing them to attack without revealing their true identity. Believed to be common among metalworkers and jews.
Buna: Coffee
Debtera: A non-ordained traveling religious person within the Ethiopian church. Responsible for impromptu acts of worship, the making of herbal remedies, the exorcising of evil spirits, and spell-binding.
Dejazmach: "Commander of the Gate". Traditionally a feudal title comparable to count. The Pan-African state uses it as the official title of the commander and of a nations armed forces (unless the honorific 'Ras' is already conferred.)
Doomfata: The recital of heroic deeds.
Enset: False banana. A popular crop in Ethioia.
Eqabet: Treasury.
Falasha: Jew.
Ferengi: Foreigner. A loan-word from the Arabic for "
Fitawrari: "Commander of the Vanguard". Traditionally a feudal title comparable to Baron. In Pan-African Ethiopia, it is simply an honorific with no property or special rights attached.
Gabi: A four-layered chiffon cloth worn around the shoulders similar to a toga. Similar to the Shamma.
Gadla: Chronicle.
Genet: Paradise.
Gesho: Leaf used as a fermenting agent.
Giraf: Whip made from hippo hide.
Godjo: A Tigrayan hut. Round, often built with stone, and with a thatched roof held up by a pole in the middle.
Gra: Left.
Grazmach "Leader of the Left". Traditional feudal title just below "Dejazmach." Extinct in Pan-African Ethiopia.
Gugs or Feres Gugs: An Ethiopian equine sport. Similar to jousting, but with multiple teams going at once in formation.
Habesh: The collective name for the peoples of the Ethiopian highlands. This is the origin of the old term 'Abyssinia'.
Habesha Kemis: Woman's dress.
Hakim: Doctor.
Hizb: People.
Ika-bet: "Thing House." A church treasury.
Injera: A spongy sourdough flat-bread most often made from teff flour. A staple in Ethiopian eating.
Itege: Queen-Consort (Azima would be
Itege, though I use the term Queen for clarity.)
Kebbero: Large church drum.
Kebre Negest: "The Glory of Kings." A royal charter tracing the origins of the Ethiopian Royal line in biblical history.
Kegnazmach: "Leader of the Right." Traditional feudal title just below "Dejazmach." Extinct in Pan-African Ethiopia.
Kentiba: Mayor
Ketema: Fortified camp or town.
Khat/Chat: A type of amphetime-like stimulant that is popular in the horn of Africa. Usually chewed.
Kiddus: Saint or holy man.
Kitab: An amulet that consists of a little pouch, inside of which is a rolled up piece of parchment with a magic spell written on it. Worn around the neck to defend against evil spirits.
Koso: A herbal purgative used in poor, rural parts of Ethiopia to purge intestinal worms.
Kuta: A two-layered chiffon cloth worn over the shoulders. Similar to a Shama. Worn by men.
Leul: Prince.
Lij: "Child". Used as a term for noble boys.
Liquamaquas: Personal aide, alter ego.
Lisan: Language.
Mekdes: Sanctuary of a church in which the tabot resides.
Meridazmach: Reserve Commander or Chief of Staff. Title extinct in Pan-African Ethiopia.
Merikani: White cotton cloth.
Mesob: Flat-topped basket which is used as a table for injera and injera-based meals.
Neftanya: Rifleman, settler.
Negarit: War drum.
Negus: King.
Negusa Negast: "King of Kings." Title conferred to an Ethiopian Emperor. Yaqob is Negusa Negast.
Netela: Two-layered chiffon cloth worn by women. Similar to Kuta. Covers head and shoulders.
Nug: Niger flower, safflower.
Orit: Old Testament.
Quanqua: Language.
Ras: "Head." A position similar to duke conferred on a Negus's top generals. Many Rases throughout history held power almost equal to that of a Negus. In Pan-Africa, this title is conferred on the most trusted and privileged men of Ethiopian society. This includes generals like Ras Hassan and Ras Rais, and political figures like Ras Goliad.
Samena Worq: Wax and gold.
Shaleqa: Major (military title.)
Shamma: A large cotton shawl that is common in Ethiopia.
Shengo: Assembly, Parliament.
Shifta: "Bandit." Used as a catch all term for any outlaw, rebel, or vigilante. Think gunslinger in the old west.
Shotel: A curved sword similar to a scimitar. Unlike a scimitar, it is most often sharpened on the inside of the curve
Shumshir: Shifting of official titles. Shuffle.
Tabib: A craftsman, or a witch. The term mixes the Ethiopian stereotypes for Jews. Tabib are said to possess the ability of the evil eye, and are often seen as
Tabot: A representation of the Ark of the Covenant. A church is not considered a church if it does not have a tabot. (I use the term for the Ark itself, though i'm not quite sure that is accurate).
Talla: Home-brewed beer.
Tankwa: Papyrus boat.
Tarik: History.
Teff: A type of grain that grows in the Ethiopian highlands.
Tej: Mead.
Tella Bet: Beer House.
Tezkar: Memorial service held at specific intervals after death.
Timtim: White turban worn by priests.
Timqat: Baptism.
Tor: Spear. Also can mean war.
Tsadkan: "Righteous ones".
Wat: A spiced stew of curry. Usually eaten by soaking it up with Injera.
Weyzero: Mrs.
Worq: Gold.
Zemecha: Campaign.
Ethiopian Phrases-
Abet: A greeting call, used to attract attention, or to acknowledge such a call.
Ato: Mister.
Ayzore!: Be strong! Call of encouragement that can be used in battle, travel, or work.
Isshi: Okay.
Jan Hoi: Your Majesty.
Afar Terms and Phrases-
Gile: Knife worn by Afar men. Used primarily to slaughter livestock.
RP Introduction. Sahle dreams and arrives in Armenia.2:
Imperial Women explore Addis Ababa, Parade celebrating defeat of Ottomans.3:
Sahle arrives in Sevan, is hired at the Dead Man's Drink.4:
Party at Imperial Residence. Taytu mingles.5:
Sahle does LSD before a show. There is an attempted shooting.6:
Sisi reflects on Malta, Addis Ababa, and crazy brain stuff.7:
Elani is senile. That sucks.8:
Taytu gets drunk and talks about Egypt and threat of war with Spain9:
Sahle reunited with Aaliyah after shooting.10:
Hassan daydreams, watches gasmask fashion show, talks to Yaqob about tactics and movies.11:
Sisi visits Hejaz, watches a very complicated headache. Walinzi afraid Spain will learn of it.12:
Leyla and Elias ride the ENS Aksum to Port Fuad. Details of the Sultan's death.13:
Leyla and Elias do some actions in Port Said/Fuad.14:
Sahle is introduced to Oziryan, gets some primo shit.15:
The Spanish fire on Port Said, Ethiopians counter. Yaqob talks to people, meets a priest.16:
Fulumirani and Hou talk shop. Beijing is bein' purty. Also, damn fine coffee.17:
Aaliyah gets a new face. Sahle has a crush. Leyla and Elias have some night action.18:
Sisi writes. Leyla gets a cement liver.19:
Rais prepares Ethiopia's defenses. Leyla visits the egyptian spring for wounded chicks20:
Royal family sent to China. Yaqob sad :( Also, Yaqob gives speech.21:
Royal Plane intercepted near Socotra22:
Sahle pisses himself, gets recruited as a mule.23:
Yaqob, Hassan, and company hang out in the War Room. Zenon the Pan-Africanist is first mentioned.24:
Yaqob meets Zenon the Africa Guy. They talk burning Spanish oil. Yaqob finds out family lost in plane crash.25:
Taytu flies to Tanganyika and arrested for being herself.26:
Azima wakes up on Socotra, makes sure the reader knows her son's name.28:
Leyla leads survivors of Suez in Egyptian raid. Gets derailed by sodomy.29:
The Addis Ababa Post. The Senate closes its doors. Yaqob sad =(30:
Azima has dinner on Socotra. The Elder shows her paintings and pontificates.31:
(GOOGER POST) Battle of Djibouti Night 1.32:
Post with Aaron. Azima carpools with Chinese and leaves Socotra.33:
Sahle dreams of horses. He doesn't like his girlfriends face so he does more drugs34:
The Tanganyika Mozambique post. Taytu is put on trial. She discovers her family is dead, then she discovers they are not dead.35:
Yaqob goes to Church, does work in Addis Ababa, creates a foreign military unit. God talk and the Caesar play.36:
The Battle of Djibouti comes to a close. Shifta details.37:
Sahle plays hawt nekkid chess. Goes on binge with Marc, finds cow, gets laid, wrecks car.38:
Azima arrives in Beijing, meets Hou.39:
Sisi shows off some miners, pontificates again.40:
Leyla travels through egypt, meets jesus freaks.41:
Hassan visits Harar, meets with Ras Goliad, checks out his guns.42:
Sahle's secret identity as Sahle is revealed. Sevan done.43:
Sahle Flashback 1974. Sahle travels to Russia 1980.44:
Akanni talks to Thabiti in Gondar. Lutalo founds 'Revolution-Town'.45:
Iyasu Flashback in Dire Dawa. Hassan orders Idrissa and Rais, prepares for the Battle of Dire Dawa.46:
Sahle arrives in Astrakhan. Meets Regina and Sorokin. Is totally freaking out.47:
Introduction to Alvar Panzano. Spanish march in the Danakil.48:
Sahle rides toward Volgograd. Discovers the identity of the Tsarina.49:
Taytu hangs out at old man house, nearly gets kidnapped back by her nation.50:
GOOGER POST. The Opening to the Battle of Dire Dawa.51:
Yaqob watches gugs, gets depressed, sees war, talks to people.52:
The Volgograd Post. Sahle plays strip-target practice, meets Russians.53:
Azima reads her mail, has a chat with some Chinese.54:
Shootout at the Valley of the Kings. Leyla wounded again.55:
Alvar experiences Dire Dawa.56:
Buck Scott experiences Dire Dawa. End of the battle.57:
All hail Regina! First of her name. Tsarina of the Russians, and the White Russians, and the Sibirs. Long may she reign.