Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Cre8tiveP0wer


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Hello fellow Harry Potter fans!

I have been re-reading the books after a VERY long time and have finished the first book and am on Chapter 4 of the second book.

Before we get much further, I would like to go over on myself as a roleplayer and what I am looking for from my potential partners:
1. Please be active.
2. I am ditch friendly.
3. I am looking for literate to advanced writers that can provide at least 2+ paragraphs minimum or at least 300 plus words.
4. While I'm not a grammar nazi, I do ask that proper grammar, spelling and punctuation is used; I like to be able to understand what you have taken the time to write for me.
5. I ask that we roleplay over private messages only; NO discord, email, etc.
6. I prefer that my partners be at least 21+ in age, for I am 31 myself and find it awkward writing with the younger folk, sorry.
7. I ONLY write M/F gender-paired romances.
8. Romantic content MUST be kept at the PG13 level.
9. I have no problems / issues with including dark subject matters, so if you have any triggers, please don't be afraid to say so.
10. I ask that third person be used during roleplay; first is awkward for me.
11. Absolutely NO controlling my characters without my permission first. BIG NO, NO for me.
12. I am someone who lives in the Central Daylight Time Zone so please try and keep that in mind if interested in writing with me.

It's another year at Hogwarts. But it's not just any year...No...This year, the famed Harry Potter will be attending and it's his first year there. For eleven-year-old Harry Potter and others, danger seems to lurk around every corner, and despite things, not everyone seems to a fan of Mr. Potter whom lives on number four Privet Drive with the Dursleys. How will things go for Harry Potter and others during their first years at Hogwarts? Only time seems to be able to tell...

Scroll v DOWN v for my character sheets:

I am looking to write as BOTH of my OC's.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Cre8tiveP0wer


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Katelyn (Kate) LeAnne Whims
Age: 11
Birthday: October 31st
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers, Witch
Skin: White
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Green
Height: 4' 8"
Weight: 98LBS

Lineage: Half-Vampire, Half-Human
Vampire Mother (Deceased)
Wizard Father (Deceased)

Personality: Quiet, Intelligent, Loner, Introvert

Favorite Color: Green

Personal Story: Lord Voldemort destroyed Katelyn's mother and father, having refused to serve him. Ever since then Katelyn has lived with different Muggle families, finding herself outcasted and feared, especially whenever strange things happen around her. She is eventually admitted to Hogwarts, where Professor Snape takes her under his wing, making her a blood potion to drink whenever she finds herself craving blood.

House: Slytherin

Romantic Interest: Draco Malfoy

Pet: Great Horned Owl
Name: Talon

Quidditch Player? YES
Position: Beater
Broom Sent to by Lucius Malfoy:

Favorite / Best Classes: Dark Arts, Potions, Flying, Transfiguration
Elective Classes: Apparition, Dueling
Least Favorite / Worst Classes: Charms, Divination, Herbology


Wood: Bloodwood
Bloodwood is a very tropical red wood that is very good for quick reaction, making it a perfect dueling wand. The bloodwood is an excellent stirrer for potions as well. This wand wood is best known for allying itself to dark wizards who perform the dark arts as well as vampires. Bloodwood wands are known for having a dark side.

Core: Vampire Fang
Vampire fangs are a very versatile wand core and can be either Dark or Light. The vampire fang has no certain divinity and will choose what its owner chooses as it is a very loyal bond. This core works well with Charms, and Divinations. Often this wand is exceptional for potion stirring.

Flexibility: Solid

Length: 9 1/2 Inches

PATRONOUS: Scops Owl, Unusual (One-of-a-Kind, Unique, Introvert)
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Cre8tiveP0wer


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Venessa Marie Jones
Age: 12
Birthday: September 20th
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers, Witch
Skin: Soft White
Hair: Pale Blonde
Eyes: Gray
Height: 4' 6"
Weight: 95LBS

Lineage: Half-Blood
Muggle Mother (Living)
Wizard Father (Living)
Muggle Brother (Living)

Personality: Genius IQ, Observant, Quick Learner, Kind, Honest

Favorite Color: Purple

Personal Story: Venessa lives happily with her family. It was discovered she was a Witch when they were painting Easter eggs together and one that she touched turned to solid gold. After receiving her letter from Hogwarts, she and her father get her needed items for the new school year. Her brother (age 11) is often jealous of her sister being a Witch and it causes friction between them. She and her father are often playing Wizard's Chess and practicing Dueling, with Venessa often times being at least two steps ahead and winning. She is also one of the top Wizard's Chess players in Brittan, competing in leagues.

House: Ravenclaw

Romantic Interest: Harry Potter

Pet: Male Gray Cat w/ Blue Eyes
Name: Blue

Quidditch Player? NO

Favorite / Best Classes: Astronomy, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, History of Magic, Transfiguration
Elective Classes: Apparition, Arithmancy, Dueling, Study of Ancient Ruins, Muggle Music (Plays Violin)
Least Favorite / Worst Classes: Dark Arts, Potions


Wood: Purpleheart
Purepleheart is one of the uncommon exotic woods with healing properties. Purpleheart is one exotic wood that should be introduced to a very bright wizard who excels in academics. Purpleheart is a hard wood to control and will often backfire on those who are known strong enough to wield it. Intelligence is key with purpleheart as it is not a very susceptible wand wood and does not take lightly to those who do not know how to use it to its potential. Purepleheart is a purple-brown wood that compliments itself with various shades.

Core: Unicorn Hair
Unicorn hair generally produces the most consistent magic, and is least subject to fluctuations and blockages. Wands with unicorn cores are generally the most difficult to turn to the Dark Arts. They are the most faithful of all wands, and usually remain strongly attached to their first owner, irrespective of whether he or she was an accomplished witch or wizard. Minor disadvantages of unicorn hair are that they do not make the most powerful wands (although the wand wood may compensate) and that they are prone to melancholy if seriously mishandled, meaning that the hair may 'die' and need replacing.

Flexibility: Slightly Swishy

Length: 12 ½ Inches

PATRONOUS: Marsh Harrier (Highly Intelligent, Witty)
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Cre8tiveP0wer


Member Seen 1 yr ago

This character is based off my real life personality.


Age: 11
Birthday: September 27th
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers, Witch
Skin: White
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Height: 4' 6"
Weight: 95LBS

Lineage: Muggle Born
Muggle Mother (Living)
Muggle Father (Living)

Personality: Quiet, Shy, Modest, Punctual, Creative, Naturally Charming, Kind, Honest, Well-Liked, Animal Lover

Personal Story: Dawn lives a quiet life with her mother and father. She's never really fit in at any public school that teaches muggle academics. At muggle schools she is a loner and doesn't fit in with anybody. She is outcast and often finds that strange things happen around her that she can't explain. Especially when she becomes saddened or emotionally distraught. She has strong instincts about people and often has visions of the future. Dawn can't tell anyone about all of this and often finds herself misunderstood and feared amongst muggle students.
When accepted at Hogwarts, she finds that she fits in much more easily and is more readily liked and accepted and finds herself happiest when at Hogwarts.

Abilities: The Sight / Seer, Empathic

Favorite Color(s): Purple, Violet, Red, Teal

House: Hufflepuff

Romantic Interest: Unknown

Pet: Female Tabby Cat
Name: Tabitha

Quidditch Player? NO

Favorite / Best Classes: Astronomy, Charms, D.A.D.A, History of Magic, Transfiguration
Elective Classes: Apparition, Divination
Least Favorite / Worst Classes: Dark Arts, Flying, Potions


Wood: Applewood
Applewood wands were powerful and best suited to an owner of high aims and ideals, as this wood mixed poorly with Dark Arts. It was said that the possessor of an apple wand would be well-loved and long-lived, Garrick Ollivander often met customers of great personal charm who found their perfect match in an applewood wand.

Core: Vampire Fang
A vampire fang core is mostly handed down from previous owners of such wands. Vampire fangs are a very versatile wand core and can be either Dark or Light. The vampire fang has no certain divinity and will choose what its owner chooses as it is a very loyal bond. This core works well with Charms, and Divinations. Often this wand is exceptional for potion stirring.

Flexibility: Rigid

Length: 10 Inches

Patronus: Black Swan > Very Uncommon (Protective, Loyal, Loving, Empathic, Caring)
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Cre8tiveP0wer


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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 10 mos ago

I'll start with Volkir again. Maybe add the other in at a later time. I'm ready to have another go at this when you are. Are you till planning to have her be with Mafloy??
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Cre8tiveP0wer


Member Seen 1 yr ago

@ xXSINXx:

Glad to see you back!

Sent to you a PM.

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