Hidden 1 yr ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 21 days ago

The Cosmic Crystal is a fourth dimensional construct that anchors the Spacetime Continuum and connects the End of Time with the Beginning of Time in the Eternal Loop. That was, of course, until the Timebreaker Wars, wherein gods from many different pantheons battled each other for control of the Crystal. The sheer ferocity of the conflict severely weakened the fabric of the Continuum over repeated cycles, until the entire timeline collapsed in on itself like a massive quantum black hole. The immense pressure of the implosion rendered the Cosmic Crystal unstable, and it exploded with such magnitude that reality itself was distorted and shattered.

The Spacetime Continuum began to heal itself, but since the Cosmic Crystal was now scattered into many different Quantum Shards, the Eternal Loop was forever broken. Instead of one unified timeline, there were now thousands, branching off into endless possibilities. And in some of these new timelines, the Quantum Shards bonded with hosts, marking them as Avatars of the Cosmic Crystal and instilling in them a deep-seeded desire to travel the Multiverse and unite with other Avatars to eventually reform the Crystal.

So, your characters are Avatars, and you can customize the timelines they are from however you want. Alternate pasts, alternate presents, alternate futures, whatever. Create to your heart's content. That goes for abilities, too. Consider this a power fantasy playground where we all play OP characters who are basically gods. Any time we have combat stuff, I'll just throw swarms of enemies at the characters and then we can just have fun. To give you an idea of how tough the various adversaries should be, we'll say pushovers and minions are C-Tier, somewhat capable opponents are B-Tier, mini-boss-type enemies are A-Tier, and formidable threats are S-Tier.

C-Tiers and B-Tiers require minimal effort to defeat, A-Tiers are a bit harder but shouldn't be too much of a struggle, and S-Tiers are quite powerful and dangerous if they're not handled strategically. That will give you an idea how to write out your battle scenes.

As for the initial plot, we'll say that each character has just discovered the Quantum Shard in their timeline and bonded with it, and they are then teleported to what is left of the floating island Celestia. This used to be a beautiful whitestone palace surrounding by a sprawling garden and sitting amidst a sea of multicolored cosmic energy, and the Holding Chamber inside the main tower housed the Cosmic Crystal. But now everything is shattered and rotting and covered in black vines, and as the Avatars gradually collect more Quantum Shards from across the Multiverse, Celestia will begin to heal and rebuild itself. As for how we get the Shards, we'll say that all the S-Tier enemies we face are fellow Avatars who became corrupted by their Shards and turned into Void Demons. So, we seek out Void Demons and their minions, defeat them, retrieve the Quantum Shards, and return them to the Holding Chamber to gradually reform the Cosmic Crystal.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by ANYM


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Tentative interest since I've got more than a few RPs going at the moment. But when you say gods, exactly what level of power are you thinking of? And what kind of god? Cause when I hear both I tend to think of entities that are close to if not omnipotent, or extremely abstract and esoteric/Lovecraftian, and that usually doesn't bode well for the narrative.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 21 days ago

Tentative interest since I've got more than a few RPs going at the moment. But when you say gods, exactly what level of power are you thinking of? And what kind of god? Cause when I hear both I tend to think of entities that are close to if not omnipotent, or extremely abstract and esoteric, and that usually doesn't bode well for the narrative.

I don't mean gods in the sense of "beings who can effortlessly rewrite any and all aspects of reality with a single thought," but more like those you would find in D&D pantheons or say Greek Mythology. Take the Timebreaker Wars, for instance. That was a battle fought between many different pantheons, so you can imagine hundreds of gods all fighting each other.

Here is a good video from Matt Mercer of Critical Role that details the types of gods I'm envisioning having fought in the Timebreaker Wars:

However, for our characters, when I said "basically gods," that was more of a reference to them being OP, not them being literal gods like the ones who fought and died in the Timebreaker Wars. Our characters were just normal mortals at first, and then once they bond with their Quantum Shards, they begin to develop god-like powers, such as perhaps elemental abilities or healing or light/gravity/shadow/whatever, but they are still technically mortals. I will probably play two Avatars, one who has a powerset similar to Blue Marvel from Marvel Comics and one is akin to an OP Sith Lord.

What powers do you think you'd like to use?
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by ANYM


Member Seen 2 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Havoccultist>

I don't mean gods in the sense of "beings who can effortlessly rewrite any and all aspects of reality with a single thought," but more like those you would find in D&D pantheons or say Greek Mythology. Take the Timebreaker Wars, for instance. That was a battle fought between many different pantheons, so you can imagine hundreds of gods all fighting each other.

Here is a good video from Matt Mercer of Critical Role that details the types of gods I'm envisioning having fought in the Timebreaker Wars:

However, for our characters, when I said "basically gods," that was more of a reference to them being OP, not them being literal gods like the ones who fought and died in the Timebreaker Wars. Our characters were just normal mortals at first, and then once they bond with their Quantum Shards, they begin to develop god-like powers, such as perhaps elemental abilities or healing or light/gravity/shadow/whatever, but they are still technically mortals. I will probably play two Avatars, one who has a powerset similar to Blue Marvel from Marvel Comics and one is akin to an OP Sith Lord.

What powers do you think you'd like to use?

I see. Probably something time related, precognition and general temporal manipulation, since I have a character arc idea where a future version of my character from an alternate timeline intentionally corrupted the Quantum Shard they had to become a Void Demon, as they seek to stop the mending of the crystal to preserve not only their own power and/or existence, but also to keep what they see as the loop within a loop from repeating. I.E. to keep the crystal from being reforged just so another group of gods or beings, be that the Avatars or whoever else, can go to war over and shatter it again. This antagonistic future version of my character would also seek to maintain the status quo as it currently is, believing that all the realities which presently exist thanks to the shattering will be erased or destroyed or irreparably damaged if merged back into a single timeline.

And that's not a risk they're willing to take.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 21 days ago

<Snipped quote by CaptainManbeard>

I see. Probably something time related, precognition and general temporal manipulation, since I have a character arc idea where a future version of my character from an alternate timeline intentionally corrupted the Quantum Shard they had to become a Void Demon, as they seek to stop the mending of the crystal to preserve not only their own power and/or existence, but also to keep what they see as the loop within a loop from repeating. I.E. to keep the crystal from being reforged just so another group of gods or beings, be that the Avatars or whoever else, can go to war over and shatter it again. This antagonistic future version of my character would also seek to maintain the status quo as it currently is, believing that all the realities which presently exist thanks to the shattering will be erased or destroyed or irreparably damaged if merged back into a single timeline.

And that's not a risk they're willing to take.

I had a similar idea for my Sith character XD. I was thinking of making them eventually become an evil character, and she is an alternate timeline version of my good character's twin sister. They come from very similar timelines that split off at the moment of a plane crash when they were kids. In the brother's timeline, his sister died, and in the sister's timeline, her brother died. He managed to grieve and then recover, but she still harbors a lot of emotional trauma from that day and gradually becomes resentful of her alternate timeline brother for him not having been as miserable as her after losing his twin. Not only that, in his timeline, their parents had another daughter, while in her timeline, their parents divorced and then eventually died in a car crash while they were arguing. She begins to feel betrayed that the other version of her family had such a happy life without her and that sparks the gradual corruption of her Quantum Shard.

As for your idea for time powers, I'd be curious to see just how far you wanted to take them. Since the Cosmic Crystal is a fourth dimensional construct, and by extension the Quantum Shards, I'd imagine any temporal-shifting abilities would not directly effect anyone who also had a Shard. But it could effect the environment around them. As for the future version of your character, I'd imagine their Shard would be a different one than the past version, since it seems unlikely that a fourth dimensional object could go back in time and co-exist with a past version of itself. Instead, it could be that his timeline was ripped in two as well, with a different Shard going to each half and finding him in both timelines.

I have to head to work now, but we can discuss it more later. I'm excited!
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by ANYM


Member Seen 2 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Havoccultist>

I had a similar idea for my Sith character XD. I was thinking of making them eventually become an evil character, and she is an alternate timeline version of my good character's twin sister. They come from very similar timelines that split off at the moment of a plane crash when they were kids. In the brother's timeline, his sister died, and in the sister's timeline, her brother died. He managed to grieve and then recover, but she still harbors a lot of emotional trauma from that day and gradually becomes resentful of her alternate timeline brother for him not having been as miserable as her after losing his twin. Not only that, in his timeline, their parents had another daughter, while in her timeline, their parents divorced and then eventually died in a car crash while they were arguing. She begins to feel betrayed that the other version of her family had such a happy life without her and that sparks the gradual corruption of her Quantum Shard.

As for your idea for time powers, I'd be curious to see just how far you wanted to take them. Since the Cosmic Crystal is a fourth dimensional construct, and by extension the Quantum Shards, I'd imagine any temporal-shifting abilities would not directly effect anyone who also had a Shard. But it could effect the environment around them. As for the future version of your character, I'd imagine their Shard would be a different one than the past version, since it seems unlikely that a fourth dimensional object could go back in time and co-exist with a past version of itself. Instead, it could be that his timeline was ripped in two as well, with a different Shard going to each half and finding him in both timelines.

I have to head to work now, but we can discuss it more later. I'm excited!

I don't see any causal conflicts since alternate timeline versions are not the same as direct future versions of the prime individual. The way I see it, this future version comes from a parallel reality/alternate timeline, but in its future, and goes back in time/hops from timeline to timeline in order to stop or counteract their 'prime' self and alternate selves. As opposed to coming directly back from the 'prime timeline's' future, which even if we did allow an interaction would ultimately result in either a Grandfather Paradox or a very deterministic fate. Since killing or defeating one's future self doesn't mean that you won't eventually become them, then go back to start the cycle all over again.

To give an example (albeit a poorly thought out one), see InFAMOUS. Specifically Kessler, who is simply an alternate version of Cole from the future. In particular, a future where the Beast went on a rampage and he lost everything, a series of events that sparked his desire to go back and interfere in the first place. Besides the mechanics of causality, I think time powers working as you describe is fine. Even if one time travels and makes changes, assuming no branching realities where that change succeeded are created and the timeline one is currently in is altered instead, those with Quantum Shards will remain aware and unaffected by such changes.

Since our character concepts are so similar, however, I might just go the straight villain angle and nix the prime part beyond said character wanting to gather more power to prevent their alternate selves from reforging the crystal, keep the current realities as they are, prevent the inevitability of the next loop, etc.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 21 days ago

<Snipped quote by CaptainManbeard>

I don't see any causal conflicts since alternate timeline versions are not the same as direct future versions of the prime individual. The way I see it, this future version comes from a parallel reality/alternate timeline, but in its future, and goes back in time/hops from timeline to timeline in order to stop or counteract their 'prime' self and alternate selves. As opposed to coming directly back from the 'prime timeline's' future, which even if we did allow an interaction would ultimately result in either a Grandfather Paradox or a very deterministic fate. Since killing or defeating one's future self doesn't mean that you won't eventually become them, then go back to start the cycle all over again.

To give an example (albeit a poorly thought out one), see InFAMOUS. Specifically Kessler, who is simply an alternate version of Cole from the future. In particular, a future where the Beast went on a rampage and he lost everything, a series of events that sparked his desire to go back and interfere in the first place. Besides the mechanics of causality, I think time powers working as you describe is fine. Even if one time travels and makes changes, assuming no branching realities where that change succeeded are created and the timeline one is currently in is altered instead, those with Quantum Shards will remain aware and unaffected by such changes.

Since our character concepts are so similar, however, I might just go the straight villain angle and nix the prime part beyond said character wanting to gather more power to prevent their alternate selves from reforging the crystal, keep the current realities as they are, prevent the inevitability of the next loop, etc.

Oh yes, I think we actually were on the same page after all about your future self idea. I went back and re-read your original post and realized I misread a part. I thought you meant that your evil version came from the future our characters were heading towards, kind of like Alternate Barry/Savitar in the Flash show, but I see now what you meant. So yeah, we can say that there are countless alternate pasts, alternate presents, and alternate futures. Some timelines are farther along than others, and there can be many different eras covered in our adventures.

Like, there could be a timeline where it's still the 1950s but aliens invaded, or a timeline where there's a zombie apocalypse going on, or a timeline where Earth has been destroyed and the remaining humans live on other planets.

And please feel free to continue on with your idea, your evil version and my Sith Lady/Lord could probably team up for a while, though I imagine he would eventually distance himself from her when she veers even farther down the path of evil than him XD. It seems your character still has some semblance of honor and a sense of greater good, but my evil character will eventually devolve into a sadistic bitch LOL.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by ANYM


Member Seen 2 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Havoccultist>

Oh yes, I think we actually were on the same page after all about your future self idea. I went back and re-read your original post and realized I misread a part. I thought you meant that your evil version came from the future our characters were heading towards, kind of like Alternate Barry/Savitar in the Flash show, but I see now what you meant. So yeah, we can say that there are countless alternate pasts, alternate presents, and alternate futures. Some timelines are farther along than others, and there can be many different eras covered in our adventures.

Like, there could be a timeline where it's still the 1950s but aliens invaded, or a timeline where there's a zombie apocalypse going on, or a timeline where Earth has been destroyed and the remaining humans live on other planets.

And please feel free to continue on with your idea, your evil version and my Sith Lady/Lord could probably team up for a while, though I imagine he would eventually distance himself from her when she veers even farther down the path of evil than him XD. It seems your character still has some semblance of honor and a sense of greater good, but my evil character will eventually devolve into a sadistic bitch LOL.

I think I'll play a pure antagonist in this RP, as I'm not sure I have it in me to play both sides of the conflict at the moment. At least not to the degree of making two completely fleshed out versions of the same character. Maybe my character's alternate self could serve as a MacGuffin for a subplot or two before they get axed or something if we really want to include them. Another question I had though concerned the setting. Does it have to be Earth or a version of it? Or, given that it's a multiverse now, could our characters technically come from anywhere provided it's not a fandom/pre-existing fictional setting?
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 21 days ago

<Snipped quote by CaptainManbeard>

I think I'll play a pure antagonist in this RP, as I'm not sure I have it in me to play both sides of the conflict at the moment. At least not to the degree of making two completely fleshed out versions of the same character. Maybe my character's alternate self could serve as a MacGuffin for a subplot or two before they get axed or something if we really want to include them. Another question I had though concerned the setting. Does it have to be Earth or a version of it? Or, given that it's a multiverse now, could our characters technically come from anywhere provided it's not a fandom/pre-existing fictional setting?

Yeah, or if we ever get to a point in the plot where your antagonist character is defeated or killed, you could then bring in a good version of that character from a different timeline who then inherits their Quantum Shard or something.

As to your other question, it's totally fine to come from places other than Earth or Earths that are radically different. For instance, there could be timelines where humans or humanoid life developed on other planets, and timelines where non-human humanoids developed on Earth. There could be Earths similar to the movie Bright, where elves, orcs, fairies, etc exist in modern society.

What did you have in mind?
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by ANYM


Member Seen 2 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Havoccultist>

Yeah, or if we ever get to a point in the plot where your antagonist character is defeated or killed, you could then bring in a good version of that character from a different timeline who then inherits their Quantum Shard or something.

As to your other question, it's totally fine to come from places other than Earth or Earths that are radically different. For instance, there could be timelines where humans or humanoid life developed on other planets, and timelines where non-human humanoids developed on Earth. There could be Earths similar to the movie Bright, where elves, orcs, fairies, etc exist in modern society.

What did you have in mind?

Probably something fantasy themed, but nothing concrete as of yet. I was just curious to know what the scope of the timelines was. How crazy you could get with it, etc.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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<Snipped quote by CaptainManbeard>

Probably something fantasy themed, but nothing concrete as of yet. I was just curious to know what the scope of the timelines was. How crazy you could get with it, etc.

That works. We could say that all the timelines from which the Avatars originate may be at different points along their own flow of time, but the moment they bond with a Quantum Shard, their timeline syncs up with Celestia, which is why they all get teleported there at exactly the same time. So, it would be like one timeline has an Avatar bonding with a Shard in 1951 Earth, while in another timeline, a different Avatar didn't bond with a Shard until 1981. But they both arrive at Celestia at exactly the same time, and from that moment forward, both those timelines are locked with Celestia so that time flows evenly between them, meaning in the two timelines referenced, they will always be 30 years apart even though both are considered "present time" to their respective Avatars. Almost like multiple save files for a game at different points in time but all of them are now running simultaneously.

If you are doing a fantasy-themed world, it could be somewhere in the ancient past, the distant future, or anywhere in between. It only becomes synced with Celestia when your character bonds with the Quantum Shard and is teleported there. Though if you go with temporal powers, perhaps you can rewind time like in Prince of Persia or the Eye of Agamotto, but all Shard-bearers would rewind with you. You mentioned precognition, so that could be the subconscious mind of your future self sending back fragments of memories through the Quantum Shard, and perhaps that's how you begin to realize uniting the Crystal goes against your values. Like, you receive visions of people screaming out as their timelines are erased in the future or something. Now whether those are legitimate visions or doctored manifestations created by some nefarious entity remains to be seen XD.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 21 days ago

Oh, and as for Void Demons and other Quantum Shards not part of our main group of characters, we could say only Avatars who were deemed worthy at the moment of bonding by their Shards were granted access to Celestia. In the case of our "bad guy" characters, they may have been worthy at the moment of bonding, but corrupted their Shards after the fact. Those who bonded with a Shard and were immediately deemed unworthy are the ones who first turned into Void Demons, and thus they never came to Celestia. And in some timelines, there are Shards which never found a host and are just waiting to be collected by the Avatars.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 21 days ago

Showing interest now! I don't have a specific character idea atm but it looks like a fun space to play around with.

I like the ideas of characters forced to see alternate paths they could have taken and seeing how they deal with that.

Similar to Batman in a Batman who laughs series I sort of like the idea of my character being technically more "successful" in doing the right thing (repairing the crystal) but seeing every other version of them self being healthier or happier. Needing to come to terms with the fact that their choice might be wrong for them but right in the grand scheme.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Definitely interested in this. Since we’re allowed to be from alternate time lines, I think I’ll dust off my United States of Atlantis setting. The basic premise comes from the Atlantis Trilogy by Harry Turtledove, about North America breaking in half sometime before humans evolved. The western portion, known as Terra Nova, would be inhabited by tribes crossing the ice bridge from Asia, while the eastern portion, known as Atlantis after the lost city, would remain human free for thousands of years.

Eventually European sailors would find Atlantis, and with no one living there, claim it. Eventually Atlantis would become a haven for those fleeing persecution in Europe and the other continents of the Old World. Atlantis would then become the first modern democracy with the founding of the United States of Atlantis. Quickly, Atlantis and Asia would become the central powers, as they began to produce steampunk technology.

In this time line, it is now the 1910s, and war is breaking out in Europe. Atlantis is divided on whether to intervene, as some politicians call for world peace, while others see it as an opportunity to extend Atlantis’s reach.

My character would be the son on a pro-war politician, currently attending a prestigious university on Atlantis’s east coast. He is something of a tinkerer, dabbling in steampunk technology. After bonding with his crystal shard, he will develop the ability to copy the skills, abilities, and powers of those around him. Think a suped up combination of Sync and Prodigy of the X-Men, if you know Marvel Comics.

So yeah, I’ve put some thought into my character and home time line. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to play him as this does seem really interesting.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by ANYM


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Oh, and as for Void Demons and other Quantum Shards not part of our main group of characters, we could say only Avatars who were deemed worthy at the moment of bonding by their Shards were granted access to Celestia. In the case of our "bad guy" characters, they may have been worthy at the moment of bonding, but corrupted their Shards after the fact. Those who bonded with a Shard and were immediately deemed unworthy are the ones who first turned into Void Demons, and thus they never came to Celestia. And in some timelines, there are Shards which never found a host and are just waiting to be collected by the Avatars.

Well as I said I did intend for this antagonist of mine to have intentionally corrupted his shard. His reasoning being to stop it from making him want to reunite it with the others, and to gain full control of its powers if that's a thing. I don't want him to have gone to Celestia in either case, although I'm not sure that it would be able to deem him unworthy even with his power seeking nature as his intentions are ultimately noble. Even if his methods are not. I could see it barring access after he corrupted it though.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by ANYM


Member Seen 2 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Havoccultist>

That works. We could say that all the timelines from which the Avatars originate may be at different points along their own flow of time, but the moment they bond with a Quantum Shard, their timeline syncs up with Celestia, which is why they all get teleported there at exactly the same time. So, it would be like one timeline has an Avatar bonding with a Shard in 1951 Earth, while in another timeline, a different Avatar didn't bond with a Shard until 1981. But they both arrive at Celestia at exactly the same time, and from that moment forward, both those timelines are locked with Celestia so that time flows evenly between them, meaning in the two timelines referenced, they will always be 30 years apart even though both are considered "present time" to their respective Avatars. Almost like multiple save files for a game at different points in time but all of them are now running simultaneously.

If you are doing a fantasy-themed world, it could be somewhere in the ancient past, the distant future, or anywhere in between. It only becomes synced with Celestia when your character bonds with the Quantum Shard and is teleported there. Though if you go with temporal powers, perhaps you can rewind time like in Prince of Persia or the Eye of Agamotto, but all Shard-bearers would rewind with you. You mentioned precognition, so that could be the subconscious mind of your future self sending back fragments of memories through the Quantum Shard, and perhaps that's how you begin to realize uniting the Crystal goes against your values. Like, you receive visions of people screaming out as their timelines are erased in the future or something. Now whether those are legitimate visions or doctored manifestations created by some nefarious entity remains to be seen XD.

And I think the powers could be simpler than that honestly. The crystal might as well be linear stable time, so precog can just be using the shard to glance at potential futures. Kinda like looking through the facets of a gemstone. As for rewinding, if other shard users aren't affected then only the world around them gets rewound while they stay the same, etc. And keep in mind, the crystal being reforged is a problem for my character primarily because more people inevitably go to war over it. All realities being merged back into a singular screaming mess is just a supporting reason, and I think it would be better if you left the correctness of his assumptions vague. So that there's no way of knowing really until a certain future actually crystalizes, that way there can be some moral grayness on both sides.

Also, if we could play gods or divine beings, I'd be even more inclined to go with that than my present character idea. You know how much I can do with different versions of Lucifer given the premise?
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by ANYM


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Bumping this.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

Member Seen 2 days ago

I actually have a character idea that definitely hits the "godlike hero" characteristics this RP caters to. I never got to use her, since the RP died before the IC ever happened, but lemme just dig up the original sheet... I think I could totally alter this where necessary to line up with this setting instead.

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