New Request Thread a new set of ideas fresh in the mind and hopefully finding some people to write with.

Who I am as a writer and role player

Well, for one I am a story teller, I love writing and am always looking for ways to expand or adapt my writing skills. This includes what is called Smut. However smut is something that shouldn't be a front seat driver, at least it isn't for me. I'm always going to be more interested in good character development and a good plot. With that being said I am sure we can figure out a good balance between the two to satisfy our cravings should we decide to write something together. Speaking of writing, here is what I am working with; I am looking for someone that will give me something I can sink my teeth into, that will tingle my typing fingers. I will provide 1k to 2.5k words per post, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Saturdays depending on how much I am typing and what I am working on during those particular days. Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays are generally the time I take to give my brain a rest because I am often writing and working on one project or another whether it be a post for a roleplay or a WIP of my own for Wattpad or Royal Road (Links are coming soon), Sundays are a free day so it is possible to get a response. So, as my partner you will get a response Tuesday, Wednesdays, or Saturday twice a week, sometimes but at least once a week. If I haven't responded in that time send me a message on Discord. itcamefromthevoid.

I have a tendency to play both male and female characters, however I will cater to what a partner wants based on the concept we've come up with together. In most of the roleplays I have done I will play an entire cast of characters with unique personalities and goals within the world that is crafted for the story. I am comfortable writing fantasy high or low, horror, modern/realistic, sci-fi, or any combination of them.

Inklings and Kinks with things that don't work for me

When or if you approach me with your idea please include things that would would like to incorporate into the concept and things you would like to avoid. While I understand this is a Risqué site, please respect that I would much prefer a decent plot that will be fun to develop and I will do my best to bring quality eroticism to the table as well. It's not that I am not interested in the smut, but as an asexual it's something that isn't quite as important as the other stuff to me. That being said I want to be a good partner and that includes writing quality smut as well as a great story.

The plots thicc
This will be where my plots will go and there will something here soon.
Titles in this color are things that I am interested in.
Titles in this color are freebies, something that I want to develop further.
Titles in this color I am craving.
Any thing with *~New~* beside it is something I've just added and is still in development or I potentially am looking for a partner to help with the development.
Pairings are mostly MxF 1x1. I will underline the role I would like to play and each plot or idea will have a pairing along side it. With that out of the way time to get to the first plot.

*~New~* The beast tamer girl M x F- Rinn Dumwevar (Doom Weaver) comes from a clan of beast tamers where she has been groomed to take over as the chief from her father one day. But she has always sought more than just to lead the tribe in the future. Adventure, and excitement are things that she craves, so when she told her father that she wanted to set out on her own she was given an impossible task. To tame a dragon and make it her steed, and that's exactly what she did. Rinn stole an egg from a lesser dragon and raised it to be her own, naming it Kharr (Gar). With her impossible task complete she set out on her own nervous and excited to find what adventures await her in the future. Sidenote: For this roleplay, I would like to keep it mostly Vanilla. Rinn is feisty but she desires a strong lover that knows how to display their dominance. If you are interested but want to know more about Rinn please feel free to message me and I can provide plenty of information for your desires.